The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 23, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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"A Black Sheep," the production of
Charles Hoyt's clever icn was designed
to entertain nnd bring dollars to the box
ofllce, nnd it lias met with complete suc
cess. It introduces a rollicking, jolly
comedian in the jhtriii or Otis Harlan
a fellow with a ta tlo-braineJ facility for
saying nnd doing things hat would dis
turb any man's dignity and drive caio
faraway. Hailan iu gond singer, and
his rich mellow voice aids him in making
the character a Hiiceess. His slo oh of
a man far gone in Anglomania is one of
the funniest things ever introduced" in
comedy. Next t him in favor comes
William Devero, who o portrajal of a
jolly Arizona editor, ready for anything
from heading a"lyncbing be'to making
love, and at home with a gun and '-red
ink," is a quaint character. Jeanncttc
7ZmmTl ""sSSy "---JJ- 1 T WvT'V
rtnni i
, - "3 XJSi 1 lea -, gf? o
iil ImHa
TOi--p- -TrTrTTJ'KIIKESEBaiasr
JJS M--J ---
tS til i3lao Saline Sn.itro.rixiixi, Cor. ILtli and JVT.
All Kinds of Batlis Scientific, Masseurs. A Deep Sea Pool, 50x142 feet.
Drs. Everett, Managing- Physicians.
St Henry, who plys the "Queen of
Burlesque," will be seen hero for the
liret time in a Hoyt comedy. It is one
ofMr. Hoyt's happy faculties to secure
pretty'girls in all his companies, and "A
Black sheep" is no exception. Every
body will remember that quaint little
comedian Otis Harlan in the character
or " EI ot Stuff." This time he will be
funnier thac ever. A Black Sheep
coraes to the Lansing 1 hcatre next Wed
nesday evening January 27 at regular
house prices. Seats on sale Monday
morning 10 a. m. Prices 81 To, 50 and
25 cents. Secure your seats catly.
lino for your novel which will be the
work for the next half year.
The receipt for the sonnet had been
givon several weeks before it was due,
as much time and deep thought were to
be expended on it.
A shuttle of papers on the desk, an
other twirl of the mustache and the
strained attention of the class onco
'We all got careless in little things
and it becomes necessary to freshen up
our memory on some of the tirst prin
ciples of grammar. I want to read to
you today ssmc or the daily themes in
which there arc some striking examples
of ambiguity."
"A man and bis wife entered the
store. He closed the door and sho stood
up beside him."
"And in addition to my bump of con
tiousness that I received when I threw
mj self over the horse after the ball. I
got it too."'
Several more were read and then the
class was curtly dismissed. All took a
good long breath and passed out into
the hall.
TjgJgIJE opera H221S
One Night Only.
MonclcW January SJfcl?.
The Society Event of the Season.
:-: Have you heard of the Morrison Aug-? :-:
R o s t o 1 Morrison ,
Supported - 12cl weird Ulsnerln tlio
Great London and New York Success
-A. Great Cast.
Busy? Well! Well! Lincoln Coal Co.
Miss Anna ii:k, modiste, has moved
her rooms to 1.11S O street.
A University Photograph.
It is two o'clock in the afternoon.
The last bell is just ringing as the In
structor of English walks into the class
room with a large bundlo of essays
under his arm. He looks around the
room as he enters, chews his mustache,
tosses the essajs on th? desk aid drops
into his chair. He looks around once
more. All is quiet. Ho tips back his
chair and flow! taking a little red
covered book out of his vest pocket
reads: "Ihe last foitaightly due Janu
ary lOih" and just as slow ly replaces the
little innocent red bcok. The class now
is accustomed to this little red book but
on the tirBt of the year there was breath,
less suspence when it was tirst flourished
and a sigh of relief at i.s disappearance.
The Profef sor glances at the ceiling
pulls down his vest, and all listen atten
tively for what is to come.
'1 suppose ycur sonnets are well
under way, Tnat closes the work for
this semester with the exception of the
daily themes for next week. Of course
you understand there wi 1 be no final ex
amination in this course. There will be
no daily themes during the week of
examination. And you have until the
middle of February to complete the out-
Cahon Pea coal, 55 per ton. The beet
for the money, at Gregorj's, llth and O.
First pub. Jan. 2.
Notice is hereby given. That by virtue
of an order of sale, issued by the Clerk
of the District CoKrt of the Third Judi
cial District of Nebraska, within and
for Lancaster County, in an
action wherein Charles M. Hauthaway
is plaintiff, and Major G. Bohanan. et al
defendants. I will at 2 o'clock P. M.. on
the 2nd day of February A. D. 1897, at
the East door of the Court House, in
the City ot Lincoln, Lancaster County,
Nebraska, offer for sale at public auc
tion the following described Real
Estate, to-wit:
Parts of lots two (2) and three (3) in
block fifty four (51) iu the city of Lin
coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, de
scribed as follows, viz.: Beginning at
a point on the north line of said block
fifty-four, forty-two and one hair (42)
feet west of the northeast corner of said
block and running thence south sixty
(CO) Teet, thence west twenty (20) feet,
thence north sixty (GO) feet, thence east
twenty (20) feel to the place of beginn
ing known as lot B in the subdivision ot
said block.
Given under my hand this 30tb day of
December, A. D. 1S9G.
John J. Trompen.
Jan. SO. Sheriff.
each county to take orders for Nursery
stock, and are willing to pay well for
good work. We agreo to REPLACE
FREE anything that dies from natural
We also have a choice line of SEED
POTATOES. Give us a trial.
Milwaukee, Wis.
The Bull Fight which occurs in the action of the
the Play, will be reproduced by the
Wonderful Eidoloscope
PRICES-81.00 75 50 AXD 25 CENTS.
Seats on sale at theatre Box office.
Five Night?, Commencing
Tuesday? JaMMiry
Opening- night two ladies or one lady and g-entleman admitted
on one 30-cent ticket, if bought before 6 p.m.
PricesI, 209 30 Gemfe,