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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1897)
THE COURIER. 12 fr Fashions of the Day. A most excellent quality of mind for a woman at this time of the jcar is a memory for detail or, failing that, n memorandum book, in which are jotted down, from time to time, as they sug gest themselves, tbo needB of the ward robe in the dajB when o'd Sol beams with malign fervency down upon the tons and daughteis or men. Now, these well kept memorandum books don't exist binong my tlaver sisters except in imnginaton, so wo must rely upon the Gcd given faculty of memory. Put a sprig or rosemary in the tray ot the trunk jou are si iwljr but surely packing for te. seiside -'rosemary, that's for reraembrance"--aud in order to have it effective go right out and buy whatever you may conclude you will' need and are not provided with and put it at once in the trunk with the rosemary, and my woid for it you won't forget it. In a travesty of a climate like that in which we live, the citizen go'ng to sea side or mountain must be prepared o dress for either the torrid or the higher . - i,l. - iill3lo Saline Sanitarium, Cor. I-itln and MI. All Kinds of Baths Scientific Masseurs. A Deep Sea Pool, 50x142 feet. Shaving"- -Hairdressing-. Drs. Everett, Managing- Physicians. without a fault; on the front apron breadth were delicate ilowers in black temperature zones the extreme of heat iace applique. Besides this, and in a or the raw, cold easterly storms that make our reBorts bo grewsoma. Just now the season in town is as un eventful as the Iienten times. Tens of thousands of dainty, crit-p, fairy-like costumes are making up or put away in closets and wardrobes and even in trunks; but they will not Bee the light of day nor the witching half-tones of wonderfully clever, Frenchy way, in sertion was intertwined to imitate bows and ribbon ends. Around the bottom of the skirt were two ruffles of Swiss muslin edged with black lace. The waist was very simple, with a bolero effect, made with the lace flowers ap plique, the puffs on the sleeves richly adorned with black lace, a ceinture and moonlight until they can servo the pur- collar of two shades of red, with black ruff. With changed to pose for which they wre built, and turn the head of a summer colony or some particular man, or, failing that, of Borao man not over particular. A complete collection of these allur ing devices fcr a joung woman who, during the season's outing, proposes to tafce in both tho mountains and the shore, should include toilettes for din ners, tails, coaching, riding, cy cling, tennis and coif, not foreettinc those be- lace standing stiffly like a these two latter colors black, I would for wear in second mourning. In ttaveliDg bags the newest are sup plied with gilt fi t'.ngp, which have generally displaced the silver. There are also exterior ornaments in delft, land scapes, heads, sporting bits, etc ; but I don't take much Btcck iu these unneces sary additions to the weight of my packages, besideB which they are a tempting bait for any light fingered strangeis who may chance upon one of these bags when unattended by its owner. A few words as to the new sleeves. I like them, and it seems to me they grow daintier and smarter day by day. They recommend this frock arehappy medium between the balloons Th pffei-r of recent times and the skimpy tningc XMOMOtof Mmoootoooooo I of the whole costume is rich and very dressy. I should add that it may be worn over a white silk taffeta petticoat or even over a black one. I was quite taken with a black silk grsnadine gown, worn over the loveliest shade of mauve you ever saw. It shone witching little breakfaft costumes which like summer mt-onlight on a placid in my estimation, are the most fetching Jake. There wss notbii g unusual about of all the aids to woman's wi'es. the skirt its-lf it was the regular The absolute supremacy ot the shirt thing but the waist was a "gem of waist is so unquestionable tf at it would purest ray serene," being a bo!ero effect be superfluous to enlarge 'ipon it. It is of te moonlight mauve taffeta richly thoga.ment of the summer of 1897. imbroidtred in ametbjst', a square Stripes are very much 'n vegue "voy- joke in the tack also studded with the anfstriief, in scarltt, green, ju.ple soft hued 6tone ;a tiny yoke effect of green, perhaps, the smartes. Tne ties crtam white satin, with net shading its that go with these Bhiit3 are in and of brilliant coloring. For either mountain or seaside I re commend bui s of etienne, in, red. green or b'ue combinations, the collars and cuffs of cmbioideried grass linen. Ihe new wais's and jackets grow more and more elaborate as the season ad vances, the trimmings being combina tions of