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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1897)
THE COURIER. The Bucyrua Mandolin Club was meeting at which timo the ladies may Tdquisara, Crawford, nicely entertained Tuesday evening by bring their friends. Whilo every num- B.'nck Diamonds. Yokai. Mr. and Mrs. Ode Kector at their home ber on Ihe program was good especially King Noanofe. Stimson. on 10 between .7 and K street. After the musical selections which livenelup On The Red Staircase. Taylor, practicing a cumber of new pieces, the as well ns tilled in the otherwise would- A Lady of Quality, Burnett, club spent the remainder of tho evening bo delays. The living pictures deserve A Summer in A ready, Allen, in conversation. Ihoso present wero special mention, aud rellcct great credit Georgia, J. C. Harris. Mrs. F. W. Smith, tho Misses Florence on Miss Parker and the ladies of that Now Jersey, Stockton. Fnrwell, Mao Burr, Henrietta Hollow- department. '1 he selecting and training English Society Sketches, Du Maurier. bush, Jessica Morgan. Fannio Kector, of the subjects and the collecting of Italy in 19th Century, Latimer. Ol.veLatta. Messrs. C. V. Smith, Fred buitablo materials for tho warJrobes Tho Sprightly Romanco of Marsac, White, Homer Honeywell and Louis T. was undouhtubloan enormous tas'r. 'ihe A Tragic Idyl, Bourget. Moore. 'Ihe next meeting will lo lhs pictures and models were as follows: The Downfall of Prempeh, Powell, evening with Mrs. L. W.Marshall and MisB Hattio Becker vocal solo from Totem Tales, Phillips. Monday next with Mrs. Ode Hector the state university, Miss Agnee Wright Triumph of Death, again, vocal solo. Mhs Edith Shaw instrtunen- Tho Mountain Woman, Peattie. The Cotillion Club gave another of tal solo, Willie Mudra violin sclo. Sonya Kovalovsky. their Jolly parties at the homo of Mr. Portrait d'une Mervilleuso Klumpke In Old Virginia, P.igo. and Mrs. J. A. BuckstntNast Wednesday Julia Lippincott, Caliphs P.uighUr X Kokoro, Heam. evening. Although the party was some- Sielcels Olive Latta, Flower Girl A Marin Lisa. Wiggin. what smaller than usuu! it Licked none Seifert Maudo Hazlett, A Blonde Pro- Seven Seat, Kipling. of the brilliancy of these occasion. Hie Dannat., Bieson.Margaretto Capt. Guilfoylc lead tho dancers through Clark, La Bernoise. Dagnan Bouveret, a number of pretty and intricate ljai creams Cecilia ueauv Alarion figures. The membership comprises Smith, Tho Mirror, Mrs. Joaephino Messrs. and Mcsdamcs BuckstatF, W. C. Fisher, The Muff, Mao Burr. Song Wilson, Wright, C. L. Burr, Kel'ey, Without Words, Wai. Thorn, Eleanor Burnham, W. B. IIargreacs, Brown, Raymond, A French Foster, Blancho Lippincott, Marshall. Ogden, Beeson, F. Garten W. Smith, Dr. and Mis Ladd, Capt. and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rodgers and Mr. Mrs. Guilfoyle. Carl Funke, Geo. Woods, and Mrr. W. B. Hargioivrs will give a F. W Houtz and Oliver Rodgers. large party at tho Lincoln Hotel next Judge Holmes and Miss Florence Friday the 29th. Far a ell have gone to Chicago Tor a week Invitations are out for a musicalo to or two. he given by Mrs. C. S. Lippincott on Miss Mcam Ci rson, Matlson Baldwin the 2nd of February at the beautiful and Mr. and Mrs. Foster Ingalh, of Des home cf L. C. Richards. It has been Moines, Iowa, drove to Meadow Brook some timo sinco tho music lovers of Lodge Sunday :.ft moon. '1 hey had a Lincoln have been given so rare a treat lunch, panned somo oysters and had a uudir such circumstances, pleasant time. Tho Pleasant Hour Club gavo a re- Mr. and Mrs. Foster Ingalls of Des markably pretty cotillion last evening at AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAI BANK LINCOLN, NEB. I.M. KAYMOSU. l'rtlint. 3. ll.HUKXHAM. Cashier. A.J. S.lWYKR Vlro ProidcQt I) fl.WINO Allnt Caitiier CAPITAL, $250,000 SURPLUSES 000 Directors-1. M. Itnjmoiicl, S. It. Ilurnliam C (i.Duwra. A. J S.iwjrur, t.nwl (irenr N ZSuoll.d M Lambortson. I) U Wing. 3 V Ilurnhnm. Under new management MERCHANTS' HOTEL OMAHA, NEBR. PAXTON, HOI.KTT DAYXlfrOBT, Proprietors. fpeelal attention to etate trade, owt v aeBmerolal traralors. Farnan street elaatri :,n paaa tat door to and from ail parts of tha t. O. J. KING. Moines, Iowa, have been the guests of Miss Meam Cuson for several day. Mrs. IrgalU will be remembered m Miss El a Quick who has favored Lincoln with visits at various times. Clay Clements appearance in Lincoln was the occasion for a number of box parties at the Fuiikv Oi era Ilou-e las; Monday evening. Especially atti active were those boxes Idled with the mein- Couner Hall. It was a merry little party of about sixteen couples. Mr. Baldwin made an excellent leader. His figures were pretty and original as were also the properties in use. 6LUBS. Family Grocer.. Wholesale and J?ctail. 1126 N STREET, - LINCOLN, NEB. Stock purchased direct from tho manufacturer. We buy in carload lots. Quality considered, "we claim to be the Low est Priced Grocery in Lincoln. L: WE SELL FOR CASH. bors of the Phi Kappa Pai fra'ernity. 