THE COURIER- S v ff I The Latest St J J Tlie Cheapest "TTi T-r- frnnrlw. d s, . M?- 25c and 15c & a' Yard ioc and 6c eSP-4 rzj rls? ' 4& a Yard 25s, 156, ioc gmd 6e There can be no doubt in the mind of any who has looked over our wash goods but that we have the largest stock in the city. It is not only the largest but the most complete in all the novelties of the season. All the new designs and combinations of colorings in imported s.nd do mestic organdies, lace striped lawns and dimities, silk striped linens, madras cloth, Jaconette, silk striped challie, and all other wash goods. Do not put off buying something in this department thinking the same opportunity may come again. It never will for it never can. The limit in price cutting has been reached so if you do not take advantage of these prices you will be the loser. This has been the greatest cut in prices ever known in this city. The best to be had can be gotten here THESE GOODS OFFERED ARE WORTH AS MUCH AGAIN AS THEY WILL BE SOLD FOR. ?as a? W xr 15 m$ ig&tmggLi "gB?i &s& il.B,i'.i-CTO '?je4 -?? -a l&vKi A Kindergarten Ghurch. This pretty story of how the little ones in the First Presbyterian Church at Urbana, 111., pass the otherwise long hours of the church's morning Sunday service, is from an account written by the pastor, Rev. George L. McNutt, for the Child Study Monthly: Leaving the big folks to worship God as they choose, let us go this Sunday morning where the children are wor shiping God in their own way. The little folks' pastor is a young woman with that cherry smile and gracious manner that the discipies of Froebel seem to have monopolized. There are little chairs, little tables, blocks, pict ures, but prettiest of all the roguish, sparkling eyes of children when they are child-like. Let us 6ee what they do. They pray, they sing about the Father, the sunshine and the birds, they tbko up a collection, and their pastor tells a story sermon. Then they get us and march round and round and sing as they march, sort of a thawed-out Episco palian processional, or they go out for a walk. Next the curtains are drawn down, the room is darkened and the magic lantern brings the whole wonder land of pictures, of nature and art be fore the child mind: not printed daubs, but clear, life-like, life size reproduc tions of great artists, and the child feals the spell of the master power. The pictured lesson cannot be forgotten. If it is a real sunny, warm, summer day they adjourn to soma neighboring lawn and hold their Eervice there; listen to the bird anthem, better than any choir: roll on the grass, may be, as natural as the daisy that peeps out of the grass at these other children of God. And he mother is resting in the congregation, knowing her child is not only safe and happy, but is learning to know and love God in it3 own way in its "own ittee bittee church." At a signal the little ones tile into the audience room, form about the pulpit, and the two congre gatiocs Join in a song, a prayer and the benediction. Such a kindergarten church service is held every Sunday morning in the Presbyterian Church, Urbana. It is the pride of our church, the joy or many mothers and the delight of nearly two score littlo ones. It keeps the family tcg.ther. No one must 6tay at home. Best of all, it i3 a start, crude indeed but a start toward intelligent child study and a natural child religion where the child grows through nature, nature symbols, nature songs up to it3 God. Play is recognized as part of a child's religion. There is no music so sweet, bo sacred, so appropriate to the father's house as the ringing laugh of a little child. Did it ever occur to the mother that families become irreligious through child bearing? The mother who has been active in church foolishly absents herself for months before the baby comes, and of necessity for months af terwards, especially if they are plain people doing their own work. Before the first baby is old enough to take to church, another comes and another, and the family grows lukewarm and often times positively indifferent to churches and religion. The kindergarten and the nursery, taking the mother and her babjs in sympathy and intelligent fore thought, binds then both by loving links to the church home. It is, no doubt, contrary to the catechism and contrary to the theological popes to say that a child is naturally religious. To tal depravity may characterize the man whom life has perverted. It is no part of the normal child. The heavenly Father says, in the person of the re vealer, -'or such is the kingdom of heav en," and He never meant that His little ones should be taken, night after night where a revivalist with riotous imagina tion reveals in the imagery of fear, that they may bo converted ana "get relig ion."' They have "got religion" already It is their divine inheritance and birth right. Our business is to warm it with our love, train its upturned tendrils around the trellis of its daily life until it takes so strong a hold of the living God. the God of the sun that shines today, and the stars that sing tonight, and the flowers that He c'.othee, and the birds that He feeds every day. that no 6torm can loosen its hold. Tho idea of a kindergarten church was suggested to the writer while pastor of a church in Indianapolis nine years ago, by a rumpus in church over a child, and by finding out the next day that a cheap variety theater provided a nurse and a playroom for the care of the babies while the mothers took in the show. The kindergarten church solves the question what to do with the child ren. In the spirit of the Master, it says, "Let the little ones come.' To the worn out mother it alco says, "Come, and ye shall find rest." Bildad 1 expect to leave myw.ifo a great deal when I die. Ichabad You're getting in practice. I suppose, by leaving her so much m.w? Parvenue I thinka man is never just ified in swearing at a real lady. Ingenue But suppose sho tiret swears at him? "Mabel, I'm afraid that jour papa distrufcts me." "Have no fear, Henry. If you knew what an uncompromising advocate of the gold standard papa is, you would ap preciate the compliment bestowed upon you only yesterday." "What did he say?' "He said you were a brick not a com mon clay brick. Henry, but a gold brick. 'What do you think of that?