THE COU?L3... 12 THE JOKRR8. The wife What a sweet tmile there is on the baby's face, John. The husband Yes; he's probably dreaming the he's keeping me awake TJie Somnambulist. His Delicate Consideration. 1 - Si Awthaw How do, old fel. Geginald How do, deah boy. Awthaw Did you aw celebwate the Queen's aw jubilee? Weginald Of course, deah boy. I sang "God Save the Queen," don't y' know, all day. Did you aw celebwate, old chap? Awthaw Aw, no. You eee, deah boy, I was af waid I might offend the aw Fwince, don't y know, if he should heah I had ezpwesaed satisfaction at the long weign of the Queen. The Anglomanic Mrs. Tupenny Their elopement was a dire failure, I understand. What was the cause of it? Mrs. Uptodate Why, he hal provided a Daisy tandem, and you know she won't ride any wheel but a Columbia. Sulplio-Saline Sanitarium, Cor. Itlx and M. All Kinds of Baths Scientific Masseurs. A Deep Sea Pool, 50x142 feet. Drs. Everett, Managing Physicians. Shaving" Hairdressing. Woman (agitatedly) Hark! I believe there are burglars in the house. Burglars (in concert) Rah, rah, rah! Wip, woop, wah! Gim, gum, google! Hah, rab, rah! Woman (reaESuredly) Ah, no. Ocly college boys out for an innocent lark. At Newport. millllMMMMMIIIIIMMMMIIl8tmMMMII Miss Wayuppe I just love this resort. Mr. Harduppe Yes, it teems very dear tome, too. One time, when sorrow made her weep, He kissed her tears away. And now it seems she cannot keep From crying all the day. re m kit loeiE Tl IE Come and XJ C O. Towitsxxo, F. D. Coeksll. O. P. & T. Agt. C. P. T. Aft, X ft" Louis. Ma 1301 Oil A Weekly Newspaper Is the Best Advertising Medium Old Moneybags Marry me! I cannot ive without you! Miss Uptoenuff That's just the rub! I'd marry you in a minute if you couldn't live with me! Ltttle"Eph Pappy, wat's die yer Capertal en Labor dey's talking erbout? Big Eph Its dia way, honey. Ah lends Rastus Johnson fo'teen cents Dat's capital. Ah tries ter git et back, Dat's labar. The Wiseacre. There was a good man at Cape May, A pun-making pastor, they say, Who, the first time he saw The waves dash on the shore, Devoutedly exclaimed, "Let us spray!" g You wiD find Hartshorn's former ' S upholsterer at 231 so. 11th street : DEHR I BREESF, i CABINET MAKING Jt : I UPHOLSTERING Mattresses renovated, : 1 New pieces made to : s order. i : BECAUSE Ella Tom says it will take him three years to go through college. Delia I don't believe it. He's such a spendthrift he would go through any thing in a week. She's sweet and chic and blith and gay, 'She's charming, truth to tell; As for her spelling well, her way Is.just to weave a spell! Irast Time Tfayoiagfa, Cars. To Omaha, Chicago, and points in Iowa and Illinois, the UNION PACIFIC in connection with the C. & N. W. Ry. "offers the best service and the fastest time. Call or write to me for time cards rates etc. E. B. Slosson, Gen. Agent. 1 It is carefully read bT the whole family, 2 It is not thrown aside on the day of issue but " is fresh for a week. 3 Ten thousand dollars are spent for magazine to one hundred in daily newspaper advertising. A The weekty newspaper is not put into the waste basket. 5 Every advertisement is read. tlOtMMMHM0 0OOMCiMMIMMIMM0OSOO0MOO 00000 MOO-Sfr Low Rate Summer Excursion. dress A. S. Fielding, City Tkt. Agt., 117 S. 10 st., Lincoln, Neb. Proved It. To write good adversising you must first know what your are talking about and, second, whom you are talking to. He loved her that none could dispute Witb love that naught could dim, Because he wore a biking suit . She made herself for him. Daisy Have you and blow made up. Jack? No, but she has. Miss Peach- lOTOfXMfD.,, X H. W. BROWN J Druggist and Bookseller. Fine Stationery and Calling Cards ? There m always a new way to advertise any product, so flutter bow many ways i t fcirtaim nfrrrtMffl rrrfnrr 127 S. Eleventh Street. PHONE 68. Please note below list of summer ex cursions available via. the Northwestern line, the most extensive railroad system touching Lincoln. SAN FRANCISCO, account conven tion, Y. P. S. 0. E. Selling dates, June, 29 to July 4. Fare from Lincoln 82250. Quickest time made by this route. MILWAUKEE. Wis., and return, ac count National Educational Association. Selling dates July 3, 4 and 5. Fare 818. 40 for round trip; 50 cents extra for ex tension of limit to August 31, 1807. No transfers by this the only through line Lincoln to Milwaukee. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., and return acct Meeting Benevolent and Prospec-. tive Order of Elks. 'Tickets sold July 3 and 4. Fare 113.15 for lound trip. The North -Western is the short line to Minneapolis. . NASHVILLE, TENN., and return. Tickets on sale to Oct. 15. Return limit Nov. 17, 1897: For further information call on or ad- Sutton & Hollowbush have invented la cough drop. They call it the S. & H, Sutton & Hollowbush, and it is a good on Stop and get one on your way to the theatre. It coughing. will save you a spasm of fss&&&s&&sfs;i SPECIAL COUGH SALE Through the summer n. -iths we will make a wardrobe o uch in Denem, tufted top in w-M- est baedad paterns for cO. Sse samples in our wimli v Y. M. C. A. Rmmfl. Thirteenth and B. F. WILCOX. l'rop. Upholstering i and X. 1 g KOojjO stege55