The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 27, 1897, Page 6, Image 6
THE COURIER i Wl H i I st. ft; i i.' Professional Direotoryt Telephones. Office Hours. Office 65j) ,-. . , ,, lOflir rooms 1S-19 (10 to It a.m. Dr. O. C. Reynolds nurr .. - ato5P m Re CCSl lltos. 144So.'J9thSt ) Sun. 3to5 0ffice 3-5 fW. L. DaytOD, M. D. J fflct-,ao street 1 ,0 to 1 DiMaPS of Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Res. 1321 C Street J2:30to5pm F ITlr "B1 D RVlPmHn " ( Office, room 19 Burr Bile 19 to 12 a.m. Office jjjlUI. C.W.DUWWm J 2nd floor S DENTIST. Res.25iSQt ) ltoSp.ra. (Dr. J. H. Tyndale J oraSSSii,"t0"" ' 9 to " " m I NOSE AND THROAT I f 2 to 5pm 10 A. Shoemaker, M.D.foatollllIi8twet 'Prof.of Obsteric8.Gjrneoolor. Medical! : - to ' M J Dept. Cotner University. (. J 7 to 8pm ) . . ( Office and Residence ) . office sjDr. F. B. Righter -j umist. ... Ofne..618,) .. f Office, Zehrung block....-) 0 to 10 am Dr. Ben j. F. Bailey ) 12 10 12-10 Ees....G71,) (Residence, 1313CBreet.. ) 2 to 4pm I Dr. J. 8. Iff CNay J Ofllc HOT. O street. 8 to 12 a m J J Kesidence, 2208 T street. . . J 1 to 5 p m Office. .?49, ? Dr. R. E. Gif fen 5 Office, Lansing I heatre ) 2 to S p m; a m Rfs 4G2.J l Residence 1821 F street j by appointment TZ ZTTZZ. , -, ) Office, Richards Bldg. ) Ruth M. WOOd, M. D. C (Cor. llth and Org.) ) Diseases of Women. ) Residence, 33G S 13th. ) Office.. 5:0. ) Louis N. Wente, D.D.S. I ffice. rooms s7 and Brow- StSSfiWS9ft1999(SXSiSXg ORGANDIES, DIMITIES, ETAMINES, JACONETS, PERCALES, MADRAS, BAXxOXJl-D, LAWNS, Etc. The finest and best on the market. An extraordinary assortment and --.:-- ;$, immense stock. Miller & Paine 2!E&2&5S MM IWjJ O. J. KING. Family Gr:roe. Wholesale and Retail. 1126 N STREET, - LINCOLN, NEB. B I SPECIAL AGENCY FOR HEALTH FOOD, 55 Which is gotten direct from the mills. Sardines of all kinds put (. yJi p in all sized boxes, lhe finest Mackerel. ANCHOVIES. DILL PICKLES. CAVIAR. Je (arr gest Jnz of (groceries in tle ($it fTJV Cash Only Gash Only. Cash Only. zssssssssssssi iiM!MAMirt f tillllllHOWtttWIW SOCIAL AND PERSONAL) nittmmiiiH ee The Cipital City Court, No. 23. Trite of B-n-Hur gave a mucicil entertain in ?nt, dance nn J banquet in the court rcons in H her block, "Monday evenirg. Fourteen dancing numbers followed the musical numbers. Music Oicbestra H. J. Rboies, 1 eaer. R 'citation ...Frel Christner, of Doane College Vocal Solo S. D. S:gourney UuitorSolo Ed. H. Wilkinson V.cilSoo Mies J-nnie Slade R citition Ocein Dailey Pi mo Solo Miss Maud Sigouraey Music Oichestra H J. Hhode, Leader. ' Master of Ceremojies J. J. Casstdy. Ctmmittee on Arrangements B. H. McCrealh, C. E. Wilkinson, Owen Mc Guire. Reception Conmitte Mrs. Watt, Mrs. J. M., Miss Mattie McNiih. Floor Committee F. O. Pierson, U. Hobson, Wm Rbertson.Jr. Door Lommit:e J. M. CorLin, M. L. Scott. Of the three or four sleighing parties that were out Thursday night theie was none merrier than the one om posed of Pleasant Hour club men and their lady friends. After an extensive ride ovei the city they drove to the Commercial club where an "elegact oyster 'supper awaited them. The paitv consiitedof the Misses Lila Alexander, Lil Tukey of Ojiaha, Mae Burr, Kathryn Brooks, Sadie BurKham, Marie Marshall, Olive Laiti and Clark; Missre. Mattwn Bald win, Ed H irton of Nebraska City. Jcs Mallalieu, Joe Mason, Will E. Clark, Htrry Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Woods. Lincoln Dry Goods Co., 1003 O street. A party of High school students gave a jolly bob-sled party Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Outcalt entertain ed the whist club at their borne on D street The members were all present and had their usual pleasant time. Af t;r the gimes dnioty refreshments were served to the following guests: Capt. and Mrs. Guilfoyle, Mrsuv. and Mes dames A. G. Beeson, R. J. Green, L. C. Burr, C. L. Burr, W. B. Hargreaves and Carl Funke. