THE COURIER. LINCOLN'S PIONEER CHURCH Thirtieth Anniversary of tho First Con gregational Society. MIkfeER & PAINE Sell good goods at lowest prices. The Reliable Firm. A LONG PASTORATE CELEBBATED Kcv. I.owN Grojiory rinlsliri Twenty ono Voiiph ofSorvk-o ftirOiiot iiii ureiratlon III Anniver sary Senium. the old AHllej? & Parie. The First Congregational church of Lincoln celebrated its twenty first anni versary on Inst Sunday and Monday. Sunday morning Mr. Gregory reviewed the liistory of tho church from the he ginning, including a mention of the early days of Lincoln and Nebraska. Monday evening tho celebration con cluded with a banquet and toast", at tho conclusion of which Mr. Gregory was presented a silver try for an ink stand and an ink lottlo with tho moco grain "L. G.-' engraved upon tho cover and a pen tray. On the large tray is an engraving of the church and icctory. During the feast the llagenau string quartet plnyed in tho little balcony over hanging the reception rooms of the church. On Sunday mornirg and eve ning Mrs. Raymond's chorus furnished the music, assisted by Mrs. Holyoke, Miss Hecker, Mr. Langworthy and Mr. Albeis. Tne chorus was well" balanced and the extra voices produced a volume that is sometimes missing in the Sunday mora which needed no pathos or learning to make them seem real. ills hearers hail only to unlock tho storehouse of memory unit let tho fact stand forth. So to in. my hero I can only nay "Yo know.'' All that concern the history of this church, and tho pastor's relation to It, In our common Joys and sorrows, and what Christ has done for us all, yo know. .Many of th.o thing can never lo written out or told In full, nor is there any need, for yo know. Rut for the sake of other not so fa miliar with Cod's dealings towards lit In the past It stems lust to try and tell something of the story. a pioxekr church. Tho early days of this church have a Ieciul Interest because It.-i organization anudates loth the city and state. Its his tory carries us hack to pioneer times. The first w'hlto resident of the county Is said to have fettled on the lMinks of Salt creek, on what Is now Center vllle. In June. I.SM. At this time the coun try hud not heen surveyed. During tho next llv years a few families movnl In here and there on Inviting its near Waverl- and Ynukeo 1 1 III. They led a precarious existence, disputing wtUi tho Indians the right of possession. In 1M! the homestead law .was passed. Among' the Ilrst settlers under It was John S. Gregory, sr.. the Ilrst deacon of this church. Ills Ilrst stop was at a rootless and tloorlcss log catiln on tho margin of the salt basin. The cabin hod been erected by Hon. J. Sterling Morton as .1 premptlon claim, but was desolato and de-erted. Mr. Gregory built a dug out in which he lived. He furnished salt to the Rocky mountain freighters at -or 3 cents a jKund. The next year Iin caxter county organized. Mr. Greg ory was made chairman of the board of county commissioners. lie also succeed ed In having a postofllce established; named "Gregory Ilasln," of which he was appointed postmaster ut a yearly salary of J3, with an extra $12 for bringing tho mall from Saltlllo, then In Clay county. THE PALACE BEAUTIFUL, Molces tx Specialty of Hair Fessing, Shampooing, JvJankuFing And all ICinds ofMassace, A Full line of Hair Goods and Gosmetics. BIB.BIL - - - T. J Thorpe & Co., GENERAL BICYCLE REPAIRER3 in a branches. - FIRST COXGREGATIOXAL. CIli-RCII. Impairing done as Neat and Complete as from the Factories at hard time prion All kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITH ST. Machinist and General Repair Work. LINCOLN. NEW COURIER HALL. HARRIS BbOGK THE BEST FLOOR IN THE CITY. SEE IT BEFORE YOU GIVE A PARTY. Leave word for Miss Willoughby at Gourier office. n?4 N 11?4 N chorus Mr. Lancworthy and Mr. Albers are new additions to the chorus an J the freshness and sweetness of their voice? in the solo jmrts is delightful. 'I he fol lowing is Mr. Gregory's historical sermon from he text: "Ye know from the lirst day that I came into Asia after what manner I have heen with you at all beasons." These aro tho opening words of Paul's address to the officers of the church of Ephesus, an address In which he briefly reviews their mutual labors; encourages them to face the unknown future: exhorts them to a loving care over all the Interests of the church: and commends them "to God and the word of Ills grace." This address Is a precious revelation of the intimate, tender, sac red relation In which the apostle stood to tho people, to whom he so long min-i-tercd. His sermon Is a rich legacy to the church In all ages and in all lands. It Is a portion of scripture which from Its peculiar depth and fervor seems to be marred and spoiled by any attempted exposition. I.uke. as If feeling this, has taken pains to preserve the very words in which Paul poured out his heart for the church he loved. In choosing this text for our annlver Fary discourse. I wish only to call at tention to the opening words: "Ye know." as if this included most that was necessary to be understood. Paul spoke of things familiar and personal: of events In which they all had been laborers together wlh God; of experi- In lkCl J. II. Young, with ten or a dozen others, staked out a town of eighty acres. tiere Lincoln now stand-. They called It Iancater. The settlement was planned as a church colony of the Protes tant Methodist church. From the pro ceeds of a sale of lots a building was erected, known as "I.ancaiter seminary." ued also as a place for Sunday meetings, until a stone church was afterward. erected on the corner of K and Twelfth streets. To this building Mr. Gregory him self contributed ?M. In spite of the heroism and sacrifice of the memlra the church did not flourish, and It passed away wl:h Its first families, twenty years ago. COXGREGATIOXAI.ISTS ASSEMBLE. From the beginning Mr. Gregory and a few neighbors who were CongTegallonal ly Inclined held Sunday services among themselves, ministered to occasionally by the pa.-tor at Greenwood. Finally, on August 19. 1VK. a little church of six members was organized. wh-n as tho first page of the churcn r'-cord states, there wero but seven buildings In the town. viz.. the seminary, the store. th blacksmith shop and four dwellings. The church agreed to raise Jltrt a year for Its minister, a pledge which the records at the close of the year proudly fjtes was more than fulfilled. During this yiar. in March. 1W7. Xebraska was proclaimed a state. In July the capital was located on paper and the pare prairie, in Xo vember of this same year Rev. Charles Little, having been chosen pastor of the Congregational churcii, set about secnr- fi-.-j aT?Qti