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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1897)
' Zt - the com.-.. tetary, Mrs A. Laveity; corre'pmding Fccrctary, Mib. II. A. Wizgjnhorn trra-urer, Dora Wiggenhorr?. The chaiiman of the several committees comprise the following: Program, Mrs. Mar.sfelde; entertainment, Mib. Urusb; music, Mrs. Stetlp; bcoks, Mrs. Ar told; delegate to state federtt'oo, Mm-Ilajward. The officers of the History and Art dub for the coming jrar are: Pns"drntf Mrs. S. C. Lungwoitby; assistant, Mre. D. D. Potter; ice piesident, Mrs. Albeit Furnaldjsecietnry. Mis? Bertha Scbici; treasuier, Mrs. D. B Palmer; delegate toftato federation niecticg. Mis. F. A. Marsh. For tome lessDn the clubs of Denver ate among the most progressive and vigorous in the country. The reason tony be lecime the women there have obtained suffrage ard take more inte.c-t in puLlic matters. The Denver Woman'o club bts been, and is, a power, in the city. Us improvt ment socitty or league has made itse'f felt in the cleansing of the city and the club has had an im portant influence in municipal politics. In fact the club is to amateur affair where women rarot and Lo'd a mutual rdmiration eociety, but is a stiong, vig orous (oce is almost tempted to eay manl)club. The educational department cf the club has arranged its program for next yeBr, althrush tho eBtayistB have not et all sigiiisfi 'd their tcjepUnce. Ap pended in the plan: O.-tober 9, ''New Features in Chicago and IndianapoliB Schools and New Methods in Some Studie?." Octber 11, "Progress in Child Study; (a) -11 o Ungraded School;' (b) "1 hs Imagination of Children." December fl, "Does t e Higher Edu cate n Fit Men and Women for P.asti calLif.r January 8, "Suggestions;" (a) "Mod ern Ctuue-;'" lb) "Gymnittice for G rl-; (c) "So ue Social Customs.'' Febiuraty 12, "Are ConlitionB of Ease or Struggle tha be it School for the Chil 1? JUrcb 12, "The Stite Institutions for Depetdent;" (a) "Industrial Education in Our Stata Institutions." A commit tee will be appointed the first of the j ear, who will visit thos stati in-titu-tionB which are accessible to Denver ejstematically, and their reports will form an interesting feature or this meet ing. April 9, miscellaneous. May 7, buEiness meeting. As far as pofsb'e this jcirnorend iog of papers will be allowed in this de paitment, all subjec's being treat.'d in the form cr talks instead. No paper will be 'more than twenty minuted in length, and many will occupy only ten or fifteen minutes. The department in tend to have a distinctly social 3 ear, in wbith each one of the sixty members w'.ll become acquam'ei with bll the other?. This is considered indispensa ble to good work eoge her, and it can be accomtlisbed only by opportunities for social intercourse. The committee for visiting the state institutions will be a. new departure. Mrs. John R. Ilanna, the chairman, has a theory that this is an eminen ly proper and womanly field for the women's clubs to oc;upy all over the country. She believes that if the women's c'ubs of the land would take a cont nuo is aud keep a system atic ovtrtiht of the public institutions, that no 6ucb awful EcaLdals would be unearthed ai came to light in a Georgia insane asylum the ether day.for instance when it was discovered that inmates had been beaten to death. She thinks there is no more pressing duty fr wjmin to perform outside the'r own homes, thin to take a wise i n3 motherly icterett in the unfortunate wards of tue stale. The executive committee of the par liamentary auxiliary of the Denver Wo-1 man s club will conduct a class in pre siding during the suinnnr. This cless will most every Monday morning at 10 o'clock in tho armory on Glenirm street. There is no lesson aligned and no study is required. The object of ths c'ats is to a-qu re skill in pretiJing. The mem bers take turns in acting as chairman Anjone may attend this class, but those who wish to preside must hand their names to one of tho executive commit tee, i The tone of the editor of the Tl'owiaii's Weekly to the cljbs of the state is bet appreciated by the following clipped ficm the Weekly of June 10: The Li r coin Woman's club has not in 1 he paft had many reports of its tneet ii gs in the Weekly, except those ar iacged by William Reed Duntoy. The club has not seen fit to send tha reports, and whi'e wo might have taken thm frf m other papers as our contemporaries do, we have not done bo and shall not in the future. If a club does not care to send its repoit. we are sorry, but life is 1o- shTt to really stop to wonder why. We hope next jear our sister in Lincoln ui'l be more sociable. If the club does not see fit to extend any courtesies to the editor, personally, when she is in their city, it should at least send the news to the official organ, or it may be misjudgJ. Life's Lighter Sitlr. Proprietor of Iron Works "If I un derstand you correctly, you wish to .place an order for armor plate that no cannon shot can pierce. Wc are turn ing out that kind of thing every day, and" Agent of Foreign Government "No, you misunderstand. I wish to know If you can manufacture a can non that can pierce any armor plate." Proprietor "Certainly, sir. We are do ing that kind of thing every day." Grocer- "What have you been doing In the cellar so long?" Grocer's Ap prentice "I have been cleaning out the treacle measure. It was so choked up that It didn't hold mor'n half a pint." Grocer "Oh. that's what you've been doing, have you? Well, you take your hat and go home, and