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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1897)
f . THE COURIER. ness. She leaves three lonesome peo ple in her home who still will be com forted bylhe happiness of the young people. The G-acc M. E. church ladies held a kenaicgtoc in the parlors of the church on Wednesday afternoon. From o'clock till supper time it was a "quilt ing bee' for humming and working no gossiping. With supper time arrived the men, and aeon all purely feminine occasions, wifh their first entrance, the chatting was stilled and the laughter subdued to gigling. It takes a little time for women to adapt themselves to the new conversational tastes when the men first enter, but the stiffness is Wei corns' for its cauEO and it does not al ways last. H. P. Lau, Mrs. Lau and Miss Lau leave the city tomorrow for New York, whence they sail for Europe. Company A's banquet at the Lin doll tonight will bring out the whole cotn- friends rejoice that she is finally recov ring her strength rapidly. Tho men of the church aro now organ ized into regular societies to encourago church attendance and more liberal con tributions. They aro taking hold of the work with a vim: If they possess tho Mif b Sadie Grimes was initiated into tho Q. A. T. last Saturday evening. Tho initiato was put through the usual frightful tortured, after which the vie tim's nerves were quioteJ by soothing drinks and solids and tho burns and bruisrs wero miraculously healed by energy long sinco shown by their sisters unguents, tho secret of which is jealous-, they willgetup church fairs wherein they 'y preserved by the Q. A. TVs. will exhibit and sell specimens of their The Daughters of Kebekah gavo a handiwork with a jack knife, hoe, spade, book social in Odd Fellows hall Tuts pitebfork and screwdriver. Members day night. Tno hall was til'ed with rep of tho dominant. box ought to produco resentatives of tho order and friends something much more beautiful with who wanted to see how animated book those shaip.strong tools than the scarfs, titles looked. Samantha Allen presided pincushions, aprors and bags that the over tho exercises. "Oliver Twist," joicel to hear that he passed his West concert will bo a very gooel ono. Tho performers are Mrs. Jaii6on, Mr. Movius, the Bucyrtis Mandolin club, and tho Telyn quartette. Mrs.Scamnrk in chair man of the improvement association for that district and her z;al dojorves sus- CCSB. Mrs Li Viello, from Now York, Mr. J. M. Lamhertpon's sister, is visiting her brother. Sho will bo with him during tho slimmer. Just m soon as school ro leasps them, M sscb Margery and Nancy Lambrtsoa w II come home for tho summer vacation. Tho frionds of 0ei Oakley aro re- pany. Many old officers of the company and conferred degrees and installed the have promised to be present as well as following officers: some distinguished military men in the chaplain, Father Nugent; president. regular army. p j. Costello; recording secretary, Hugh The banquet of the alumni of the 13. Daily; financial secretary, John M. state university will bo held at tho Lin- Burke; corresponding secretary, P. G. deli hotel on the afternoon of commence' Garvin; treasurer, John Krummack; ment day. In the evening tho Wesley- marshal, E. F. Gardner. All male mem an banquet will be served in the samo bera of the congregation are invited to sisterhood have offered for so lon. Tho "Threo Fealhors." "The Girl Gradu- latc3t church to follow the lead of tho ate"' and tho "Borrowed Baby" wero all Congregational in this city is St. There there, as well as Samanth Allen at the sa's which on Tuesday hold a meeting. World's Fair. The ' Ro;e in Bloom" preliminary to tho organization of a waited to be plucked, "Ten Night in a young men's institute in connection with Barroom," "Tho Endless Chain," "With the ehurth. They ace ompIiBhed the pur- out a Homo" and "Mrs. Partington's pose by suggesting officers and made ar- Knitting Works" wero represented, rangements for ThursJay night for tho When it was all over tho judgeB decided organizer who came on that night that Mr. Warwick, who represented Point examinations with grt at credit. Last night C. II. Imhoff ami Dr. Ladd gave a party at the Phi Kappa Psi chapter house on G street. Mr. and Mrs. Maryland leftjesterday morning for Be'mont, Cnl , whero they will linger Tor a whilo with eon ard daughter, Mr. and MrK Herbert Mars land. From thero they will travel Hard Times," was entitled to tho royal about throuBh British Columbia, finally prize. Mabel Asliey won me nooijy as "Oliver Twist." Besides i idulging in dancing and con versation tho guests