'I he Magazine Club was entertained Wednesday evening with a very instruc- Mr. Clements being a "f rat" brother, the tive talk by Miss Jones. Librarian at the Lizy Hours in Spain and Elsewhere boys turned out en mass, presented him university, on" 1 he lse of Books." Miss Essays on Boohs .nd Culture, Mabie. with a hugh bunch or American Beauty Jones ought to talk to every club in tho Authors and Friends, roses and invited him to a "smoker" eity, whose members have any topics to S-ats of The Mighty. after the performance at the house oa 'c: UP- To know how to use a library 12th and L streets. Until two o'clock so as to save the intst time is an art. Mr. Clements made the time fairly fly Friday evening the "at home" was by his bright conversation and wit y turned into a Progressive Crokinole Alone in China, Ralph. Tae Bible as Literature, Moulton. OoxjxfciisR IPx'isse Offer. A Trip to party, about tweiry live young women being invited Sunday afternoon the subject cf thi 1 o'clock met ting will be The Religious Progress of the Day. Leader. Miss Wild. Solo, Miss Churchill. Afternoon tea, sing and socidl from .1 to G. All women are invited. The subject for the Bible Class Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock is, 'J he Relation of the Four Gospels to each other. fclor.e?. An informal chafing diih party was given to a few friends Wednesday even ing by Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Oakley. Miss Miner will entertain a small whist club this evenirg at her home on North lG:h street. Born Wednesday at Grand Island to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Penny baker of Cripple Crerk a daughter whom they will call Dorathy. Mis. Penny baker is visiting her mother Mrs. Gay en of Grand Island. Tho Club of '0G gavo a delightful selected by the hook club for the dancing party Friday the loth at rent year. The committee lequcst the Courier Hall. There were thirty coup- members of the club to cut this list out les present who dauced tho sixteen for luture refeience. numbers en the program. Miss Will- Joan of Arc, Lowell, oughby V orchestra furnished the music. Timbuctoo, Dubois. Taeso affiirs which are given every Carmen, Menmee. month are looked forward to with great Old Colony Das, Ward, pleasure. Mere Literature. Mm. Mrnnriirll and enn nf Mnnmnnth. 'lno IIerb 0011, Hobbes. The Old Autograph Album. Its binding is dingy and ragged, I know. And its pages are yellow with age; Am' there's many a blot and a thumb mark that show On each tattered, timo-worn page. There are some of the leaves that are missing too, Thev were lost a long time ao: While others aro dirtied and torn in two. A u and return. On March 20 the Courier Tho' once they were white s-s the snow, will award to the person who Yet many a tale could these pages sends in tin -rv:Lt,.r: mmib.-r , of subscribers, a iirst-class 'Ihe Book Glub. The following U the list of books Illinois, are stopping at 12th and K street. She is attending to some busi ness affairs in the city. The young ladies of the Episcopal church will give a tea at tho home or Miss Mae Burr next Saturday evening. The entertainment given List Monday evening by the Art Department of the Mis. Cliffs Yacht, Stockton Woman's Club at their rooms on 12th An Iceland Fisherman, Loti and M streets is one long to be reruemb- Rodney Stone, Doyle, ered. It was a success socially and My Village, Smith, financially. Each department of this Fables. Stevenson, organization is required to give an open Quo Vadis, Sienkiewicz. March Hares, Harold Frederic. The Puritan in England and The World Beautiful, 2nd series. A Year in the Fields, Borroughs. Xugae Litterariae. Mathews. Pierrette, Bouvet. Karine, Jensen. The Edge of The Orient, Rusedl. X. E. many a tale could these pages sends in union. Tales of the vanished year; Of the love and tho friendship in days of old, Of the friendship which mem'ry endears. For these dim, faded lins, iou can see them here So painfully traced and slow r .l .., li -t-i , "; "" in me sciicoiooy s scrawi, are mo lOKcns wo Monjig ciear Of the friendship of long ago! But where are tho hands that traced these lines. Oh! where are those friends of old? Some have departed to other climes. Some to tho grave so cold. xnd tonight, as I sit in my old arm chair. By the open grate in my hi'mble cot, I read these words, by the tire light glare: "Remember Me," "Forget Me Not!" Will A. Wilkinson. ticket to the Pacific Coast and return. The award to be made under these conditions: All subscriptions cash. One Month 1 otc 8 20 ...!otes 40 Three Months 5otei 50 Four Months 7 votes 70 Six Months 15 votes 1 00 One Year :J5 votes 2 CO 0OOOO0 0""0" 3 9 Business men and ladies shoppirg should take their luncheon at the Model Restaurant, 31G South Twelfth. Xo better place can be found in the city. Single meals 13 cents. Sunday dinner 25 cente. Tickets 83. Soup served from 9 to 10 p. m. c 6 6 c t 6 6 c i i t H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. WliItlna'M Fino Stationery and Calling Cards 127 S. Eleventh Street. PHONE 68. 3 9 9 ; il OOX0J r'Lfy.