The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 06, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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The third usual bop of Comptay B
of the UsirerMty ot Nebraf ka occurred
iMt Friday eveaiag at Laming hall.
The hall was very prettily decorated in
the colon ot the company. The bop
committee consisting of Sergeants Rus
sell, Morrison, Davenport, Wetzel, Lyons
aad Burgett certainly deserve credit for yery brmint affa-r
im BiDDer in wbicb bji iud ucutun weio
arranged. Miaa Wiluughby'a orchestra
furaishsd the music. A delightful pro
(rasa ot eig hteea numbers was danced.
The Busbars and guests present were
Meters. Sawyer, Pullis, Burckett, Pack-
Chaa. Austin of Chicago has been in
the city several daya on business. He
has attended a number ot social func
tions during his brief stay.
The party given last Friday evening
by Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rodgers and Mr.
aad Mrs. Walter B. IJargreaves was a
The principal at
traction in the parlor was the reception
party. Both the gowns ot Mrs. Rodgers
and Mrs. Hargreaves were exceedingly
rich and artistic. The American Beau
ties which the carried set off te advant
age the black and red satin of Mrs. liar'
ad. McOreary. Green. Mulay, La Rue, ffMWg goWD Md vio,etB thfl rich a .am
Brown, Du Bravo, Randall, Lehnhoff,
tfawley, Weeks, Fechet, Sazton, Hat
field, Barrows, Norton, Rickets, Wells,
Barber. Liadquist, Clements, Swartz,
Stone, Guatin, Shut, Wnedoa. Ray
aaead.RWe. Whipple; Misses Elliott,
and red brocaded satin of Mrs. Rodgers'
gown. One of the pat lore was trans
formed into a cool and inviting retreat
for the merry dancers with handsome
screens, divans, lamps shaded with red
globes and beautiful bouquets of Amer
Sre,t,iBS;uWJ0Cd?!k, GT' fc Beauties and tulips. Palms spread
Beach, Risketts, Whedon, Whitney, Stu
art, Raymond, Weeks, Ames, Green,
Barber, Vaacil, Merrill, Hammond,
Wright, Hargreavea, Da Teil, Davis,
Oeak, Baldwin. Pullis, Parks, Tuttle and
Woodward; Mr. and. Mrs. Copeland,
Prat, aad Mr. Richard Capt. and Mrs.
Mass., and Miss Andreson of Omaha,
who were the guests ot Miss Burr, left
Saturday for home. Miss Julia Ander
son left Saturday for California- They
came to attend the Rodgers Hargreavea
party ot Friday evening.
their graceful leaves in every nook and
corner ot the hotel. The dining room
waa especially beautiful for their pres
ence and the fragile yellow jonquils. Here
eighteen-numbors of the program were
merrily danced to the music of Miss
Willoughby's orchestra. The Lincoln
ladies, who are proverbially beautiful,
Bragdon of Auburndale, were never more handsome than on that
occasion. Many pretty gowns made
their first appearance. Guests who did
not care to dance looked on with faces
which were radient with pleasure, and
possibly with thoughts of other days
when daaciBg was under far leas favor-
AB-ml A ji jml Mt Adk n m B 4 EV 1 f m 1 1 k
Miss Mae Burr gave a delightfaKVS"-1" " "f"'
v a a 1 .-. ., e guests were treated two fold, by the
church tea and apron sale at her home ,.- .. ,. , .
.ttrnnnn frnm R in 7. ,vvo "" . "" "J " ""S1"'"'
last Saturday
This proved a social as well as profitable
eatertainment for the church. Music
was furnished free with every apron
sold. Refreshments were served in the
dia tag room.
Messrs. R. B. Howell, Young and An
derson ot Omaha and John Dixon of
the violet and hyacinth a bowl
of these flowers and violet colored rib
bons were deftly arranged oa the table.
Ease and elegance characterized the
whole to the guests present, who were
Messrs. and Mesdames Carl Funke, L.
