STilTTv 3ABJXl'ft'JiBJB13W THE COURIER. w-i 'rin-inm-L.iW"'"T"r "" i; lag for it a building. There were then, he says, not over 200 people in the city. Meanwhile the seminary building had burned. There was no jtlace of public worship. LINCOLN AT DIRTII. Among our nrcnlres is a long letter of Mr. Utile, dated March, 1SCS, solicit ing funds from eastern friends. In this letter we have an Interesting ncount of Lincoln ns it then was, and an outlook on Its future. He writes: "We are the most western of the live Congregational churches In southern Nebraska. (Now there are u hundred beyond us south of the Platte.) "We are," ne goes on to say, "In the capital of the state, which though only six months old. give? signs of vig orous life. 1ess tlian one-half tho city lots have been sold for $39,000. The foun dations of a state liouse. IfiOxTO feet, have been laid. The building is to be com pleted this year. Dwellings, shois and stores tre rapidly rising. One newspa per receives a lucrative iwitronage, and two others are projected. The immediate future Is most promising. Attracted by the healthy climate and rich soil, farmers are rapidly opening up the surrounding country. Just without the city limits on the west are salt springs, apparently Inexnaustlble, -which of themselves must creiite n illage. The site of the city Is a natural center for railroads. The Mid land Pacific Itallroad company will soon commence a road from Nebraska City to le extended to Fort Kearney and form a. link in one of the great lines to the Pacific coast. A railroad Is also contem plated from Omaha to Fort Riley. This will eventually le a part of a through line from Lake Superior to New Mexico. Other roads will follow In due time. "By act of the legislature the university has been established here. These facts warrant the belief that Lincoln will be come the political, literary and religious center of the state. Its Influence will be immense, affecting not only the present but future generations. That this influ ence should bless and not curse, as it flows out and on. is infinitely important. You will admit that the foundations of this commonwealth cannot be firmly laid unless those Institutions which have made the east what it Is shall have been first established." He then speaks of the place of the Congregational church and polity tn national history, and of the special need of this church for its "ef ftNitive. and aggressive work" of a place of public worship. He concludes: "Such a building, erected now, will accomplish Inconceivable good. A place where Christians, previously strangers, will be come acquainted, an attraction to the young and wandering, who now. In crowded hotel or boarding houses, or In saloons, seek but And not a substitute for home. It will give stability to so ciety; It -will draw to us a class of per sons whose presence is most desirable, and will strongly tend to secure from the outset what we 50 much desire to see, a religious and Intellectual community." THE FIRST CHURCH. The church building was erected In 1SS and finished and furnished in 1SC9 sim ple but su2iantlal and capable or seat ing IS people. It cost $2.77S.Su. This was. I think, the first permanent building dedicated to the worship of God in our city. Soon after this church was built, on February 13. 1SG9. the legislature, to encourage Immigration and building, of fered three lots to denominations which should rect an edlflce within the next two years. As a consequence there was a hastening to organize churches, far leyond the immediate needs of the city, and to put up some sort of u building to secure the offered ground. Whatever ultimate good came of this arrangement, at the time it divided Christian forces, and laid heavier burdens on the early settlers. It was In many cases a struggle for life with the churches, and n question of the "survival of the fittost." Following the completion of the building in ISO. the church was able to pledge onlv $201 for the pastor's salary, of which only $132 had been. raised at the close of the year. The remaining meagre support was contributed by the Congregational home missionary society. Such a condi tion of things makes short pastorates. The minuter having exhausted his own resources and those of his friends, must leave. Mr. Little resigned In 1ST0. the church, then numbering thlrty-rour mem Rev. L. R. Flfield. a man of scholarlr tastes. and well educated, as all youi ministers have been. ook up the work and Tielped to bear its burdens for two years more, adding twenty-three to its membership: but owing to deaths and re movals, he left it the same in numbers as he found It. His successor. Rev. S. R. Dimmock, was a man of unusual oratorical gifts. lie attracted a large congregation. The church blldlng was enlarged, in what seemed the easiest, but has since turned out the most expensive way for Ne braskans to raise money, borrowing it and mortgaging the future. Fifty were added to the church in Mr. Dimmock s pastorate, Yet there was instant going ana coming so tju-"'-- -- -new western town-ind peculiarly, so I thmko? Lincoln in past day. 60 when er two and a half years the minister was compelled to resign on -" "" poor health, there were but Miy-0" mes on the roll, of "whom only about forty were resident and a?lr, "WMle on the other side was a debt of t.