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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1897)
THE COURIER. RANDOiW NOTES. Nearly a year ao there was published a little- story which subsequently be came known as 'Charley Hoyt's Impos sible Dream." It was related by the playwright hitnEelf, and was in effect as follows: A Frenchman, who lived during the reign of terror, dreamed one night that he had been sentenced to death by the guillotine and awoko in a state of great fright and perturbation. On the follow ing .night he dreamed that he saw the heads of half a dozen unfortunates stricken off, and learned that he was to le the next victim. Again he awakened and told his wife, who was lying at his tide, bow the horrible realism of the vision had disturbed him. On the third night he dreamid again. This time he thought he had been led out for execu tion. He bade faiewell to the priest who bad shriven him and walked for ward to meet the executioner. He saw the blue 6ky over his heaa and felt the air fanning his brow, and it seemed hard and cruel that in the very flush of bis young manhood he should di for a po litical crime of which he was innocent. All this was presented to his mind as he approached the instrument otjdeath and 6aw the black-hatted Monsieur de Paris awaiting his coming. Submitting himself to the executionor's attendants, he was 6tietched out on a lorg board and pushed forward so that his neck came directly under the edge of the suspend ed blade. He closed his eyes as he heard a quick order given by the execu tioner, followed by the swish of the weighted knife as it fell. At that supreme moment the dreamer, in his extreme terrer, breathed so titer torousiy as to alarm his wife. She sought to awaken him by slapping him 6martly on the neck. To "the .sleeping man that touch was the fall of the hnife, and the eliect was the same aa though his head had been stricken from nis body. He dreamed that death had come to him and it did then and there. The screams of the frightened woman aroused the servant, and when they came in the joung Frenchman was a corpse. Such was the substance of the story, and it ended by tome one of the group o! listeners askicg: "Well, Charlie, it the man dreamed he was killed, how? ' and so it broke off. This yarn like mo6t of those of like character, went ricochetting about the country, getting altered a bit here and there, until by pruning and cutting, ex panding and broadening, its original form became entirely altered, and when it reached Sidney, New Eouth Wales, it was a seriously and gravel -discussed illustration in the etiology of dreams, as viewed by a' society devoted to psycho logical study. One of the members went to the trouble of writing to a young lawyer in this city, who is interested in the society for psychical research, ask ing for a more detailed and explict de xiption of the fatal dream, and inclos ing by way of compensation a descrip tion of a peculiar dual vision which was alleged to have excited the nerves of the dream sharks in Melbourne. The writer personally attested its truthfulness, as o;e of twenty w itnessjs who heard it re lated. At the mansion of a wealthy gentle man in Melbourne a large party were chatting over a variety of subjects at dinner, and the talk gradually got around td strange and unusual dreams. In a spirit of fun, it was suggested that each guest should, on the following morning, write out what he or she had dreamed that night, and the most curious recital should receive a prize of a year's sub scription to a popular periodical, and the written discretions form the nu cleus for a collection of "odd and strange virions."' There was a sufficiency of Welch rab bits to make the entire company outdo the Mysterit'3 of Udolpho in their sleep, ing thoughts' but next morning, out of twenty-one guests, only four had any thing worth re'ating. One of these waB the host, wjio dreamed that he had ridden a long distance en a black horse through a dense forest, and was pursued by robbeis, who overtook and seized him. Just as they were about to put him to death, a woman on a white horse came dashing up, and unstrapping a sewing machine from the pommel of her saddle, sewed all the robbers together by the hems of their garments, after which she released the prisoner, who had been bound to a tree, and he, mounting his horse, galloped off with