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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1897)
HSf THE COURIER. 9 1 Rando.n Notes. The public seems to ho tiring of tho Cuban question. Two months ago ex citement was at tho highest point, liver) where there whb sjmpathy for tho eo called patriots. Today opinion is much more conservative. There is no longer any serious talk o! precipitate action by congress. There is a (lfenosi tion on tho part of tho authorities in Wabhington to proceed cautiously, and the people arc satisfied to await their deliberate action. 'I ho man who is to bo President McKinlej'd secretary of state has, undoubtedly, had a good deal to do in tempering the zeal of senators on this important question. Senator Sherman is ono of thoso men who never do anything in a hurry. Ho is as deliberato as Harrison. He is ono of the most conseivativo met. in public life. In his ssventj tines ) ears or life ho has seen much of the wo U and pass ed through many crises It is no new thing 'or him to have an iurei tant voico in tho adjustment of matters of giavo state policy. It was like Sherman when he knew ho was to be MeKmlej's secre tary of state, to i xeicipe his influence to the end that the senate might not do anything that would unnecessarily com plicate the Cuban question. Ail tho in fluence of tLe irccmiig adminis tratbn will be used to prevent any ill-considered action before March 4, and it is altogether probablo that this congress will take no impoitant action. If the Cuban question is passed on to the McKiuiey administration, as now seema probable, the public may rest assured that the matter will bo handled with wisdom and judgment as well as well as in a Fpirit of prop r patrio ism. With McKiiiley in the preriJeut's chair and Sherman as premier Shis and all ct'ier international questions will be treated calmly and considerate. There is nothing of tho jii go about cither of these two men. They are not apt to bo influenced by impulsoor to be guided by cheap sentiment. The selection of Sherman appears to havo given the Rieatest satisfaction throughout tho country. Ibo senator is not a man of largo personal following. Ho is tco "cold" for that. But he i.s universally respected, and among think ing men ho is admired for his many high qualifier. Tom Reed's apr-ointtent might have been hailed with more en thusiasm tnere aro alwajs men waiting to whoop it up for any kind of a 'Tom" and the man from Maine, notwithstand ing his somewhat brusque manner, is a good deal of a popular idol. But, with the possible exception of Reed there is no man in the country whose appoint ment would havo caused such general satisfaction as that of Sherman. And ho is, perhaps, better qualified for the importaut pest than the more brilliant Reed. The president elect haB made a good start. If the remainder of his cabinet appointees are anything like as good as Sherman there will not bo much cause for complaint, and the probabilities aro that the other members cf the new cabi net will be of ability and character and fitness commen3urato with Sherman's. Surely there can bo no mistake in the selection of such men as Senator Aid rich, Judge Nathan Goff, Charles Emory Smith and Mr. Wilson of Iowa, somo of whom, and possibly all, will be seated arc.und the next president's coun cil board. Two weeks ago it was regarded as set tled that Cornelius X. Bliss of New York would be in the cabinet, and there was great satisfactii n in the Empire 6tate. Mr. Bliss is tho only man in tho etato who is t mooth euough to be in equally high favor with the Plattites and anti Plattites. But Mr. Bliss decided that he didn't want a cabinet portfolio. Tho fact that ho is prominently mentioned in connec tion with tho mayorblty of OreattrXew York may havo had something to do with his declination of Major McKinlej'a offer. Bliss, by tho way, has probat ly declined moro oilers than any other man in tho country oxecpting, perhaps, Chauncoy M. Depew. The politicians aro now busy, tring to "rind somebody in Xew York stato whoso appointment would not cause an outbreak of one fac tion or tho other. Somo people think that both Xew York and Pennshauia may fail to be represented in tho cabinet on account of tho factional bitterness in the two seats V. Mouton Smith. Go to First publication Jan. 1G. SHERIFF SALB. NOTICE IS IIEKEBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of the third judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county. In an action wherein K. E. Lle is plaintiff and 01 )f al., defendants, I will. at "J o'clock p. m.. on tho HJrli dav of February, A. I)., ISO", at the east door of the court house. In the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing: described real estate, to-wit: The south half (sKi of tho southwext quarter ( w 4) of tho northeast quarter ( n e i,i of section two (2i. in tiwnship twelve (I!!), north of range seven (7), east of tho sixth P. M., in Lancaster county, Xebraska. Given under mv hand this Hth day of January, A. D., 1S07. 