listened to the fol lowing program: arriving at their destination--Spokano, Wash., whero daughter and son, Mr. and Mrs. Drain, reside. Something over a hundred of the pu pils of Prescott school, with their teach- Song "Burst, Yo Apple Buds," Miss ers. Misses Dibble, Mullon an 1 Watson Stella Smith. enjojed an extended trolley ndo Thurs- Recitation "The Rivals," Miss Ona day. Starting from Seventeenth and plac;. The state university alumni be present Thursday evening when tho Tourtelot, Cherry streets the two cars containing committee requests that those who can objects of the institute will be explained, come leply as soon as possible to tho MlB Maxey Cobb, of Denton, is meet postal cards which will be sent them. in, wjtn tuc EUCcess her industry and Misi Maude Oakley's complimentary ability deserve in the business of cattle Leuetit on next Wednesday, May 2C, at raising. This from ths South Omaha the Funke, will bring together a large Drover's Journal Bhows what an energet- audionce. Mss Oakley has sung oa so ic, clever woman with children to stimu many occasions for sweet charity's sake, late her to activity can do: "The cattle for funerals and for weddings that tho market was topped today by Mrs. C. B. Mabel Astley. people are very glad to have an oppor- Cobb of Lincoln with a load of Black Piano duet Jewel and tunity of expressing their appreciation. Polled steers from her model farm at den. Song "Day of Sunshine," MisBlIuell- Uo children wero taken to University horst. Placo. and then through the city to Lin- Piano tiuet "The Witches' Flight," coin rat k. where refreshments wero sor- Missos Sylvia Beatty and Pearl Eincr- veJ- ich. The doctors and tho dentists' annual Recitation "The Tragedy Vassar," meetings, which havo occurred this Miss Nettie Joerger. Song "Rock You to Sleop." Hobart Hoi The charges are reasonable, being only 2.1, 35 and 5o cents. Tho boxes have al ready been taken by intimate friends. "She will be assisted by Miss Hoover, M. McCune, Miss Dales and Mrs Plank. Grand march Miss Rose Dierks. Denton. These cattle were partly of her own raisirg and wero well finished, Wednesday afternoon the ladies of the tho sixteen head averaging l.r.Oo pounds. lt,;ret PreBbyt3rian church njoJ.eil a at 84 SO. She also marketed Uenty- kens;ngton- in the church parlors. On five head of Durham beeves, 1,103 ........ n. fh ; ,iin..,i:fl nn, ,,: The Kappa Kappa Gammas held their pounds, at 81 CO." to gather until about 5 o'clock. Each annual spread at the homo of Miss Ella Cards are out for the marriage of Mis3 lady took lunch enough for her family Raymond, corner lGth and R, on last Clara Corrino BuckstafT of this city and and invited friends. The gentlemen Friday. Twenty-five 6worn to eternal Dr. Robert Henry Wolcott of tho state came in at 6upper time. Tho crowd and inviolable congeniality sat down to university. The cererconey will be per- was not as large as expected but when the table where eight courses prepared formed at the church of the Holy Trin- the tables wero spread the parlor was by the fairest Kappas were served to ity on WednesJay evening, Juno 1, at 8 comfortably tilled. Music and a pro- KappaB only less fair than the cooks, o'clock. gram followed the supper. Ever.ibody When the surfeited sist rs had served Ma!or E, G. Fechet, now of the Sixth pre-eat reported a very pleasant time, up their wits in toast?, there were loud Un.ted SjaUs caValry, stationed in this The city impovemont association has cries for Mr.Rajmond, who, dragged city as a special aid to the governor for already earned its name. Tlrj grounds ' from the seclusion of Lis boudoir, was the purpose of instructing the Nebraska around tha public schools of the city u.i.Keu io rcbuouu. auu iiiegina say nBtionaI guard, is mentioned, among aro greatly improved, and with ne ruaeie a spienuiu speecn, eclipsing an olner ariny officers, in an article in a re prev'ous recorde, which are by no means cent issue of the Chicago Inter Ocean s!ow- entitled: "Who Will Be tho Leaders in Mrs. T. E. White's address in Omaha Our Next war?" The following is an is 1003 Capital Ave. extract from the article: "Major Ed- The Mandolin club met with Miss mond G. Gechet is the man who made a l.ttle assistance llio ladies will be able to change the aspect of the city. On Thursday afternoon the board of direc tors of the association mst with Miss Elliott at Rose Cottage. They appoint ed a committee to see the major about week, have been very largely attended. Misa They havo been in every way successful and pleasan'. The papers from tho doc tors all over the stata have shown that scholarly invest'gation