12 THE COURIER. A. Feathered Crimina1. m, t & -, I t r '. I I am quite frequently asked by por sons having an atnbiti n to became tax idermists wfiat bird they shall tike for their fiibt sul-Jeet, my reply to this ques tion is "let taxidermy alone, dj not do shoy the birdf; but if you will mount birds begin with the Blue Jay." This 1 nndsome dashing fellow is one of the few birds we have who docs nIiuot as much barm an he do?s go d. Ho will eat almost any hit g, cot hesititin, even to dett oy joung birds and feed on them, and he Ins a fondness for eggs that is icsaliiblf, many a pretty nest has been et trowed by him. Like most bullies the jajs are cowards when alone, but let a band of thesa audacious mis chief loving fellows get togo'her on a foraging expe ition and theie is no limit to thei. courage. I have seen them attack tLe swift winged hawk merely for the erort of it, worrying the poor bird till he was glad to get out of their leach. Their especial delight, however, is to citch some litt'e owl asleep and pounce down, striking at him viciously. The little fellow thus rudely awakened has a hard time of it making a brave defence, his little head moving as -if on a pivot in his efforts to ward off the quick cruel blows of his tormentois, as'tbey strike at him tirston this fiiJe then on that, finally compell ing the little felluw to fly for refuge to some hole in a tree. A few da s ago I found two of these heartless rascals in an elm having a lively quarrel with each other, they had evidently been up to Eome mischief which 1 decided to investigate by throwing a stoze up into the tree, when they became frightened and dropped their spoil, which proved to 1 e a young sparrow they had stolen fioai a nett near by. The jaya tra easily tamed when caught young and readily learn many interesting tricks Even talented Miss Polly with all her many accomplishment rp3nd3 no more leadily to education. I or.ee found a nest contiiLiog four young birds which I took home and put in a cage, I had but litt'e troubh in rearing tlnm feed ing them with worms, grzeshoppers beriies atd occasionally bread and milk They giew rapidly and ia the courai of six weeks were large enough to hop about and fly up rn my shoulder wh;re they would chirp anJ sco.'d or make love to me as the humor suited them. One n'ght three of tLeic fol oxs got out of tLe cage and wern carried off by the rats, eo 1 had Lut one little chap left. I named him Jack, he 60on learned to come when callsd. Jack becams very much attached to me and afforded me much buU6ement and pleasure, ho loved to crack parlor matches on his perch and would take them out of my hand one at a time carefully, hold them with ona f:ot and with a quick stroke of his ttrong biil would make it pop and blaze up as theec matches do, this pleased him immenEely. Jack soon developed remarkable thieving propensi ties earning off and ueually hiding any thing he could lied, he was particularly fond of bright things, nails, c jins, thim bles, and trinkets of all kinds, and if caught with any thing he could swallow he would apparently swallow it. But when I had turned away and taksn a lax st 'p', it hs fioug'it I was not watching him, up it would come, then he would begin Lammerin,' away at it as if Le had no other business but to find out wLatthe thing wa? made of. He became eo tatre that I let him fly about the giounds and often he would go a block awjy but he wtuld always return. The nest of the Blue Jay is usually bu'lt in the crotch of an elm, maple or b"x eidi r, tif een or twenty feet above tLegrcunl bee it is Well hidden by the dt nse ft 1 age. It is made of small twigs and stickr. Heed with fle rojts and sometimes with f.athirs and smal I llfMii II "n f 4 mi ijpsia JOU. . M M jJZWTJJ ipii L- Sulptio-Sallne Sanitarium, Cor. I-itlx aiacl Mi. All Kinds of Baths Scientific Masseurs. A Deep Sea Pool, 50x142 feet. Shaying Hairdressing. Drs. Everett, Managing Physicians. looking little home for so pretty a bird. The four or five eggs are of a dull olive color spotted with brown. The color of the plumage of these birds is so well known I will not describe it. Both sexes are marked alike end Mrs. Jay drcpeea her young in the same pretty blue and white gowns. AUG. EICIIE. "I can easier tell twenty what were good to be done than be one