tf i f' : E .' ee"nri&&t.ti V-V'-'8 .s-'r ,- fpi.''iJmi't'm ffmni ijipi'tm.i'"nti ii'iijiLaLijiPmyy a. mht. '- W VOL 12 NO -28 T ESTABLISHED IN 18SG ?. PRICE FIVE CENTS --v ? I b"b- "ssssgRW Jrs Va ' ss ' -. " 4 i' LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY. JULY 10. 1807. Enteked is the ro-.TorricE at Lincoln SECOND CLASS MATTEB. PUDLISHDD EVERY S.VTURADY or THE COURIER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING GO. Office 1132 N street, Up Stairs. Telephone 384. is a priest who has taken an oath to read the Bible every day, every day to pray, and ouca a week on Sunday even ing to rep .t t o the society, whether he has failed or succeeded. Most of the youths keep their vows more or less ex actly. The influence of a daily com ra union wiih the best Bcok ever written and the spiritualizing iffect of prayer together with the necessity of conform ing the daily conduct to .a consistent bunday exhortat'OD, is training a large lit le less, to keep a few frionds, and theso without capitulation " On the lower plinth tli9 designer have placed a spigit and basin into which water drips unceasingly for tho opposite her into one for her oldest son. Her presenco is healing, her aspect cheerful, her virtues. except by Mr. Stock'on, unsunj. Bi'zic has erected a literary raeaiorial to the frugal , r rench woman of a corresponding type, thirsty dog of the city. Tho ship on who nevertheless is as French as the the top of the pillar gracefully rides tho Stockton woman in Columbian. The water whose waves aro thrown up younger heroines or Mr. Stockton lack against the prow. It is a ship of storied beauty and fascination. Ho says they shape, "the ship that comes in" to tho have both, but it is impossible to get up literary drudge as well as to the success. any cnthus:asm about them because the fill writer. Tho lonely marblo tent in body of young people into chumh mem- cloud of witnesses who Eurround them Samoa under which Stevenson's boJy lies is the only monument that tho liv ing have erected to the dead man whose literary significance is only less than Hawthoroe's. SARAH i'. HARRIS. DORA BACHELLER - Editorr Business Manager Subscription Rates In Advance. Per annum 82 00 Six months 1 00 Three months 50 Onemonth 20 Single copies 03 bers who will in the jeare to come ho prepared to widen the influence of the church. When it is taken into consideration that each new member of the society endeavors to in duce his associates t join it, the numer ical possibilities of the society in the future begins to be apprec'ated. Only the largest cities can now accommodato the convention. In tht very near futu- in tho shape of men do not allow anv sign& or expressions of love or passion to escape them or to interfere with, the unfolding of a plot which they strenu ously and with a single mind unfold from page to page. If the four men whom Du Maurier wrote about, had not been in love with Trilby, if the movement had been controlled by some other motive than that of love to Trilbv it will meet in sections in the four quar- a" ot &a Maurier's drawings and Du tera of the United Stat". "If youth Maurier's descriptions could not have only knew, if age only could.'' The enshrined her in the hearts of two con Christian Endeavorers have chosen with tinents. To accomplish his object he the wisdom of experience; they are ac- introduces four men, three clean nice complishicg with the vigor and energy Englishmen and one uncanny musician of youth, undaunted by failure what is without a country. Trilby conquers u OBSERVATIONS. It is the annual gatherings of the Christian Endeavor Eociety that has brought it to the notice of thn world, the world of newspapers and business. The first assembly which met, I think, in New York was a concrete, overwhelm ing demonstration of the strength of the organization. The newspapers had an nounced that tbo delegates to the association were so many thousand but when they arrived, crowded the street and the hotels, when the largest audi torium was not spacious enough to hold them all, the society won that sort of re spect which is felt for thousand of individuals working to attain a single object. It has grown so rapidly that citiea and railroads, en account of the thousands who go to the annual meet- only possible to heroic endeavor. Cynicism, pessimism, the paralysis of many defeats are unknown to these end of the century crusaders. There is no organization or influence more potential of good to the twentieth cpnury than the society of Christian EnJeavor. them and the story readers, uncon sciously. If they did not adore r-er, why should we who live in another world and are forever separate? But little Billee dies of love for her, the Laird loves her as much as he can without dyinj, so doo3 Taffy, and Svengali dies The club editor of the Denver A'ews addresses a word or two to Colonel Mary Fairbrother in a way that will not bo uninteresting to Nebraska women: "It is unfortunati that the womar'a club of Omaha has an organ wbich.ia every issue, conveys tho iu'ca to taow readers who are not familiar with local affairs among H e clulm of Omaha that the member? of the Woman's club do nothing but fight. Wars and rumors of war float through the pages of this little sheet, and an uninformed reader would imagine that the club was- divided into cliques and rings of the most unpleasant character, which occupied their time chiefly in squabbling. 