was not coo lined tocity doctors. The banquets which, end. ed the conferences, wero full of expres sions of goo J will an 1 flu visitors wont homo pleasant memories and an ticipations of tho next meeting. Supanntendent and Mrs. Savior gavo tho high school senior class a reception on Wednesday evening. They were as sisted by Miss Loo mis and Miss Kirker. Each guest represented some book or au thor.and quick wit glanced and flashed like sword?. Tho atheletic association of the high school gavo an entertainment at Y. M. C. A. hall Thursday night in honor of tha Beatrice contingent which came up for tho debate. The hall was filled with the students of tin Echool while fi ty-four Beatrice joung people and professors increased the size of the au d'ence. Tho exsreisjs wero in charge of Fred II van. Maurice Berkson acted as musical director. very Mra Tiltf ftii'l M re iffitn.TI ivirnop - r i t . . ... r.. ... - -- . -w. - w..- .... .-...,. .u..t..., v.m. Nance an Monday evening. 'Iho;e pres- '"rceu marcn as captain oi tne rv.igutn enforcing the cow ordinance or making sixteenth and L. give a kensington on ent were Misses Latta, Hollowbush, cavalry n back up tho ciTortB of the In- it strong enough to keep the cows otr Friday afternoon. Those present were- Oakley, and Messrs. Cooley, Hurlbut, dian police in their efforts to ca'ch Sit- the lawns of tin city. Mrs. J. R. Web- eedames Pre-ton Parks Biilmeyer C. Y.Smith and Baldwin. ting Bull. When Fechet heard, from eter, Mrs. Rehlaender and Mrs. Taylor Mitchell, Harris. Harwood, Pound. Hart- Miss Wasmer of Grand Island will lis u" '."" '""' " win wan upon nisnoaor to corner wun ,ev Hi ,the guest of Mrs, Lew Marshall on next Thursday. Messrs. Lew Marshall, Frank Burr, C. Y. Smith and Ross Curtice leave today for Grand Island. Mrs. Wakefield of Omaha, "Janet," the violinist is the guest of Mrs. Chas. Branch. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Branch was at home to her friends in compliment to Mrs. Wakefield. Miss Marie lice were having trouble, he pushed for- Bigger, Ward, Armstrong, uim uiuu una tuoject anu me nrajers ri.iml,..ra Phanin T..m.. Th;H:..a waid in a masterful march in which he of all out side decorators go with him. Parker el(.u M,;brenstccher. Kind-' iirs. iMcuonneii reau manageu to cover a vase uistance in a short time, to canservo the strength of bis horses, and to tike to the front with his cavalry a piece of ordnance. By this rapid and effective movement he pre vented the hojti'es from killing what cuonneii reau communications from Mr. Bushn;ll and Mr. Sizsr of the Commercial club donating the uso of the Commercial club parlors for the meetings of the society. Tin s?cretary was requested to tender tho thanks of the organization to the Commercial meetings was left of the Indian police and by judgment and judicious treatment pre- club for tho kind offer. 1 h-j ented several hundr d thoroughly will be hehi thpri herpafror. Hoover gave a party to aroused Sioux bucks from going on the v nonoert will b ,!r,n n M,m,l,, musical people last Friday evening. warpath. Fechet is regarded by many in the Y.M.C.A. hall tocolect fundsfor lur.r, tt a iinl..nnb- .. nn . ns a nossible nower in rasn nf trmihfp nt .. .... . ... auid. Ai.ii. jiag .iu ouct- "- me improvement ot tne grounus oiine Park schcol. Anjono who has sean noon party on Friday. A'ter a literary any magnituUe. lhis movement cf Cap program welcome refreshments were tain lnovr major) 1-echet was supple served, intnted by the arrest of Chief Hump and Mis. W.M. Leonard, after atedious band by Lieutenant H. C. Hale, illness, is again able to ride about. Her Twentieth infantry. these grounds must realize the necess ity of beautifying them. Thdy havo been especially neglect3d. No place in the city needs beautifying more. The PERFECTION COOKING MIXTURE Sid0 i CANON PEA COAL rSfGr;k FOR DRY GOODS ively bv Gregorv. Eleventh and O streets. ory, Eleventh and O streets. Lincoln, Neb. Lincoln Dry Goods Company, 109 O street, man; Misses Turner and Harris. It is the intention of The Coukiek to follow tha practise of the bo;t sciety repoit) in this country in regard to pre fixing the initials to surnames. Where th'rjarc several matrons ot the samo famil.'the wife of the oldest brother is referred to as Mrs. Vanderbjlt. and her oldest daughter as Miss Vanderbilt. The daughters of younger sons are des ignated by their first names. Where there is only one individual ot that came known, only his last name is given. Miss BuckstafT will be married to Dr Wolcott on June 2. The wedding will Hanru. Coal for sole by Gregory, Eleventh and O streets. Phone 343.