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hall have issued invitations for an "At Home' Wednes day evening, Mvch3rd, ta mtet Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Hiadmaa.. Busy! Well! Well! Lincoln Coal Co. The Rev. Louis Gregory, of the First Congregational chuich waa married on Thursday, February 25, in St. Louis to Mrs. S. U. Rtasdell. Mr. Cbaa. B. Gregory was present at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory returned to Lin coln on Friday. Will O'Shea, who was for many years well known in this city, both as a musi cian and a. magician. U saining consider able popularity In the east as a conjuror. He Is better known there under the mys tic name of William ZanettL His New York address Is 132 West Twenty-second street. ' Odd lots of Note Paper at 5 cents for 24 sheets, not 1-3 former price, also an odd lot of fine stationery at 10 cent 8 per quire, re duced from 20 cents. Leming Store, 1106 O. Henry C. Richmond, who lias been la Lincoln since the opening- of the legisla ture has retired from the editorship of the Red Cloud Nation. His partner, J. H. Walsh, will continue the publica tion. Mr. Richmond will probably begin newspaper work In Omaha at the clcse of the session of the legislature. During) his stay in Lincoln he has gained many friends, especially art or.g the newspaper fraternity, and tney all wish him success, Mr. Richmond was candidate for chief clerk of the house of representative?, but owing to disagreement of elements In his own congressional district he was de feated. CALL EARLY And inspect the greatest line of colored shirts ever shown in the west Armstrong Clothing Co. Prof. F. W. Card reports about flfteen students In the horticultural depart ment in the short course, and thirty in 'the agricultural department. The agricultural and dairy school stu dents will be required to drill. Prep arations are being made to furnish them with guns. There is now in bloom in the Univer sity greenhouse a beautiful species of yucca. The plant, which is a novrlry in this locality, a hundred 'miles west of here is very common in a smaller species. Canon Pea Coal, 8K.00. per ton, for co k stove. For sale by Gregory, llth and O. The legislature talks of appropriating $2,000 for the lady who had her eye shot out charter day. This is a very worthy action. No one can be blamed for the accident except the uianulnct urers of the blank cartridges. Th leg is'rture ought to holl the company re sponsible. Mr. H. M. Bushnell made an informal af dress to the members of tha journal--sin class at the State University Tues day morning on "Newspapers of the Spanish-American States." His talk was exceedingly inta-psting, since he is himself a journalist, and made his in vestigations while on a trip to Mexico and Central America in 1892. liz re marks were substantially as foil ws: The newspapers are as truly an index of the social condition of a country as are its statesmen. In the Spanish American states newspapers are wholly under government control. Thve is no such thing as a free press, free com ment on public matters, private affairs, or the policy of the government If a newspaper man says anything at which the government takes offen3s, he is promptly fined and his paper sup pressed at least temporarily. Local news and editorials, except as the government dictates, are unknown; but foreign liews, especially European, are in great demand. About nine tenths of the paper is advertising mat ter. Although less than 40 per cent of the inhabitants know how to rrad and, Call and see the pretty oval frames, fancy corners and tops' now coming- in. Crancer& Curtice Co." ". 2Q7 S. llth st; -: .- 5 -s 53 -mm ' -" m- -'$' 'Tff .WAJtn i& ': it" :4-: