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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1897)
01 the cou?.: '&.&V-LCML&1 w-zirSWfTzT?"rK?i'Z-1 :iy vjs- T4$j HliV MXiV Hil Kli Hii' H4A HXiV Mill 5ffl$ M K x - - .C o. r -v . '. i & . O c- aV ". , JF, , . I1 5 - X jN X X I J 'J' I First Pom ft First Srvd Zu enniwm ? i m " v'l m The best advertisement these goods can have is the goods themselves. They will not last long- so do not fail to ome early. MlMMIMIIHMMMMOt)MIMMIIHIMIMMI lOfMMIIe 0 OtPOo0O4OC00Mo(oa0 0tO SKIRTS WRAPPERS. We place on sale next week a complete line of percale, cambric and dimity wrappers, neat designs, all colors, formerl' sold at SI. 25, next week 'k SHIRT WAISTS 98C. We have a complete line of linen skirts at 98c Lined suits including waists and jackets, from $3.75 to 2.98 We are selling out all of our wool ,oe check skirts, formerly S5 and S(, now at cost- SB $2.98 and $3.98 Dimit' shirt waists, well made, all colors, each 5& Percale and cambric shirt waists in black and white and blue and white, all the njw designs, at l&$&i fb?1; iS&sas&.'S&fista? ' ?fcr HTvS Xr-i rtib Wir lTir VKKr t &&&&t 'w 80C. . ; iZ3 aaac z-ee 1 ; zaww ssii Musical Mention ADVANCED. preludes in C minor and D Hat ma jorChopin; Mis3 Mary Kitt3ring. "AveiT Schutt; Album Leaf, Den nee; Miss Ethel Galley. Slutc Journal. fSt ft PUPILS PLAY. 0. m The pupils of Miss Schotield of the university school of music, or as many of them as would venture out in the in clement weather of Wedneeday evening, were received by a highly appreciative group of listeners at the chapel who eeemed much interested in the progrees of the pei formers. Four grades of pup 1 took pait. bicning with the very ycungeft, Helen Richardson and Katherino Kimbill, Mnb e Fo3fler and Helm Wilson. Thcs) little people and all otters played from memo y. In the ntxt cliFS was Grace Edmhtoc. The intermediate acd advanced grade, Sara Barron. Mary Kittjring and Ethel Gal ley were heard. The work displayed was most creditable and6howed how these earnest students are making notice able progress to even the casual listen- gmssm ers. It is hoped that the prrgrara, which is appended, may 1)3 repeated. part 1. Primary. Waltz for four hands, op. 120 Gur litt; Helen Richardson, Katherine Kim ball. "Cheerfulness" Gurlitt: 'The Jolly Traveller," Parlow; Helen Richardson. "A fairy Tale" Oesten; 'The Pint Violet," Parlow; Katherine Kimbill. "Lorging" Gurlitt; "The Jolly Peas, ant," Schumann: Mdble Fosfler. "Slumber Sons" Gurlitt; Song,"'Lange; Helen Wilson. FIRST INTERMEDIATE. "Sleeping Beauty" Schytte; cade," Gurlitt; Grac? Ednrs'.on. SECOND INTERMEDIATE. Tempo di Minuetto Phillip Schar wenka; Allegro from Sonat 1, op. 49, Nj. 2, BestLoven; Miss Sara Barron. The following is the program of Miss Maude Oakley's concert on Wednesday evening, Aufenbalt Schulcrl Two Eyes of Brown Grcig Sunshine Song Grciij Miss Oakley. Barcarole Moszko tcski Love Song Ncvin Die Lorelei -Seeling Miss Hoover. Zelin (A Moorish Serenade) Eugene Oiulin Mr.M.-Cune. A Summer Night.... 1. Goring Thomas Mus Uakley. Concerto No. 7 dc Bcriot Miss Dales. Folkeong MacDowel And I? Jessie I. Gaynor A,Iah ChadwicJ: Four-Leaf Clover Whitney Coombs Mies Oakley. Hungarian Impromptu Schubert Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 IJszl Mrs. Plank. Repeat Again Boilia Miss Oakley, Mr. McCune. """" ' ' " J. Wm MITCHE)!,!,. "Bsat "Ca3- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AVAIL PAPER. 1338 O street and 143 so. 12th st. Telephone 237. Sign Painting and Decorating. tlM000OC Dorating,