The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 19, 1897, Page 2, Image 2

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engagement bo became editor ot tbo The Courier, wo uld be silent on this ferent places of business. In winter it
Evening Xcv,vl lost which he relin- question, were prejudice growing les was a bank or a lukery: in summer, an
fiuiEhed in I8D.'t. Ho embraced the in- injustice giving way to an appreciation ice-cream parlor, a s:da fountain, or a
Burance bueinecs in the spring of that of the lights, not privileges but rights circus aggregation. To own a railroad
year, but could not keep out of journal, of a Jong abuEed but awakeniegsex. or a candy storo was a constant wish,
ism, and entered it again in a few weeks Although the record of the alumni At one time of the year in early spring
by purchasing a half intereet in The contain the names of many distinguish- a similar fancy seizes me even now.
Cot-iuer, to which he gnvo a tone that od, nevertheless tbey have no vote and The sensation alwajs takes hold of me
mado it a power in politics and criticism in those festal times when both eoxes in early May in pastiog a grocery store,
of life, literature and the drama. meet to elect officers and to felicitate The freshncES of the place, the sweet
The immediate recognition of his themselves and the university on the
ability by the New York Mail and deeds and intelligence of the children
Express was gratifying to tho friends of the university, no alumna's deeds
and family of Mr. Smith in Lincoln who are ever cited. Occasionally ono of
did not need such an rssuranco, the ablest alumna-sea iselected to bo
spite of tbo small return be second vice president of tbe alumni as-
gained for his labor here, that he eoeiation and although she protests, is
odors from tho opened dcors wafted
n crocs early strawberries, new straw
berries, new vegetables, Florida oranges
and huge bunches of bananas allure me.
and recall those recollections of one's
youth that every man has more or less
with him. Then and then only does my
had abilities exceptionally virile and elected. The present administration is boy h'.od desire for possession come over
potential, There is no doubt that Mr. especial') opposed to the participation
Smith would soon have become ono of of women in the university life in any
the foremost political writers in this capacity whatever save that of students,
country. He possessed the patience and The only reason why these are tolerated
the acumen ne;es3ary to a student of at all is because they are, when it comes
human nature. He was able, in a Ben- to the number of students, important,
tence or two to characterize a man and A chancellor of a university of 875
his works, to name his character so students lac", s the dignity of the head
that those who read would be impressed ot a school of 1GJ0 although half of that
by tho truth that they themselves had number be women. Another reason for
seen without being able to put it into the toleration of women in tho Nebraska
Mr. Smith's steadfast affection for tho university is granted for the pur
and care ot his mother, his reserve on pose of educating both sexes. Were it
all subjects of family concern, were most not for these two reasons the exclusion
me and the temptation for investment
fall strong upon mc.
admirable. His mother was his con
fidante and guide and Morton her mo3t
loyal knight throughout bis short life.
The family ot which ha was the head
consists of Mrs. Freeman, his sister, his thiB and all other matters pertaining to
brother Henry Smith, and an older the in'qua'ities of woman in their ojvn
brother in St. Paul, Minn. hands. Tho splendid organization
Arcule E. Guilmette who perished at which unites isolated clubs into city
the same time, was supported, until he and state federation?, has put an effect-
linibhed school, by tho labors of his sis
ter. Miss Carrie Guilmette.who is known
and loved for her quiet heroism and de
votion. The lad had just begun to take
the burdens which his sister had borne
so cheerfully and hopefully on to his own
broad young shoulders. He was suc-
Cholly Pan. the Indian guide, sat up
on the limb ot a cot ton-wocd, wailing
"Beulah Land." He had picked up tho
song down at tho mission school at
Tombstone, standing every evening for
a week outside the church window silent
and motionless, but ready to run away if
the teacher or any of the scholars ap-
state university is that tin charter to proached him. At tho end of a week he
ceased to go to tno school, tor be nad
"Beulah Land"' by heart. Thero was
something in the song that touched his
halt-savage nature. He sang it constant
ly in the low, monotonous, sing song of
tho vernacular, wi b little music and a
strange mixture ot English and Apache
in the words. 'AnJ he taught the eong
to the other guides imd tbey took it up
and from that day Cholly Pan and his
"Beulah Land" was the curse of the
But to-day Cholly Pan was wailing
away from the limb of a cotten.wood,
of women sent-meat, eo rapidly is it
growing at tho university, would finally
drive them from the class room. The
thousands of club women inthe state have
ual and a new weapon into the hands of
the women. It tho women who have ac
cepted tho better part of mothers do not and on the trees about him were the dozen
eeo the necessarily of voting let them
Etudy the position of women in tho
Nebraska stats university, which will
never be entirely changed uct'l tho
ceeding even beyond his sister's hopes, regents, the chancellor and tho faculty
when the Atlantic current dra:
out of sight forever.
