THE COURIER. II I 1R II I, fISIl I 6LUB8. OKFICKKS OF THE STATK FEDEItATION OK woman's CLUBS. Pn sklent, Mrs. B. M. Stougbtenbor ough, Plattsmouth. Vice-president, MrF. J. E. 2724 Caldwell street, Omaha. Secretary, Miss Vetta Gray, Fremont. Treasurer, Mrs. M. F. Nichols, Be atrice. Auditor, Mrs. D. G. MeKillip, Seward. Librarian, Mrs. G. M. Lambertson, Lincoln. Keysor OFFICERS OF THE CITY FEDERATION. President, Mrs. Geo. L. Meissner, 1520 D street. First vice president, Mrs. Ida Kelley, 839 Noith Twenty-third street. Second rice-president, Mrs. H. II. Wheeler. 1517 H street. Recording secretary, Miss Laura Wild, 141 South Twelfth street. Corresponds g secretary, Mrs. Milton Scott, 202 South Thirty-third street. Treasurer, MrB. C. R. Richardf, C21 North Sixteenth street. y. w. c. A. NOTES. Mies Co'iklin. teacher of French in the State university, will talk to the Magazine club next Wednesday evening upon some of her experiences in Europe. AH iiiteiested wil? be welcome. The Friday evenings "at home" have been very successful of late. Oa 'ha 5th about forty tive girls enjoyed a candy pull, varied with music atjd recitations. On the 12th a Silhouette party was given. On the 20 h there will be a Washington's Birthday entertainment, a little past the dale but still in honor of the father of his country. Mrs. F. M. Hall will give an hour with theste-eop ticon, stowing some of the viewB sLe secured abroad last summer. Pruf. Hagenow will give the music for hn evening, and an ice will be served. An admission fee of ten cents will be asked for the sbke of raising mocey to secure table linen which is mtch needed. This entertainment is to be given by the lunch and ro ms commtt'ee. On Sundiy there will be a union meeting of all the associations of the vicinity at the rooms, 141 South Twelfth street. The State university. Wesleyan Lincoln Normal and Cotner are invited to meet with the city association. The subject will be "Today, Tomorrow and the Day Following." Miss Wild is to be the leader and Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson will conduct the singing a3 UBual. Miss Giiggs, M 8? Redford and the Wesleyan voung ladies quartet willaessist. After coon tea will be served from 5 ULtil C o'clock and a good tim is anticipated All ladies who wish elation and benefit themselves at the same time can do so by buying a few yards of the "Brush Skirt Protector" at Miller & Paine's. It outlastB three or dinary bindings and is leccmmended Vv-ry highly. ' NEW CLASSES IN 111ULE STL'DV. Tuesday evening a tecond meeting was called of those interested in forming a Bib e Training Class for Sunday Bchool UacherB. Dr. J. F. Sterens, Mrs. E. F. Tuc ter. Prof. T. M. Hodgman and J. E. Miller bad been appointed at the previ ous meeting as a committee to draw up Boraejlanand report. Frof. Hodgman gave in the report in the absence of Dr. Sterens. The committe recommended an inductive course of study on the Book of Acts with Miss Wild as instruct or. Tnis plan was adopted aud the fol lowing is the outline or study which has been prepared: An inductive study of the Book of Acts, to learn how to study the Bible without "helps" carried along two main lines of investigation, (1), the Develop ment of the Church, showing how the church advanced from Jerusalem as a cen'r with Paul bb the chief figure; (2), A Character Study of the Apostles and Disciples, so that at the end each one shall have a clear picture of the most prominent personB in the book as por trayed by its author. This course will take up the Book of Acts as a whole but it will be the purpose of the leader to embrace in the section studied the les son for the following Sabbath as given in the International Series. Some one of the beat primary teachers of the city will be asked to present the lesson for that department at the closo of the in ductive work. A series of special lec tures has been provided to take the p'ace of the lessen the first week in each month. March Dr. Halstead, the Book of Job; An Interpretation, showing how to analyze and grasp the contents of a whole bcok. April -Prof. Besjey, Evolution and the Bible. May Prof. Sherman, Inteipreting the Bible as Literature. June Pror. Luckey, The Importance of Child Study to the Sunday School Teacher. A small fee will be charged for the course but the first lesson next Tues day evening will be free to all interested. The cla;3 will meet at 7:30 at the Y. W. O. A. rooms, 141 South Twelfth street. The following is an outline of the first Iessn: An Introduction to the Study of Acts, 1. The method to be used. 2. The purpose of the book. .'