velvet, ribbons, chiffon, laces ivory tone; a legular little corset of black satin, fitting", of course, 1 ke a gIo e. I suggest this costume as suitable tor a stout figure. For both matrons and maid it is growing to be quits the correct thing to wear guimpe bodices for the afternoon, the low bcd.ces being reserved for evening. A word to those about to travel, wnether by rail or steamer. There and embroideries. The skirt is elabo rately trimmed, ruffled and tucked. I can should be fitness and propriety foresee the near advent of the overskirt. traveling costume as? well as in one All smart waists must blouse (how tended for more exacting functions. we do and must coin verbs), back and fact, a dainty, tasteful and yet front, to be truly up to date. Evea traveling outfit calls for the exercise of the double-breasted bodices must affect asmuth taate and ingenuity as does any the blouse in style. Bet ot garments in my lady's collection. I hear, on very good authority, that Alpaca having had its day for dreary plaids, checks and stripes in ribbons are occasions is once again the material to be all the go in the autumn. One of par excellence for travelers. Brown the latest wrinkles of fashion is the tints are the preferable ones, and are trimming of white Swiss muslins and braided in black or in matching colors, organdies with black lace. I saw a Scotch tweeds, cheviots and Berges are the heavier goods for tbis purpose, and on that account essential wherever there is to be the least exposure, en route, to night air ana breezes. The shirt waist ana Eton coat are tha most convenient and practical styled. The most desirable duster, a sine qua non of railroading, is a simple, long, Mother Hubbard, pongee cloak not a bit pretty, but a garment that attends strictly to business and is absolutely im pervious to dust. It has bsen univer sally adopted by the smartest women who do the most g'.oba-trotting. of long ago. The present sleeve fits the arui snugly, endirg in a point over the hand, and having small puffs at the top, which break the otherwise sharp lines. Hats and bonnets, sayB the Parisian oracle, are to be high rather than flat and comparatively Email in siz3. No doubt there be those who will give up their Gainsborougha only with their livee, but such murt either prepare for dpa'h or te cut cut of the fashion. I saw a hat inienJed for deadly execution "at Newport garden parties of a new shade, Chirlreu6e green, with green leaves and tiny pink moss rosebuds peeping through the misty gauze. The Tyrolean hat is really the correct thing for the wheel, others to the contrary notwithstanding. Canvas hats are very new and chic, but very trying to mest styles of beauty. One must needs be fair of face and blonde of bair to tone in sympathetically with them. The veil is really part of the hat. Mo3t worn and stylish in this line is the veil ot medium net, with small chenille dots. Double veiling of plain white tulle over n a black, with dots, is one of the season s jn fads. Veils with edgings are not smart. In Those with a pattern are most trying. .,i some Drerar women ao ana wiu wear Sreciol Sale. 300 pairs black and tan Oxfords must go at 4 off. Call soon for first choice. WTRTFR X RfrftERS. ID43 0 STREET. oaaoMiototoo woQ the white veiling with black dots, yet, to my taste, the black is far and away the most becoming and correct. lovely gown of Swiss muslin tucked from hem to belt; above each tuck was black lace two inches wide. The bodice was a low, baby waist, the tucks and black lace running up and down, a direct contrast to the skirt; sleeves very short, puffs and lace insertion; a tur quoise blue silk girdle studded with spang'ea, and a bow on the left shoul der, also spangled. Another elaborate gown from Paris, by all odds the smartest lawn party dress I have seen; the skirt of white Swiss, a seven gored skirt, hangirg Advertising "What a lot of free ad vertising the Burlington must receive if it is true, as some people say that "a pleased passenger is a railroad's best advertise ment!" To all points east, west north and south, the Bur lington has well equipped and unparalleled service. 'Ssbb9BPbR1VbsV i. m out ROUTE TO TIE Oome and See HJs C O. TOWBSKCD, F. D. CoRHXXt, G. P. & T. At. CJ. P. T. Art Ol aT Louis. Ma 1301 You will find Hartshorn's former S upholsterer at 23 J so. J Jth street 2 i DEURMYER I II, I CABINET MAKING J 1 UPHOLSTERING J J Mattresse renovated. 2 New pieces made to jf order. Fast Time, B George "iV. Bonnell C P. SeT. A. Tlaycmgta. Cars. To Omaha, Chicago, and points in Iowa and Illinois, the UNION PACIFIC in connection with the C. & N. W. Ry. offers the best service and the fastest time. Call or write to me for time cards rates etc E. B. Slosson, Gen. Agent. 4 -a 4 -1 1 3 2. ,&&