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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1897)
- " & 3fr& tt- 21 THE COURIER. L DUADS. A frwt-kce m nunc orchard bow no fruit: Envy, the worm, wax canker at the root. Tfce north-wind's bitterness, the south-wind's mirth; Thk freezes life, thai plenty bums to dearth. To work this wrath God needs no Titan band. Hk lktle locust eats the fertile land. The wheat yet green I counted up the sheeves; The hot-south blew, the field was withered leaves. The priest prayed HeaWn for ram down pour'd a 'torrent; -S Through all hk parish, prayer was held abhorrent. IDYLA. r ' Often jou hear an expert ny, "I should be satisfied to retire upon the money that is wasted annunlly by such and Buch a firm." But in no other busi- nrss is there so much money wasted as in the business of advertising. Whether a large advertisement, in a daily paper ever pajs is an open question; but there a no question that a small, ordinary ad vertisement nevet pays. It is lost in the ruck; it cannot be found without diffi culty even by him who has inserted it and has a special object in discovering it; the general reader never notices it You know that you always throw away the advertising sheet of your newspaper; observation will convince you that other people do the same thing. You know that, after a careless glance at the ad vertising columns you turn to the news; other people an equally intelligent. Yet in the sheet that is thrown aside, or in the columns that are ignored, are thous ands of dollars worth of advertising, and you or your firm may have contributed some of the wasted dollars. At the btst, aa advertisement in a daily paper is only for the day. The only advertising that really paj s is in a good weekly paper, which is carefully read, is taken home to the family, is preserved for reference, and is often bound into a volume for the library. In any other line of business theee facts would be considered and acted upon; but in advertising men seem to go wild snd recklessly throw away money. In fact I have heard apparently sane merchants say, "We never adver tise in the weeklies!" wbich is equiva lent to saying, 'We never advertise where our advertisements will ba read!" Town Topics. A European lour. Costs no more than one taken in this country everything being taken into consideration. Thousands of Americans are finding this out every year by actual experience. Before arranging for your summer trip call at B. M. city office, corner O and Tenth streets, vhere steamship bertha, tickets and full infor mation will be furnished. Geobge W. Bonnkix, C. P. & T. A. I NEW WORLD Thricc-a-week edition. 18 Pages a week JJ J56 Papers a year J A paper as useful to you as a great 96 daily for only two dollars a year. Better than ever. ALL THE NEWS OP ALL THE WORLD ALL THE TIME. Accurate and fair to every body. Democratic and for the people. Against trusts and all monopolies. Brilliant illustrations. Stories by great auttxors in every number. Splendid readintr r women and other special departments of unusual interest. We offer this unequaled newspaper and The Courier together one year for 2. The regular subecription price of the two papers is $L t. , , - - - SixlilTio-SaliM.e Sanitarium, Cor. I-itlx and M? All Kinds of Baths Scientific, Masseurs. A Deep Sea Pool, 50x142 feet. Drs. Everett, Managing- Physicians. 1100 DOLLARS REWARD f 100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatement. Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the discs se', and giving the patient strengtn by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testi mnals. Address, F. J. Cheney 4 Co., Toledo Oiiio. Sold by druggists, 75 cents. BURLINGTON ROUTE PLAYING CARDS. Those elegant cards of the very best quality only 15c per deck. For sale at B. &. M. Dopot or city ticket office, cor ner Tenth and O etreets. 4 6UR.ED Rheuma ism, Eczema, Kidney and Stomach Trouble. It is but the truth to say that hund reds of people bu Jering from the above and other diseases have been cured or greatly benefitted by the use of the medicinal waters at Hot Springs, S. D. If you are interested address for par ticulars, A. S. Fielding City Ticket Agent North Western Line, 117 South Tenth street, Lincoln, Neb. We have purchased (because It Is Just the thing we have needed) the Columbia Cyclopedia Library, con sisting of the Columbian encyclopedia, which Is also an unabridged dictionary thirty-two volumes of convenient size neatly bound, four volumes of thean nual cyclopedic review, four volumes of current hlstoryfor 1896, one Columbian atlas and the neat convenient revolving oak cas ewlth glass doors. From the evidence obtained we find that some part of this work is placed in the best private and public library In this country an dabroad. for the reason that .they cover a field relative to the past, present and future progress and achievements of the human race not attempted by others. The plan is original, and the work throughout Is carefully and ably written. Current history contains 229 pages, is Issued two months after the close of each quarter, this length