her. "You mu6t remember," writes the Sid ney correspondent, "that this was a written and not an oral account of the dream. No sooner had the gentleman proceeded thus far than Mr. M., one of the guests, exclaimed: 'Well, that is certainty very Etrange,' and asked leave ta interrupt for a moment while she read from a paper in her hand. I -dreamed,' said she, 'that I was on a whita horse, in a forest, when I saw a score of men ahead of me surround a horseman and take him from his sad dle. 1 rode forward, and as I did so a sewing machine seemed to be in front of me on 1 he. pommel. I dismounted, took off the machine and sewed the coals of the men together so they could not move, Had then the gentleman and T rode off together. "The company was very much aston ished at this strange dovetailing of the two dreams. Both the lady and the gentleman declared on honor that there had been no collusion, and that the dream as written was exactly as each remembered it. In further discussion the host and Mrs. M. gave identically the same description of the forest in which they dreamed they met each other, and told the apparent length of time it took them to ride to a place of safety." Charley Hoyt's dream explains itself, but this New South Wales vision cer tainly calls for the service3of a first class A number 1 Mahatma. "W. MORTON' SMITH. 0MMtt4lMmttMMoCtcmiMMttOOfrO Burlington Route, ONLY $22-50 TO SAN FRANCISCO June 29 to July.?, account National Con vention Christian Endeavorere, special trains. Through tourist and palace sleepers. Stop-overs allowed at and west of Denver. Return via Portland, Yellowstone Park and Black Hills it de sired. Endeavorers and their friends who take the Burlington Route are guaranteed a quick, cool, comfortable jourtej, fine fine scenery (by daylight) and first class equipment. Berths reserved and descriptive litera ture furnished on request at B. A M. depot or city office, corner Tenth and O streets. GEO. W. BONNELL, C. P. A- T. A. BURLINGTON ROUTE PLAYING CARDS. Those?legant cards of the very best quality only 13c per deck For sale at B. & M. Dopot or city ticket office, cor ner Tenth and O streets. 4 GUKED Rheuma ism, Eczema, Kidney and Stomach Trouble. It is but the truth to say that hund reds of people su Jering from the above and other diseased have been cured or greatly benefitted by the use of the medicinal waters at Hot Springe, S. D. If you are interested address for par ticulars. A. S. Fielding City Ticket Agent North Western Line, 117 South Tenth street, Lincoln, Neb. Do You Know Where PALACE BEAUTIFUL Is? Well, it is the place to get a I A GOOD SHAMPOO or your HAIR SINGED AND TREATED I This eradicates dandruff and will make your hair SOFT and GLOSSY. It is the place to get a good MASSAGE to keep your skin soft and white. Also BODY MASSAGE and VAPOR BATHS to build you up and clear youi skin this time of the year. MANIGUKE and MASSAGE for the HANDS, to shape the nails and make the hand soft and white. The FACE BLEACHED. FRECKLES and PIMPLES removed, leaving the skin clear, soft and white. The hair dressed and beautified or powdered for parties: The beat line of Switches, Curls and Bangs. Toilet Waters, Perfumes, Triple Extracts, Powder, Hair Tonics, Soap, Hairpins, Real Shell Orna ments, Combt, etc. Wigs, Swiches, Curls or anything of the ktad made to order. Near Lansing- Theatre. 121 No. 13th St. i IIIIMMMIIIIMIHIIMIIMMHIIIIHIIIIMIIIMIMMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIMIMI tMIIIMMIIIIIMIIIMIMMMMMMMMIMMMIIIHIIIMIMUHIMimMUXIH j. srm MM?o:H::Errr,. WHOLESALE nB-AND RETAIL WALL PAPER. 1338 O street and 143 so. 12th st I Telephone 237. Sifgri I?liatig arid Decorating. j HMIH008tlMtMMIMHMMIMM0CO0IMMMMMMMtMl0M0OCOO ELECTRIC WIREING, REPAIR WORK, SUPPLIES. HOUSE BEELLS, ELEC TRIC GAS LIGHT I NG, BURGLAR ALARMS, DECORAT I VE AND DISPLAY LIGHT ING. HENRY O. MARRINBR. jnedrkal Contractor and Jobber 135 So. 12th St. - Lincoln, Neb. I 1 STOCK OP . GiNT'S FURNISHING GOODS IS NOW COMPLETE. LEWIS UNDERWEAR The Finest in the World. STAR NEGLIGEE SHIRTS . - The Finest in the World. WATTERHOUSE NECKWEAR The Finest in the World. FRENCH AND DOMESTIC SUSPENDERS The Finest in the World. BON BON UNDERWEAB, fresh from Paris. EARL& WILSON'S COLLARS, none superior, Should not pass these goods. The' are correct and as cheap as can he found in any city in the United States. ' 1115-III7 O ST. LINCOLN -M -