2 1." John J. Trompen. Sheriff. First publication Jacuarv lGth. X'JTICE OF PETITION FOR LET- TEhS. In re Estato of Luto C. Young, Deceased. In tho County Court of Lancaster County. Xebraska. The State of Xebraf ka, to Halleck C. Young. Carlton C. Young and to anv other person interested in said matter. " Take notii-e. that a petition signed by Halleik C. Young praying said Court to grant Letters of Administration of said Estate to Halleck C. Young has been tiled in said Court; that the samo is cot for hearing on the I'ttb day of February IS07, at 1) o'clock a. in. and that if jou do cot then appear and contest, said Court may grant administration of tho said estate to Halleck C. Young. Notice of this proceeding shall bo published three weeks sucressively in Th Courier prior to said hearing. Witness my hand and tbeseal of said Court this ISth day of January, A.IXIS37. S. T Coehran. -G Cmnty Judge. First nub. Jan. 2.. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT by virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of the third judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action wherein Francis A. Lewi- and John G. Johnson as executors of tho last will and testament of George Blight deceased is plaiutit", and Elsie L. Epperson et al defendants. I a ill. at i! o'clock p. m on th ird day of Febru ary A. D. lij'07, at the east door of the cojrt house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Xebraska, offer for sale at public auction, the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: The east t-ventj-tive (25) Teet of lot ten(10) in block one (1 in Lavendei's aJdition to the city of Lincoln, Lancas ter county, Xebraska. i Given under my hand this 21st day of January, A. D., 1S97. John J. Trompen. 2 20 Sheriff. Wanted-An Idea Who can thlafe of some simple tw,m ia . . muS wjwenw "-'. j uut roi; mPT mar nnnz you wealth. Writ-J6IIX WEDUCltnCRN ft CO- PaVenl VlVttSi nevs. Washington. D. t.for their 13 prize offer ai ! list or two huadreJ Invention w"' i UlUr VAII Hath Tfim.1 Pm.... . amc iuu saxa -i7. v,i"s..i-"n Kff " ,- J ii H", mun, Via Dumj HriirM'iS. xiir-iiirgi write COUkl " " - v xaaaonic TranlrJ fTSHaXJv0 proou or. cam. CapH - J - " VI vac CUTTtJ U A ' T MW9-pag9 Doot free. Iiox-"" Fine Shoes, JPr-etty Sliixpei!!, Etc. 1129 0 Street, :-: Lircolr Neb comes to stay There is more than one food which will cause the bocty to increase in weight. A free supply of sugar will do this ; so will the starchy foods; cream, and some other fats. But to become flesh y, and yet remain in poor health, is not what you want. Cod-liver oil increases the weight because it is a fat-producing food. But it docs fir more than this. It alters, or changes, the processes of nutrition, restoring the ucrnial functions of the various organs and tissues. ScollI brndum of Cod-liver Oil with hypophosphites, is pure cod liver in a digested condition. So that Avhcn a person gains in weight from taking Scott's Emulsion, it is because of two things : First, the oil has acted as a fat-producing food ; and, second, it has restored to the body a healthy condition. Such an improvement is permanent; it comes to stay. o cts. and t a bottle. fcCuTT & UOWXE, Chembts, New York. THE yX m r V a r JwmtixPSr IT W S .onthlpTllustratea, cv iH r Edited by ALBERT5HAW ?H- V3 no "If only cne magazine tan he taken, "xe ncouM surest the REVIEW OF RfI'IEU'S. a: ee'erit? more ground than any other magazine." Board of Library Commissioners of Xew Hampshire, 1S96. j rCHIS magazlr.s Is. In Its contributed and departmental features, what its readers, who include the most noted names of the English-speaking world, are pleased to call "absolutely up to date," "thoroughly abreast of the times." " invaluable." and " indispensable." It Is profusely illustrated with timely portraits, views, and cartoons. Its original articles are of Immediate Interest, by the best authorities on their respect ive subjects. The Editor's " Progress of the World " gives a clear, rightly proportioned view of the history of the human race during the current month. The " Leadirg Articles of the Month " present the important parts of the best magazine a.tue3 that have been written in every part of the world. The newest most important Looks are carefully reviewed. Indexes, chronological records, and other departments complete the certainty tlat the reader cf the Rmvu op Rf.'iews w.H miss nothing cf great significance that is said or written or dor.e throughout the world. Send 10 Cents In Stamps (or Specimen Copy llll t :S LN THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS CO 13 Astor Place, New York. Singe Copy. 25c. : Trial frve months). St. 00 : Year. S2.SO. ' itH.Aism'ptii wiiiMnMt1 ThU FanioiiISemel7CTiro jnlcttr.peraieirnrafl nerrou dlM-ujeJ. Weak Memory. Vw of IJraln Power. . . 1 ,- l.An . . Vll. .!. Vlnhtl. Tl- I. sum. eTll dream, lmpotencr nd wasttnmrlJ3se caud br ,ymitkfiltr-orortxCt3.: Contains no opiates. Is a ntrretonu Ullll DIWKI UUIIUrr 4.t-.ll. (HIICBUtl f'UIIJ IriuiC hiuu Eatlycn1v1lnTtpockPt-Xperbox;for5. 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