The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 10, 1897, Page 10, Image 10

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    i"-Aj 1 "r-atpwyTg ' ' -" ' "J
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ins mado a brilliant roputBtion for winuio?
and taachios tliildrcn. Tlia children on tlio
cround all lore tier, and her class for ths little
ones hits taxed tuo capacity of tho Congresa
tioual building. Airs. Bryner is tho children's
inUticnaryof tho ConcreKational churches in
Illinois. Indiana and Ohio, and for many years
was superintendent of ono of tho largest pri
mary Sunday school in Chicago.
Mi Koto Kimball of IlulTaln, N. Y , has had
chargn of the C.L..S. C. Bound Table thin
year. 8hecamo out direct from tho homo office
and has b?en a Miurce of reat inspiration to
Chautauiuans in attendance. Thursday nlio
Ireented tho diplomas to the graduates of the
C. L.S.C.
Tho Doane band of eighteen pieces has given
an open air concert eteryeiening except Sun
day duringthoaicembly. These cencerts have
lecn enjoyablo features of tho program and it
is to be hoped will bs repeated next year.
Sterhen Jelinclt, the Chicago cornetist, has
also been very popular. Jcllnek was for many
years a resident of Crate, plajing the comot
for amusement. Then he Joincil tho orchcbtra
of some opera troupe and drifted to Chicago.
There he received instruction ond lcforo long
trade a reputation, playing in leading orches
tra, and this summer taking solo parts at tho
Masonic Templo roof garden. Ho is still looked
upon as a Crete boy by tho residents who ono
and all call him "Steve."
That the Chautauqua this week has been a
great success is recognized by every one in at" The program has been excellent
with no failures or disappoiatmenU and this
has been due largely to tho woik and interest
of Rev. tVillard Scott, tho superintendent:
Success has also boon largely the result of re
cent management. For.tho past flvo years tho
Chautauqua, like everything else, has had a
hard time to exist, bat now its prospects are
bright for the future. Tho past two years it
has mot expenses and at tho same timo has un
dergone many improvements. This year es
pecially there havo been moro in attendance
than for a number of years past. The crowd on
th Fourth was larger and also on other special
days. The hard times cave weedsd outmoi-t
of that competing "mush-room growth" Chau
tauqnas which sprang up so profusely all over
tho state about five years ago. but tho Crete
Chautauqua lias held its own steadily and is
rapidly regaining tho jopularity and influenc
it possessed in the early nineties.
Crete, July 2.
Tlio Capital City gun club held a very suc
orssfol shoot at Lincoln Park on July fifth.
H. j. Welch of this city won thechampionship
cup offered by O'Neil and Gardner. In this
eTent thero were six tied for tho cup nnd Mr.
Welch was obliged to shoot off four time to
prove his right to tho prize. Tho shooting be
gan at nine o'clock and lasted tUl darkness put
an cud to the sport when tho club was com
pelled to call off ono largo bird ovent for which
there were many entries.
The Lincoln gen club also celebrated the day
by a school on thoir grounds west of tho via
duct. Several merchandise and money prizes
were offered and somo good shooting was done.
Mr. LaUhaw won tho prize for tho highsst
average score his avorajo being ninety-one per
The Legislature of Pennsylvania has passed
an excellent game law which it would bo well
for this state to adopt. Tho law prohibits the
sale of game of all kinds killed in tho State
and also stops the removal or game taken witli
in the state. This, of coarse, puts an end to
tho killing of game for hotel and market trade
carried on by use of traps and other devices
which were used to catch great (inanities of
game of all kinds. But tho law also puts a
check on tho sportsman, a limit being placed
upon the bags which may bo made per diem.
One man may now kill in a day ten cocks, ten
grouse, fifteen quail and two wild turkeys; the
use of ferrets while hunting rabbits is prohib
ited and a person cannot kill moro thsn two
deer daring the season. This law has not only
been passed but is enforced and a guilty party
must either pay up or go to jail and remain
there a day for every dollar. What a blessing
such a law would be for this state. True, there
have been game laws enacted but they are very
seldom enforced and we have no law to prevent
the killing of garoo for sale in this stato and
shipment to other states.