of the twenty to fol low my own advice," says Shakespeare. And he knew a thing or two about advert ising. See how he keeps himself before the public. The really great advertisers are wonder fully tolerant of criticism from any point of compass. They recognize that, in spite of its strange paradoxes, advertising is based on fixed principles. Like every other art its laws are learned only by practice; but no matter who dis covers them or who expounds them, they ire just as sure and unchangeable as gravi tation. That is a law that a monkey can demonstrate with a cocoanut as completely as Sir Isaac Newton in all his glory. Don't sit on the critic. Disprove his critcism it you can, but be impersonal about it. Discuss his principles or theories upon their merits or demerits, independent of the man who advances them. A wise man can learn from fools; a fool can't learn from anybody. CHEAP RATES TO TENNESSEE CENTENNIAL AND EXPOSITION At Nashville, Tenn., May 1st to October .TO. Begining May 4 and on each subsequent Tuesday the Missouri PaciSc will 6ell tickets from Lincoln to Nashville and return at 833.15 good 20 days from date of sale. The Kansas and Nebraska limited leaving Lincoln at 2:30 p. m. makes tetter time by from two to five hours each way than any other line. Maps, time tablet and further informa tion at city ticket office 1201 O street. F. D. CORNELL, C.P.&T. A. A European 1 our. Costs no more than one taken in this coun'ry everything being taken into con?i'ier&tion. Thousands of Americans are finding this out every year by actual experience. Before anacg'ng for your summer trip call at B & M. oity office, corner O aod Tenth ttreatF, here steamship berths, tickets and full infor mation will be furnished. George V. Bonn-ell, C. P. & T. A. BURLINGTON ROUTE PLAYING CARDS. Those elegant cards of the very best quality only 15c per deck. For sale at B. fc M. Dopot or city ticket office, cor ner Tenth and O etreets. 4 BRUSH, COLORADO. for This bit of information is printed answering" the numerous inquiries now Brush, Colorado, and surrounding" country. coming- convenience about in concerning" f BRUSH has about wo hundred inhabitants. 2 A splendid, commodious school building, with all "high school" facilities. 3 Located in the Platte and Beaver valley, eighty miles east of Denver, in the midst of a large area of fine, arable land, covered by irrigation ditches, and only waiting judicious farming to develop wealth. 4 Tne climate is adapted to all 6orts of crops gioxn in tho North Temperate zone. 5 Excellent water can be had at depth varjing from 30 to GO feet, the lower strata furnishing the purest mountain water at'a:nable. G Fice building stone adjacent to the town, can ba bad at from 81.75 to 81.00 per cord, thus making it cheaperto build of stone than lumber. 7 Three crops of alfalfa are grown in the season, yielding as a rule six tons par acre as the product, while wild hay on the higher land grows well and alwas brings a big price. The rich jield of hay makes it pre-eminently a country in which to raise cattle and hogs to the feeding stage when it is easy to drive them to the cheap corn of Nebraska. S Small fruits and veetalbes of all kinds can Le developed to any extent al mostthe real conditions when told seem almost fabulous. 9 Steam three-hire in work of 1S9G show average of wheat in this vicinity to be forty bushels per acre, oats fifty bushels. 10 Entire absence of contagious diseases of both man and beast; the atmos phere is a regular daily life giver. 1 The county of Morgan, in which Brush is located, is free of debt and taxes low. are There is now excellent opening" for a first class grist mill, one hundred barrel capacity, one good hardware store, one good drug" store. Get on tlae XSvurlingrtoi'i Cars and look the situation oyer. fJP Flour et &. Lots of people think a dollar is enough to pay for a sack of good flour. We sell a Minnesota patent flour at this price try a sack; if it is not as good guaranteed we will return as money. your T Li TheParmers Ccroceiry Co. 226-2 4 no. Tenth street. T. J Thorpe db GENERAL BICYCLE REPAIRERS In a branches. - Repairing done aa Neat and Complete m from tha FactoriM at hard tla AU kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITH ST. Machinist and General Repair Work. LINCOLN. v :1 4