THE COURIER. the first time the full consciousness of whit rat there came upon him. A thrill of natural pity tempered his repulsior. He had known that ehe suffered from a disease of the heart. "Poor Martha! Who knowa who knowa if you hare not died far me, after all?" was his murmur, egotistical eren in that moment of recognition. He wished to kiss her, but he could not. He backed out of the door, shut it softly, and hurled himBelf toward the house to call the servants. Rando.n Notes. When Mr. Bryan in the recent cam paign waa making the untruthful state ment that his nomination for the preai dency was the first instance where this f g recognition had been' bestowed on any one in the Trans-Missouri country, and was promising bo much for the west in case he was elected, he succeeded in arousing considerable interest and en thusiasm among the people of the west. Visions of government salaries Ho 1 ted before the gaze of western free silrcrites and hopes were entertained that in the event of Mr. Bryan's election the west would at last get a president who would give that great section its just due. But Major McKinlny, who made no promises; has undoubtedly gone farther in the recognition of the west than Mr. Bryan would hare done. Thus far he has ex hibited an unprecedented consideration for this ambitious section of the coun try. It is a eingular fact that at this writing every office that has been prom ised, from secretary of state to door keeper of the White House, has been allotted to the west. The east is just beginning to realize that it has thus far got nothing, and is likely to receive but little, and as might be expected, under the circumstances, something of a pro test is going up. e There was a hope, at first, that Tom Reed of Maine might be appointed sec retary of state. When that was seen to be impossible the anti Piatt republicans in New York brougtit out Wbitelaw Heid. There was such a lusty bowl from the naacatee that the candidacy of the New York editor was not pushed, and then the east gave up all hope of getting the secretary of state. This portfolio out of reach the east began to look out for the treasury appointment. Cornelius N. Bliss of New York, whs the only man who could b i found who was acceptable to both factions in that state, and Mr. .Bliss waa offered the place. To the sur prise of everybody, he declined. Then Senator Nelson W. Aldrich of Rhode Island was talked of for the treasury. He would not listen to it and so all hope of keeping this office in the east was given up. The east had candidates for secretary of war and secretary of agri culture, bat it was compelled to take a back seat for Michigan and Iowa. The east had not brought out a candidate or comptroller of the currency, because it was not thought that that appoint ment would be made for some time. But along comes C G. Dawes and takes that in. So it look, just now, as if the west were getting not only its share, but everything. Surely the west will be in it.with the coming administration. Since Mr. Bryan entered national politics he has suddenly manifested a sporting tendency. Tne symptoms are the same as were observable in the early stages of Mr. Cleveland's greater career that commenced after he was governor of New York. Whether the case will develop into anything like the chronic Cleveland complaint it is diffi cult to say; but it may. Mr. Cleveland has found his sporting mania a handy thing to have about the house. When a "high bora colored lady" yclept a queen, came to Washington with aw kward pro posale it was a fine thing to slip into a ducking coat and slide out of the back door of the White House, and on many ether occasions when something or r - - - a - - - - w - - Sulpho-Saline Soitariiirita, Cor. I-tlx and 3VE. All Kinds of Baths Scientific, Masseurs. A Deep Sea Pool, 50x142 feet. . Drs. Everett, Managing- Physicians. somebody was to be avoided, that duck shooting subterfuge was convenient to a degree. Mr. Bryan goes cut o shoot ducks after the second collapse of his lecture tour, and having once acquired the habit it will be a very easy matter hereafter to slide out of embarrassing situations by chasing ducks. It is said that no man of destiny ever shot ducks. Napoleon did not know duck from a michete, and the other men who have played the destiny role wern better at shooting their fellow men than they were at bringing down durk. So Mr. Bryan in his chosen part of a man of destiny, is taking dangerous liberties with precedent. Somehow this pastime does not seem in accord with Mr. Bry "an's character. So far as I know it is the only really trivial thing he has ever done. Heretofore the job of holding up the nation has been about as much as his atlas shoulders cou!cL stand, and he has not been inclined to give heed to the playthings of life. May be Mr. Bryan has become convinced that the world and society will go on even if he does relax a little. It this is so, he has made great progress. The Trans-MifsTssippi exposition is beginning to attract attention in the eist. Every man who comes from Ne braska, or Omaha particularly, has a story to tell of the wonderful glories of the big ahow that is to be, and these stories find their way into print, and the show is advertised. It is not noticeable that people who come to New York from Lincoln are wildly enthusiastic over the exposition. Why is this? Is Go to PWVttflS 5 Sti00H Iior" Sllp-peirs, Etc. 1129 0 Street, :-: Lircolr Neb T. J Thorpe dto GENERAL BICYCLE BEPATRKRS In a branches. - Repairing done aa Neat and Complete as from the Factories at harm1 tte All kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITH ST. Machinist and General Repair Work. LINCOLN. heed the signal Many person take a variety of remedies and try manv novel procedures to reduce their weight We do not refer to these. If you have been in fair health, with a normal it because of the lack of representatives amount of flesh, and yet have been losing weight of late, in the management? surely Lincoln inere is someunng wrong, jli mere is an mnented ten dency to weak lungs; if your cold hangs on, or if you are weak, without appetite, losing color, and easily exhausted : neea i, promptly. has received this sort of treatment from Omaha for so long that she ought to be used to it by this time. It cannot be that anybody in Lincoln hoped to have a voice in the direction of the exposi tion. It is the province of the people of Lincoln to stand up for Nebraska while the people of Omaha occupy all the cushioned chairs. W. Morton Smith. this loss of flesh is the sijmal of distress. Scotia &nvulsteru of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites, comes to the rescue, because it supplies a peculiar food in a pleasant and easily Now thatr said the American visitor digested form. This oil has medicinal properties not found being shown about the fine m any otner rat ; while the hypophosphites have sustaining ih mansion, "is. I presume, a and life-giving properties of their own. Don't let yourself get tnin. .. fBCUkandtiabotU. SCOTT A BOWNE, Ckiabta, Ntw York. Aa old master, as he was old English very valuable painting. is it not?" "No 6ir, begging your pardon, sir," replied the butler, "it's the old missis." Millie Charlie Lovelace is a lovely skater. He cut the words "Ore Dollar" on the ice this afternoon. Willie He must have skated for all he was worth. Mrp. Litewate I wish you would not drink so, dear. You do such strange things when you are full. Litewate What would be the use of getting full things you do I This fMiwuKwetf egret trmrtrr. pfirmiiMnm a Headache. Wakafolneaa. Last Vltalltr. Nmu wuiiis vtii urouua. uuiwiicx buu wasuna' aiaeaaea earned br youthful tf-on or exceur. Conttlnino opiate, is a metre taala aad ktoad ValMer. aUkesthepaletndpanrrtmDcandplomp. Eavllr carried I nreat pocket. S)l per box; CfnrSS- Br mall. pre paid. vtthavrritUnoTanUtormonrurtfutidai. Write D.fWa aaetrleal bnafe. jea:ed plain wrapper, with testimonials and flnanrtnlatan'tinc. f'oelutTvfnrermrultattnn: Rmifinftau tutl. .-.. (ofU. twUfajwafMts,raC4MIUTBacMmaaeiataTama4ibCakaBa. "craalc In Lincoln Jet..t)jrH.w..3KQW.Drnreit. vhat would be the use of Srr THE COURIER - $2 PER YEAR