THEGOURIER, $ f 8W . Ws H V S? X I The sccond wcek of our Grcat M"l-Summer : j, t W& S?& y' I Clcariti" Sale begins Morula, Julv 12. f lz i Iff? t 3& OiiOtdi 666t06Hoaiflttftaaiininii ..... Tf ft 1 1 T M1MII II I II H HIIUMMIOOI) IMMMMIll u A X P3 vo DOITT tlWSS T . Now for once be Sensible and shake hands with opportunity while it is here. Such Bar gains as ma- be gotten here will not be found again in the City of Lincoln. special reduction on goods mentioned in this space. &REttREWCTOH. iST OF GOODS . Wash dress Goods, Silks, Shirt Waists, all Ready Made Suits, Muslin, Underwear, Dress Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Um brellas, Parasols, Furnishings, Gauze Under wear and Numerous other things. Vil The very prices on goods would sell them. We offer everything at a reduction and make a Do not Fail to call and see how we con- duct such a sale. TTtf f f ft f minium r e fYU OS.RM1D DRV GOODS 00. Li "37 mi m ftrfcr $&& W' Although he eang so fccIiDgly there was no fervor, rather a yearning, joyless and hopeless. It was a serenade to which no lattice would open, which expected no answer. It was as though this boy of fifteen were tired of the very nemo of love, and sang of a lost dream, inexpress ibly sweet. He, at least, had not been taught that ttrango unboi3ti sadness, thought Mackenzie. When the last vibrant note had died away the boy bowed, and, coughing slightly, crossed the room and stoou by bis father. Everyone roso and crowded about the hostess, whose enthusiasm burst forlh afresh. By her side stood her father, a placid old gentleman who was thor oughly satisfied with himself, his daugh ter and his grandchildren, lie had once been a vocal teacher himself, and it was he who bad accompanied his daughter and prodigies on their trips abroad. The father and boy stood apart. "Yes," Kato was replying to the com ment? of her friends, '-Yes, it has al ways been so. When I would sirg them to sleep when they were little things, just learning to talk, Hermann would take up tho contralto with me and littlo Adrienne would form tho sopiano for herself. Of course it comes from my , side cf the house. Papa might have been a great baritono had he not do voted himself to teaching. They have never heard anything but good music. They had a nurse who used to sing Sun day schcol songs and street aiis, and 25 per cent discount on all furnishing goods. Armstrong Clothing Co. when Hermann was a little fellow of live he came to me one day and said: 'Mamma, I don't want you to send Annie away, but pleaso ask her not to sing to us, she sings such dreadful things!" We took them to Dr. Harrison's church one day and tho soloist sang an aria from the Messiah. After that I h:id no rest? all day long it was, 'Mamma, sing Man a' Sorrows,' it was before they could talk plainly. 1 hey would do anything for me if I would only ting 'In Questa Tomba' for them.' Here sho turned to her father, who was slightly deaf, and raising her voice said, '"I was telling them about In Questa Tomba', father." Tho old gentleman smiled serenely and nodded. Mackenzie heard his wife say, "Hut Kate, it seems almost impossible that Jbey should have cared for such music so joung." Mrs. Mas3ey caught up tho conversa tion with renewed energy. "That's just what I once said to Madame Marchesi in Paris, my dear. I said, 'These children seem impossible to me, I cannot think they aro my own. Madame, sbo replied, 'genius is just that, the impossible.' Of course. Har riet, that's Madamo Marchesi. I don't claim genius for them, I'm afraid of the very word. It means such responsibil ity. You aiust not think I am too vain. Of course I speak quite freely today be cause only my intimate friends are pres ent." Mackenzie glanced apprehensively at the boy, who must be hearing all this. But he did not seem to hear; he still stood holding his father's hand and look ing out of the window. By this drae Mackenzie had edged his way until ho stood quite near the hostess and he wns thinking of something nice to say. He could say nice things sometimes, but he alwavs had to think forthem. He knew that on this occasion his speech must be sufficiently appreciative. He took his hostess' hand waimly and said in a low tone for her ear alone: "I should think jou would feel blessed among women, Mrs. Massey.' Kate beamed upon him and then turned to her father and shouted, "He eays he should think I'd feel Messed among women, father." Tho old gentleman smiled serenly his superior smile, hisdaught?r'sBmiIe. Poor Mackenzie blushed violently at hearing his bit of soulful rhetoric shouted to the world and ictreated. His wife smiled slyly at him. She knew Kate better than he. Kate was always beside her self; she could never be unemotional for an instant. She dined, dressed, talked, shopped, called, all at high pressure. Harriett could never imagnie her passive even in sleep. She was always at whits heat. Her enthusiasm was a Niagara and its supply seemed exbaustleu. She threw hereelf and her whole self into everything, at everything, as an exhibi tion modeller throws his clay at his easel. Concluded next week. Corroterat1ng FIU View. Jagway I heard a lecture In bac teria last night. Castleton Did you learn anything? Jagway I should say. It taught me the evil effects of drinking water. It Depended. Mrs. Manhattan How long Is it cus tomary for a widow to wear mourning for her husband In Chicago? Mrs. Wabash Weeds There is no fixed rule about It. It depends upon how well acquainted you are. I am generally pretty lucky. Ex. I-ecul Item. "What Is a vested Interest?" asked one of the lawyers who was examining a candidate for admission to the bar. "Well er I suppose you have a vested Interest when you are compelled to pawn your vest," replied the candi date, who was somewhat impecunious." A Had Itrenk. Jones A man In Uoston In his hurry to assist a fainting lady got a bottle of mucilage instead of camphor and bathed her face with it. Smith He did. eh. Well he must have been a good deal stuck up with his attention. Sutton & Hollowbush have invented a cough drop. They call it the S. & rt, Sutton & Hollowbush, and it is a good one. Stop and get one on your way to the theatre. It -will save you a spasm of coughing. A European 'I our. Costs no more than one taken in this counry-everything being taken into consideration. Thousands of Americans are rinding this out every year by actual experience. Before arranging for your summer trip call at B. Sz M. city ollice, corner O aod Tenth streets", hero steamship berths, tickets and full iufor mation will be furnished. George W. Bonnell, C P. & T. A.