10 THE COJJRIER; CLUBS. Continued from page 7 ly enjoyed by all. We had three excel lent papers, "Tests of Good Manners," by Mrs. Clark; "Mental Food for the 'Home," by Mrs. Munson, and "Greek Home Life," by Mis. Reynolds, inter spersed by ten minutes given to subject "House Keeping and Home Making, and ten minutes to witty sayirgs of lit tie folks, after which we were treated to delightfully dainty lunch by our kind , hostess. It is the first time in the his tory of the club that we have been in vited to the home of a non-member. The club has increased its membership list to thirty instead of twenty fire members. First pub. Jan. 30. SHERIFF SALE. Notice is hereby given, That by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third Judicial District of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in s an action wbereio Egbert Starr, trustee, is plaintiff, and Louis Snyder, et. al., defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock p. m.,on the 2nd day or March. A. D. 1897, at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing described real estate towit: Lot ten (10), of block four (4), of Mc Murtry's addition to the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under ray hand this 27th day of January, A.D., 1897. John J. Trompen, 2 27 Sheriff. Information 'tt&a.tt informs. If you are going south and want to know what the trip will cost when jou will reach your destination and why you should take the BURLINGTON ROUTE to St Joseph, Kansas City, St. Louis or any other south ern or southeastern city, you should at once apply at our depot or city office, where maps and time tables can he had. This will give JUST EXACrLY the in formation you need. George W, Bonnell, C. P. As 1. A. The Crescent Dining Hall is attract ing the beet patronage in the city by its excellent table and service; 1215 M st. Mrs. Benham Can't you put the baby -to sleep. Henry? Benham No; I'm no pugilist. Ladies, attend the auction sale of pic tures Saturday evening, February 13th 7.30 o'clock, at the old Leming store 1106 O street w 6 1 The Capital hotel is offering the best table and service in the 6tate. For leg islators, business men and private fami lies it is .unexcelled. Centrally located. $2 a day. R. A. Johnson, Prop. The Courier offers a prize of a first class round trip ticket to California to the individual who secures the greatest number of cash subscribers be fore March 31. The price of said ticket is ninety-four dollars (894 00. So far the competitois are few and sluggish, so the tkket is liable to be given in ex change for very little work. Everyone but the successful competitor will re ceive 40 per cent, on etch cash subscription. 6 6 6 ooooo a H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Fine Stationery and Calling Cards I 127 S. Eleventh Street. PHONE 68. 0X4X -XXJ MIII'S MA H0:R 1897 SEVEN T II Al .Auction sale of p:c:urte on Saturday evening at 7:30 o'c ock at the old Leming store, HOG O street Best served breakfasts in the city at the Crescent Dining Hall, 1215 M street. "And finally," said the janitor, "have you any children?" The flat-hunter's brart sank. "lee,' he murmured. "Thank heaven!'' exclaimed thejani tor. "If there is one thing I adore it is chiljron." And then the flat hunter faintea. S "A Life of Grant," by Hamlin Gar land. 1 he first authoritative and ade quate life of Grant ever published. Lavish'' illustrated. Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." Robert Louis Stevenson's "St Ives." The only novel or Stevenson's still un published. Chas. A. Dana. "Recollections of War time. Portraits of great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series of port aits it is intended to publish special biographicdl Btudies under the general title of -'iMakers of the Union" from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. "Stories of Adventure." A serial by Conan Doyle, in which he will use his extraordinary talent for mystery and in genuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him a place be side Poe and Gaboriau. Ttoe Chicago, Rock Island Ss Pacific Ry. Give3 you the cho'ce of Two Route, one via COLORADO and the SCENIC LINE, and the other via our TEXAS LINE and the SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Our Texas line is much quicker than any other line through to SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA for PtlSOnnLLY CQSDUCTED EXCURSIONS. The riinirM' Rook Iln.cl Exour Hlonn Are the most popular, and carry the largest business of any otLer California Route. This signifies that you eet the best attention and receive the best ser vice. The lowest rate tickets to California are available on these excursions. Busy? Well! Well! Lincoln Coal Co. Mies Anna Dick, modiste, has moved her rooms to 1318 O street Gregory sell the best crushed coke TEN FAMOUS WRITERS. for 17.40 per ton. 11th and O. Phone 34a . lAJf Maclaren. All the fiction that Try Lincoln Coal Co.'a "Beaut's, 120CO he will write during the coming year, with the exception of two contributions "Uni" students say our Three"Beauts" tof5??er Publcatio which were en e elegant Lincofn Coal Co., S?a fi&$KSt!K W Joel Uhandler Harris. A series of Don't start on a trip to California un til jou get our Tourist Folder, contain ing man showing routes and all informa tion. For rates and reservations apply to and agent of the C. R. I. fc P. Ry., or address JOUN SEBASTIAN, General Passenger Agent, 4-1 Chicago, 111. WANTED "SSSs each county to take orders for Nursery stock, and are willing to pav well for good work. We agree to REPLACE FREE anything that dies from natural causes. We also have a choice lire of SEED POTATOES. Give us a iri il. THE HAWKS NURSERY COMPANY Milwaukee. Wis. -Canon Pea coal, $3 per ton. The best for the money, at Gregory's, 11th and O. The second floor of the Harris block, 1134 N street, has been fitted ap for a dancing hall. The floor has received the attention of experts. It is of hard wood, and the boards are laid parallel with the length of the hall. Parties desiring to rest it can do so at the Courier office, in the same block. This year's LehighValley and Scranton bard coal 89.40 per ton at Charles Greg o"ry, 11th and O. jauiton ttojiowbush have invented a-coagh drop. They call it the S. Button & Uoliovbush, and it is a gocd one. Stop and get one on your way to the theatre. It will save you a spaem of coughing. new animal stories in the same field as tne "Brer Kabbif and the "Little Mr. Thimblefinger" stories. Rudvard Kipling. Besides "Cap tains Courageous," Kipling will con tribute to McClures all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. Octave Thanet is preparing for the Magazine a s-ries of short stories in which the sjme characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself. ANTnoNY Hope, Frank R. Stockton, Bret Harte, Robert Barr, Stanlfy Wetman, Clabk Russell will all have stories in McClures for the coming year. Ihese are only a small fraction of tne great and important features of Mc Clure's Magazine for 1897, the subscriif tion price of which is only ine ollar a Year TheS. S.McGIure 60., New York City. BURLINGTON ROUTE PLAYING CARDS. Those elegant cards of the very beet quality only 15c per deck. For sale at B. & M. Dopot or city ticket office, cor ner Tenth and O etreets. 4 New Psnn. hard coal, $7.G0 at yard yard and $8.00 delivered. Whitebreaat Co. 1. The wet umbrella. 1. Toothache. 2. The ink boiile aud the Pain Killer. 3. He transposes the I. B. and P. K. 4. The black. pain turning me , I I is 2. A e a temperance teachsr.