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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1897)
THE COURIER, tf fc. V.- Won lilt net. A bewildered-looklng farmer stood In tho center of Haymarket square Thursday looking at the trolley wire. The electric car came along and slowed up. They rang the bell and shouted at him and ordered him to move. Mo still kept looking at tho wiro and making inarticulate sounds with his lips. "Get off the earth, you Jersey calf!" Bhouted the motorman. The old man was fairly humped by the slow-moving car before he moved. Then he jumped and said: "I did it, by thunder! Where's my money?" Ho looked around cautiously and then tc said: "You seen a red-faced feller with a white mustache waxed? I want him. He bet me $5 I couldn't look at that ere wire three minutes and count 200. I've done it." "Did you put up the money?" "Sure," was the reply. "Ding-dong," went the bell. Lewis ton Journal. A ROMANCE FROM AFRICA. Ship nT Ears. The Gate City, which nrrlvpd here on Monday from Savannah, Is the flrat ftcamer going out of this port to be equipped with an aurophonc, the new device for enabling the lookout to de termine the direction of sounds at sea. Tha aurophone was tried on the way up, but little could be told about Us utility owing to its being placed In a poor position. It consists of a brass box, which fits over the mast and which has projecting from each end a broad-mouthed funnel. From this box, close to the funnels, two tubes like or dinary speaking tubes lead down the mast and through the main deck to the deck below. Inside of the box there is a,complex arrangrcu of dia phragm? and sounding boards so plif eu'iat a sound will enter only one o the tubes when it 13 passing through 'Jie funnel on the opposite side of the box. On the lower deck Is an arrange ment like an engine-room indicator, by which tho box above may be turned around the mast, and directly under the indicator is a tell-tale compass. The man beJvw places the tubes to his ears, where they are held in place by a cap. Unless the funnels above are pointing directly toward the sound which he wishes to locate he will hear It only faintly and In one ear, because one of the funnels being turned from the sound the tube opposite does not cperate. He then turns the indicator !n the direction from which the sound Appears to come, and when the funnel Is pointing directly at the sound k passes through the tunnel and out of the other, putting both tubes in opera tion, and the operator hears the sonnd distinctly and in both ears at onco He then glances at the indicator and the point on the tell-tale at which it rests gives the exact bearing of the found Boston Transcript. Wc are all more or less familiar with that exasperating class of individuals who seem to feel that the simple com mon sense of the world is centered Iq themselves and that the rest of us are In need of guidance and direction In the simplest duties of life. Mr. B was a young man of this class. He was always painfully pro fuso in details regarding anything he wijhed done. He had a parrot, of which he was excessively fond, and when he was about to go abroad for a fow months, leaving his bird behind, ho bored and exasperated his family and friends with senseless details re garding the care of the parrot and his last Words, screeched from the deck of the steamer that bore him away, were: "Hi. Jim!" "What?" shouted the brother on the pier. "Look out for my parrot!" came faintly over the water. As if this was not enough ho had na sooner reached Liverpool than he sent the following cablegram to bi3 brother, who had assumed the charge of the par rot: "Be sure and feed my parrot." On receipt of this the infuriate brother cabled back at his brother's ex pense: "I lave fed her but she i3 hungry again What shall 1 Co next?" Har per's Magazine. rhe Story of a Treasure Incenlom and Slar He Trap. Englishmen are pedatory creatures, and the London papers do not hesitate to express annoyance because the expe ditionary force recently sent against King Prempeh found at Coomassle only a meager number of gold orna ments, and hollow ones at that, sayi tho New York Times. The value of the loot taken from tho royal "palace" was only about 2,000 and made a poor showing when exhibited in London, as compared with the results of nrc 'ous raid3. Now a correspondent writing from Accra tells a story which if true a very large "If" will make the British officers wish they had not left the AshantI capital quite so soon. He says: "Soice years ago a slave gltl of surpassing beauty of the Ashanti typo bein entendu had the misfortune to attract the fickle fancy of a chief, whose head wife tolerated no rivalry. To reproach a husband la generally useless: in Coomassle It is dangcous. The lady, wise In her generation, fore bore to risk her head, but sent for the executioner and caused the ears and lips of the too fascinating maiden to be removed, rendering her such an object as can only bo seen in savage king doms. History does not say If the ex pedient answered the purpose of re storing the chiefs wandering affections to their rightful owner, but the slave girl developed, not unnaturally, Into a woman with an undying thirst for revenge. Lately she sought an audience with the governor, and she informed him that the real treasure of the Ashantis lies buried some fifty feet below the soil, in a dis used shaft of a mine near Coomassle, and readily undertook to point out the spot. Digging is being vigorously car ried on, already more than a fourth of the depth has been cleared, and should the treasure amount to anything like the rumored value, the cost of the ex pedition will be fully defrayed, making the Ashanti war a record one, as not only bloodless, but free of cost." Lively French Town. The record for quickly increasing population, as shown by the recent census, says a Paris correspondent, certanly belongs to