8 THE COURIER,, ' f l m THEATRICAL NOTES fr, rfTTV wtJv im&&i k:-csis' -o'.- rok-. m j7T40? KOV7 $94- W- The Henshaw & Ten Broc ck cempany in that popular musical comedy, "The Nabobs." played to a fair business Sa' urday aftemcoa and evening, February 6th. The company was excellent, and the music particularly fo. Mr. Henshaw in the character of Ho will J. Dodge, dis played his originality and hisifferves cent comedy to great advantage. May Ten Broeck is well known and as Mrs. Dodge acted and sang well. The work of Frank David, as Potter, as particularly good. Tne textette from Lucia de Uinmcrraour was a gem in a musical way, and Mies Charlotta and Sophia Witts did some exceedingly good dancing. On the whole the per formance was exceptionally clever and the audiences were well pleased. The company plays another ngagement in three weeks and will doubtlcsi be greet ed with a crowded house, which it eo richly di serves. A new comic opera star heading a company bearing his name and appear ing in a new opera whiih proved itself to be an attractive one, was Uuncbed so successfully last s-ason. t' at the mana gers of simiar companies imaieSia e'y admitted that it was wortby of rank withtbiir own productions. This was the Frank Daniels Opera company in -The Wizard of the Nile," which will receive its first product on in tMs lity at the Lansing theatre tonight for one rtijbtonly. Frank Daniels has long been a suc cessful cmrdy star at tve hed of bis own company, and las been s en fre quent'y here in many pNys, the bat re membered of which were "A Kag Baby," in whiih he p'ajed Old Si ort, who want ed -to grasp the hand tvat gra-ped Sul livan's,'" ind later I is quaint creation of "LittePucr. But it remained for his present managemeLt to discover his de- sire and captbility to thine in the realms of com'c opera, and 1 1 prove the correct ness c.f his judgment and tbeir own by making uf it an ac oiiplisheJ fact. Tie b;stknowncolal orators in comic opera we.e secure J ti provide the vehicle, and a carefu ly si'ected company en2ag d in 6-.ippo:t of M'. Daniels The subject of the op'ra gve scope t) the art stand ths co6tumer to revel in schemes of color and design, and t e new bidd' rs for pub lic favor gave such unstinted la'itudc to them, that the first se.son was br ught to a close wituout a break in i s contin uous success and resultant financial pro fit Harry B. Smith of 'Robin Hood" fame, is s id to have supplie I the best cojB"dy lit re to tha p olific author has yet wri ten, and the music of V Cor Herbert was spokt n of as possessing mu sical merit and melody. Since last Bea ton the joung ra nagers. La Shelle A. Clark, have been still .further overjryed at the result of their first year as oper atic managers by the success "Ihe Wizard" has gained acrcss thes'a. On September 28th it was given at the Carl theatre, Vienna, in tho German lan guagethe first time this has ever be n accorded to any American opera. It is still demonstrating its success there. In the ear'y t pring, according to a contract already executed, it will be presented at the Prince of Wa'es thratre, London, with Arthur Roberts in the tit'e role, and 6ooa thereafter it wi 1 bi given in Sydney by the Australian manage n Williamson & Musgrave. No opera since The W ikado"' has been compl mented by production in so ma' y quar ers of the globe and in so nuny linguages, for, in addition to the ab ve, it is said that a French rroduction is alto under advisement New scent ry and costumes weresuppiei. 3 ho cast of principal was held unchanged, save that Miss Edna Thornton, a young Californian, who has br en for to years under care ful instruction abroad, was engaged for the role of Cleopatra. Louise Royce, Wal er Allen. Leonard Wa ker. Louis Casavant and Greta Risley ho'd their original roles, and the chorus which waa one of the attractive features cf the per formance, contains the same pret y faces and fresh voices of last season, and are said to present the same marve'ous precision in their work, which unusual feature was due to the effor s of the musical director. Mr. Frank Pallma, who is still with the company. Prices, 81.50, 1 00. 