The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 26, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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Officers of the State Federation of Woman's Clubs.
President, Mrs. B. M. Stoutenborough, Plattsmouth.
Vice-president, Mrs. J. E. Keysor, 2721 Caldwell street, Omaha.
Secretary, Miss Ve6ta Gray, Fremont.
-Treasurer, Mrs. M. F. Nichols, Beatrice.
Auditor, Mrs. D. C. McKillip, Seward.
Librarian, Mrs. G. M. Lambertson, Lincoln.
Lincoln Clubs.
A thenea Mrs. Will Green Mrs. Belle Hamilton
Book Kevins Mrs. I. N. Baker. Mrs. Kelley
Century Mrs. M. H. Garten Mrs. R. T. Van Brunt
Faculty Club Mrs. Geo. E. MacLean Mrs. P.B.Burnett
Fortnightly Mrs. C. H. Iniboff Mn. O. II. Gere
Hall in Grovo Mrs. II. M. Bushnell Mrs. Walter Davis
Lotos Mrs. J. L. McConnell Mrs. Lucv A. Be soy
Matinee Musicalo Mrs. D. A. Campbell MrP. J. W. Winger
Soros is Mrs. A . J. Sawyer Mrs. J. E. Miller
Sorosis, Jr Mrs. Wm.T. StevenB Mrs. Fred Sbephard
Wednesday Afternoon The hostess act3 as president.. Mis. Robert Wilson
Woman's Club Mrs. A.A.Scott Mrs. IvhIIv
Y.W. C. A. Magazine Club.... Miss Wild Sedgwick, but she insisted on n change
. . . . . beini? made. The following nflieers wnrn
niiv m.irvo'.inA ..:...-. 9 -.LI..I. . " " "
uuj macKjiiii, IUCJ JIIUO Ul n UltU UUCB
rw picnicvtinner on tno court Uoiiso siiuaro
such a club was organized with the fol
lowing officers:
Prea'dent Mrs. Iloleu llnrii.-on, of
Fecretary Mrs. Bello Harris, or Bak
er Township.
Treasurer Mrs. Jennie Sorrier, o
It is tho intention to appoint a vice
president from each township in the
county. A committee was appointed to
make arrangements for the club rooms
which will be used as headquarter for
tho ladies when in town. This club
will hold its mcatina monthly, taking
up a regular lino of study.
The city federation of clul.H met on
Tuesday, June 14, for its annual meet
ing, in the Congregational chuich. Re
ports were good and showed sntisfac
tory linacanl standing for the close of
the first yeara work. During the short
months of its life it ban held to
open meetings with carefully prepared
programs. It has gien u successful!
and most interesting entertainment of
"Living Pictures" in tho opera hull, and
has called into existence a town and
county club. We wero all very sorry to
los3 our efficient piesident, Mrs. D. E-
President, Mrs. Geo. L. Meissner, 1512
D street.
First vice president, Mrs. Ida Kelley,
839 North Twenty-third street.
Second vice-president, Mrs. II. II.
Wheeler, 1517 II street.
The Courier is a candidate for the
title of official or an of the Womens'
clubs of Nebraska. Of coursi possess
ing the title The Courier would devote
a large space to the resorts of clubs,
especially in this state. The editor
would also seek to establish relations of
correspondence between herself and
the state sojretsries of federations in
other states. Under the direction of
the Nebraska president of the state
federation she would seek to aid the
president by printing any communica
tions to tho clubs of the state, which the
board deems expedient. Tho oflicial
organ should be in sympathy with, rnd
'willing to take advice from tli9 execu
tive oflicers of the 6tate federation.
The officers labor without pay, they try
unceasingly to do the duties they were
elected to perform, and they should
have the support of every part and mem
l)3r or the federation.
The editor of The Courier real'zas
that from the vantage point of their
position and experience in club work the
president and executive board have a
clearor idea than an isolated momhpr of
the requirements of all the members of
the clubs of tho statoj For
eon editorial critic:sm of the policy of
the administration should bo tampered
by the consciousness of lack of knowl
edge. TnE Courier's superiority to the
other weekly papers which a9pire to the
title to be bestowed in October by the
state federation are obvious on examina
tion. Excluding the patent sides sf the
Excelsior The Courier contains five
times as much composition as that
paper. It has about twelve times the
not exceed two dollars, wlrch the afore
said subscriber may designate. Scrib
ner's is three dollars a year. The Cour
ier and tho Century will ba sent on re
ceipt of three dollars to tho subscriber's
address. The same clubing arrange
ment has been made with nil of the mest
popular magazines so that families who
take any magazine whatever can have
The Courier without extra cbargs by
sending the pries of that magazino (if
it amounts to two dollars) to theollico of
The Courier. Finally The Courifr is
owned, edited and operated by two
women who hope 10 deserve the suffrage,
of the members of the federation which
meats at Beatrice in Oc'ober.
duly elected for tho coming year:
President Mrs. Etta Harrison, of the
Woman's club.
Vice-president Mrs. Helen Harrison,
of Avon rlub.
Recording secretary Migs Abbie
Burns, of the Art and Review club.
Treasurer Miss Belle Warner, of the
Dilletant3 club.
