THE COURIER. 10 SIXTEENTH ANNUAL SESSION of c 111 CRETE, NEB, JUNE 30 TO JUIY 9. 1897. PKOGRAM. Over one hundred acres of land afford room for everything, buildings and base ball, tennis and tente, boating and bi cycling. A Chautauqua hotel enter tains visitors and a large dining hall feeds them at moderate pi ices. The am phitheatre seats 2,000 people and is often full during the season. Halls about the grounds provide room for the varied claBS and lecture work. The grove of the tents is one of the most conspicuous eights imaginable. The Crete Chautauqua is not of one idea but of many. On the grounds are a lawyers' building, a press building, a Y. M, 0. A. budding, a W. C. T. U. building; de nominational homes of the Presbjter iane, theCorgregaticnalistp, the United Brethren, etc., while itself is undenomi national; hnd fifteen cottages owned and occupied by people of many creeds but of one spirit. It is the Chautauqua idea transplanted unchanged from Lake Chautauqua to the Big Blue river of Nebraska; association, education, in spiration, entertainment and culture. Sunday is observed as Sunday should be. No sUnday excursion trains are run at nominal fare in order to get a dis orderly nibble ti6well the gate re ceipts. We run a chiutauqua and not a circus. It is cheaper than any summer resort, and a dozen times pleasanter. Rev. t-r-win II. Richardp, African ex plorer. Mr. Richards is from the east c r n coast of Af rica, at Met no d 1 s t missionary superinten dent and traveler o f brilliant de ecripti vo powers and a rapidity of utterance, JMpB V PPPPPPPr ChnrlesF. Cra!g, en tertainer,of C h ic a g o. M r. Craig is a profes sional i in-pereonator anil f u n- maker f j wide popu-I Jan j. IS tub uso ot facial e x pression and coe t'u in o s ho carries uut several parts of tho same play. PPPPPMLPm J pjpjh JPJPjkpjVTPjKx BBO'' pjpjpBpjpjpjpjpjpjpjV ' p 'pHhk 0PPpBl?PjSl v . .rc9Vjpjsj X- IHb Hfa COMPARATIVE RELIGION. Mr. John B. Krehne, of Chicjgo. Six temar kable lec tures on the great relig ions of the ST. r arnr!fl chiur lf "" " ,"-"' ing what they at tempted, why they failed, and how they prepared for f?hrintianitv '-!' 1 he final re ligion. Mr. Koebne is a phenomenon, a poet, a Echolar, an orator, all in one. ADULT .NO It MA L CLASS. Rev.J.D. Stewart, of Aurora, Neb. The lessons this year by this veteran su per i n t e n-dentandin-Btructfcrjftfe' on the "His tory of the ( Early Church," and will cover the topics of the Sunday school les sons for 1897, making valuable for teachers. ffcSfc'f.1"' .ppV'pw. li3 pf"T pHpajfl ?&l PPPPPPJ r v.pjjjjjjjW - Eaafc. PPPPPPP E rv ' &i"fr MARO, THE WIZARD. Assisted by Mr. Willi im McCoiraijk. theR versida Wnistler." Three grand entertainments of macic and a sleight of h-ind performance, completely mysti fying the audience. Nature turned upside diwn; things not as they seem everything in a whirl. A bewildering txhibition of tricks. flpK'&. V jarV i Mram.- -n pmfa PJJJJJjKpjjjjjBI them doubly C. L. S. C. ROUND TABLE. pj)E?K?-lppBRBPpi PPJElrPPPcZ-PA 11 pflMP3i&rHPKrJ"3il BnS?i 'PHPJPJPRaSn-v Epjfc'ppBpfpplKk 4px 1I19HHHHp1 :vv9'pjjjjjjBjjjjjjjjjjjj V..'-PJJJJJJMV 'PPPPPPPPPPP .pjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjHpjmc.vpjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjH -J pjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjK "3 pjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjH Miss Kate Kimball, or Buffalo. N. Y., conductor. It u eeveral years since the C. L. S. C. work has had such a pros pect with us as this coming season in tho coming of Miss Kimball from the home office at Buflalo. PROF. W. DOUGLASS MACKENZIE, D. D., of Chicago. Prof . Mackenzie is a Scotchman, recently ccma from Edinburg to America as professor of si s'ematic theolepy in Ch cago Theological seminary. He is a young man, impressed with the spirit of ihe times, anl has an excptionally clear and convincing grasp of Historic Christnn truth and its relation to modern thought and faith. He has made a profound impress-on in Chicago. Mip Mar ris n Treat, o Chicago. Mies Tieat was with us last ear tni returns at the rp quest f of friends. She Las nn iru pes rg rrei- cc tnJ a Hne voice f.r orttor o acd ballad woik. She will sit gat the church ser vice on. Sunday morning and give charming recitals and select! ns during the session. Br ..& bb Francean, the male so p rano of Chicago. A cear, high, el roc g and pure go I rano voice in n matnrp r' zzmwKk young m-an tt BUI Jkl3llJ rovelty.The impress i o n is unmis takably queer.Lcok ing at I is tall manly form in full evenit gdrcs. you are pre pared for a man's voice, but it is a no nan's. HIpJpW u Mm 'ijm1 ,-iiimri Jm 'ypppjnN ' 'Pm P5PPJkmT HpK MINIsTKILS INrtlTLTE. Rev. Wi lard Scott, D. D , of Chicago, cundtic'or. Dr. Scott has hai a lone a n d ( varied e x pone nco with minis ters and ch urchcf, and still ho lieves i c both. "Hu.v ti succeed" will bo tho motto of the session. Each h ur wi 1 bo opened by an address on eon o pba o of Tarish life, and will bo fol'owe by a quizz on that topic, or en any ither that may be raised. CHILDREN CLASS AND .NORMAL SCHOOL FOR TRIMARV TKACHHi. Mrs. Mary Toster Bry nei,of Chi cap. Mre. Br nor i s tt e child ren ' in i s pior ary o f tho toocre cuiional churches in 1 1 1 oii, In riaip, and Oh o, i n 1 a 'woman o f rarj tii'ta in hn i ming both vounir nil old. For manyj eais she was su perintendent of one of i he larcest pri mary Sunday schools in Chicago and made a brillitnt reputation for winning end teaching cbildi en. SOCIAL FACTS AND FOKOhS. Rev.Wash in g t o n Gladden, D. D., o f Co lumbus. O. Dr. Gladden is a social refirxer of first rank, a n d of in ternational r e putation. II : s books are i n all lands and libraries. He will lee tureonrres- ent day problems; the corparatioD, the city, the railway, th nevspapr, the church, and will give the re;o.ruito l ad dn es to theO. L. S. C g duat. s or 1S97 on "Castles in the A.' O- editors' day he will deliver ih annual adiiresi tothe jrofessicn en "The Newspaper." THE DOANE L'AND THS: WHOLE SESSION dBF-pplpB ApK f JIpppppWpppHt CpL' ippppp ppppBI ppppppB f ppppppH ppppmpppppr c t I JP&X, XkPJPPPl pppppppppW PPPPV ppppppppkr pppV Pror. H Bert K;nr. lead r. This fine band or six een me nbers in full uni form wi I give an o .--n air (once-t every eveninj a- T o'clo ic oa tie Assimbly campi s, with t- o ojn erts en the fourth of Ju v. Stephen J e 1 i n e k, o' Chicaco. Hq will j I jy frequently throughout t:c Be slo n. Sand lead the , service o f praie e on Sunday morning using h i s wonde r f u 1 comet. v jTpppvk-. pBZpIpp