C. Burr, C. S. Lippincott, E. P. Holmes,
A. B. Ccffrotb.E. P. Ewing, F.M. Hall,
Nebraska City attended the Rodgers- A. E. Campbell, L. W. Marshall, G. W.
Hargreaves party at the Lincoln Friday
"The Patriarchs gave one of their usual
delightful dances in the Courier hall
fast Monday evening. The party was
Either small, though more than the
usual number of young people were
present. Thirteen numbers were danced.
Miss Willoughby's orchestra furnished
the music. Ice3 were served during the
evening. Those present were Judge and
Mrs. Ed. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Ogden, Mrs. S. H. Burnham; the Misses
Sadie Buraham, Eleanor Raymond, Ber
tie Clark, Mary Jones. Sarah Harris,
Florence Farwell and Olive Latta;
Messrs. John White, Dan Wing. Lyon,
Oweas, Harry Evans, John Farwell and
Chaa. Austin of Chicago.
One would have thought by the
cheerful hum at the home of Misses
Firrell, George Clark, A. G. Beeson.R
H. Oakley, Dr. and Mrs. Righter, Prof,
and Mrs. Kimball, Dr. and Mrs. Ladd,
Frank Smith, M. D. Welch. M. I. Ait
ken, J. A. Buckstaff, A. W. Jansen, P.
H. Holm, Prof, and Mrs. Barbour. O.
Mohrenstecher, R. 0. Phillips, I. M.
Raymond, W.B. Wileon'W.C. Wilson,
Teeters, George Woods, Frank Woods.
W. B. Ogden, H. H. Wilson, Walsh, Mr.
W. M. Leonard and. Mrs. D. E. Thomp
son; Misses' Hollo wbueb, BrookB, Mae
Burr, Maud Oakley, Grace Oakley,
Burnham, Harley, Holmes, Righter,
Latta, Vance, Bertie Clark, Garten,
Welch and Price; Miss Auderson of
Taylorville, 111.; Miss Andreson of
Omaha; Miss Braydon, Auburndale,
Mass.; Dr. White, Professor Owen, Pro
reesor Lyon; Messrs. Lansing, Baldwin,
Fred White, Mallalieu. Evans, Joyce,
Hanna, Wing, Low, Honeywell, Harley,
Bertie aad Margaret Clark last Satur q Rj0Df Wi CIarke A. H
day eeaing that the young people pres
fci eat had sever heard of whist, yet they
ware the aaaae people who kept so quiet
when thecgame waa on. The high
cores oa the north aad south were won
byMr.WiH 8tull aad Miss Miner. On
tteamst aad west by Mr. Fred White
mi Jbbbb Olive Latta. Delicious re-
served in the dining
Armstrong and Ray Welch; Mr. Howell
ot Omaha, Mr. Dixon of Nebraska City
and Mr. Zsis ot Boston. Among the
spectators were Messrs. and Mesdames
W. C. Brock, French, Charles 'Branch,
Dr. and Mrs. Latta, Dr. and Mrs. Bailey,
Mr. and Mrs. McMurtry, Mr. and Mrs,
Jay White. Miss Hoover, Miss Lippin
cott. Miaa Feenr. Mrs. De Stekner.
where aidea hair ferae aad , . pataam.MisB Bailey. Dr. Lowrer.
white hyacinth, beautifully decorated Mr,. Nance aad the Miases Bltfr.
The members acaaeat ware .., ,
la yimaclaAe at home. Misses ?" 'L, . JlTn?
T-fr ,aad Miner The x",pur " e7 w" -" m,
.Miaa Harris, Das.?&rbsr whmwthwiUrsmaia soma time.
FjadJ.Waite, Ossar 8. Walfa started for San An-
.Jesjp ?. WiU 8tull,C. A.sswaaa. tesae, Tssas, Tueauay.
