T"! jggggg'gwiByaMa'SWMBy "''rS " 4-a- lT THE COURIER. w ' vSswsHsBBBsff999EIHfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa MgCTffilWWBmwiiniMBH'i1lfyfiiff,r'-y ;aajgjjfc.v; ,fli; ftKBff SkhsMmsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssw PBwtt Msssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, ssrlaWsTBr arfft "- KVIHbHIBmH BuHB -r- - 99MBMRESrSEHH IIbsBLsbbbkScbbbbbswsb? - -nSBSSIviflHflHPs mKDw3HssflBHSK '- jHPgMlycSIBM lBSBBBBBBHBSBBHSflBBBBBHJP(T1" '-''-' rTVaHH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBShiflBVJflBBi'sflHBBBBBBSSBMBSafaL iTv mdIIVjVi dBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBhaEaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsi HBflHM '--4, V HH. vI-'VSBBSBSBBflBBBBBkaBBBHfflBBBBBBBBflBBBl BSHKHh i 0m TfidftSBBBslBBBBBBBBBBasBBBBBBBBBBBBaTSBawl flBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSflBBHBBsnrXMnaBBBBK sbbbbbb astef 1 pEMsWaflBSBflBBBBKBBBBBBl BBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSMssiBBiLBBaP' x35T. fijSBaBssasafsssssssssassssal HaTasBBBBBBBBBBBHsasBBBBBBBS 9hibbe!s - -sasjBnWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl bbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV" sbbbbbbT - alBBBlftV : bbbHubbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbh HHRIHBBPSk -jSHMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw BBBBa9BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsBBBBBBBBmsBBBBBt ' -t1Ltbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBB-, Zhkbhhbbbbbbbbb7sk1'' -aBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrffpj ' ' i fBBaSBBWBBBBBBBttjBBBBBBB - HSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl -1 ; I ri- - Bridge over the Mississippi River at Burfington, Iowa, on the 6. B.& Q. Railroad. I Rock Island dte Pacific Ry. Gives you the choice of Two Routes, one via COLORADO and the SCENIC LINE, and the other via our TEXAS LINE and the SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Our Texas line is much quicker than any other line through to SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA for " fama cohducted excursions. Tbe Il-Illire- Roolc lalcaricl Ercsixr- lona Are the most popular, and carry the largest business of any other California Route. This signifies that you get the best attention and receive the best ser vice, c The lowest rate tickets to California are available on these excursion. oooo ooooooooooo PHOTOGRAPHS q ' CYCLE ATHLETIC PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTOGRAPHS OF BABIES PHOTOGRAPHS OFGROUPS EXTERIOR VIEWS gfe The Photographer o 129 South Eleventh Street. 8 oooooo oooooooooo ooooo coooo I L 6 Don't start en a trip to California un til you get our Tourist Folder, contain iag aaap showing routes and all informa tion. For rates and reservations apply to aed agent of the C. R. I. vfc P. By., or address JOHN SEBASTIAN, General Passenger Agent, 4-1 Chicago, 111. Information Geo: -ttxekt: Informs. If you are going south and want to know what the trip will coat when you will reach your destination and why you should take the BUKLINUTONKUUTE to St Joseph, Kansas City, St Louis or any other south ern or southeastern city, you should at once apply at our depot or city office, where maps and time tables can be had. This will give JUST EXACTLY the in formation you seed. W. BonneU, i H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Fine Stationery and ' Calling Cards 127 S. Eleventh Street. PHONE 68. 'WfywfVfi Vi MUSICAL MENTION Johk Randolph inF?M, aw awaw w awaa k ' 0'ipvT&&' Actual time traveling. 31 hours to Salt Lake. 61 hours to San Francisco. 68 hours to Portland. 77 hours to Los Angeles. LINCOLN, NIB City office, 1C44 O street. ttvv. MRS. P. V. M. RAYMOND. Tha choir of the First Congregational Church. In the year 1SSG what was then the new pipe organ of the Congregational church was opened with som? ceremony in an organ recital given by W. T Tabor of Boston and Omaha, and by its pres ent organist Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond. Mrs. Raymond has since that t me oc cupied the position of organist and choir director at this church with the excep tion of the year January 1, 1893 to Jan uary, 1894. At that time she filled the same position in St. Paul's M. E. church in this city, directing a chorus choir. Previour to 1893 the choir of the Con gregational church consisted of a quar tet of soloists, except for a short time when chorus and BoloiBts were employed. At the time of the opening of the new organ Mrs. Raymond was assist9d, in addition to Pi of. Tabor, by Mrs. A. W. Jansen, and Mrs. J. P. Dorr, and by Messrs. S. H. Burnham and J. P. Wil liams, all singers well known to Lincoln; besides the regular quartet choir of the chuich, which at that time consistsd of Misses Peck aod DeWitt and Barnaby and Eddy. During the years between March 1886 and July 1, 1892, the following soloists were employed in the quartet of tbe choir: Sopranos Miss Ltllian Pe:k, Mrs. J. P. Dorr, Mrs. C. S. Lippincott, Mrs. Adolph Weber, Mrs. J. G. Wadsworth, Mrs. A. W. Jansen. Contraltos Miss Bertha DeWitt, Mrs. J. P. Dorr, Miss Carol Churchill, Mrs. A. S. Raymond, Mrs. Albert Watkins. Tenors E. H. Eddy, H. M. Leavitt, Oscar Easterday, Joseph Wurzburg. "Basses J. B. Barnaby, M. Haraaer. The soloists from January 1, 1894, to the present time are as follows: Sopranos Miss Clara Anderson, Miss Estelle Spanog'e, Miss Florence Woriey, Mrs.'R. A. Holyoke. Alto Miss Hatt'e Becker. Tenors Mr. Jcseph Wurzburg, (fre quently on special occasions.) Mr. Jucr gen Albers. Basse3 J. B. Barnaby, C. B. Smith. Mr. B. S. Lanworthy and C. F. Tucker have assisted during past year. It will be noted that Miss Hattie Becker has for some time filled the po sition of contralto soloist, her pleasir g vo!ce and unaffected manner giving sat isfaction to tho congregation of thh church as well a3 to those who have "heard occasional public performances of the choir. The chorus of this choir, organ ized upon Mrs. Raymonds return to tho position of organist in 1894, deserves an especial word of mention. Without their loyalty and faithful attendance at ardu ous rehearsals no performance would have been possible of the numerdus works of dignified character which have bjeh given in a public or semi-public manner In the past few years. Among the works, choral and for solo voices, which have been given I may mention the following: 'The Last Judgment" of Louis Spohr, "The Crucifixion" of Stainer, "The Mes siah" of Handel, "The Coming of the King" by Dudley Buck, besides numer ous song services devoted to the work of great composers. The personnel of this choir at present is as follows. choir of 1st congregational chcrch. Me3dame O. A. Andrews, W. Q. Bell, LandyCJark, ., Dr. Cotter, A. Dobson, O. P. Erlenborn, " T. J.Fiegenbaum, J. W. Francis, W.J.Kalo?, E. S. King, A. J. Wise. . 1