THE COURIER. r II" PRIZE m H I 1 WH b 1 . I ANNOUNCEMENTS. Tonight "Human Hearts'' at tho Lan sing for ono night only. 'J his story of tho Arkansas h Us is a beautiful and pa thetic character touch that makes tho people of that region neither sou h nor west but lwth and something cite beside, which is Arkansan. None cac afford to miss seeing the wonderful Vivrescope, which will be in troduced by Eunice Goodrich and her own New York company, at the Fucke one night, Friday, Jan. 22nd. The New York World gives the following descrip tion of this Nineteenth century marvtl: "The Vivrescope works in the same way ae the Vitascopo and the Ehlolo scope, but the pictures are clearer and 'J hero arc some playsentitled to praise, when they arc considered from any skindpoint.whcther it be moral, sat rical, humorouf, philos pliicnl or artis ic. Such a i lay is the 'New Dominion," which will bo presented at theFunkeon Monday night. The "New Dominion" whiih by tho way, was given twice in this city intro duceo one to life on the Jamos river in Virginia. Tho very soul of romnnco seems to exist in the south. Its warm, perfume laden breezes, its romantic scenery, its beautiful women, and its legends conspiro to charm the every sense. The play is a love s'ory, pimply, sweet ly, attractively told, with many beauties of language, graced by a tt e poetic spirit and genuine sentiment abour ding THE IVjIIVO HIS ATP R JB srr? MI5S BERTHA WESTBROOK, WITH "HUMAN HEARTS." there is less vibration, so that the pic tures are not so trying to the eyes as those produced by other machine?. "The first view was "A Dip in the S ;a" and showed several little bojs running along a plank on stilts, and diving int: the waves, which dashed upon theshoie in the most natural manner. The second picture showed a lawn with a gardener using a hose to sprinkle it. A bad bo steps on tho hose, causing the water to squirt into the gardener's face. He drops the Iiosp, runs after the b y, and gives him a sound thrashing. "A street scene in London was very realistic, and " The Chargeof the Seventh French Cuirasseurs" was very ins iring. "The best picture was "Tne Arrival of the Mail Train. Tho train came into the station, passengers alighted, met their friends and walked about, and all the bustle incident to affairs of this kind was shown to p rfectior. "Other pictuies were 'Washing Day in Switzerland,' 'Parade of tho Ninety sixth French Infantry, 'A Friendly Bout, 'Hyde Park,' 'London,' and 'The Cascade. " Pi Kes 10. 20 and 30 cents, Remember one night only. in deligh'ful humor that sometimes verges closely upon pathos. 1 he scenes are laid in Virginia in the year 18715. Emily Bancker who appears at tho Funke has a brilliant reputation and the ability to sustain and rcinfore it at eiery appearance. She will appear in Lincoln in the "Scintillant." a transla tion from the French of Sardon. Emily Bancker appears with a large and excel lent comjiany and will play to a full house. DO VOU WANT TO SAVE TIME? Well the new tlyer leaving Lincoln at 3:20 p. m. via Missouri Pacific will save jou several hours to St. Louis, Cincin nati, New York and all eastern points and connections are mado in the St. Louis union station, the most expen sive, completn and line6t in the world Anv information or sleeping car berths city ticket lice 1201 O St The Model restaurant, 31G South Twelfth is open from 8 to 10 p. in.,when soup and lunches are served. Drop in on jour way home. Canon City coal at the H'bitebreaat Coal and Lime Co. JOHN DOWDEN, Jr., Manager. One Night Only, Fourth Annual Appearance OF THE ittoQil iGT teMTCW -in-Haskell's Burlesque Circus, Morday Everirg, darwiary 25, All the discarded features and expensive novelties of a broken down three-rinjf circus will he exhibited as well as the greatest arejation of freaks ever seen outside a clinic. HIGH MOOX and LITTLE ALLKIGIIT in their Great Japanese Pole Balancing Act. MLLE. SHORTCLOTHES on the Hirh Wire (assisted by the Band.) (Jet Y0lll TiQkets now f Membeps. Box Office open Friday. January 22- Prloes$1.00, STS, SO and 2o. rz-rtttt V V ;Gt:'')oxxn M because of a run down con- The Cough which Lingers ditin of e o svsterr and ts z j - not affected by ordinary cough medicines, will yield readily to ScHU SnvulstenJ npra fts tf crrvpz sfrpnofi f n f Ue V WWWMW AW W A W .fc& WV U1V U V i V U u u u u f f weakened body and enables it to J 50c. and $1.00. All Druggists. throw off the disease -s.