G. W. Boaaell Mt yesterday far New
ark, New Jeraay, havwf baea sammsaed
there by the death ot his aaat, Mra.
Nancy B. ThosaBSoa.
A. nicely arraaged eyatsr auaper waa
aerved at the OoaaMretal dab oae aight
this week, which waa participated is by
Mr. and Mra. L. W.Marahall, chaser
ones Misses Grace Oakley, Florence
Farwell and Oliva Latta. Maaara. Matt
aoa Baldwin, C. Y. Smith and Sim E.
Willard Hammond, Martin Aitken and
J. H. Harley started Thursday for Sioux
City, Ia to attend the Central Whiat
Tournament which met yesterday and
Mrs. Ed Baum of Omaha was tbs
guest ot her sktsr, Mrs. C. L. Burr, this
A pretty but quiet wedding was sol
emnized Wednesday at 6 p. m. in St.
Joseph, Ma It was the marriage dt
Mrs. Eunice de Steigner aid C. H. Har
rison of St. Joseph. Mr. Harrison is an
attorney. During Mrs. deSteigner's
brief residence in Lincoln she made a
hoht of friends who wish her joy in. her
new home in St Joseph.
Mrs. L. C. Burr gave a pretty Ken
sington, Thursday afternoon as a com
pliment to Mrs. Miller ot Lafayette, Ind.
Chatting merrily over dainty bite ot em
broidery made the time speed quickly.
Refreshments were daintily served in
the dining room. Mrs. Campbell saag
several selections, among them a lullaby
and "Little Boy Blue." Mrs. Campbell
interprets her songs with such warmth
ot feeling that her hearers are always
impressed. Among those present were
Mrs. Miller, A. G. Beeson, R. J. Greene,
W. B. Hargreaves, Rodgers, N.C. Brock,
E. Henkle, C. C. Burr, A. D. Burr, D. A.
Campbell, D. E.Thompson. H. B. Thom
son. Ribinson of Chicagj, B. F. Burr, C.
L. Burr, EJ Baum of Omaha, R. C. Out
calHCarl Funke, F. W. Brown, Guil-
foyle, A. B. Coffroth, H. H. Wheeler, Dr.
Righter, J. White. Ii.W.'Marshall.
Busy? Weill Well! Lincoln Coal Co.
Mrs. Lippincott's musicale held at the
Richard's residence on Tuesday evoning
was the largest and most brilliant mu
sical party" ever given in Lincoln. The
noble court, around which the house is
built, the long drawing room, Mra.
Richard's boudoir, and the galleries
were filled with the musical and literary
showing of a college town. It was said
that there were. four hundred invita
tions. Not until the musical numbers
were over and there was a rush towards
the centre of the court, where the re
ceiving party, consisting of Mr. and Mrs.
Lippincott and Mr. and Mrs. Richards
stood, was there any lack of room.
Mrs. Lippincott sung, as has been said,
with sweetness and strength. She was
exquisitely gowned in white with pink
The Bucyru3 Mandolin, Club made a
beautiful spot of Boft blues and whites
and pinks. They played in excellent
time and wera enthusiastically applaud
ed. They were like. a large bunch of
fragrant flowers, appealing to all the
senses irresistibly. Socisty girls ire
supposed to be frivolous, and they are
more or less. In this club there must
be a controlling spirit to sober the tri-,
fling and irrelevant tendencies of
buds to do nothing but flutter, look
pretty and flutter. This spirit, in a re
markably shoit time, has drilled the
butterflies into playing with precision
and intelligence the best music written
for aaaadolins. For this quick under
atanding of the purpose of their organi-,
xation.the tutterflieB themselvea deserve
a better same but there k not any:
Mr. John Randolph playedaLJB
sincott'a 5ccinimenUBjBs(fcati:
cally. The liquid uaatrjafjkMjfpl aas
followed the siBfer'sffjf(
teMdptthesoecapr. The siaa aad the too. faaaafav .
feeder waeaU the w,hMary,
An Omaha Wedding.
