The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 27, 1897, Page 12, Image 12

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THE courier:
We would walk down the street ft little
farther aadABethertfrieid (generally of
the family) would stop ub.
"So you're goin' to the mountains?'
"J think kj."
-Got a job out there?"
"Nothing in particular."
"Just goin' for fun?"
"Gracious, how can you afford it these
times? 'Pears to me you'd be stayin'
home helpin your father in the store,
'stead of trapsin' out there."
Will and Jim stood it until Thursday
and then in desperation left me to suffer
alone. Will went to Lincoln and Jim to
Crete. Where they said they would
-visit until I came along. I had to re
main at home for the pastes. ''
Saturday came, and Sunday and Mon
day, and still no passes. Then I wrote
to mylrailroad friend about it.
I was still harassed by friendly quee-'
itoners. But now it was a different talk
I had'to' manufacture.
"Why, "Mart, you here?" they would
say. "Thought you were in Denver.
Haven't seen Jim and Will around.
Ain't you going?"
"Oh, yet," I would reply, convincingly,
"only, you see, I've got some collections
to make and this little trip gives me a
hance to gather them in. Will' "at
Lincoln and Jim's at Crete. They're
waiting for me to come along and then
well make time."
It was not exactly a lie and it satisfied
their curiosity for a time.
In a day or two I received letters from
the fellows asking what was detaining
me. I told them to keep cool as I would
be along in a day or two. And then I
began to stay around home more. I was
not anxious to meet my friends.
J couldn't avoid them all, however,
especially the old ladies of the neighbor
hood, who alwayB did take a lively in--terest
to me and my affairs.
"Seems to me you'll never take that
trip," they would say. "Are the boys
still waiting for you?"
"No," I would reply, smoothly, "they 're
gone on ahead. Tou see, I'm detained
by some business. So I told them to go
on and I'd join them in Denver."
That was a little bigger and wrung my
conscience somewhat. But I was get
tiag as hardened as a tax collector.
All this time I kept my younger
brother on the run to the poslofflce. He
happened to know.what was the matter
and thought it his brotherly duty to
clear things up for an inquisitive public.
It took what little money I had collected
te keep him suppressed.
Oa Saturday, just a week later than
we had intended to start, the suspense
ended. My brother brought me three
letters. Will wrote from Lincoln that if
I didn't "get a curve on me" he'd have
to come home dead broke. Jim said be
was getting tired of' waiting and if I oid
not show up by Sunday noon he woald
aet out alone.
The third letter was the paraiizer. It
was from my friend in the employ of the
railroad company. He wrote that the
yarn coald not be procured that
"three brothers of his" was too big a
dodce to work on the unsuspecting corporation.
That Bight after dark I slipped over to
the telegraph office and wired the boys
as follow:
"Passes N. G. Take late train home.
Another plan.''
Then I went back to the hoase,
worked like a trooper and met the boys
at the train with a covered wagon and
No, we did not make the trip over
land. We simply went tea miles up the
Platte sad forded to an island. There
we camped two weeks, fishing and swim
Buag aad stttdyisg bb ob Colorado
Attheeadof the Uaie we drove the
ftesafBome at sight. Then we walked
to a little town a few miles up the rail
road and came in on the train early the
next morning.
And no tourists ever told bigger
stories of the mountains or had more
experiences to relate than we three,
even it we didn't have a single specimen
to show for the trip.
t First publication Feb. G.)
Notice is hereby given, That by virtue
of an order of sale issued by the clerk of
the district court of the Third judicial
district of Nebraska, within and for
Lancaster county, in an action wherein
John Bugbee is plaintiff, and Marie B.
Thomas et ah, defendants, I will, at 2
o'clock p. mn on the 9th day of March.
A. D. 1897, at the east door of the court
house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster
county, Nebraska, offer for sale at pub
lic auction the following described real
estate, to-wit:
That the principal place of transact
ing business is Lincoln, Nebraska. The
nature and character of the business to
be transacted is the whole-sale drug
business; the buying and selling of
drugs of all kinds and such other and
different merchandise, such as paints,
oils, wines, liquorer cigars, paper, toilet
articles, glass, and any and all kinds of
goods, wares and merchandise whatso
ever, as usually accompany the conduct
of a whole-sale drug business.
All of lots numbeted seven (7) and
eight (8), in block one (1), in Kinney's"0"
etreet addition to Lincoln, Lancaster
county, Nebraska.
Gives under my hand this ,4th day of
February, A. D. 1897.
John J. Troupes,
3-6 - Sheriff.
r"-v" "" -jt- ,TU', . - '
t . ... 1 - '
iSnlnlio-Saline; Sanitarium, Cor. I-itlx and M!