of time being taken to reduce all information received to be an absolutely reliable and authentic basis. If these are kept on file, this magazine will prove a permanent and Invaluable record of all Important movements In political, social religious, literary, educational scientific and Industrial affairs. The magazine will be indispensible to all people who have encyclopedias, as It will be needed to keep these works up to date. To those who do not own encyclopedias it wl'l be doubly valuable as their source of Information Is more limited. About March of each year the four volumes of current history are bound lnio one volume, known as the Annual Cyclopedic Re view. There are now four of these bound volumes covering yearsl892-3-4 and 5. The work has for endorsers and subscribers in this city and stats such people as Mr. Gere, edltor-Inchief of the Lincoln State Journal., Hon. Joe Bartley. state treasurer, Hon. W. J. Bryan. Mr. Miller, editor of the Northwestern Journal of Education, Hon. H. B, Cofett, state supirintend ent of public instruction. Dr. R. E. Giffen. Every reading person has felt the need of brief summaries of current topics and events. The dally, weekly and monthly periodicals and papers raay furnish data sufficient, but the labor of collecting and digesting It la frequently out of proportion to the re sult obtained. A most satisfactory summary may be found In the quar Journal has been of invaluable service terly issues of Current History. This In the library covering a field that no other attempts. Subscription price, $1.50 a- year in advance; bound volumes, cloth. $2. half ntorrocco, $2.50; library abeep,$2.50; embossed sheep, $3.50; three-fourths perslon, $4. Complete library from $36. to $108; cases from $6. to $44. The complete library is sold on monthly payments to suit purchaser. City subscriptions will be received at the Courier office for a limited time only, or at Mr. H. W. Brown's book store, direct all other correspondence to C. S. Borum, general agent Lincoln Ntb. NOTICE OF PETITION FOR LET TERS. In re Estate of Mofhier T. Green, De ceased. In the County Court, of Lancaster County, Nebraska. The State or Nebraska to Sophia L. Green, and to any and all other persons interested in said matter. Take notice, that a petition signed by Wm. A. Alexander, praying said Court to grant letters of aniinist ration of said estata to J. P. Hebard has been filed in said court; that the same is set for hear ing on the 31st day of May, 1897. at 9 o'clock a. m., and that if you do not then appear and contest, said court may grant administration of the eaid estate to J. P. Hebard. Notice of this proceeding ehall be pub lished three weeks successively in the Courier prior to said hearing. Witness my band and the seal of said court this 3rd day of May, A. D., 1897. seal S. T. Cochrax, County Judge. CHEAP RATES TO TENNESSEE CENTENNIAL AND EXPOSITION At Nashville, Tenn., May 1st to October 30. Begining May 4 and on each subsequent Tuesday the Missouri Pacific will sell tickets from Lincoln to Nashville and return at $35.15 good 20 days from date of sale. The Kansas and Nebraska limited leaving Lincoln at 2:30 p. m. makes better time by from two to five hours each way than any other line. Maps', time Ubkt and further informa tion at city ticket office 1201 O street. F.D.CORNELL, C. P. & T. A. (First Publication April 17.) SHERIFF SALE. Notice is hereby given. That by virtuj of an order of sale, issued by the Clerk of the District Court of the Third Judi cial District of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster County, in an action wherein William Stull and Louis Stull, partners as Stull Brothers is plaintiff, and Joseph Barrett Admr., et al. defendants. I will at 2 o'clock P. M., on the 18th day of May, A. D. 1897, at the East door of the Court House, in the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auc tion the following described Lands and Tenements to-wit: Northwest quater (nw v,) of section thirty (30) in township twelve (12) range fire (5) east of the 6tb P. M. in Lan caster county. Nebraska. Given under my hand this 23rd day of March, A. D. 1897. John J.Trompen, Sheriff. Odds Oh, the agony and suspense o; love! Bodkins Isn't there any way you can find out how much she's worth? mm EHHUK UllOMI mi LINCOLN, NEB. I.M. RAYMOND. President. S.H.BUBNHAM. Cashier. A.J. SAWYER Vice President D. G. WING CAPITAL, $250,000 SURPLUS $25 000 Directors I.M. Raymond, S. H. Barnham C. G.Dawes. A. J. Sawyer, Lewis Gregory NZSnell.GULambertson. D G Wing, S W Barnham. ooocso. rrrfr H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Wlltlns' Fine Stationery and Calling Cards J 127 S. Eleventh Street. PHONE 68. A Ira-st Time, To Omaha, Chicago, and points in Iowa and Illinois, the UNION PACIFIC in connection with the C. it N. W. Ry. offers the best service and tho fastest time. Call or write t? me for time cards rates, etc. E. B.Slossox, Gen. Agent. MJItfCVnJI sere ThroZtTprnDitaTcZyvtrU MIE IWV Colored Spots, AcbeaToid BoreLH BSL oath. Balr-ruilngf Writ COOKS ssCfce5SiJww2S?2L'SS; ti9 f- ysp wont cmm cured n XflH !!, l p sftm. B '