The marriage of M:at Dandy, daughter
ot General and Mrs. Geo. B. Dandy, to
Lieutenant Jamas L. Dean was solem
nised with all the pomp aad gorgeous
uses ot an army wedding last evening at
Triaily Cathedral, the ceremony being
performed by Bishop Worthington. Miss
Webster was maid ot honor. Miss Bes
sie Yates, Miss Palmer, Miss Kounlzs
aad Miss Turner of Chicago were
bridesmaids. Lieut. Quay was bee1.
man. Major Crowder, Lieuts. Perry,
Gregg and Pax Jon being the ushers.
The bride was a. veritable vision ot
beauty, gowned in a white brocaded
satin, the waist and sleeves being of
chiffos, her veil held in place by a star
ot diamonds and pearls, Mrs. Dandy's
gift to her daughter. Mies Webster was
in pink brccide and carried a shower
boquet of pink caraatioBS and maiden
hiir fern. The bridesmaid's gowns were
white Liberty tksue. trimmed with lace
over nile green taffety silk strips, with
Wide -green satin sashes. They carried
shower .bouquets of white carnations
aad mai ilea hair fern. Ths bride's gifts
to her maids were green enamel wreath
pias set with diamonds. The groom's
io the men were pins, three lovers' knots
cet with diamonds.
The Cathedral was most artistically
decorated with flowers, ferns and palms
in the church and national colors in the
nave ot the church. The ribbon used
for enclosing the pens instead of the
customary white waa red, white and
blue. These colors were used in the
minutest detail of decoration at the
Among the immediate bridal party
who occupied the front B3ats were Mr.
and Mrs, Geo. B. Dandy jr , Mrs. Dandy,
General and Mrs. Biooke, General and
Mrs. Msaderscn, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
W. Yates, Mrs. Morgan and Miss Yates,
Mr. Herman Kountze, Mr. and Mrs.
Char. T. Kountze, Mr. and Mn?. H. L.
Palmer. The Cathedral wa3 filled with
friends, a large number of whom attend
ed the reception at the family residence
and extended their well wishes and con
gratulations to the young couple; The
gifts displayed were many andcostly.
Miss Helen Nance gave a charming
fluwer mission tea Thursday evening.
About fitly young ladies end gentlemen
were served the dainty refreshments. A
royal time was enjoyed with card play
ing, dancing and singing the popular
airs. These teas, to which everybody is
invited to coma and bring ten centp, are
becoming a pleasing feature in the social
lite of Lincoln. In the afternoon the
young ladies held a business meeting.
Among those present were the Misses
Florence Farwell, Maude Oakley, Hen-,
rietta Hollowbusb, Grace Oakley, Lucy
Griffith, Maud P.isser, Blanche Girten,
Helen -Welch, Fannie Rector, Hoover,
Mae Burr, Nickols, Nellie Lau, Mary
Fechet. Kathryn Brooks, Sadie Burn
ham. Olive Latta and Mrs. Ode Rector;
Mersrs. and Mesdames Ed. Fitzgerald
and L. W. Marshall; Messre. M. H
Baldwin, John Lottridge, F. J. White,
F. C. Cbolsy. Hirry Reese, Jim Burks
Homer Houeywell, Raymond Welch,
Roy Sawyer, Uartigan, R. Corby, Dan
Barks, D. G. Wing. Hinay, A.CIapp,
O. Young. Harry Evans, C. Y. Smith, J.
Mallalieu and Chaa. Biker of Beatrice.
The Deborah Avery chapter of the
Daughters ot the American Revolution'
held s business meeting yesterday from
0 to 6 p. m , at the hems ot Mrs. A.
IL Dorrlr. Arrangements were devel
oped for aa entertainment which prem
ises to be original mid entertaining, sa
Miss Rose Foster haarsturBed from a
pleasant visit with lBSatln of Bsat
ricweeeah atteads she MaTberrV
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