The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 16, 1897, Page 6, Image 8

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Captain Gu lfoylo and wife have re
turned from enjoying the holidays with
their friends in barracks at Fort Rob
inson. Mr. and Mrs. Danii I Du Shane Olstott
gave a pretty and unique dinner at their
home in Chicago, Wednesday, Jan. L'lth,
tho oecaskn Wing tho first anniversary
of their marriage. Mrs. Otstott former
ly Miss Ida Uonnell of this city, has no
superstition about the number thirteen,
as a description of this dinner party will
show. 1 he guests comprised the wed
ding party, and covers were laid for just
thbtcen. 1 ho circular table was decor
ated with groups of cut flowers, thirteen
in each lioquct, while each plate was laid
with thirteen pieces of silver. The colla
tion was very elegant, and was served in
thirteen courses. Those present were
II. and Mrs. John C. Bonnell, Miss
Martha Otstott, Mr. Frank Hill. Misses
Elizabeth and Pearl Bound!, Messrs.
Tom Otstott, Shollenlierger, Wc&d and
Flocd, Rev. Dr. Swift and Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Iiuhoff entertained
the members of the Hall in the Grove
with an open niecting last evening. Dr.
Lowrey gave a line address. 1 he guests
spent rho remaining time in conversa
tion. Dainty refreshments were served
to the gutsts before their departure.
W. F. Wiley of Minneapolis was in the
city a few days this week.
The following ladies and gentlemen
spent the evening Monday evening
pleasantly with Mist Helen Nance: The
Misses Grace Oakley and Henrietta
Hollowbush; Metsrs. Mattson Baldwin,
Fred Whi'e anJ Raymond Welch.
The Bucyrus Mandolin Club held the
Monday night rehearsal at the home of
M r. and M rs. F. W. Smith. The evening
was profitably and agreeably spent.
There is a startling rumor about town
that the most enthus astic members of
the Pleasant Hour Club are attempting
to get up a pairy for next week.
Miss Julia Anderson of Taylorville,
111., who will be remembered as the
guest of Miss Mae Burr seveml times,
will be in I.inco'n a few days next week.
From hero she goes to California to
sperd the wint r.
Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Cnil Funke en'crtaincd the whist club
in a delightful manner. With a number
of well contested games the evening was
soon spent 1 he members present were
Messrs. and Mesdames. A. G. Bceson, A.
J. Green, L. C. Burr, C. L. Eurr, W. B.
Hargrcaves, R. C. Ou'calt Capt and
Thursday at one o'clock, Mrs. D. A.
Campbell gave a chsrmlng luncheon in
compliment to Mrs. Parnialtee of Platts
mouth, Neb. Mrs. Parmallee will be re
membered by society as Miss Lillie Pol
Lck. 1 he luncheon was daintily served
ar.d the guests were given a most enjoy
able time. Ihose participating were
Mesdames C. E. Yates, J. A Eucksfciff,
C. S. Lipp'ncott, C. F. Ladd, R. A.
Holj okc, G. H. Noble and J. F. G uilfoj le.
Messrs. Hasken and Torrir-gton of
AtchiEon, theatrical and musical direc
tors, are in the city conducting the re
bearsals for the Burlesque Circus to be
put on by the Linccln Light Infantry.
Their 6bow promises to be a great suc
cess, has many new and interesting
features which theso gentlemen have
introduced, and threats are freely made
that it will surpass in elegance the cele
brated production of Powhatan.
The Cotillion Club will give their next
party Wednesday, January twentieth,
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Buck
staff. 1 he lady members met yesterday
with Mrs. BuckstatT to make favors.
Miss Anna Dick, modiste, has moved
her rooms to 1.118 O street.
The gool sleighing of Wednesday
brought about one of the merriest of
bob-sled parties given for ages. Every
available inch of the big four horse
sleigh was more than occupied. The
The conversation and sorgs were more
or le s interrupted with such remarks as
'Can't you give us more room?"' or
"Whose feet are these?' "Who's got all
the robes?'' The discomforts with a
breakdown only added to the pleasure.
