The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 19, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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Fashions of the Day.
Society has an attack of the blues,
not these deep, dark, dismal bluen that
precede suicide and follow an overdrawn
bank account, but "ciel'' blues, and rob
in's egg, and turquoiie, and peacock
blue, and a half score more of tints.
Whicheer way one's eyes are turned
this color is sure to be see a, if not alone,
then in varied combinations. For a few
years it has been a neglected color, ex
cept in certain shadc3, eucIi as navy
Blues can be so beautifully blended
with so many colors, as dark and light
blue, blue and red, blue and green, blue
and brown, and lastly, blue and black,
this being one of the smartest of schemes
for color combination.
I he3r now, with daep regret, that
large designs in dress goDds are passing
away, and that the manufacturers' out
put for tho autumn will be found to con
sist of small effects.
It is quite the fad of the Eeason to
trim, at great expense and elaboration,
gowns of the simplest material. I have
seen dimities frilled with lace and em
broidery, ribbons galore, and silk petti
coat, the trimmings and petticoat cost
ing three or four times U3 much as the
value of tho dress proper- This is hard
ly an exhibition of the common sense
upon which we women so pride our
selves, and which is as essential to suc
cess in matters of dress as a correct eye
for color and form. Then, too, I wish
my dear sisters would avoid those all
too violent clashes of of unsympathetic
though brilliant colors. Really, Eomo
that I have seen, and upon fashionable
women, Iod, have seemed almost to out
rage the ear as well as the eye. Colors,
certainly when artistically used, lend en
chantment and are "the music for the
eye," but that is no reason why every
note should be staccato.
Ro3e, green, lavender, yellow and blue
are soothing to the eye, and almost
seem to produce a sense of coolness in
the beholder. I havo seen a woman en.
tering a room eo refreshingly gowned, so
crisp and dainty, that apparently tho
mercury "took a tumblo" in her neigh
borhood and she was no "Boston
schcolmarm," cither.
Younggirls, having just now finished
their schooling and settled the mighty
question of what to wera at graduation,
are exercising their wits and budding
taste upon their evening frocks. Let
me recommend organdies or swiss or
dotted musline. Only for a short p?riod,
during her teens, is it allowable for a
g'rl to assume that sweet simplicity in
her dress, to appear as she really is, "in
maiden meditation, fancy free." It is a
fad Just now for girls to wear artificial
wreaths in their hair: one I saw of green
leaves, was very pretty, and would Lo
generally becoming.
White tatTeta petticoats are dainty
they rustle and sound cool, but, to my
taste, nothing can over displace crisp
white laundered skirts.
Flowers have had a long and Eiicce3s
ful reign in millinery, but, as tho sum
mer advances, I hear the smartest trim,
mings for hats are rosetiea of frilled
mousseline de soie, eo arranged about
the crown in shaded co!or3 that they
produce the effect of flowers, only softer
and lighter.
Black beaver cloth for jackets is very
smart, the revers being trimmed with
whato lace applique. China crape is to
be very popular.
Tho genius o invention occasionally
turns aside from machinery and elec
tricity and b?etows a moment's thought
upon woman's drcs3. Here isbi3 latest
achievement or crime as you please.
It is a lace bolero-jacket (or batiste, ela
borately embroidered in Russian lace),
the deep collar in the back having a
butterfly on milar design in the centre.
This garment is so artfully planned that,
lUe Paddy's coat, it may be worn either
way, hindside foremost or frontside
backward, and look equally ill cither
way. In the one position t is a bolero
jacket, invtho other a deep square front.
Whether the end of tho century will eo
improve it that it may be worn upside
down and inside out, I shall wait to see.
Ac ingenius combination wardrobe, a
mill to in parvo for a straitened purse, is
the following. I recommended it recent
ly to n woman who had "positively no
money at all." She has put it in success
ful execution eomehov, and now has a
practical summer outfit, to-wit: Item
A black U.tFota skirt, lined with a color,
applegreen, pink or turquoieo blue.