(w. thNinfyears had passed " canlzation of -the church, and what was fherT o "how for all the efforts made? A great deal more surely then than appeared on the surface. It is a serious thought that the foundations of so many enterprises have often to be laid be- nea th the surface, on the unrequited toll, the sacrifices, the very blood and bones it may be, of the brave pioneer. It was so the pilgrim fathers gave themselves for the building of this nation. Few, If any. of the early settlers of this region, who dared so mucli, have escaed bankruptcy. The ctty of Lincoln, that Is to be. with Us hundred thousand i.ople, and prosierous business, years hence, probably will not find a large number of those wlio have been so generous and far-sighted In Its upbuilding occupying places of wealth and iower. nut such stern facts should not dishearten or cause to say: "It was all a mistake. I "have labored In vain." Out of such seem ing failures the best things of this world come. One generation lalors and Is laid nslde, only that others may enter into the fruits of their labors. mltted to send four of our Sunday school The pioneer church builder breaks up teachers into foreign missionary service, the hard ground, plants the good seed, Then In 1!3, having Increased to 225 mem waters it -with his tears, grieving be- hers, came the talk of a new building, cause it does not take better root, then It was not seen at first how the $10.00 passes on without seeing the harvest. KARLY CROAKERS. There were many who prophesied that Lincoln had seen Its best days. "It was overgrown." "What was there "here to support a town of S.000 people?" "Then the gras-shoppers year after year!" "When the subject for the next evening meeting was announced as "What has ttie Iionl Put the Congregational church here for?' one of those Jeremiah s al- ways to be found among God s pronhe s. whispered to his neighbor: "To be burned." though he himself was one of the old martyr sort to stay by and be burned with it. Few and discouraged as the Christian workers were twenty-one years ago, they had done better than they knew. They had stood for the church as an essential institution in the new community. They had mantalned public worship for years. They gave comfort and help to strangers constantly coming and going. They had permanently gathered a handful of choice members, rich in love and good works. Their trials liad melted and fused them. Their seeming failures had taught them self denial and dependence upon God. The church was dear to them all. They were ready to do all they could for it. They gave themselves and their personal service. They were ready to go to the prayer meeting to pray ana praise, anu to the business meeting. If it was only to lewall their poverty. They were not afraid of hard work. . REV. LEWIS GREGORY. Any sensible minister might consider It a ntl&mi t ta lni4tAj1 4t 1irh fl f1flf. ThA w Knlantl village nastor. with all his pleasant surroundings, could scarcely operation of pastor and people are so hope to do more than maintain what was mingled and interwoven that all alike already so well established. He knew may rejoice. Each can say of the ag more than one capable minister waiting ffregate result: "In all this I shared and and anxious to take his p'.ace. Here on was permitted to do my little part, the frontier was a call that appealed THE CHURCH RECORDS, to his missionary spirit. The place was Tne financrial and statistical records of vacant. The need was urgent- Here was llie earjv years are so meagre that it is the chance of building up from the foun- impossible t0 make a complete summary, dation a new work, with plenty of room. iurjnK the last twenty-one years there Though he might accomplish but little Js a record Gf $110,G35.S2 contributed to even that ilttle would be a distinct gain ward our own church expenses. In the lo the Masters cause, ana uoa seemeu to say "come." FEW ARE LEFT. Of the members who extended such a hearty welcome to the new pastor twenty-one years ago, most have passed on. Only eleven remain, ana wun mrai a lew other helpers, some since uniting with the chun. and others who in all ex- cent the Christian name have served the clurch. outside saints, whom the pastor has always hoped and still longs to see taking Ssa among the recognized rnwrilwr of this church. It was agreed aTthe outset that the Congregational homo missionary society would contribute $300 a year towards the mhdLsurrPOssW for three . . S-- to year. So every one took hold for a VLJ, i" . ll, ii .. ik. h. . i To "th .;umrlse of all ran to move, io ine surprise 01 itu jo