The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 19, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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steel. The ubis grateful t Mr. and
Mrs. Hall for bringing the members to
gether again under 6uch pleasant cir
cumstances'. Tomorrow tho Dosne college com
mencement begins. This spring is es
pecially memorable aB the twenty fifth
iV. ,
;T -
H, -
Prof. G. D. Swczey nnd daughter aid
Mr. ani Mrs. L. C. Walker, left on
Thursday for Madison, Wis.
Mi66 Marian Treat left Wednesday for
her home in Chicago. She 6ang in
Bentrica and Lincoln and deepened the
verv favorable impression madu last
: rt c?l nt
Eumnicr iu oruir. ouobwiiucb11"1 " Ice
Mrs. Welca wuile in Litncoio.
The week has boen characterized by
receptions. Mrs. Welch, Mrs. McCreery.
Mrs. Frnnk Hall and Debora Avery
chapter of the Daughters of tho Rcvo'.u
at the home of Mra. W. C. Henry having
Riven receptions on Tuesday, Wednee
day, Thuisday and Friday. The com
pany came and went from 3 to 0. an J at
the last mentioned hour they weie still
coming out. Mr. Welch's friend,
would otherwise have taxed the capac
ity of the capacious house. Miss Welch,
Miss Righter, Mists Garten and Miss
Camp passed punch frcm a bower made
of the poreb, pilras an 1 draperies. Miss
Treat, of Chicago, assisted Mrs. Welch
in receiving her fiiends. Tho house
was generously decorated with roses
and sweet peas. The gowns were or
gandies acd open woik lummer goods
in mauve, pink and blue, and the effect
classified it as a summer party.
Nearly the same people gathered at
Mrs. McCreeij'son the following after
noon. Same roses, came ladies, same
pleasant summer air and gowns.
The Deborah Avery Chapter rec p
tinno Jiarp an undercunent of dien'fi'd
anniversary of the founding of the col
Tno following program will I e
useful to those who go from Lincoln to
attend the commencement exercises:
Sunday, June 20, J897,
a. m. Baccalaureate sermon, Rev.
A. F. SherrilLD. D., Galesburg, Illinois.
8 p.m. Address to the Christian associa
tions, Miss Laura H. Wild, Lincoln.
Monday, June 2 J
8 p. m. Graduating exercises of the
Tuesday, June 22.
10 a. m. Dawes oratorical contest.
1:30 p. m Meeting of the trustees.
8 p. m. Anniversary address.
Wednesday, June 23.
JO a. m. Class day exercises.
I p. m. Banquet.
5 p. m. Drill of Doane cadets.
8 p. m. Anniversary addresses.
Thursday, June 24.
9 a. m . Commencement.
1 p. m. Meeting of alumni.
8 p. m. President's general reception.
Friday, June 25.
Conference of representatives of Doane col
lege, Doane academy, Franklin academy,
Chadran academy and Weeping Water acad
emy, with regard to educational matters.
Mrs. lleniy was assisted in receiving
by Mrs. Pound, state re gent, Mrs. Dorris
Musical Mention
acceptance of ancestors who lived and amj Miss Mary Stevens, regent of tho
fought worthily, and must be represent
ed by their descendants in the same
style. Mrs. W. C. Henry, at 148, South
Twenty-seventh street, received hpr
guests with the quaint grace of her
great, great grandmother
local chapter. Ices were served by Misses
Garten, Wetster, Camp. Shughter,
Welch and Odell. The refreshment
rjora was decorat-id with the con'men
al colors of blue and white. The victory
of Bunker Hill never was celebrat-ul
Mra nnH Mtr. Ttrad Slaughter's Bur- iriih mnrn siipcpgs. The Idaal Mando-
lington Beach party on Thursday even- jin club furnished cantinuous music.
ine had jus. landed from the sailing
boat when the wind exprees 55 miles
an hour, struck the lake and moved it
several feet further north. By the time
they reached the shelter of the pavilion
the iloor was rising and falling like one
of the rickety cars to the beach. The
party included besides Mr. and Mrs.
Slaughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Dorgan, Misse3 Walson, Marshall and
Moore, Me3srs. Low, Mallalieu, Lott
ridge and Sawyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall received the
members and friends of the Ha j don
Art club t: meet Miss Cora Parker.
This rcueption was in tho eve nine. The
handsome, well k;pt grounds were light
ed with Japan8J lanterns, and on tho
the wide porches were chairs and ham
mocks. Inside where the host, hestess
and Miss Parker greeted their friends,
surrounded by the objetx de virtu which
Mr. and Mrs. Hall have beer, collecting
nil their life, the crush was at times
Mrs. Frank Woods and Miss Cochian
gave a kensington at the home of the
former in honor of the seniors of the
Delta Gamma fraternity, i'hese present
were Mrs. Nicholson, (born Camp), of
Minneapolis, Misses Camp, Case, Hick
etts, Garten, Welch, Lansing. Parks
Woods, Deweese, Rice, Wing, Smith,
Slaughter, Haggard, Watkins, Webster.
Halsey Yates is expected home en his
two mon'hs" furlough today.
Mr. &nd MrF. Garten and family have
moved into the Foster hous?, corner of
Twelfth and H.
Guernsey Jones, newly appciateil in
structor in liurjpecn history under
Prof. F.M.F.iag at the state university,
arrived this wek from Swarthmore,
Peno., where he has been engaged in
teaching during the year in Swarlbmnre
college. He will reside with his brother,
Will O. Jones, at 14 IS L street.