Two very interesting games were played be
tween the University and David city teams on
Monday last. David city won tho morning
game by a score of 10 to 5 and tho university
boys returned the compliment in the afternoon
with a score of II to 9. Tuesday afternoon tho
two teams again took the field to finish tho last
of the scries of the six games which they have
been booked to play. This resulted in a victory
for the visitors by a score of 4 to 3. in the six
games the university boys have won from David
cMjtwo, This pratically ends the base balj
season at the TJoirccsity.
Whoever has been kind to us,
I think we'll surely know beyond
The river's brink, though here
on earth green miles
Between uc lay, beyond life's hills
Veil clasp the hands some day.
Tis not alone the faces we have seen
Shall smile on us in Paradise, I ween,
But all who held our hands
and bade us rise,
Will know us there bereft of earth's disguise.
So I believe, when I shall
pass the gate,
And greet the throng I hope
shall me await,
That stranger-friend whose
written words I hold,
Shall bid me welcome to
the streets of gold.
He wished me well.
With kindly thought he
penned sweet words of praise,
And so he was my friend.
And thus I grieve that
Death so soon should claim
One whom I knew on earth
but as a name. ISABEL RICHEY.
The Lord Chancellor.
The lord chancellor is tho only mem
ber of the British cabinet who is not
allowed to go outside of Great Britain.
This is because he must have the great
seal in his personal custody, and to take
the great seal outside of Great Britain
would almost be an act of high treason.
When Cardinal Wolssy was lord
chancellor, he took it with him on a
visit to France, and thereby hastened
his fall, in the opinion of many. The
great seal, which is a double silver die,
into which molten wax is poured when
an impression is required for a state
document, was once ueed for culinary
purposes. While Lord Chancellor
Brougham was staying, in 1 833, at
RothiemurchuB, the Scottish residence
of the the dowager Duchess of Bedford,
the ladies of the party got possession of
the great seal and hid it, much to the
lord keeper's distress of mind, for he
feared it was lost. He was blindfolded
by the ladits aad sent to search for it in
the drawing-room. At last, to his in
tense joy, he dragged it forth from a tea
chest, and then, to celebrate its recovery,
used it for making pancakes in the
kitchen. New York Tribune.
The Invention of Envelopes.
The invention of envelopes is within
the memory of middle-aged persons, and
was the result of a Brighton (England)
stationer's endeavor to make his Etoro
look attractive. He took a fancy for
ornamenting his store-windows with
high piles of paper, grdauated from the
highest to the smallest size in use. To
bring his pyramid to a point, he cut
cardboard into very minute squares.
Ladies took these cards to be small
sized note-paper, and voted it "perfectly
lovely." So great was the demand that
the stationer found it desirable to cut
paper the size so much admired. But
there was one difficulty. The little notes
were bo email that when folded there
was no space for the address, so after
some thought the idea of the envelope
pierced the stationer's brain. He had
them cut by a metal plate, and soon, so
great was the demand, he commissioned
a dozen houses to manufacture them for
him. From such small beginnings came
this important branch of stationery
business. Inventive Age.
Those elegant cards of the very beet
quality only 15c per deck. For sale at
B. & M. Dopot or city ticket office, cor
ner Tenth and 0 streets. 4
We defy the Experts
IV have demonstrated, rxnert admit, ami every one Ik
convinced thatGenuine White Topaz cannot be detected from
real diamonds. White Topaz Is the atone you have read so
mucliabout. TheonetbatliUMrooleUthepawubrokers. Place
them Hide by aide with genuine diamonds ami no one can tell
the difference. W'e have sold thousands of throe atone at
1 fromonetotenilollam,hutlnordertoiiitroiliicethemfuick
ly an well as to find out the advertising medium best Milted
toour business, we make this
Wo will send ou a beautiful, brilliant,
genuine White Topaz,whicli can bo mount
ed in a tine, scarf ornccktinpln.stud.cutf
buttons, locket or jialr earrings liko any
article in this border on receipt of
These stones are exactly tlio same as
those wo liavo advertised at one dollar.
