THE COURIER.- other Brownies escape in a living air ehip. In tho second act tho Brownies nro discovered outride Drngonrd's enchant ed palace, serenading with electrical mandolins the talking moon. Disguised as a German band, they enter the castle to take part in an entertainment pro vided for tho captivo queen, 'li ania. Here occurs the introduction nr a num ber of high grade specialties, among which nro tho Oriental ballet of beauti ful women, tho wonderful acrobatic net of the four Richards, and tho exquisite specialty of Xcwhouso and Wallle, Euro pean musical ecccntriques. Tho third act discovers tho Brownies, whom the enchanter has captured, slav ing in Drsgonfel's jeweled mines of fab ulous riches. They finally succeed in rescuing Titania, and Dragonfd is over thrown by Brownio cunning The cur tain falls on a transformation scene, "Tho Break of Day in Brownieland," in cidental to hich tho sensational Hying ballet is in'jodured. JOHN DOWDEN. Jr., Manager. One Night Only, Wm. Blaisdell, late comedian of tv.o Lillian Russell opera company; Char- IMI? LANSIXG HE ATRE latta, the famous wing and "sand shoo" : ' - ": dancer; J. P. Homer, an eminent basso, late of tho famous Columbia quartet; Edward Webb, an English tenor of re pute; Sophio Witt, tho famous dancer from tho Now York Casino, and a num ber of otherB. Mr. Henehaw will sing his famous son... "Acrcs3 the Bridge." Thn company is so strong musically that they sing almost anything from a simple balled to the very dillicult sex t tto from ''Lucia do Lummermoor '" There will bo no advanco in the pricep. notwithstanding the great strength of this organization. There is certainly it tr-atinstoro far theatro goers to wit ness the production of "The Nabobs' by tho Henshaw-Ten Broeck conipany at tho Lansing next Saturday. Engagement of the Eminent Tragedian, TflOtoJfc N. KEEflE, Conductor Did I get jour fare, sir? Passenger You must have. You didn't ring it up for tho company. 'SS?SS 2 1 '' i I?' Tho NEWIIOU3E and WAFFLE, Wandering Minstrels, in "The Brownies.' :S'? s)(tt2)eI The elaborate production requires the services of over 100 people, among whom aro such well known artists as Frank Derhon, Ida Alulle, Marie Celeste, Ida Brooks, Gertie Carlyle, Sol Solomon and Chas Hagan. Palmer Cox, the famous "Brownie Man," will accompany tho great organization here, and supervise every performance of the big production at the Lansing. Evening prices, ?l.r0, 81.00, 75, SO and 25c, and the ladies and children grand matinee Thursday tho prices will be $1.00, 75. ) and 25c. Secure your seats early as this is without doubt the largest and best company that ever played Lin coln. The Nabobs" appear at the Lansing theatre on Febiuary G. The cast in cludes Frank David, one of the few comedians with a good baritone voice and who was leading comedian of the Camile D'Arvillo opera company last season; Clara Lavine, late pi ima donna soubrjtte of tho Pauline Hall opera company, who takes a high -D' as eas ily as you and I would light a cigar; Readers of Browning will recall how deep was tho interest with which the poet looked on a man who had talked with Shelley. And did you onco sec Shelley plain? And did ho stop nnd speak to youT And did you speak to him again? How strango it seems and new ! Dean Farrar tells us that Mr. Brown ing himself onco told him bow import ant and interesting he thought it that the young should have, as it were, land marks in their lives by at least 6eeing great men who belonged to a popular generation. "Once," Mr. Browning said to Dean Farrar, "I was walking with my son, who was then a little boy, in the streets of Paris. We saw an old man approaching us in a long, loose, rather shabby coat, and with a stooping, shuf fling attitude and gait. 'Touch that man as you pass him,' I whispered to my little son. The child touched him as he passed, and I said to him, "Now my boy, yon will always be able to re member in later years that you once saw and touched the great Beranger."' From "Chronicle and Comment.'" in Tho Bookman. Accompanied by and under the Management of Charles B. Hanford Presenting the Celebrated Historical Plav 66 N. B. In the title roll of this drama Mr. Keene has won the most brilliant triumph of his career as a star. lTiICES-81.00 75 50 AXD 25 CENTS. Seats on sale at theatro Box ollico. LANSING THEATRE, HIM JOHN DOWDEN, Ju, Manager. WEI1Y HM UM SPECIAL THURSDAY MATINEE. C. B. Jefferson, Klaw & Erlanjfer's wonderful Production COX'S The Flying Ballet! Lno Uneniai wan ing Girls! Tho Phenomenal Demon Acrobats! ThoThrillingStorm at Sea! The Shipwreck and Rescue! ThoRealistic Earth- quake and Vol cano! The Destruction of ths Palace! "A Night in Brow nieUndl"' FRANK DESUON IDA MULLE. MVRIE CELESTE, IDA BROOKS, GERTIE CARLYLE VIVIEN VAUGHN. OLLIE CRAIG, SOL. SOLOMON, CHAS. flAGAN, ROBT.CUMMING3. Anil the Great New York Organization of over lOO people t Brownie s ! 4 Finale, act 1. Palmer Cox's brownies. The same Great Organization of 100 people and all the Gorgeous Scenic Effects, Ballets and Specialties witnessed in Xew York for 150 nights, Chicago, Boston- and Philadelphia four weeks each, and San Francisco three weeks, all to crowd ed houses. Prir'OQ "nt S1.50, SI. 75c. 50c and 25;. r I IOfcrO-"Matinee $1, 75c, 50c and 25.-. Seats on sale Monday at 10 a. m. at Box Office. ! c-a l is ja&ZSB&SFZF'i 3rsr-syyigjgj" -.'j-ajj