me u4.. m -.. when the year closed the first thousand dollars of indebtedness was removeu. The people were so much encouraged that the? voted to accept no more help frv?m the mi!onarv oc!etv. viwtteriS sXlf they could do that, the balance of debt might wait another year, a good sister rose up in meeting to protest, saying "they could pay tho minister and the debt too." She offered to put her name at the top of the subscription paper. So the minister was overruled and the good work went for- ward until Mny 2, ISO!, when the last note of indebtedness was burned, and the church again stood even with the world, it was still a little church, and poor, with only 130 members, but full of the strength and courage which comes of duties faithfully performed. Their debts cancelled, the people could not rest, but set to work at once to thor oughly renovate the house of worship, which was painted, frescoed, re heated and furnished with its first new carpet. Five years more passed, during which there was a slow but steady increase In member- ship and benevolence, and we were per- necessary could be ecHred. Rut past experience made the church hopeful, and finally the limit to which the trustees should be allowed to go was fixed at $12, IkiO. Yet somehow $2i.C83.G3 was raised for this purpose In the next three years. The church was all paid for except $3,000. The ladle.-, contributions Included in the aooV( ' e sum furnMied the church. The generous Indhldual gift of our beautiful completed the enterprise, , M e n moment ,, h privileges of worship we to consider privileges of worship we have here enjoyed: then let the mind go reverently back thirty years to the very beginning. Has not God been a kind Father, a boun tiful benefactor, a helper tried and true? Is there not much for everyone to be thankful for? Not the least among reasons for grati tude is the fact that the church, in Its ,..", ,. ., rt r..mitr.' n Je ;,own lnto tn wnlch aiways marks the beginning of degeneration. DAUGHTER CHURCHES. Early in 1SS7, not through any spirit of discord or division, hut out of the enter prise of growth and service, a new church was planned. The pastor's vaca tion was given to getting meetings under 1 w: ay. The young peoples socmiy 01 Tchrirtlan endeavor helped. Theresult was that in October the organization of Plymouth church, our oldest and beloved daughter to whose prosperity this church was permitted to contribute seventy-five 0f jts choicest members. Two years following. In 1SS9. it was the privilege of pastor and people Jo as sist in the gathering of another church, and to contribute a large part of the money needed for a liouse of worship among our German Congregational friends in this city, who have ever since gone on their way rejoicing. Nothing of equal cost which this church has done, has brought more comfort, or been of greater service. Again in 1S-0 we were able to send out another colony of forty-five members to form the Vine street church, which has also been greatly favored, and has a bright future before It. In ISC we were jiermltted to contrib ute fome material old and a few mem bers to the Butler avenue church, which Is already more than fulfilling the hopes of those who di-slred to see religious s-ervlces established In a neighborhood remote from other churches. And finally for the past six months we have been furnishing a room In our own building for some Swedish brethren who are enjoying a "precious ingathering and are ready to erect their own build ing, as soon as the frost is out the ground. To their church also I trust we will be able to contribute some of the foundation stones. Into these, and all the events which indlcato tho life and progress of the church-4he work of God and the co iamQ period $22,S2S.C1 was given In be- nevolences. The total number received to membership has been 1,031, of whom Wl liave united during the present pastorate. Three hundred and thirty-two on confession of faith: C09 by letter. Of the total number received 4 have been t t u,i ci l.nsv "H.-vjI Tha ttrAGAnt uismustu, anu uac u .- i--" membership is -JT2. The number exceeded C0 at one time the present year. Th rty- live absentees have recently been induced to take letters, and there are enough others who should do so to make our "1 working force about 0. There I-. abundant opportunity to fill the absent Places with a living membership before the year closes. It Is to this blessed 1"?! ma y laHy be, rtn. altitude J uoa s many mercies 111 me it . nromnt to this. It Is the great lesson we ought to learn from the disappointment ------ , . - 0W,. n ci man , ,-. .. ,- - '"r L'" w iji..b . -. "' X", , "' during the last few years. Out of them all the church has been safely brought to give comfort and strength and char- acter with spiritual blessings, which are not like uncertain riches, liable to take wings and fly away. THREE GENERATIONS. In twenty-one years a pastor has the privilege of associating with three gen