The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 19, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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rfgB"y Sjqggfi
Professional Directory.
Office Mou?
Ollico bio
1 , , lOflire roumt 1&-19,. . J 10 to 12 a.m.
VDr. O. C. Reynolds i nun-Mock atosp.m
j-a-f. . w. jjt w (Res. IM So. 29th St i Sun. 3 to 5
onicc 375 iw- L- Dayton, M. D. 1 0fllce. iaB strect ! 10 to
' (Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat J Hcs. 1821 O Street jUSWtoStii
Office .
Dr. F. D. Sherwin
I Office, room 19 Burr Blk I 9 to 12 a. m
2nd floor
I Res. 2M8 Q st ) 1 to 5 p. m
I Dr. J. H. Tyndale
J Office, rooms 9 and 10.
j Lansing Theatre
19 tolls;
) 2 to
5J0a m
C A. Shoemaker, M.D.f0friccW4LStrcet 8?'i
fProf.ofObstctric.OjrncoloKT,Medican t l""-"
J Dcpt. Cotner Unirereity. I J 7 to 8pm
JDr. S. E. Cook
(Eye, Ear, Noee and Throat
1215 O St.
J 9iJ0-15:: !
J2-5 pm
Office 61B,
C18, Dr. Benj. F.Bailey
.C71. J I
Office. Zebrung Block 1 9 to 10 a m
V12 to 13:30
Residence, 1313 C street J 2 to 4 p m
Dr. J. S. McNay
j Office, 1105 O street IS to 12 an
1 Residence, '.BOST street 1 1 to 5 p m
Office 349,
Re 462.
9,l . I Offico, Telephone Bid. 1 2 to 5 pm;
Dr. R. E. Gif fen . , 1W1 , k
. ) I Residence, 1821 F street J pointmcnt.
J Ruth M. "Wood, M. D.
f Diseases of Women.
I Office, Richards Bldg.
- cur. 11 Hi auu .
( Residence, SIC so
Bldg.. 1
O sts. J
a 13th.)
offic. ticiLouis N. "Wente.D.D.S.-j h
Office, rooms IV.. 27 and j
1, ISrowneU Block, YJi
so 11th street. I
oieco .... ace. I J. Riser, D, D, L,
Office, 1231 0 street, oTer )
Miller A. Paine. V
iW, S, Latta. M. D,
f Diseases of women a specialty,
Facial blemishes remorad.
1 Office and private hos
V pital. 1116 L street.
All hours
wlien not
) engaged.
rR. StanhoDe.
Office 143 J Fwnali. Diseases A
) Residence and Office
V 1526 K street.
19 to II a.m.
2 to 4 p.
19 to I
i m.
D. M. H. Garten,
1 Office 17 Richards blk. I Offico hours
V A IOto 12:30,
j Res .... 1103 II street 2 to5.
office iTalciyde Davis, D, D, S,
4th Floor Richards blk.
H. S. Aley, M. D.
r emale. nervous i gemto-urinarr
I (Hours 9 to 12
VOffice, 1414 O Street -2 to 5, 7 to 8
i ( Mon. A Sat.
I Dr. Clifford R. Tefft,
VOffice, IIS! O Street
,fi I Dr. J. S, Eaton, I
Residence.. 562 ) Surgery and Nervous Diseases, 1
Office, 137 So. Ilth
Hours 10 to 12
to 4
( Hours II
St. -jn. in.. 2
tDr. J.B. Triokey,
t Kefractiomst only
i 19 to 12 a. m
Office, IC35 O street .. . ! to 4 p. m.
Narrow Valenciennes,
laces and inserting,
narrow and medium
width Orientals.
Latest and most popu
lar styles in ladies'
belts, 20, 25 and 50c.
Miller & Paine
Go to
StiLtppeirss, Btc.
1129 0 Street, :-: Lircolr Neb
Social and Personal
Married, on Wednesday afternoon,
Juno 16. at the homo of her parent?, Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Prey, 195Ti G street
Margaret Francis Prey to Mr. William
Clay Taylor of Minden, Nebraska. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev
erend Stephen Corey, of Waterloo, Ne
braska. In a gown of white Etlk under a
bower of palms the brido was prettier
than. a picture. D. F. Lehmer was the
best man and MisB Edna Prey was maid
maid of honor. She was gowned in
white organdie and carried scarlet roses
At half past fire Mr. and Mrs. Taylor
le.'t the house in a shower of rice, and
were inflicted with another at the sta
tlon where they took the tram for Mr.
Taylor's home in Minden where he is a
merchint. The guests present at the
wedding were: Messrs. and Mesdames
T. R. Pre, J. Tjnes, W. Dunn and J. C.
Knotts: Mrs. Rapp of South Omaha;
Mi66es Nina Prey, Nona Prey and Effia
Ellsner; Messrs. Rev. Steve Corey, D.N.
Lehmer, D. E. Prey, T. R. Prey, jr., H.E.
Prey and A.Tynes; Mastsr Robbie Rapp
and Roy Kno'.ts.
Miss Lorena B. Brcoks, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. BrookB of Ellsworth,
Kansas, and Cbarle3 W. Fleming of Lin
coln, Nebraska, were united in marriage
Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock in the
Methodist church of Ellsworth by Rev.