1 he vocal sclect'ons were accompanied
by a few dozen tin horns. 1 hose partic
ipating in the ride were the Misses
tlenriet'a Hollowbush, Sadie Burnham,
Florence Farwell, Mao Burr, Maude
Oakley, Blanch Garten, Lucy Griffith
and Olive Latta; Messrs. F. C. Cooley,
J. H. Mallalieu, C. Y. Smith, F. W.
White, W. C. Valentine, Homer Honey
well, W. E. Clark and M. H. Baldwin,
with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Marshall as
chaperons d'honncur.
Busy? Weill Well! Lincoln Coal Co.
Miss Mable Cobb from York has been
visiting Mrs. Jansen. She sang at the
Matinee Musical on Monday evening.
Canon Pea coal. 85 per ton. The best
for the money, at Gregory's, llth and O.
Mr. Watts C. Valentine was in West
Point this week visiting his parents
Mr. Valentino expects to leave for Ccsta
Rica about March 1st.
Business men and ladies shoppirg
should take their luncheon at the Mode'
Restaurant, 31G South Twelfth. No
better place can be found in the city.
Single meals 15 cents. Sunday dinner 25
cents. Tickets S3. Soup served from
9 to 10 p. m.
Mr. Harry Reese was in Wahoo on
legal business this week.
The success of the banquet part of the
tarenty-first anniversary of Mr. Gregory's
pastorate was due to Mrs. S. II. Burn
ham. Never were four hundred people
fed more quickly and satisfactorily than
on Monday evening. A line of young
men stationed on the stairway between
the dining room and upper rooms passed
up the trays containing tilled plates and
later ice cream tjnd cake. The coffee
was made ana served in the upper rooms.
Within an hour the people were served
and the plates were gathered up and
put away. The arrangements which
had been made beforehand secured this
result and the credit should be given to
Mrs. Burnham who was the director
general of the whola.
Gregory sells the best crushed coke
for 87.40 per ton. llth and O. Phone 343.
Dr. C. F. Ladd was initiated into the
law fraternity Phi Delta Phi laet Friday
night. He was slso recently initiated
into the college fraternitj Phi Kappa Psi.
We hive tho hot s' uff. Lincoln Coal Co.
The members of Phi Kappa Psi will
occupy three boxes at Clay Clement's
presentation of "The Now Dominion" at
the Funke Monday evening. Clay
Clement is a member of the fraternity
and after the play tho young men will
give a "smoker" at their chapter bouse,
Twelfth ard G ttreets.
Austin Collett left Friday for Madieon,
Wisconson, to attend a district reunion
and banquet of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity.
Try Lincoln Coal Co.'e -Beaut', 1200 O
The Junior class of the State Univer
sity have perfected arrangements for
the Junior hop to be held charter week.
Ernest Wiggenhorn was elected chair
man of the hop committee.
Mrs. Harriet S. Mc. Murphy ot Omaha
spent Tuesday evening and Wednesday
in Lincoln. She read Tuesday evening
a paper at the annual meeting of the
State Historical society on '-Nebraska
Wromen in 1851. "' Mrs. MacMurphy
has organized a School of Household
Economics in Omaha to which school
the Womans Club have given tne uso of
their rooms, and in which is being in
structed at present a class of young
girls selected from some of the schools
of the city in tho principles ot cooking
and home making. The expenses of
this tuition are being paid by the De
partment of Sociology of tho club. Mrs.
MacMurphy is also arranging for courses
of demonstration lectures in Household
Economics in various towns throughout
the state.
A pleasant affair was the Kensington
given Thursday afternoon by Mrs. R.J.
Green in compliment to her mother,
Mrs. Miller of Lafayette, Ind. With
such a charming hostess, the time was
spent most agreeably with needle woik
and conversation. Mrs. Miller camo be
fore New Year's and expects to mako a
two months vibU with her daughters.