erations among fc. people. There are the pioneers, when ne came In middle life, who bore the ark of the covenant in the tabernacle days; the "heroes and founders of our .ion, whose wisdom and prayers follow the minister as an Inspiration, whom one by one he Is permitted to fol low far down Into the dark valley, to learn how quiet and serene Is the aged Christian's death. A few left are merci fully spared to the church to enjoy the fruits of then- labors, their heads whit ening, their steps becoming infirm, their active church life nearly ovfr; yet In patient sympathy, and zeal, setting an example and exerting an in fluence, which makes their last days a blessing and a benediction Then there are young people of twenty years ago whom the pas;or was permitted to lead Into the Christian life and to wel come Into the church at whose marriage he officiated whose joy he shared in tho birth of the first born, whom he sought to comfort in tiielr first great sorrow: whom he helped to enlist In Chr's.Ian service; whose growth In char acter and business ability has gone on before his eyes until they now stand In the very fore front of the battle of lire, the officers and pillars of the church, holding the moral, political and intellec tual Interests of the community In their keeping, steady and sober, and strong, tho men and women today, grown up from the boys and girls of yesterday. Then come the children, God bless them all. How fast they are coming on. It seems but a few days since they were brought as little Infants to be baptized, and 'here they are fast crowding to the front In home and school. They stand upon the threshold, looking out upon the larger life beyond. They all love the church, and If parents and pastor are wise, they would first eater the great world through the church doors; there to learn the lessons and receive the training of mind and heart which will make them, years hence our joy and stay. Christ and His church already needs them all. A LONG PASTORATE. Surely there are some advantages In a long pastorate. It preserves the his toric associations and traditions of the church especially In a new place where so many changes are going on. It gives the minister a sure position as a man and citizen In the larger life of the community; he becomes better acquainted with the people and they with him. He knows the needs of town and state. This advantage ought to make him a wiser counsellor, a better pastor. There Is an inspiration too for growth and work if he (the minister) would keep abreast of the t.mes. He can see and teach the unfolding of Gcd's kind provi dences, making good and evil, bitter and sweet as .he years go on, all to gether for the upbuilding of character an.l the ultimate advance of Caret's kingdom. There Is another side to the picture which Is Itss assuring. There Is the luck of the new face and ;he new voice, and the new way of things, which seems to make the trick more attractive and always leads people to expect great things of the new min ster. Then there are the fa lings and mistakes which time clearly reveals and the preju dices formed not easy to forget from It would often seem easier to es cape by running away than by trying to live ..hem down. Besides it is absolutely impossible that any minister should long continue to be the lira: choice of all The question arises would it not be that he should pass on after a little stay and all In turn the opportunity to hear the gospel In their owa favori.e tongue? It is hard sometimes to know what Is the best for the church and Christ's cause. I can readily see how much of the vir tues of charity and forbearance some must be called to exercise In the continu ance of a long pastcrate. Yet even this may not prove an unmixed evil. There Is great virtue in leara'ng to agree to dis agree. The strongest a.tachments are those that are slowly formed out of a mutual respect, and the forgetting of petty disagreements. A LOVING BLESSING. Now, friends, K is in my heart to say :n words as few and simple and as true as I can possibly utter, how much I love you all; and how pleasantly you have made the years go by; and how thankful I am to God for what he has enabled pastor and Ieople to do. The future we cannot know except tha: so far as our duty and purposes are concerned it should be more given in serving Him, who has proved such a kind father, such an ever present helper such a merciful and all sufficient Savior. And now brethren I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which Is able to build you up, and to give you an Inheri.ance among all them which are sanctified. I have coveted no man's sil ver or gold or apparel. Yea. ye yourselves know that these hands have ministered unto my necesslt'cs. and to them that were with me. I have showed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus how He said "It is more blessed to give than to re he kneeled down and prayed with them celve. And when Paul had thus spoken all.: th