Item One morning waist oflilac tatTeta,
made like a shirt waist, with hemstitch
ed linen color and stock of white satir.
Item An afternoon waist of white lace,
drappeJ over white taffeta, a bolero of
apple-green, embroidered in steel and
lace, green ceinture and co'lar, sleeves
of black and white taffeta. Itsm An
evening waist of black net, made with
an infinity of sbirre, colored ceinture,
and collar in two shades of color, old
roso and light pink, a sash with frills of
lace and tucks.
Russian lace, yellow malte3e, cluny
and flemish laces aro all recommended
for fancy waists, lawn costumes and un
derweai. In black, luces and Chantily
and Vienneso point aro mo6t iopular.
White cloth is very much in favor and
very stylish. Whito satin bias bands
are stitched down the gores of the
skirt3. A red cloth with tho bands in
black satin is among the novelties for
yachting rigs. One of the latest skirts
is mounted over a yoke of a contrasting
color, but I can't conscientiously coin
mend it n9 a serviceable style. Perhaps I
am too conservative.
Card cases and pocket Looks have be
come most charming and conspicuous
objets d'art, and essential to the comple
tion of a modish woman's toilette.
Leather just now is the fad- leather in
all the rare shades, with elaborately em
bossed silver trimmings and intricate
raonograme. The silver net-purse with
chain has had i's day, and is a things of
the past.
From Paris a correspondent writes
that in spite of the outcry and crusade
against tho sacrifice or the songsters,
birds' wings and tulla are tho last agony
in Frencn millinery There is grim sar
casm in this. Tho tender hearted Paris
ienne doesn't want to kill th pretty
litt'e birds. She only needs his winF.
Take those and let him go and live out
his happy little life, trala-la.
I am no social reformer, but my hats
are always trimmed with ribbons and
artificial flowers, and no drops of blocd
from murdered innocents fleck their
A word for those who are in mourn
ing. When crapa is conspicuously used
it is the more correct and stylish way to
lay it on in band?, not on the biaas. On
cashmere and drap d'ete it is especially
handsome in this way, or one may lay it
on a glace Bilk or canvas, the former be
ing now consiJered compatible with
deep mourning. For ha'f mourning
there is a lovely gray, callo 1 nickle, not
so deep as pearl gray, and not s? perish
able as dove gray. Spsaking of pearls,
by the way, they are to be very fashion
able in the fall. The Shopper.
Every advertising rule deoends for its
success upon the fitness and common sense
with which it is applied. General principles
are like one of Captain Cuttle's observations,
"the bearing of which lays in the applica
tion on it."
on Diamonds, Pianos and any
good personal security. Diamonds
bought and sold. Business strictly
Furniture store in Webster block,
230238 so. lit la Street.
r.. ,." -ffv&sr
LiZ.' r" N7 j
m kts'wi
rra N?&.
rUtf 121 -. r-n----t-r. i f. .
T II' IWB .' ' II I I I I I I I ' ' V '.f . " a
v. --r- t; -r -v r a -xm-"-
A dollar saved is not a dollar made
when such
are offered as ma be found at this
store. In fact prices are o low the
jjfoods are virtually yours. r2
One lot trimmed hats S 75c
One table trimmed hats 1.00
One table trimmed hats 2.00
Were S3, $5.75 and $4.
Proportionate reductions on all trimmed jifoods 25 to
50 per cent off on sailors.
MRS- R. E. LLr
1223 So. 122tl Street
A Weekly Newspaper
Is the
Best Advertising Medium
1 It is carefully read by the whole family,
2 It is not thrown aside on the day of issue but
is fresh for a week.
3 Ten thousand dollars are spent for magazine
to one hundred in daily newspaper advertising-.
I -1 The weekly newspaper is not put into the
I waste basket.
I 5 Every advertisement is read.