The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 23, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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I" IE fll H PHfiE 1. 1 1 1 II?
In tho Inst act of "Carmen" as pro
duced by Koealid Monifon, is given an
actual bull light lusting fifteen minutes
without cessation. Thirty cars ago tho
man who dreamed of talking over f(K)
miles of wire would havo been liughed
at. Still today telephone is in universal
uso throughout tho civilized world. Tho
same wonderlul inventive gift is mani
fest in tho Eidoloscope. This instru
ment is to the eye, what tho tilephono
is to tho ear. It annihilates epace, it
places beforo tho eye incidents that
transpired hundreds and thousm 8 of
miles distant. Tho principle involved in
tho operation of tho Eidoloscope is sim
ple, but the actual oporation and con
struction is complicated and intricated.
The object or event to be reproduced is
brought within the range of the camera's
lens. A sensitive film is fed from a
spool and is fed before the exposed lens
by means of an electric molar which
permits the passage cf the tilm at a uni
form but amazing speed. The film
mares until a portion of it is exposed
sufficient to receive the amount of im
pression permitted by the radius of tho
lens. It stops to receive this impression,
an intinitesimal space of time. Still it
Btops and a revolving shutter excludes
the light while the next portion of the
film is being placed. This operation
continues until the entire incident has
been indelibly placed on the film. After
the tilm is developed it is placed in tho
Eidolescope. tho spool again unwinds
tho film and by the aid of a powerful
electric current the incident is project
ed by the wonderful instrument and re
produced exactly as it originally
occurred. In the bull fight which is
shown in Rosabel Morrison's pioJuction
of "Carmen" the possibilities of the
Eidoloscope are well exploited. Clouds
of dust kicked up by the bull hiding
htm fron sight and then rolling majes
tically away, make it hard to believe
hat the actual arena is not a tangible
reality. At the Funke one night, Mon
day, January 25th. Prices 81 75, 50 and
25 cents. Seats on sale Friday 10 a. m.
Manager Zebrung of tho Funke takes
great pleasure in announcing the return
of the ever populir Holden Comedy
Company supporting Lincoln's favorite
Kittie DeLorme in repertoire. The
Holdens are two well known in this city
to require a lengthy notice.
Tkey will open at the Funk on Tues
day, January 26th for two nights and a
Saturday matinee. From here they go
to Denver for a four weeks engagement.
The opening bill will Lo tho experience
of a western man in New York City.
Tho play is full of comedy and pathos
and as put on by the Iloldcns will keep
up the reputation of that company.
Two ladies or one lady and gentleman
admitted on one 20 cent ticket if bought
before C p. m. opening night. Seats on
salo Saturday 10 a. m. 10, 20 and SO
Th. Keeno will present "Louis XI" at
tho Lanping Theatre on Monday even
ing February 1st for one night only.
One of the most daring feats ever per
formed, in the history of magic and mys
tery, has just been perfected by Ban
croft, the magician, and will be exploit
ed by bin during his coming engage
ment here. In this startling act, the
magician will make use of a live lion,
one of the most ferocious beasts in the
country, as tho nature of the feat
demanded an animal of this description.
Tho lion is known as Wallacker. Ho
has been tho property of the John
Robinson Circue and is of such an un
tamable character that John Robinson
himself insists upon accompanying the
animal wherever it goes, and is there
fore at the present time travelling with
tho Bancroft organization.
No magical performer of recent timo
has attracted such wide spread atten
tion as Bancroft the magician who with
his lavish production of magic-wit and
scenic grandeur appears at tho Lansing
Theatre Tuesday evening. Bancroft's
fascinating manner as an entertainer
and his skill as a magician has com
pletely revolutionized tho art of magi:,
lie presents the most elaborato settings
ever accorded a magical entertainment.
Ho carries all tho scenery for his pro
duction complete and will present his
entertainment hert. intact the same as he
has been producing in the largest cities
of this country. A unique feature of
his entertainment will be a display of
1Sg TyAJggnrcQ AjvgEATRB
JOHN DOWDEN, Jr., Manager.
One Night Only,
Tuesday Evening, January 26.
Has the honor to present
The Magician,
In his Brilliant, Bewildering-
Production of
Magical Feats,
Occult Phenomena,
Spectacular Illusions,
Allied with
Scenic Embellishments
J And a Special Feature of
Unrivalled Unique Interest
4 'Midnight Mysteries of
the Yogi,"
Also the Startling Illusion,
LEONII, withthe live lion
Prioes$1.00, 5, SO aiacl 25.
Seats on sale this morning- at 10 o'clock.
See Bancroft's Lion in Hard' window next Tuesday
from 11 a. m. until 6 p. m.
JOHN DOWDEN, Jk., Manager.
One Night
Wednesday, January 27th,
The talk of the town. The comedy hit of the
season eclipsing- "Chinatown." Gorgeous
Costumes and Sccner'. Brilliant music, per
fect cast. Laughter and applause mingle.
flows fc fci&CK SflEEP .
Ilindo magic which Bancrcft ju6t
studied in India from whence he has
just returned entitled "Midnight Mys
teries of the Yogi' in which he will dis
play new magical Hindoo feasts never
Eeen in this country before. The prices
are $1, 75, 50 and 21 cents. Seats on
Bale this morning 10 a. m. at Theatre
box effice. The ladies and children of
Lincoln can see the Bancroft "Lion" in
the Hardy store window next Tuesday. Prices $1.00, 75c, 50c and 25c. Seats on sale Monday
New songs, first time in the city. "Xancv," "He
Had His Rabbit's Foot With Him," "The Girl You
Dream About." Specialty selected cast, including
OTIS HARLAN. New York cast and scenery. &