The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 16, 1897, Page 12, Image 16

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Our loase expires February 1st. atwnich time we will discontinue business in Lincoln.
40,000 wortli of Olotliine, Hats etncl Iiixrril!sliin.g: Goods
To be almost given away before February 1st. Be lniong- the shrewd bikers and secure your share of
Bro wiling-, King1 & Co.'s Fine Merchandise at prices actually less than cost of raw material.
Borcoins Supreme.
Owing- to the fact that the time is short and mone3' is so scarce we are forced to make greater reduction than ever
in order to close out our stock. Now! Now! Now is the accepted time! Now is the da' of bargains!
Buy for 3our present needs! Bin' for 'our future wants! There is no waj' -ou can invest your money where you will
get as large returns as 'ou surely will by investing- in our truly money saving- bargains. Here are a few of the man'
bargains we offer you:
100 men's suits which 6old at 85, go at
250 men's suits, round anil rquare cut
sack stIes, 5 different patternp, regular
pneo G, now 83.75.
All SG50 suits are marked in this great
Bale 83.95.
For 4.93
"We will sell you any regular 8750 suit
in our store. Sec them and you will be
surprised Jo find such truly handsome
suits fo cruelly cut in price.
For l$G.0&
We are celling Fine Harris Cassimere,
genuine Imported Scotch Tweeds and "
Cheviots made up in single and double
breasted sack style. These are the suits
we made a sensation on bv selling them
last fall at 9.50. Get one now at 093.
Is the price we hare put on SCO men's
suits. Part of these suits are our regul
ar 812 50 and 813 50 black clay worsted
and are cut single breasted, round and
square cut sack or cut-away frock
styles. The remainder of these 6uits
are made up of tine Thibet clothTweeds
ami the like, many of which are odd
suits and are worth in many instances
as high as 820.
At this price wo can practically giro
the pick of our men's suit stock we do
not wiEh you to understand that we
hare none marked higher, for we bare,
but at 89.95 we can cire you your choice
of over SCO men's suits which we sold
from 815 to 822.50. Bear in mind some
of these suits are odd, but we bare them
and if they fit you you are many dollars
Are you a big fat, man
or a short, stout man?
Then it will pay you tcinrestigateour
extra size suits. TJey fit perfectly and
the size is more than cut in half.
You can buy a 812.50 suit for 8G.28.
A 815 suit for 88 50.
A 820 suit for 89.95.
Men's Odd Pants.
Regular 81 25 men's pants at 87c.
Regular 2.00 men's pants at 95c.
Regular 250 men's pants at 81.75.
"Regular 3.00 men's pants at 1.98.
Regular 350 men's pants at 2 48.
Regular 500 men's pants at 350.
Regular COO men's pants at 3.75.
Men's blue or black Kersy Orercoata
made with uido velvet collar, made up
to st 11 Tor 85X0. Now they go at 83.48
All regular 8S 50 dres orercoata at
All rfgularSlOCO orercoatsat SG50
Ail regular 81350 orercoats at S7.4S
All regular 815 orercoats at 89.15
All tegular 81G.50 orercoats at 89.95
All regular S1S.50 orercoatsat 81350
Alen's Ulster Coats
A good heavy Ulster for men at 81.93
A substantial ulster for men 82 75
All regular SG uleters at SI 75
All recularS7 50 and 88 50 ulsters
81 ?5
All regular 89 ulsters at SG 38
All regular 83 50 ulsters at 8G95
All regular 812 50 ulsters at 83
All regular 815 sulsters at 89 15
All regular 817 50 ulsters at 811 50
Bargalni irx
Boj s' Knee Pant Suits, worth 81 25, go
at 75c
Boys' knee pant suits, worth 81 50, go at
Bojs' knee pant suits, worth 82, goat
Boj b' knee pant suits, worth 82 50, go at
Boys' knee pant suitp, worth S3, go at
81 03
Boys' knee pant suite, worth 81 50, go at
82 95
Boys' knee pant suits, worth 85 00, go at
S3 15
We have an odd lot of boys knee
pant suis in ages 4, 5 and G years that
sold at 85, SG and 87 50 your choice ot
any of tbeso suits 81 9S
Barcalni !-
For Boys 14 to IS yrii
iAH S3 Suits go in this great sale at 82 95
All SG 50 suits go in this great sale at
83 37
All 87 suits go in this great sale at 83 93
All 87 50 suits go in this great Bale at
84 95
All 810 suits go in this great sale at SG
AH 812 50 and 815 tuits go in this great
sale at 87 50
Mail Orders Filled
This department is overloaded and in
ordpr to close out every bat in thehouEO
by February 1st we will sell
Stiff Hats at Half price and
Younian S3 t fff hats at at 82
Our regular 84 hats go at 82
All regular 83 50 stiff hats go at SI 75
All regular SI stiff hats go at 81 50
All regular 82 50 stiff liats go at 81 18
All regular 82 stiff hats go at 93c
All regular 81 50 stiff hats go at 75c
John 11. Stetson's full shape soft hat,
regular price by all merchants 84 50,
with us only S3
John B. Stetson's regular 84 50 Fedora
hat go at 83
Rpgular 82 75 and S3 Fedora hats co at
SI 87
Rocular 82 and 82 75 Fedora hats go at
SI 18 b
Regular 81 50 and 81 75 Fedora hats go
at 95c
Good 81 Fedora hats go at 50
Good crush hats, worth 75, rn at 43c
Everyday work Lats go at 15i
Dress and Fancy Shirts
Manbatten laundered white shirt, worth
81, now 75c
Men's colored Jxwom 6hirt, with link
cuffs, worth oc to 81, in this sale only
Men's colored bosom shirts, with link
cuffs, worth 81 25 to 81 50, go at 75c
All heavy weight Underwear will be
Bold at 2s to 50 per cent discount
40 dozen Derby Ribbed shirts and draw
ers, worth S1, go at 50c
120 dozen all wool shirts and drawers,
worth 75c, will go in the next few days
at 39c
Over 500 dozen lino Neckwear in four-in-hands,
teck. club house and bow ties,
will be sold before February 1st at from
5c to 39c
2VIsjri PJne It Id Gloves
All the latest shades, 49c, 75c, worth
81 to 81 50
Men's Work Shirts
25 dozen Shirts at 15c
45 dozen shirts at 22c
G5 dozen shirts at 33c
75 doz )n shirts at 39c
TIipsp shirts arc cut SG inches Ions and ore
made in every May fiit-clats.
Browning. Kg & - 101? t0 1019 . Street.
. j