Mr. Watkics. The church was pro
fusely decorated for the occasion with
flowers and was crowded to its utmost
capacity by friends of the contracting
parties. After the ceremony the train
was taken at 10:13 for Lincoln, amid
showers of rice and old shoes. Mrs.
Fleming is an accomplished and success,
f ul teacher in tha public schools at Ele
worth and enjoys the friendship of all
who know her. Mr. Fleming is a well
known and highly respected young
business man of sterling qualities. The
bridal party were met here at the train
and escorted to the home of the groom's
brother, 1G12 Q street, where the mem
bers of the family had gathered for the
purpose of congratulaticnj. Mrs. E.
Flemjng was ably assisted in serving an
elegant lawn supper, during which time
the sweet strains of hidden music were
heard. The bride and groom were then
escorted to their neatly furnished homo
at Twenty tbird and Q streets, where
they will be at home to their friends
after July 1.
It seems to The Courier that this
rice and shoe slinging at the newly wed
has reached a stage of ssnselpssnessthat
will soon work its own curd. Just as
the New Year's calling custom degen
erated from the pleasant greetings of
friends and acquaintances to the intru
sion of men whose faces and names, tao.
were unfamiliar to unwilling hostesses
eo with the rbe throwing. A
few j ears ago a handful or so of rice
was thrown at the bride and groom as
they left the bride's house. No one
thought of blinding and stilling the
dazed pair with quartB of rice at the
station and of tying tne trunks with
white ribbons and flowers. These
pleasantries, invented by a man with no
sense of humor, have reached the last
stage of decadence which always pre
cedes a dying custom.
This hot weather has set 'some people
to thinUng where they would spenl the
summer. Mr. Morrill, Mr. and Mrs.
Munger, Mr. and .Mrs. Paul Clark and
others have been tempted by the fine
fishing of Osakis to spend a few weeks
there, and they have planned to start
goon. Mrs. Polk and Mis3 Polk went to
Quincy, Illinois, on Wednesday where
they will spend the summer with Mrs.
James Irwin (born Polk). Mrs. Flor
encj Irwin and Mrs. McGahey and fam
ily started on Wednesday towards a
pleasant summer in Wequetonsing,
Michigan. Mrs. Savage of Omaha starts
today for Boston, from whence she sails
in the early part of AugUEt for Europe.
Many others have planned tD go to the
Crete Chautauqua. The cottages there
are being 4rapidly rented by those
whose yearly habit it is to take their
summer outing where just across the
lawn th? best speakers are lecturing
and sweet singers are singing; where in
the next house are the choicest spirits,
(human) where for ten days it is forgot
ten that the world is playing cut-throat
with us and we with it. Everybody's
thoughts turn in this weather to places
where the waters lap the beach and the
salt odors revive the flabby spirits. But
more are going to the mountains and the
lakep, they are nearer, cheaper and just
about as tilling. Mr. and Mrs. Brad
Slaughter and daughters, Mr. and Mrs.
John Dorgan, Mr. Lottridge, and Mr.
Ray Welch will spend part of the
summer in lake Okoboji.
Mis- Grace Harrison of Beatrice will
visit Mre. Frank Smith next week.
Mrs.K. K. Hayden returned from a
long visit in the east on Wednesday.
Mr. G. M. Lambertson returned from
Chicago on Thursday with Miss Nancy
and Miss Marjorie. who will spend the
summer with their father and their aunt,
who is visiting her brother.
Prof. R. A. Clark, lata head of tha
department of bjgiene of the state uni
versity, stirtsd on Monday with his wife
forBrockljn, N. Y.
Mis .Carrie Guilmette left on Mon
day for New York to attend her Bister,
Miss Alvina, until she recovers from the
shock caused by thedeathof herhrother.
Miss Mary Jonc3 accompanied her. Miss
Jones, goes to Europe to spend the
Mr. C.R. Anderson of DeWitt, stopped
in Lincoln on his way home from Hast
ings Mr Anderson reportB the wheat
as very promising in Adams and adja
cent cojnties.
Miss Dora Bacheller, business man
ager of The Courier, went to Blue
Hill on Tnursday morning to attend the
Martin-Hopka wedding in that place.
Fome of the younger vocalists were
walking along the street tha other day,
speculating as to how their efforts would
ba received by the musical critic of Lin
coln, who is at once kind and honest.
One of them 6aid: "Toby Rsx, Teby Rexr
I wonder where he was named and who
bestowed it. Can he kava been think
ing of Fielding's Uncle Toby? It is
such a queer combination, English and
Latin. Analyizs it andToby Rex means,.
to ba king,' and they passed out of
The Epworth league gave a delightful
trolley party last Tuesday evening.
Miss Mary Rejnolds who has been an.
instructor of the piano in Lincoln for a
year or tvo, ha3 accepted a flattering,
offer from the Chicago school of music.
Mifs Reynolds has made ma&y friends
in tha city during her short stay here.
She is also a very competent musician.
Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald has gone to St
Mary's, Kas., to attend the funeral of
Judge J. W. Fitzgerald, a friend of her
late husband and a prominent Irieh-American.