1 he paper is tho organ of the Nebra-ka state fetlera'ion of Woraans clubs, but devotes most of its ammunition to the Woman's club of Omaha, the reports of tha other clubs being mobtly of a routine nature. Of course, this small paper has not a very wide circulation, and is not read by very many people who do not understand the exact condition of the affaire treated of. But it seems unfortunate tout so un- picdBaiu an impression snouiu De con- when he loses his power over her. Like Frank Stockton is, so far as I know, Jules Verne, Mr. Stockton makes what the only writer except Balzac, who pre- the men do and say of more importance fera a heroine, middle aged, homely, than what they aro. Therefore when with all the domestic virtues and with they make their fortunes we are through veved to the strangers who ma v ohanon that peculiar New England ingenuity of with them. They are but shades for l SS BtraV copies. The Woman's club management which makes her an excel- lack of that which made poor Trilby's !,! 'lr hJ? m.etimeB experienced i !, i. r m , .. . i i. t. -.. Jr. ... . dinerences or opinion among its 800 lent subject for Mr. Stockton's purpose, heart beat. If Messrs' Howell's and members, which could not reasonably Mrs. Leeks, Mrs Aleshine, Mrs. Ciiff Stockton could bo mixed up a bit the be avoided. But it has never had an un- and Pomona are different poses, in differ- r suit might be pleasing. Mr. H. would Pleasantness of sufficient magnitude to ent drapery of the same model. An ex- gain action, movement and objectivity, ffllcAi !"eL..n f the prefi8' , ,And . Mr S'a nh.MA.M .n.iM K .- "?"'" .uwr wuuiu ro- . .,,u.u D uiu.d .- mam me oraciai organ or tne Colorado 'line, while not giving way to the eome- clubs very long which persistintly ac timea embarraeing and unwarranted cu.6 taem of cliques and and quarrels, confidences of Mr. Howell's heroines. S'LH nl PU,H?K' My to rp. .... ..... ..... the aforesaid organ, and various other Iney might Io3e a little of their imper- traits which would make the unnnnhia. ings cut hotel rates and railroad fares to ness, modesty and accomplishment in sonality and still do something and get ticated outsider think that the Omaha somewhere it the course of a hundred pages. But the raidd'e aged heroine iB lovable, and for her rarity we can afford to excuse the absence of the young girl animation oi tne teatures and expres sion of these four matrons convinces the student that they are studies of the same individual. All worthy of being made a heroine, all heroic in unselfish- narrowest margins and still make money, .Travel, a few days ago, was conjested because of the nineteenth century Children's Crusade to San Francisco. The tourist cars which were generally used to transport the Endeavorers across the continent were more than filled even th" steps being' occupied by day time and the aisle Moors at night. The organization has the same element of strength which has enabled the Roman Catholic Church to defy the spirit of the age, a spirit that proveth all things and accepts nothing for tradition's sake. The weekly confession, the sense of re sponsibility as a member of a religious order which has made the catholic priest hood a tremendous power has been in corporated into the pledge ot the Chris tian Endeavor Society. Every member- time oi pern, tne stocKton woman though as distinct a type and of a larger acquaintance than the "Gibson Girl" has been neglected. All native Ameri cans ktow the Stockton woman. She beautiful is shrewd, honest, a good housekeeper, careful and frequently worried over many things, even the affairs of the Woman's club must be about the moot unpleasant pla;e that a person could get into." AH this unpleisantness will be a thing of the past when The Courier of thin city is made the official organ of the state federation. Sub rosa, it must bo The monument to Robert Louis Stev- admitted that hair pulling is quite com. enson, which is to be set ud in San mnn nmn the m.,k r v neghbors, conscientious, always ready to Francisco was paid for by contributions but it is not the busines, of rh nffi.i antnA .4I. 4L. t" A1la a .. , cuiri8cutj, mm iub oy privaie inaiviouais, some or taem nis literary associates and some of them the every day people who have read his books. The mouument is a equare shaft surmounted by a ship, a galleon with all lend a band in an community feeling on the way to full de velorment, net cccustomed to s'ylish life or large wajs of living, yet the Stockton woman is able to fall into them organ to comb up the disarrufed Iocfa before the public Xebraska Sliie Journal. The Town and County Club of York when an access of wealth makes them pail sat anil hntrwl hv n pBtrn ;n :-,.,.. .1 r, - , uo mm oncmpi, eu iar as i Know. IO convcnable. Three fourths of the mem- headed westward to that isle of Samoa bring the country women and the city bers of Lincoln, if that proportion are where Stevenson died. Under his name women together. The large possibilities married, look across the table into the will be inscribed this passage from the educational and social to be derived eyes of a Stoocton woman who is specu- "Christmas Sermon:" To b honest from such an association reflect great latmgon thebestwaytocutupthesuit to be kind, to earn a little, to spend a credit upon the York inventor The