The Woman's club of York met in an
nual meeting June 14, with twenty-Eevcn
members in attendance. Reports wero
prcfented of the year' work. The fol
lowing list of officers were elected for
the ensuing year:
President -Mrs. W. D. Mend.
Vice-president Mrs. G. B.Franco.
Recording secretary Miss Grace
Corresponding secretary Mrs. G. W.
Treasurer Mrs. A. L. Clark.
jiiBs urace iuoorewas eiecieu to rep- obtains in this club, the
rctuui u iii iub oiaiu reaeranon wun jjg 0;ten
Mrs. F. B. Dazzy as alternate.
The York Woman's club met in an
which rea- open meeting Monday evening, June 21
Mrs. B. M. Stoutenborough, tho presi
dent of the state federation, is one of the
busiest women in the sta'o. Besides
multitudinous duties in keeping her own
household she has club duties galore,
and church duties as many. Her Bible
class in the little brick Prcsbjterian
church at Plattsmouth is one of her pet
enjoyments. She devotes much time
and thought to this work and her class
is as a unit in proclaiming her the Le-t
teacher that ever lived. A r other one of
her pat promulgations is her Boys' His
tory class. This 13 a club or boys about
12 years of age and under. It is regu
larly organized, self-governing and inde
pendent. Mrs. Stoutenborough is simply
the originator, the fairy god-mother or
chaperone. The class issues a yearbook
with programs just like big folks The
meetings are interesting and instructive,
the bright boys often saying things
worthy of older heads.
in charitable
at th9 spacious residence of Mrs. W. F.
Reynolds, each member being allowed
to isue two invitations. Notwithstand
ing the extreme heat of the evening and
the threatening clouds, the rooms wera
comfortably tilled. A short program was
given, consisting of excellent music, and
an address by our out going president,
Mrs. C. M. Cobe, in which she gavo a
review of our three years of pleasant and
successful club work. A spicy debate
followed on the question. "Which is the
are engaged
deeds and acts of mercy. Cruelty to
animals is not tolerated by the member
bullying and rough lioyiah thoughtless
ncis is discouraged. Tho club has been
in existenca several years and the effect
on the character of tho boys who belong
is marked. A love for study is acquired,
a gentleness and a refinement is notic
able. The bijs fairly worship their
club mother, and tho litt'e club-mother
has heart room for all her boys. Be
sides all these dufes others crowd in to.
make this woman's life a busy unselfish
amount that appears in the Woman's Most Important, Drees Ueiorm or The
Weekly. Tho editorial matter, if there Art of Cooking?" After which we re
be any in the Excelsior, is absolutely paired to the dining room and were
colorless, while in the Weekly, though served cwith ice cream and cake. The
frequently vicorous, it i'b often un- c,uo W1I meet one week later with Mrs.
just. The best club ieports of the past
Geason have appeared in the State
Journal. They were compiled by
William Reed Dunroy and he has joined
tho staff of The Courier, and next
winter will furnish Eeveral pages in
every week's issue, of club matter.
The price of The Courier is
two dollars a year. For that
'price the company will send the paper
to eery eubscriber with the addition of
W. II. Cornier for it3 last
The Omaha woman's club will ho!d its
meetings in tho First Congregational
church this coming year. The church
is centrally located and easy of access,
and is a tine auditorium. The members
meeting for are to be congratulated on sreuring such
the club year. A program will be given pleasact rooss.
on literature, endiog with a review of
our years worK. The Aubland Woman's club has been ,
After an extended correspondence by a wide awake organization dur.n the
a committee appointed by theTork City year. Reports of the meetings show-
Federation of clubs throughout tho that good work has been accomplished 1 1
towns and townsh ps of York caunty, a and a pleasant time enjoved by the'
on Diamonds, Pianos and any
good personal security. Diamonds
bought and sold. Business strictly
tho Chlcno,
Kock JT9lsinfcl
te l?cif ic !'.
Gives you the uhivcenf Two Route", oro
LINE, and th( other vi.i our TEXAS
Our Texas lino is much quicker than
imy other line through to
Personally conducted excursions
The 1 Mi II 11 1.-
Kook iMlfiiid ICxonr-
Aro tho most popular, and carry tho
nrgest business of any other California
Ivoutc This signifies that you get ihn
best attention and receive the best ser
vice. The lowest rato tickets to California
aro available on these excursions.
Don't ptart on a trip to California un
'ii you get our Tourist Folder, contain
ing map show ing rouies and all informa
M4in. For rat and reservations appl
to and agent of the C. R. I. & P. Ry., o
General Pastenger Agent.
1 1 Chicago ,111 .
Is the BEST to reach the
Call at office for valuable
A. S. Fielding,
City Ticket Ajrt,.
117 So. 10th St., Lincoln, Keb.
UJfi?'li oil
' Jf V ? ' J. J"
m -tr -r
"smrU JSSb-
general meeting was called to convene at members.
York June 17, for the purpose of organ- jear are:
The officers for the new
President, Mrs. S. S. Fal es
izing town and county clubs. After a vice-president, Mrs. O. D. Harford- S3c-
Ve have shoes to lit anyC"
member of the family.
Our prices are right.
ynfe&mphfemxj 12135
aCVis street!