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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1897)
THE COURIER. J everywhere been pronounced to be better than those of former seasons. Prices $1.00, 75c, 50c and 25s. Seals on sale this morning. Secure your seats early. The Graham Earle company that opens Monday evening at the Funke should be given the patronage of -our best people as the attraction is one of more than ordinary merit and has the reputation of being the originators of the repertoir business. Graham Earle has been heading his own company f )r about twenty jears, always presanting the latest up-to-date pieces and sup ported by a strong cast, this year tho company excells any ever appearing in rcpeptoiro, comprising recognized ar tists. Manager Rosskam announces they have no moving pictures or a bi cyle to give away but with all money in vested in salaries and a repertoir of new pieces, sell every ticket on a guarantee and have been playing to crowded houses all along the route. Ladies' free tickets will ba distributed for Monday evening, which insures a full bouse and if the company holds up to its recom mendations they can depend on a big week's business, for Lincoln is never slow to appreciate a good thing. That delightful romance of Ople Read's "The Jucklins," has been adapt ed for stage purposes, and will be -Y3 L - r? W Hi fWwfi In "Monte Cristo." given its first production in this city at the Lansing theatre Monday, March 29, by Stuart Robson, who hasfound a new and interesting character In Lem Jucklin, the quaint old Tennessee fann er. The play, like the book, teaches an old lrsson that the barbarians have not forgotten the wisdom of the simple-minded, the greater worthiness of heart over head. The play, if like the book, is a fresh whiff from clover-carpeted fields after the perfume of thp boudoir. Its life is the life that counts for good in the world. Its passion is the passion that moistens lips and eyrs and does not parch and dry them. It Is said to (be natural and does not deal with people whose views are not fangled, and whosp virtues are con victions, and not mere conformities to conventions. The salp of eats for "The Jucklins" opens at the box office next Friday at 10 sharp. Seceure your seats early. "Ward and Vokes, those magnetic young comedians, who are full of clever, original Ideas, and whose presence in farce comedy is surp to have a decided eect upon the risibilities of those in front, are due at the Lansing theatre Thursday, April 8, in their highly suc cessful compdy, "A Run on the Bank." The original effect of the s.kit is very pleasing, and the company is claimed by Mnager E. D. Etair to be the best evrry organized for farce comedy. STORIES IN PASSING. A certain young man went home to dinnpr recently with a live mouse In his coat pocket. One end of a fine string was tied round the hind leg of the mouse, the other to a button of his coat. Dinner was announced and all sat down, making a long table full of young ladlPs and gentlemen. Every body was in good spirits, the small talk was skipping around here and there, when two or three girls discovered u mouse creeping around under the dishes. Of course we all know what took place without any needless delay, and things were very lively for a time. But when the landlady came running in from the kitchen to find out what the shrieks meant, there wasn't any mouse there. There wasn't anything that looked like a mouse except a pickle that had fallen out on the table cloth. The girls, however, have never become fully reconciled to the trick and they are looking on the aforesaid young man with a good deal of suspicion and dis trust, i The inauguration of McKinley on the 4th of March was an event which many rnthuslastlc republicans thought wor thy of notice by a display of flags and other decorations. In a town not far from Lincoln many people paused in astonishment at seing the house of a well-known democrat profusely deco rated on "that occasion. He was not only a warm supporter of Mr. Bryan, but had always been a rampant. Ir reconcilable democrat, npver having voted any other ticket in his life. But there it was. a large picture of McKin ley in one window and flags flying from ethers. It was as good as a show to see men go into his stor e to talk to him about it. Somp would go in to congratulate him en his conversion to sound doctrine. Others were anx ious to know when and for what reason he had changed. His party associates couldn't understand it and desired an explanation. He was kept in a fret all day. All he could do was to storm and swear and keep making explanations. So it gradually became known that he had rented those roomc to a man who happened to be a red hot republican and was celebrating the return of the republican party to power. As the man had rented the rooms and paid for them he cculd do as he pleased and in fcisted en doing so, despite all remon strances from the owner. So the pict ure staid and the flags waved till night. Not far from the railroad bridge over the Platte river at Ashland is a well. It is what is commonly known as a "drove well." and has a pump in it. It is only about fifty feet from the PlattP river "and according to the usual theory should be fed from the Platte and keep on a level with that stream. It is, however, thirty-onp feet deep and seems to have no connection with the river in any respect. During the spring and summer months, while the river is warm enough to bathe in. the water cf the well is strikingly cold, almoat as cold as ice water at times. Late in the summer it warm3 up, gets wanner in the fall, and during the early winter, while the Platte is frozen up, it Is so waun ps to be unpleasant to drink. Toward the end of winter it again grows crld. For some unexplained reascn it seems to be some months be hind the temperature of the river, the air and other wells in the locality. Our negro Ji is a great lover of dis play ribbons, badges and medals. He is always jcining lodges and military orders. He delights to trot about the street, dressed out In the most flaring toggery. This morning he came home with a great green shamrock pinned to his roat. "What are you doing with Saint Pat rick's green, Jim?" I asked. "Haw haw haw!" laughed the ne gro. "We've all done got ter be Irish once a year." "Do you know," said looking up from mixing the colors to suit her eye, "my bill for paints is something enormous. Not that I paint so much, but It Is this habit I have of squeezing dry every paint-tube I can get hold of. There Is a strange and terriblo fascination to me in seeing the color come curling and writhing out. like Bnake from an opening in the ground, or with a gen tler pressure oozing forth noiselessly like warm red blood from a wound. I havp gone on this way for hours gloat over the mass as a murderer over a clot of blood, and when If stains my hands and dress and falls on the floor, it seems as if I have done some terrible thing which I cannot understand or escape from. Sometimes I shudder and try to break away from myself. At times It drives me wild and I do not know myself. Once they hail to take me but you wouldn't care to hear about that, and I wouldn't care to have you, if you did," and she quickly gave hpr canvas several strokes, while a strange light in her eyes, which I had THE PALACE BEAUTIFUL. AlrilcoM t Sjiooinlty ol HaiF Fessing - gfyampooing, fSJankuring And nil IClndM o( MaMNnge, A Full line of Hair 014 to OlO T street, Is the place where they sell Iir5Sli and Cured afefecrtss at Hard Times Prices. Clioice Steaksand Roasts. PHONE 365 GIVE US A CALL NEW STOCK NOW READY j. wr. b WHOLESALE and RETAIL 1338 O and 143 Send for Samples. Mail never seen before, flamed up, flickered unsteadily and went out. This talk was all so strange from her, but I gave It little thought at tho time. But later (after she had dropped out of my world and I heard of her only occasionally at some resort for her health, which had become very poor) later, when they found her baby dead with delicate nallmarks on its tiny throat and blood oozing out from its nose over the little face, her words of that morning in the studio came back to me with all their tragic mean ing. HABREV GRAVES SEIEDD. A European 'lour. Costs no more than one taken in this country everything being taken into consideration. Thousands of Americans are rinding this outevory year by actual experience. Befnro arranging for your summer trip call at B. & M. city ollico, corner O aod Tenth street, hero steamship berths, tickets and full infor mation will be furnished. Geo im? e W. Bon.nkll, C. P. A: T. A. Goods and Cosmetics. I u PiPffi So. Twelfth Street orders promptly attended to. 1 r