A very pretty wedding was that of
Mies Jennie Watson's, daughter ot Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Watson, and Charles
Beghtoll of Trinidad, Colorado, which
occurred Tuesday at twelve o'clock at
the home of tho bride's parents on L
street. The decorations were extremely
boautiiul. Pink was the prevailing
color. Carnations and La France rosea
of that color intertwined in garlands of
smilax was used artistically on the cur
tains and chandelier and as portieres.
A bank of palniB was arranged in the
south end of the parlor, covering the
entire space, before which the ceremony
was performed by the Rev. Dr. Hind
man. Mies Lelia Watson played the
Mendelsohn wedding march for the
bridal party. Miss Beghtoll of Hold
rege, Neb., a sister ot the groom, was
the bridesmaid and Mr. Hufford of
Holdrego was best man. The little
flower girls, Miss Hazel Moore, a neico
of .he bride, and Miss Alice Kate pro
ceeded tho party carrying baskets of
pink roses. Tho bride wore a white silk
gown which was beautiful for its sim
plicity. It was trimmed in chiffon
pearl passementerie and lace. She car
ried bride roses. Miss Beghtoll'sgown was
a delicate pink silk trimmed in lace and
chiffon.The flower girls wore dainty white
gowns. A delicious wedding breakfast
followed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.
Beghtoll took the G:05 p. m. train for
Holdrego where they remained two days.
0. J. KING.
Family Grocer..
Wholesale and Retail.
Stock purchased direct from tho manufacturer.
We buy in carload lots.
Quality considered, we claim to be the Low
est Priced Grocery in Lincoln.
SlfeiiI !
"Miss Althea Roberts, second daughter
of Col. A. Roberts of Rising City, and
Corwin R. Haggard, second son of Dr.
and Mrs. J. R. Haggard of this city,
were married in Rising City on Tuesday,
at ten a. in. at the home of the bride's
father. Only the immediate families of
tho young pair were present at the
ceremony. The brido wore a becoming
traveling gown. She will bo remember
ed in Lincoln as a former student of the
State University and is a pretty and
popular ycung lady in Rising City. Mr.
Haggard is well known in Lincoln as a
prominent young man of sterling qual
ities who is connected at present with
the American Express company. tMr.
and Mrs. Haggard arrived here on the
noon train Tursday and went to their
newly furnished "cottage ou Eleventh
and F streets where thy will bo at
home to their friends.
Sutton & Hollowbush havo invented
a cough drop. They call it tho S. & II.,
Sutton & Hollowbush, and it is a good
oae. Stop and get one on your way to
tho theatre. It will savo you a spasm
of coughing.
The young ladies of Kappa Alpha
Theta entertained a number of their
young gentlemen friends at the home of
Miss Emily Weeks last Friday night.
A reception was tendered them by tho
groom's parents. Friday they started
for Trinidad, Col., their future home,
and where Mr. Beghtoll is prominent in
both the social and business world.
Miss AVat6on has always lived in Lin
coln; she is a pretty girl and has a host
of friends who wish her happiness in her
new home. Thirty friends and relatives
were present among whom were Mr. and
Mrs. Michener of Beardstown, 111.; Mrs.
Kato and daughter Alice of Audibon,
Iowa, a sister of tho groom; the Misses
Beghtoll of Holdrege, Julia Boehney,
Grewell, Nellie Grewell, Hazel Moore;
Messrs. Carl Beghtoll, Hufford; Mr. and
Mrs. G. C. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Ware of
Wymore, Neb.
During the past week tho men of tho
First Congregational church have or
ganized a club to take charge of tho
evening services at the church. This
plan has been adopted with great success
in the east and is being tried for tho
first time here. Tomorrow evening tho
club will furnish a ppecial musical rro
gram. The Hagenow String Quartette
will render a number of selections, assist
ed by tho church choir, soloists and
organ. Admission will bo free but a
voluntary collection will be taken at
the door.