tell your father to put you In the tract-distributing business. You ain't fitted for the gro cery trade." "Wife "If It Is neccesary that we should economize, why don't you shave yourself, instead of paying a barber to do It?" Husband "That shows all you women know about profit and loss ac counts. Why, a little bit of court plaster, no bigger than the end of my chin, costs ten cents." Citiman "Is country life healthy?" Commuter "Healthy! There are men In our village who have been riding back and forth In the smoking car for three years, and they're not dead yet." Faro of Ills Fact. "It's a great story." ald the visitor to the city editor, to whom he was sell ing Information about a coming divorce case. "McSwigger found the co-respondent In his wife's room, and shot at him four times, but missed, and now he Is going to sue for divorce." "But how did you get your Informa tion." asked the editor. "Couldn't help It." was the reply; "I'm the co-respondent." Ex. A Hold, Dad Language. "It's a pity when a charming woman uses words she does not understand." "Going away?" asked a theater goer of the aesthetic and willow-like siren who performs burlesque at a well known theater going to be married?" "If I am It will only be pro tern," she answered with a modest b'.ush. Since then she has given up Latin, saying that it must be a bold language in which you cannot make use of a sim ple expression without compromise to your character. Texas Sittings. T. J TClxoirp & Co., GENERAL BICYCLE BBPAIRER8 In a branches. - Repairing done at Neat and Complete aa from the FactoTiee at hard Mate All kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITH ST Uachlnlst and General Repair Work. LINCOLN- J. W. MITCHELL. Wholesale ard Retail S street and 14? So 12tl st' 'JMepbonc 2?. SIGN JPAUVTIG ANX DECORATING. Quite Possible. iiiil. The Woman's club of De3 Moines has adoprel a cheerful means of mak:n? money for charity which they put into execution last Thursday. Having com pleted a list of street car conductors for the day, n'l women, and tbosa who travelled by car during the day found their fares collec'eJ by uniformed wo men in white caps and weiring the c'ub olois. tp $j - ijs Amos Moses Snowball Say! black boy, hit seems ter me at I've saw yoh face before. Ephraim Johnson Reckon you has. 'cause das where I been wearing It all my life. New York AVorld. Legal Item. "What is a vested Interest?" asked one of the lawyers who was examining a candidate for admission to the bar. "Well er I suppose you have a vested Interest when you are compelled to pawn your vest." replied the candi date, who was somewhat impecunious." Dashaway I had a most realistic dream last night. I dreamed I was rid ing on the elevated road. Clevcrton Why was it realistic? Dashaway When I woke up I found myself hanging to the chandelier. New York World. AIiraj- Ueeful. Quericus What becomes of the New Jersey mosquitoes in winter? Witticus The Jerseyltes use them for ice-picks. A llarj;aln in Sightseeing. "What did you give that stranger money fur?" said Aunt Eliza as she and Uncle Hiram waited In the station after getting off the train from Hay ville. "That's all right. Liza," said Uncle Hiram triumphantly. "Thafs a nice feller. I give him $2, and he's goln to fix it so we can go out and see the sky scrapers without extra charge." Chi cago Record. Over the Samovar. Old Friend Did you bring over any extra luggage with you this time from Paris? Countess St, Germaine (nee de Bill ions) Oh, no: nothing except the count. Hargalnn In Hoot. "It's all very well to talk about issu ing bonds of $10 each," remarked Mr. Dukane, "but that is not the way to in duce women to buy." "What would you advise?" asked Mr. Gaswell. "Let Secretary Carlisle advertise bonds at I9.9S. marked down from $10." Pittsburg Telegraph. Found Them So. Saidso I didn't mind the questions till the lawyers got to the cross-examination. Herdso Then what? Saidso They were too all-fired cross. He Xearly Smothered. Hotel Clerk (to rural guest) Morn ing. Mr. Smithkins. How did you sleep last night? Mr. Smithkins (weakly) Only fair ish, y" see I hain't been used to sleepln' folded up in them new-fangled foldln' beds yet. I'm hanged if I didn't nearly smother twist. RlClit In It. Hayrick How is your son getting on at college? Treeton Very good, indeed; he stood ninety-eighth out of a class of 100. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Youth paints the circus bill for old age to tear down. When a woman gets croar, she gets cross at everybody. Aciors, draughtsmen, dentists and mustard plaster ought to be able to draw well. Spring should be represented as a young man with an ulster and the rheumatism. Tolerance does not mark the progress of religion. It Is the fatal sign of its decline. A New York paper has a headline, "Opium joints winked at," Yes, they are sleepy places. Prohibition will never fiouri3h as long as the price of a glass of lemonade will buy two beers. There Is nothing like prosperity to cover faults, and it may be said that money covers more than charity. Language fails to paint a women as the eyes of a lover sees her. Pearl rouge is more apt to hit the charmer. The pickpocket Is a living example of the truth that In order to succeed in life one should keep In touch with his fellows. The world owes us all a living, yet no man collect the debt unless he pulls off his coat and takes It from the world's hide. No wonder highwaymen are so num erous In this country, when every schoolboy on declamation day Is taugbt to "stand and deliver."