In a recent cartoon MiEsPhillipaFaw
cctt, who ranked above the senior
wranglers at Cambridge university, is
pictured as standing in the quadracglo
of that institution, surrounded by a
howling, jeering mobof undergraduates,
sucking canes, whirling their go'.f
sticks over their heads, and brandishinj
oars, tennis rackets, riding whp3, and
whiskey bottles at her. Miss Fawcett
says she does but ask the degree which
she has earned and they tell her to be
jged him can see that thsy are outraging the
sense of justice of a body which has the
power to roplaoe them with modern re-
other guides and scouts squalling like
huge, old, dark-faced turkeysand follow
ing the lead of Cholly Pan. But the
strange thing was that on the head of
each was a mess of mud, plastered dewn
over their hair, baked hard by the heat
of the sun.
"An improvished choir-loft," 6ug-
presentatives of both 6exes, who can gested Shorty Cawkins, the tall, awk
ward first lieutenant of D company, who
had just come out new from the Point
with the rest of us. We werj all as
green as sailors on Indian's ways.
"Perhaps it's aghostdance" said Mac
Murphy. But MacMurphy had not yet
make them acknowledge that the de
claration of independence includes
white and black, men and women.
Bpforfi thn nlaffi fl.i winHnw nf a
large department store, a mother left Sl over the adiutn's hospitality of
standing a baby-carriage, containing tho niBht before aml his Pim"on went
her sleeping infant. The hour was forno-unS.
early and there were few upon the Then old Pearson ot B company came
streets. But the small, fair, round face UP and lold U8 tJ drop around in Ihs
with half-onen. breathing mouth nd evening and the thing would explain
gone. The fact that she had taken a curiyf golden hair, tho soft, pink hands 1,self clear enough.
higher rank than had ever been earned clasped tightly about their fat, little We did eo' As the Bun went over
at Cambridge before had nothing to do thumbs, the chubby feet peeping from tbe ,a8t western hill, those savages drop-
withthecase. She was a woman and under the coverlet, caught the eyes of tho ped to the ground, battered theirheads
had ventured to compete with men and paesers-by and brought a sympathetic on tho. tree-trnnks until the clay fell
she deserved the scorn whi:h centuries smile to their lips. loose in largo pieces, and then took a
ot wrong has made to seem right. A Hy buzzed about tho carriage and shampoo in the hog-trough.
This feeling that slavery is a divine the child moved uneasily. A sunbeam "lhat kill 'cm, every one,". said Cholly
institution, comes from Germany and crept over the cornice and fell upon the PaD mlaB "P. rubbing his head with
England whence faculties, and heads little face, and the child turned its head great satisfaction. "Mud kill 'em dry
of faculties are recruited. The west Then a dog ran heavily against the car- 'em aU UP- Xo more b'Jggv- A11 gone
and particularly Nebraska is influenced riage. But the child did not wake. a" gne-" A"11 thus we heard the
by this prejudice. In all the great The force of the dog had its effect up- explanation promised us.
coeducational universities ot tbs west, on the carriage. Slowly the wheels be
exceptin Nebraska there are women gan to moTO down tae Bi0piDg pave
who are deans ot faculties. In the meat. The walk was desfirted at flint
moment and the carriage gained mo
mentum as it approached the curb.
with cigars.
