The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 12, 1897, Page 10, Image 10

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Capt. John F. Guilfoyle and his Commissioned Officers.
fry-"- 4ais&-r " JKPraH " rm -5 ,-s5 -oaBB
Johnnie, Bobbie and Tommie
On Sunday Afternoon.
Girls' Basket Ball Team of the btate University,
The pictures on this page are from the
junior annual. The fine picture of Cap
tain Guilfoyle and his cadet officers is
especially interesting as it is his
last appearance as commandant
of the batilllon asked the
war department having relieved from
this assignment in October. It was
with great reluctance that the regents
received Captain Guilfoyfe's latter in
forming them ot his contemplated re
turn to the regular army. But he has
been too long in tho army to bo content
ed away from it. An instructor assign
ment is a!l very well for a young lieuten
ant just from We6t Point, but to an am
bitious Eoldief who has rendered active
service for years and before whom tho
way of promotion is open a "coffee
cooler's" place which is the
term by which officers describe
an assignment to instruct, is
unsatisfactory. The relations between
the captain and the companies and the
captain and tho chanaellor, regents
and faculty are pleasant and as I said
they are served on both sides with regret.
The conduct of the university
exercises this week has been
under the charge of tho Captain
and the crowds have been very well
managed. Policemen have kept a lane
for ticket holders to pass through and
inside the number ot ushers was large
enough so that the people were quickly
seated. Some of the ticket holders who
arrived after the exercises had bsgun
were indignant because their seats bad
not been reserved. But reflection con
vniced them that it was impossible to
reserve unoccupied seats, after the doors
were opened.
The three young men will readily bo
recognized by the smart set as well
known beaux of the Pleasant Hour and
The young ladies with the basket ball
with Mies Welch in tho center are fairly
good likenesses ot the llower of the city.
Frank A. Manley, S9, inspector of
mines in Rock Springs, Wyo., is in Lin
coln for the first time in several years.
Luke H. Cheney, 'S7, ot Stockville,
Frontier county, spent commencement
week with his family and friends.
Miss Katherino Melick "0.1, who has
been teaching at Red Oak, la., has re
turned for tho festivities of commence
ment. C. F. Ansley, '00, last year instructor
in the department of literature, now of
Swcdona, III., and a law student, is hero
for commencement.
Tho Senior p'ay at tho Lansing on
Tuesday was not up to the average.
Most of the "actors"' stood with their
backs to tho audience and made long
moaming addresses to something sitting
cross legged still further back. By tho
roars of laughter with which the mono
logues were received by those in the first
row of ssats next to t he stage the speeches
must have been funny but ell the ma
jority heard was a sing-song like a priest
intoning tho service or like a Swedish
conversation in the kitchen. With an
amateur horrcr for the front of the stage,
their timid Email voices, combined with
tho lack of action it required an im
menso amount of personal relationship
to tho actors to keep the audience in
their scats. That there was a greet deal
present though was shown by the fact
that only half the audience left bafore
the end. It also smiled occasionally.
The senior class ot '97 is said to contain
very good material too but lack of time
and harmony resulted iu a production,
which for pointless, inarticulate wit can
not be outdono by a grammar school.
The young ladies of the class furnished
the only worthy feature. In oriental
dress and flowing hair they executed a
rythmical dance, afterwards they posed
in picturesque attitudes, and thus re
lieved the dullness.
To write good advertising you must first
know what your are talking about and,
second, whom you are talking to.
Rheuma'ism, Eczema, Kidney and
Stomach Trouble.
It is but the truth to say that hund
reds of people suffering from the above
and other diseases have been cured or
greatly benefitted by the use of the
medicinal waters at Hot Springs, S. D.
If you are interested address for par
ticulars. A. S. Fielding City Ticket
Agent XorthWestern Line, 117 South
Tenth street, Lincoln, Neb.
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