This Offer far a Few Days Only
Cut out this advertisement and send it
to us tocether with 'Sic in coin or staniK and wo i 111 wnd you a
White Toiiaz by return mall: a stone that ou ran be justly proud of
and one that positively cannot be detected f rom a real diamond. In
ordering, be sure and state whether small, medium or large stone Is
bears no relation to other so-called Imitation diamonds no matter I
under what name theyaroaihcrtised. Tlieyaretlielianlest of semi-
precious stones, ImjiossiMo to detect from real diamonds and war
rantee. 10 retain wieir uriuuiucy. au oinurs kuu iu iuvj;iiiii.-uui;u
w lien comparea wuu mine topaz.
We warrant each and every
Topaz to retain 1U brilliancy and
the mountings to give perfect
We will civeyoaOiteTBoaaaBd
IllaraI(youcan show that we
haTe ever refo-el to replace a
White Topaz that was returned
a unsatisfactory.
Royalty and tlie four hundred
who own celebrated and costly
diamonds tet in necklace, tiaras,
brooches, bracelets and clrUlcs.
keep them In burclarproot vault,
while they wearln ruUlctlieexact
duplicates in White Tanoz anil
no one ever ueiecwf me uiuereiite.
5? "BTgSBKH Don't Miss It.
Send us Twenty-five Cents in coin or stamps and you will
be delighted with the Whlto Topaz tliat ou receive.
' os
We live, and love, and die;
And if we question why
The weal, the woe,
And to what end, a sigh
Bears Nature's sole reply;
We live, and love, and die,
Ere we may know.
Remarkable Because It is True.
It is a well established fact that the Arm
strong Clothing company carry not only the
largest stock of furnishing goods and hats,
but the best in the state in point of variety
and style and since they have decided to
close out all spring and summer goods at
the enormous sacrifice of 25 percent dis
count the announcement should be a most
welcome one.
B' Jove How do you manage to keep Remember the Whitebreast Coal and
cool in town during the summer? Lime Company is still furnishing its cuv
B' Jones I get 0 many drafts from tomers with best grades Pennsylvania hard
my wifo at the seaside. coal at $8 delivered.
At Nashville, Term., May lrt to
October SO. Beginning May 4 and on
each subsequent Tuesday the Miseouri
Pacific will sell tickets from Lincoln to
Nashville and return at 35.15, good 20
days from date of sale.
The Kancas and Nebraska limited,
leaving Lincoln at 2:30 p. m., makes
better time by. from two to five hours
each way than any other line.
Maps, time tables and further infor
mation at city ticket office, 1201 0 street.
C. P. & T. A.
JULY 15 to 18, 1897.
The Great Rock Island Routo offers
low rates, superb service and your trip
to this great convention city this year
will be a pleasant one take in Niagara
Falls, too. Consult ticket agent at your
station or acdress
John Sebastian, G. P. A.
"I can easier tell twenty what were good
to be done than be one of the twenty to fol
low my own advice," says Shakespeare.
And he knew a thing or two about adver
tising. See how he keeps himself before the
The really good advertisers arc wonder
fully tolerant of cttticism frow any point of
compass. They recognize that, in spite of
its strange paradoxes, advertising is based o
fixed principles.
Like every other art its laws are learned
only by practice; but no matter who dis
covers them or who expounds them, they
are just as sure and unchangeable as gravi
tation. That is a law that a monkey can
demonstrate with a cocoanut as comqletely
as Sir Isaac Newton in all his glory.
Don't sit on the critic. Disprove his
criticism if you can, but be Impersonal about
it. Eiscusshis principles or theories upon
their merits or demerits, independent oftne
man who advaoces them. A wise man
can learn from fools; a tool can't learn from
There is always a new way to advertise
any product, no matter how many ways
t hasbien advertii ed before.