In those days tho offise of con
stable didn't amount to much and as
there was actually no businesa at all for
three or four months, ho fell to wonder
ing where bo waB going to get his ex
pense money back. But ono day ho
was sent for with word that old Bill
Brown was down the street drunk and
making a distuibanco and must be
arrested. At that time thero was no
police court system and the justice and
constable kept the peace. So Everhart
went down the street with as much
dignity and importance as his size could
command. He found Bill in a very tot
tering 6tate, very noisy and making it
very unpleasand for tbo .neighboring
stores. Ho put him under arrest, took
him by the arm and started to lead him
away. Brown who was a harmless fel
low, even when drunk, objected to beicg
len away and resisted. Then EveiLart
drew back his dexter arm and smote
him. It wasn't much ot a blow but it
did cot take much to Eend Blown to
grass in his maudlin condition. For a
moment the constable felt a glow of
pride and triumph at thus being able to
display his prowess before the encircling
crowd. But after he got his man down
he found he didn't want him thore. He
wanted him up on his feet again, so as
to get bim away. The intoxicated man
concluded that as long as ho wa3 down
he might as well stay. It was easier
and more comfortable. So he declined
to cet up when requested. It was some
time before tbo constable could feel wil
ling to do the humiliating thing that of
asking the bystanders to help put him
back on his feet again. But he h: i. o
do it because he had to get him oil iLe
At the time there was no Jail in Ash
land, the old one having been burned
doan by an inmato who wanted to get
out. Everhart took his prisoner up to
the justice's office only to find out that
the Justice was out of town. He was
puzzled to know what to do with him
but finally made arrangements with the
proprietor of a small boarding house to
let him stay in tho dinning room over
night. By morning the pi i3oner would
be sober when he could be triad and
made to pay a tine.
It was a great mistake to put an in
toxicated man in a dining room. When
morning came Everhart was accosted by
a roaring landlord, furious with aDger.
The noise promised to be greater than
te disturbance the night before. Finally
the constable fished five dollars out of
his pocketbook and gave to the landlord
to quiet his feelings and enable him to
clear up his room. Then he took the
now Eobered man up to 1h just'eo for
trial. The prisoner was fined five dol
lars and coats. Ho didn't have a cent to
pay it with. What wes worEC there was
no prospect that he ever would have tho
money. The constable led him around
a while and then abandoned Loje. The
justice told Everhart to let the' man go
and with the warning to leave town be
was turned loose.
Everhart went back to his desk and
sat for a long time without saying a
word. He was pondering over the ex
periences of an officeholder. He was
jlearning that it cost something to be
great . Then he took his pen, wrote and
addressed an official communication,
walked across the street and delivered
it. With that one arrest began and
ended his official career.
Nebraska faculty there is one woman
who has but lately been presented
with a vote. In the universiths
of Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois,
Chicago and Stanford the- proportion
of women in the faculty is nearly
as large as the proportion of young
women to young men among the under
graduates. In Nebraska uuivers'.ty the
number of male undergraduates was
823, or thereabouts the number of fe
male 723 or thereabouts, there being ex
act'y 100 fewer females than males.
Miss Jones the efficient libraion was led
to resign her position in an institution
whose ideas ot equal justice are feudal When t was a boy at stated intervals
in their partiality to the dominant side, the desire came ov.-r me to possess dif-
Many years ago, fifteen or twenty per
haps, there lived in Ashland a little man
by the name of Jihn Everhart His
wife kept a millinery store and wa6 tho
A man up the street saw and hurried Pniple factor in the support of tho
to the spot. A woman on a passing car
glanced up and turned pale. The baby
carriage had reached the curb. "Direct
ly before it a horse was plunging at it9
rein in deadly fright.
The baby-carriage seemed to stop a
second at the curb. Then there was a
family while John tinkered some with
an insurance company. He was an ar
dent Republican and strange to say was
anxious to have an oftue. In his mind
the halo around an office holder's head
was a real tangible thing. Ho became
a little cros3 as time passed and he con
crash of splintering wood, an animal's tinued to be overlooked but by and by
snort of fear, the stifled scream of an in
fant's voice, and a white faced woman
came tunning from tho store.
his chance came. He was nominated
for constable and wich great pleasure be
entered into the campaign, "setting up"
the cigars and spending as much money
as his limited purse would allow. When
he was elected he remembered everyone
Going home to dinner the other day I
pasted two little girls who bad been
constant companions and playmates for
many months. They lived only a few
doors apart and on their little tricycle j
were to be seen together at almost any
hour in tbe day. But on th s noon they
bad a. quarrel and were parting in auger
and tears.
"You go right home. I never want to
Eeo you again."
"You're ju3t as mean as you can be.
I'll never speak to you again as long as
I live."
"I'm going right home and tell my ma
what a naughty mean girl you are."
And so they both broke for home to
pour into the mothers' ears the story of
unkindce3s and bad treatment.
That was at noon, when I went to sup
per at night- I saw the two little wheels
and riders side by eide on the walk
ahead of mc. They were just parting
for the night.
"Gnod bye dear."
"Good bye, I'll come and meet you in
the morning.'