All Kinds of Baths Scientific, Masseurs. A Deep Sea Pool, 50x142 feet.
Drs. Everett, Managing- Physicians.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain, free, whether an lnrentlon 1
probably patentable. Communications strictly
coBfldentlaL Oldest ajrency for securing; patents
tn America. We bare a Washington omce.
Patents taken taroujrn Musn a Co. recelrs
seel I notice in toe
besatlfally illustrated, largest circulation of
any sdeBnSc Journal, weekly, terms SUX) a year;
fUOsts aontfca. bpedmen copies and Hand
Book ox Hatextb sent free. Address
JB1 BrMSssv. KewYark.
to stmts tea,
Wanted-Hn Idea
says. WsitisrrTP. C. fat their tiMjgtm
JMtBst cC W kuartfl la'
neaiwiis w
u 4 5
AmsJiI AjMisMflsBt
The readers of this paper will be
pleasedto learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages and
that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure now known to
.he medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatement. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting, directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby
destroying the foundation of the disea
se, and giving the patient strengtn
by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work
The proprietors have so much faith in
its curative powers, that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case that
it fails to cure. Send for list of Testi
Address, F.J. CheketACo., Toledo
OIuo. Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
First pub. Jan. 30.
Notice is hereby given. That by virtue
of an order of sale issued by the clerk of
the district court of the Third Judicial
District of Nebraska, within and
for Lancaster county, in an
action wherein Egbert Starr, trustee, is
plaintiff, and Louis Snyder, et. al.,
defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on
the 2nd day of March. A. D. 1897, at the
east door of the court house, in the city
of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction the fol
lowing described real estate to-wit:
Lot ten (10), of block four (4), of Mc
Murtry's addition to the city of Lincoln,
Lancaster county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 27th day
of January, A.D., 1897.
John J. Trompen,
2-27 Sheriff.
1129 0 Street,
T. J TTIxoitp tite Co.,
In a branches. -
tsftlriag dose as Neat aad Cea.pefe
All kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITH ST,
MAohlnist and General Bepalr Work. LTNOOLH. .
(FirttpubKeatioaiTTebruary 13.)
In the district court, Lancaster county
George Brown, Plaintiff,
Fred Pauley, Lena Pauley, Alexis
Halter, Mary J. Halter, The Clark &
Leonard Investment company and
James P. Walton, Defendants.
To Fred Pauley. Lena Pauley, Alexis
Halter and Mary J. Halter:
Tou and each of yoa will take notice
that on the 19th day of January, 1897,
George Brown, plaintiff herein, hied his
petition in the district- court of Lancas
ter county, Nebraska against said de
fendants, the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex
ecuted by the defendants. Alexis Halter
and Mary J. Halter, to the Clark &. Leon
ard Investment company, and assigned
to plaintiff and now owned by him. Said
mortgage is upon lots seven (7) and eight
(8) in Mock three (3) in University addi
tion to Lincoln, Lancaster county, Ne
braska, and was given to secure the pay
ment of a certain promissory note in the
sum of six hundred dollars, dated Jan
uary 8th, 1892, and due January 1st
1897, now due axd payable. Plaintiff
prays for a foreclosure of said mortgage,
and for a deficiency judgment, should a
deficiency remain after applying the
proceeds of the sale of said mortgaged
premises to the payment of said debt,
against the defendants Fred Pauley,
Lena Pauley, Alexis Halter, Mary J.
Halter and the Clark & Leonard Invest
ment company.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 29th day of March,
1897. George Bkowx, Plaintiff,
By Abbott, Selleck A Lane, Att'ys.
Feb. 10th, 1897. 3-6
Mis3 Anna Dick, modiste, has moved
her rooms to 1318 O street.
Lirxcolrv Neb
as fresa tha Factories at hari that
CVfM B UlCas.lV-'
Weak Msmorr. Lou of Bnla P.immm
Wakefulness, Las YMalKjr, SIhUr Bads!
slesjs. rrtl dreams. Impeteney ana wasttnc diseases esasec by
asnyaIrors or excesses. Contains no opiates. Is aerra teali
a6aalMerb MakestbepaleaadMnystrnBcandplaap.
sald.lfk a rrttaeriatemrmiey seeded. Writ .
. sealed elain lauunr. wiia tiMinakn
Swuienlatan'llnsT: AVicftsrssfitrrniuiiitafimu. mtmmnmf tmtt
Mi0mM.mmmawmmwvmvmKwmM9imMmM&vm i