Misses Alice Righter and Marfan
Mendelssohn and some other composer
have asked tho vexed question, "Oh,
wert thou in tho Cauld Blast?" If they
had been at St. Paul's last evening anrnt
the eighth annual concert ef the Ne
braska conservatory, they would have
thought themselves in a well-heat-d
copper kettle such as Sobadiach and his
friends safely emerged from, according
to the Old Testament. For it was warm,
very warm. And when jou couplo to a
warm temperatuier-n equally waun re
ception of nearly every number, tho re
suit would Try ham or I oil an eg;:. But
it was an enjojabi'" occasion, b:cause
the program was good (albeit too long)
and the piano, vocal nnd other manifes
tations quits above tho average. It is
iuirossible to give a detailed account of
numbers, much as I would like to.
Mis3 GeitrudeCulbertsoti has dtveloped
into a fine organist. The piano duets
were played by Pearl McFadden and
Mabel Pjle and sgnin by Pearl Barnaby
and Florence Bell of finish.
The single combats fell to the lot of
Susie Boyle, who did some of tha smooth
est work, Clarissc Edlemaii and the "boy
pianist," Harry Briggs. Harry seemed
to cat.h on with the audience immensely
and, to his credit be it said, he ret-joinied
to encores in a very nndest and unpre
tentious manner. A praiseworthy feat
uio of nearly all the piano numbers was
fingering and pedahrg in a manner in
which the mechanism of the. instru
ment was rarely ever in evidence to the
William Towers, the so e representa
tive of the violin, bowed with lomovr
ilitv and in his second number dil some
very coirrct pbrafin?. Rut'i Bryan.
Wray LmdUy. Newton Campbell and
Harry Si are had the mandolin field to
themselves. Those little people wee
very uiiuh in earnest and carried thorn
i elves with such dignity as t secure a
spontaneous burst of applauso and an
Much could Ihj said in praiso of indi
vidual voice representative)?, did space
permit. There was W. F. Lint, develop
ing a round bass. Helen Purity, who
always had a good BOprnno and was put
through the agrny of a prolonged wait
for tuning up anil preludal purposes;
Ch tries Travis, who patllifd iuto tho
old ' toreador,'" and Misb Stella Smith,
lacking only more correct word enuncia
tion to make of herself a valuable
soprano. A duet by Mrs. Jessie An
drews and A. A. Scott ("I feel thy angel
spirit,") deserves speciul mention for
soulful interpretation and, for the most
part at least, a reasonable blending of
voice. A. Alton Had'ey. Miss Marie
Iloover. Clemens .Movius. Wilbeltn Lam
preeht and Clyde Stultz nre to be earn
es'Iv cenerutulated for the showing
tnide. 'J his was the very last concert of
tne season and no one is more vigorously
glad f it than Toiiy Rkx.
JULY 15 to 18. 1897.
Tne Great Rock Island Route offers
low ritep, superb s;rvica and your trip
to t'jis irreat convention city this year
will ho a pleasant one tako in Niagara
Fails too Consult tcket agent at jour
station or address
John Skiiastiax, G. P. A.,
At 117 so. Tenth.
ively bv Gregorv. Eleventh and O streets.
16 located thei-ity ticket of tho North
western line- the greatest railroad
P'RWni touching Lincoln, with shortest
mileage in Chicago aoil St. Paul and
making qirukf sit time. Get our low
rates to tmr'st points before buying
tickets. A. S Fielding, C. P. AT. A.
Lincoln, Neb
;U cI3 ui uuico
somewhat appalling. The hot weather "-" 3"' uu "'--'-- "
was not able to affect thi enthusiasm, to Brownv.lle. They will be gone sever-
which the members cf tho Haj don Art al weeks.
club obviously felt in getting together F. C. Zehrung left on Thursday for
again. No one can estimate the intlu- New York, where he will do his Looking
ence that tho Haydon Art club has had for the season.
in6weetening life. Miss Sarah Wool Mrs. Archie Ensign has ic'urned from
Moore perfected the o-ganization of tlus Hot Spring?, Aik.
Dunning Hall.
club, and it has I ecome a strong centre
of aesthetic intluence. Miss Parker and
Miss Righter have newly realized tho
opportunities which the Hub affords for
awakening ard develo- ing a love for
nicturcs and sculpture. Plans .re being
Mrs. Mary D. Manning left on Thurs
day fcr Boston to spend the summer.
Mis? Piic who has relieved tho Ioni;
bouisot Mr?. Lecnarefs illness by the
cIictv Fweoness of her rrsesce, left
on Thursda) for Jacksonville, II . Miss
menus nere wno wei-
, her otca-
Perfected for an art exhibition d for J .KTvjJ'uStp
lectures on art, which, it is expected. 6ional visits. "
will revivo the interest which has been Tne St. Joeph nr.-es begin on Jena
absorbed by more immed ately profit 22, and last till the 115th. Palmer Clark
able but not Iceb certain methoels of de- is theeeir-iary. He is the gent!em,n
t rpu.,r) i,,i on Anr nli so successfully managed tbe Lin-
velopment. The guests had an oppor- coln rhC s Uo Jer3 a-o. The enenry
tunilv IO laiK over mc miubuuii nun iuo
unanimous verdiet wbb exrretsed that
the t'mc had come for the renascence of
art in Lincoln in spite of the foeman's
Hanna Coal for sale by Gregory, Eleventh
and O streets. Phcne 343.
and abil t which he it-d on that
occasion, from all appearances', s stdl
anirrating hiai.
$5.0U per ton, for cock
stove. For sale bv Greeo-
cry, Eleventh and O streets.
Lawyer?' Building.