75, 50 and 2cc Se cure your teats early as they are now on sale at box office and indicat'ons point to the largest house of the season to welcome Lincoln's favorite, Mr. Danie's, after three years absence. Englishmen as a rule do n t admit that Americtn irs itutions are sup rior to the Biit sh article. Fitzrqy Gardner, manager of Beerlohm Tree, is an excep tion. He says i he American Lewspap r is far mora indispensable to success in theatrical affairs than are lb. a English journbls. I wish,"' he said, " hat the London dailies would pay as much atlenlnn to diamatic affa'rs as the:r contemporaries on this s'de do. I am not referring to criticisms, for I have no complaint to make on that t core, but to the columns of gossip and comment which you Amer icans publish, that's the material that keeps public int'rest alive. "In London," he continued, "the great newspapers will give an exhaustive and well writ en review of a new produc ion, but then they are practica ly dote wiih youuntl jou produce soint thing else. With us, owing to the numterof long runs we rtak", we get a criticism about once in a blue moon and comparatively no'hing to attract at ention to us in tho meantime. A manager might get along without the press in England, but never in the United States." a The production of "A Lady of Quality"' has been jostponed until next season. Daniel Frohmtn ana Mrs. Burnett cou'd not agree upon a suitable par y for .he leading part. Next week, beginning Monday, Feb rcary 15 h, tie Moore-Livingston com pany will hold the boards of the Funke opera bouse. This company is the best repertoire company in the country-and has ntver been weBt before. Ihey A Tj?1i to California AND RETURN. On March 31, 1897, "The Courier" will award to the person who sends in the greatest number of sub scribers, a first-class ticket to the Pacific Coast and return. The award to be made under these conditions: All Subscriptions One Month Two Months Three Months Four Months Six Months One Year Everyone but the Successful Competitor wilt receive 40 per cent Commission on each cash sub scription, so that no one will lose his time. First publication Jan. 16. SHERIFF SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of the third judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action wherein E. E. Ljle is plaintiff and Olof BIomBtrom, et al., defendants, I will, at 1 o'clock p. m.. on the 16th day of February, A. ., 1897, at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: The south half (e) of the southwest quarter (s w J) of the northeast quarter (n e ) of section two (2), in township twelve (12), north of range seven (7), east of the sixth P. M., in Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand thiB 14th day of January, A. D., 1897. John J. Trompen. 213 Sheriff. (First publication Feb. 6.) SHERIFF SALE. Notice is hereby given. That by virtue of an order of sale, issued by the Clet k of the District Court of the Third Judi cial District of Nebraska, withiu and for Lancaster County, in an action wherein John H. Fisher is plaintiff, and Sophie M. Swan, et al defendants. I will at 2 o'clock P. M.. on the 9th day or March, A. D. 1897, at the East door of the Court House, in the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auc tion the following described Real Estate, to-wit: Lot eight (8), of block one hundred fifty-four (154) in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county. Nebraska. Given under my band this 4th day of February, A. D. 1897. John J. Trompen, 3-6 Sheriff. She My feet are like ice. He Ice doed come in large cake?. 1 vote... 3 votes . , 5 votes . 7 votes . 15 votes . 40 wv 70 1.00 .35 votes 2.00 I AMERICAN EXCuMuE NJUIOMI 81 LINCOLN, NEB. I.M. RAYMOND, A.J. SAWYER President. Vice President 8. H. BURNHAM. D. G. WING Caihier. Aritnt Catnier CAPITAL, $250,000 SURPLUS $25 000 Directora-I.M. Raymond, 8. H. Rnrnbam C. G.Dawea. A. J. Sawyer, Lewia Greco ry N Z Snell, G M Lambertaon. D O Wine, 3 W Bars ham. ctov Actual time traveling. 31 hours to Salt Lake. 61 hours to Sn Francisco. ,. 68 hours to Portland. 7 77 houis to Los Angeles. FROM LINCOLN, NB City office, 1044 O street. Hewit' I hear that jour wire hts eloped. Jewitt Yes; but it was not a great loss. I aid the minister only 15.00 o: her. a!J3U'3i t. jiiiUiW'Biil"tt.JM.ir,lHMtl,r