!. Cii'icisms of tho book. 4. Consideration of the first section, c h ipters 1-7. Sjrosis met February 9th with Mrs. Lees. A larga number or the members and visitors gave closest attention to Mrs. Hartley's paper on "What Under takings for the Benefit of the Public Can Best be Managed by the Municipal ity." She prefaced her history of what had been accomplished in many Euro pean cities by saying that all new move ments probably passed through three stages. First, they were absurd; second, they were contrary to the teachings of the Bible; third, we always believed in them. After the facts, not vision, given concerning food inspection, baths, gym nasium, savings banks, lodging and wash houses, water pupply, lighting, rapid transit, tenements, art galleries, assem bly halls, etc., it seems impossible for us to do otherwise than place ourselves to assist the asso- among those who have arrived at the Professional Directory. Telephones. Ollico . Res.... va 6M j-Dr. O. C. Reynolds lOnico rix.iin IS-19,. J Hnrr liWk f Kr. IllSo.SltliSt.. Oflieo Hourn. ltd to IS a.m. J- Ut3. nt. . i Sun. a to.i omce 375 W. L. Tayton, M. D. jOlltcc.iaoOStroet not. t I DUcases of Ejo, Ear, Xoso ami Throat I I!m. ISM C Strrrt "M to 5pm onic. 4Dr- F-D- Sherwln I DENTIST. I Ollico. room 19 Hurr Hlk 1 9 to 12 a J 'nil ll.uir I Mtes. 2T.IS Q at ) 1 to 5 i. m. t Dr. J. H. Tyndale i NOSE AND THROAT Ollicp. rooms 9 ami 10. I.nnsiunTheiitro 19 to 11:31a m I 2 to 3pm OITice.. 018, Res.... 01 i Dr. Benj. F.Bailey) Office, Zehrung block ) !) to 10 a m C Ro-id;nce, 1.113 ( ; block.... ) ! to 10 am f. 12 to 12:.'M ICB'rect. . ) 2to4p'm I Dr. J. S. McNay (Oflic llftlOs'reet I Kesidence, 2203 T street. :! 8 t 12 a nt 1 to ." p nt Office.. .m Dr. R. E. Giffen RB....402, Ollice. Lansing I heatre ) 2 to ;" p m; a m Residence 18JI V street J by appointment Ruth M. Wood, M. D. I ) Diseases of Women. ) Oflke, Richards Bldg. (lor. iitn ami Residence, 3.10 S Hldg. ) Oss.) C 13th. ) Office. .oTO. ) LOUiS N. Wente, D.D.S-1 Office, rooms 20. 27 and 1, Brow ) ) nell B.'ock. 137S 11th Street. SV?: e FANCY SILKS ARE IX DEMAXD FOR FULL SUITS, FOR WAISTS. FOR SKIRTS, FOR TRIMMING. IT IS EXPECTED THAT THIS WILL BE THE BEST SEASON FOR SILKS WE HAVE KX0WX FOR MANY YEARS. We are now showing the latest and best the market affords. We invite you to come this week, Miller & Paine 1 SsX?sSXSa iis3s third stage. When we cease to act ac cording to "our divine right to do as we please" it is to be hoped American cities will try these reforms already tested abroad. The club will meet with Mrs. Barbour, 1724 L street, February 23, Mrs. Hodgman will lead, her subject be ing "Arctic Exploration."' The Woman's club of York met Mon day afternoon, February 8, from 2 to 5 o"c!ock with Mrs. N. V.Harlan. Amon" the other items of business the club, by vote, decided to join with the three Wg other clubs of York in a city federation, lV7t the president of which is Mrs. D. E. Sedgwick. The federation is to hold an open meeting one evening each month with program consisting of numbers from each club. The history Ics3on was on "Greek History and Historians." The literary- program subject, "Home," was thorough- SSSSSSSaSsSSsSc I r11 O. J. KING. Wholesale ard Retail. H26 N STREET, - LINCOLN, NEB. SPECIAL AGENCY FOR HEALTH FOOD. M Which is gotten direct from the mills. Sardines of all kinds put 7 up in all sized boxes. 1 he finest Mackerel. 'j ANCHOVIES. DILL PICKLES. CAVIAR. Wc arn? Rest Line of ftroecrics in f iv iio ! - v i'V:. ; Gash Only. Cnsh Dniu ffl ...j,. ym Cash Only Only. (5) i I i !' i v I I i !- l M Cjntinued on page J0.J Illmi 1 G8&W.tiJ&-.i k miimxsmsxszri 3KPS