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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1897)
4 THE COURIER. ? 4UUUMUMWIWiWWWy riFfFC T ATMlrlHL-iV--"--" B " JMm '" ' . I CLHBS- 1 eaS'SsS'sftsaasas-'aft Officers of the State Federation of Woman's Clubs. President, Mrs. B. M. Stoutenborough.PlattBmouth. Vice president, Mra. J. E. Keysor, 2724 Caldwell street, Omaha. Secretary, Mies Ve6ta Gray, Fremont. Treasurer, Mrs. M. P. Nichols, Beatrice. Auditor, Mrs. D. C. McKillip, Seward. Librarian, Mrs. G. M. Lambertson, Lincoln. Lincoln Clubs. KAME OF CLUB. I'BESIDENT. SECKETAUV. Athena Mrs. Will Green Mrs. Belle Hamilton BookReviflrf Mra. I.N.Baker. Mrs. Kelley Century Mrs. M. H. Garten Mrs. R. T. Van Brunt Faculty Club Mrs. Geo. E. Mac Lean Mrs. P. B. Burnett Fortnightly Mrs. C. H. Imboff Mrs. C.H. Gere HallinGrom Mrs. H. M. Bushnell Mrs. Walter Davis Lotus Mrs. J. L. McConnell Mrs. J. R. Clark MatiBee'Musicale Mrs. D. A. Campbell Mrs. J. W, Winger Sorocis Mrs. A. J.Sawyer., Mrs. J. E. Miller Sorosis, Jr Mrs. Wsa.T. Stevens Mrs. Frod Shephard Wednesday Afternoon The hostess acts as president . . Mrs. Robert Wilson Woman's Club Mrs. A. A. Scott Mrs. J.L. Parsons Y.W.C. A. Magazine Club.... Miss Wild OFFICERS OF THE CITY FEDERATION. President, Mrs. Geo. L. Meissner, 1520 D street. Firet vice president, Mrs, Ida Kelley, 839 North Twenty-third street. Second vice-president, Mrs. H. H. Wheeler, 1517 H street. Recording secretary. Miss Laura Wild, 141 South Twelfth street. . Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Milton Scott, 202 South Thirty-third street. Treasurer, Mrs. C. R. Richardp, C21 North Sixteenth street. Olive Latta and Tukey of Omaha. Messrs. Fred White, C. Y. Smith, Homer Honeywell, Will Stull, Guy Hurlbut and A. H. Black of Chicago. CURED and Y. W. C. A. -OTES. The Tuet day evening bible clats is be- Rheuma ism, Eczema, Kidney Stomach Trouble. It is but the truth to say that hund reds of people suffering from the above and other diseases have been cured or greatly benefitted by the use of the medicinal waters at Hot Springs, S. D. If you are interested address for par ticulars. A. S. Fieldine, City Ticket ing well attended. About fifty have Agent ortn-western Lane, m souin been present at the first two meetings. Tenth street, Lincoln, Neb. tf first lecture of the Next Tuesday the course will be given by Dr. Halstead, paBtor of St Paul's church, upon "The Book of Job, an Interpretation." There is no admission fee but a voluntary col lection is taken to defray expenses. Say Boys! We have just received 243 dozen new Spring stiff and soft hats, they are on our second Next Sunday afternoon there will be lOOf, Call and inspect, the second talk of a series upon "The Balance of Christ's Character," topic liberal and conservative. With refer ence, also, to the pioneer of educat'on for women, Mary Lyon, whose 100th birthday will be celebrated quite ex tensively next Sabbath. Miss Becker will sing. The magazine club meets next Wed nesday evening. Mrs. Elmen will re view the magazines for the month and Miss Snyder will give the more import ait current events. All are welcome. Thursday afternoon occurs the third federation meeting of all the Christian associations of the city. The meeting will be held at Mrs. L. C. Richards' home on R street. Armstrong Clothing Co. The Capital hotel is offering the best table and service in the 6tate. For leg islators, business men and private fami lies it is unexcelled. Centrally located. 82 a day. R. W. Johnson, Prop. First publication January 30. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT by virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third Judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county. In an action wherein Newport Savings Bank, a corporation, duly organized, existing and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the state of New Hamp shire, is plaintiff, and Ernest A. Jones, et al., defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., ou ths 2nd day of March, A. D. 1897, at the east door of the court house, in the city nf Lincoln, Lancaster county, The New Book Review club met Mon day afternoon at 3 with Miss Gibson. Miss Julia Boyle was leader and an in- Nebraska, offer for cale at public auction teres ting program was devoted to a day the following described real estate to with Richard Harding Davis. wit n bIocb inree of, in ijidcoih unving ram vsuui pany's second sub-division, all in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand tnis zun day Mattson H. Baldwin pleasantly enter- of January, A. D., 1897. Sheriff. The national federation of clubs for 1893 will be held in Omaha. tained the Bucyru? mandolin clubTues day evening. After the practice and business meeting refreshments were served in the billiard room. The re mainder of the evening was devoted to soc'al intercourse. Miss Ho'en Nance was voted a mem ber of the club. Those present were Mrs. F. W. Smith, and Mrs. A. Hurlbutt; the Misses Henrietta Hollowbush. Floi 2 27 BURLINGTON ROUTE PLAYING CARDS. Those elegant cards of the very best quality only 15c per deck. For sale at B. fc M. Dopot or city ticket office, cor ner Tenth and O etreets. 4 WANTED Apprentic One with ex Derience in setting type for newspaper. ence Farwell, Mae Burr, Jessica Morgan, Call at Courier office. JOHN DOWDEN, Jr., Manager. MUSICAL EVENT OF THE SEASON One Night Only. FRIDAY, MARCfl 5 , si --. AMERICAN TOUR OE 1896 AND 1897 GoixxtJ MADAME CAMILLA UBS0 Q HE GREAT VIOLIN VIRTUOSA, ASSISTED BY Miss Alixixiie Ietlaot, soprano Mr. Edwin H. Douglass, TENOR and Itffi. Geo. H. 'Wsly Under the management of FREDERIC LUERE Prices..$l.00, 75c, 50c ard 25c, Seats on sale Wednesday at 10 a. m. at Theater Box Office. Secure vour seats earlv FRANK C. ZEHRUNG, Manager. THURSDAY, MARCH 4 THE EMINENT ACTOR MORRISON In his entirety New and Reconstructed Sublime Scenic and Dramatic Production of EVERY SCENE EVERY COSTUME EVERY PROPERTY NEW THE WONDERFUk "bROGKEN" SCENE Embellished with Flashes of GENUINE LIGHTNING Seats on sale TtfesDay, 10 A. M. Prloes-'$1.00, , 50 and 25. THE COURIER - $2 PER YEAR