Roubaix. In 1800 the population of this town was 8,302; at the taking of the. last census it was 114,917, of which 53,075 were Belgians. Of this increase 61.600 were immi grants, while the remaining 53,075 were due to the excess of births over deaths. Thero is certainly no other town in France where the population has In creased so rapidly. The rate of In crease is ten times thai of the rest of France and three times that of Paris. Tonngett School Teacher. The y&jgest school teacher in the United States is 11 years old. At the examination he secured a lirst-grade certificate and finished his papers be fore many of the older teachers. His name is Marion Glasgow, and of course lio lives InOhln Didn't Care for Mnch Drem. Mr. Uptown is the husband of a very fashionable and dressy wife, and not long ago he was talking with a stran ger about women's clothes at a swell reception up In Harlem. "Plenty of handsome women here to night," ventured the stranger. "Yes," said Mr. Uptown blandly. "Married?" Queried the stranRer. "Yes; my wife Is her to-night." "I'm married, too, ut my wife sel dom goes out. She doesn't care much for dress. Does yours?" "Well," replied Uptown, with orr.e hesitation, "I don't really know wheth er she cares much for dress, but I'm rretty sure she doesn't care for much dress; but you can Judge for yourself. There she comes now." Mrs. Uptown, who Is stylish to the backbone, swept by, and the stranger changed the conversation. Texas Sittings. A ISail i:rrk. Jones A man In Boston In his hurry to assist a fainting lady got a bottle of mucilage Instead of camphor and bathed her face with It. Smith He did. eh. Well he must have been a good deal stuck up with his attention. IsADIES Do you know where PALACE BEAUTIFUL Is? Well, it is the place to get a A GOOD SHAMPOO or your HAIR SINGED AND TREATED. This eradicates damlrulT anil will make jour hair SOFT anil GLOSSY. It U he rlaco ti get a good MASSAGE ti keep jour skin soft mid white. ANo BODY MASSAGE and VAPOU IiATIIS lo build jou up and cleur jou skin thiB timo time of tho nr. MANICURE and MASSAGE for the handp, to th-ipe the nail mako tho hand eoft and white. Tne FACE BLEACHED, FRECKLES ami PIMPLhS iemoved, leaving tho skin clear, soft and white. Tho huir dressed and beautified or powdered for partiep. The best lino of Switchet). Curie and Bancs, Toilet Watirr, Porfunm, Triple Extractp, Powder, Hair Tonics. Soap, Ilairpinp. real Shell Ornaments, Combs, etc. Wigs, Switchep, Curls or anything of tho kind made to ord-jr. Near Lansing Theatre. 121 so 13th bt ELECTRIC WIRING, KEPAIR WORK. SUPPLIES. HOUSE HELLS, ELEC- TRICGAS LIGHTING. BURGLAR ALARMS, DECORTIVE AND DISPLAY LIGHTING, HENRY C liVRRIIVlSR, Electrical Contractor ami Jobber 135 so.l2tli St. Lincoln. ROY'S DRUO STORE Corner Tenth and P Streets. The Largest Drug Store The Smallest Prices. In adilit'on to dregs and prescription woik we carry a largo lino or stationery, tablet, garden teedp, paintp.etc. Jur., 1837. and continue for a period of twenty live jfars unless dissolve J by Jaw or by a majority vote of all etockholders. G. Ttjat tho highest amount of indebt edness or liability of which tho corpora tion shall at any ono t'me shall subject itself shall not exceed ttvo-thirds of tho pa:d in capital stock. 7. That tho affairs of said corporation shall 1)3 managed by a board of direc tors not less than three in number and from whrsa cumber a president and sectf tary and treasurer shall be chossn. Lincoln. Neb., June 17, 1S07. UNION FUEL COMPANY. ByC.P.A.CIoucb. Lewis W. Marshall. its president. Secretary and Treasurer. AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK. LINCOLN, NEB. (First publication June 10) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the county rout t of Lanca'W coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the tateof MoshierT. Green, deceased. To tho creditors of said estate: You are hereby notifie d that I will Fit at the roucty court room in Lincoln, in paid county, rn the 15th day of October, 1697, end again on the 1Hth day of Jan uary. 1S93. to receive and evamina a'l claims asainst Faid estate. witii a view to their adjustment and allowarce. Tho timo limited for tho presentation of tldims against faid estate is six month? from ihel.")th day of July, A. D. 1827. and the time limited for the payment of nettts is ono iear from the l."th day of Julv.A.D. 1S97. Nttcof this proceeding ia ordered publ'Fhfd four weeks successively in Mh Couru r. a weekly newspaper pub l'shel in this slate. Witness my hard and the seal of said county court this 2nd day of June. 1897. seal S. T. COCHRAN. County Judge. By D. L. LOW, Clerk. (First Publication June '26) NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF UNION FUEL COMPANY. T Whnn It Mav Concern Notice is hereby given that on the IS h day of June, 1S97. the Union Ful Com pany adopted and hied articles of incor poration which provide: 1. The name of said corporation shall Lp th Union Fuel Company. 2. That the principal place of t ans aefnir its business shall bo in tin city of Lincoln, in Lancaster county. State of Nebra ki. 3. 1 hat i hi general nature of the busi ness to bi transacted shall be that of bujing and Belling at wholesale and at retail, hard and eoft coals, coke, wood, kirdling and the like. i. That th amount o' capital stock authorized f hall be to,( 00, all of which shbll be ful y paid up before the com mencement of business by said corpora- r.That Slid corporation shall com- A A7 T I L.T A A tnence to do business on tho first day of " H IL.iyinniJ I. M. Raymond, President. S. II. Bcknham, Cashier. A. J. Sawyeis, Vice president D. G. Wincj, Asa't Cashier. C Vl'ITAL 52.")f00O SURPLUS S2..,K)0 Directors I. M. Raymond, S. II. Burnham. P. G. Dawep. A. J. Saw yer, Lewis Gregory. N. Z. Snell, G. M. Linmbertion, D. G. log, S. . Burn bam. (Q)0) Worth of millinery bought and to bo sold at onequarter the regu lar price during June.