10 THE COURIER. P v mate test of success in this sort of enter tainment. The dancing was good and unconventional, the girlB wero pretty and handsomely gowned as far as the costumes reached, and they did not reach too far what more can one at k? Frederick Warde appeared in the afternoon of Saturday as Shjlock. in the evening in the title role of "King Lear'' with his usual success; a success which is a littlo disapiointing becauso it smacks off tho routinier the man who has the technique of his art at his lingers ends but hus failed of the more intellectual heights. Ten years sgo I hoped to see Warde in the very front ranks of the interpreters of the classical repertory instead of oc cupying the respectable but mediocre position filled by him at present. Henry Irving and our own Richard Mansfield are instances of actors in whom the in tellectual grasp of the character out strips the power of expression Freder- ick Warde and mary of the clever women of the stage surpass in interpretation without apparently reaching the depths it is rare, as in the case of Edwin Booth and in a lesser degree with Sarah Bernhardt, that intellectual grasp and virtuosity in technique go hand in hand. I am glad that clever actor Clay Clement pays us a visit next week, for although he is in danger of becoming a "one part actor," confining himself ns he does to "The New Domin ion," one recognizes in his face and ex pression the intellectual life behind the mask. But to return to Frederick Warde 'His "Lear" especially in the delineation of the old man's growing madness was intelligent and faithful. The Shylock of the afternoon comedy did not appeal to me so much, although it was com petent and the lines were delivered with tne actor's usual careful fidelity to his conception of the part. The support as a whole was respecta ble and at times very good indeed. The wolfish cruelty of "Goneril" in ''King Lear" was well conceived and imperson ated by a clever actress who in the afternoon played "Portia" with consid erable strength, especially in the court acene. The "Cordelia" of "Lear" was not badly done, but was somewhat inadequate t the demands of a role which is especially difficult because the actress is permitted to say Utile with word or gesture, while if it is to be a fiithful and full impersonation the at ength, dignity and nobility of the character must be made manifest by tb.9 mere presence. The Fool in this play deserves a special word of com mendation. His was the task to bubble with wit that sprang from a breaking heart, a heart torn with infinite pity. This difficult thing he seemed t) do. The scenic effects were, perhaps, as gcod as may be in a production of this kind. Yet when all is said that can be said to the credit of this performance, any lover of Shakespeare must feel the inadequacy of any stage performance to express the terror and pity of this play. Nevertheless if no splendor of stage and costume adequately represent ''King Lear," on the other hind no weakness of interpretation can mar its intellectual grandeur, and I am grateful for every opportunity to hear so capable a per formance. Stories of the Town. "Bless my 'art, sir, business is bad. thinks keeps hup like this Hi will go tack to Lunnon." Cabby was in a talkative mood and he had a tale of woe. "There's no money in the business Tiany more, han' me with 8000 hinvested in me cab, sir. Wy, its honly a few years There wasn't much in the pic'u'e to hago that Hi always made 815 or 820 of attract the attent on of the crowd hurry a Sunday, sir. But now hunless Hi'ave ing along Sixth av nue. It was onlv a it rr: -. t-. i : ni BcwiniBwjBumuiuc, on. aucico uu place to tane parties nas wants to go ous or a store where, according to a pla eomeere. Halso, the business is being card, canaries were sol J for 81.73. 'ihe 213 ruined,sir,by the class of men what drives the cabs. Wy, in Lunnon, a man "as togo before a lxxud han" 'e's examined thorough, e is, before 'c gets a licence to drive. 'B "as to know tho town han' "e "as to 'avo a character, sir. 'Ere, it seems like hany body can drive a cib. Wy Hi knows a man what "as a brother that comes t t his country last Saturday. Monday morning "e is driving a cab, sir, han' im not knowing ono street from hanother. 'E is standing near the Fifth avo nuo "otel when a gent han' lady conies houtof the 'otel, han' the gent asks the green cabby 'ow much to a number on Twenty fourth street, honly a block away, sir. Tho cabby doesn't know but "e says t2," han the gent ban' lady gets in. Then "e asks hano her cabby where to drive to. Who knows, sir, if they ever got there? 1 here's a lot of new men what don't know the stores han' other places han' its bad on tbc business. There's a lot of the new folks, sir. 1 hey say hus 'ow they takes so-han'-so to such a place last night, which is very bad, sir, A good cabby never knows who 'e 'as han' 'o never 6ays hanything. Bless my 'art, business is bad, sir, very bad." A vender of barbers' supplies was all the money I had left and for several showing his samples to a busy barber days I have had hardly anything to eat. in a little shop just off of Broadway, The bird was alii had that reminded mo The man of lather was shaving a custo- of home, and it was hard to part with mer and negotiating with the salesman her. A lady downstairs used to keep at the same time. her for me in the day time and I would "Let me show you something fine in a bring her up every night. But today I canvas strop." said tho la ter. couldn't stand it any longer, and I sold "I wouldn't give a thimble full of the canary for seventy-live cents. I sup shaving soap for a shop full of canvass pose I cried in the stree', but I couldn't strops. I don't want anything better help it I think I will go back to work than a goo 1 horse tail strop." "A horse tail strop?" "Yes." "My friend, I doubt if you ever saw strop made out of horse tail. Do you think they go out and kill horses just to make razor strops for finicky barbers out of the tails?" "Oh, you needn't get gay. Every strop in .tins shop is made out of horse tail leather. I know what I am talking about You can't fool me." "I'll tell you what your strops are they are made out of Prussia leather. I can duplicate them exactly. I import them myself." "What part of Pruasia do they come from?" "I don't know. The truth is a house down town imiorts them for me." "Well, you'd better get posted on what Prussia leather is before you try to sail Prussia leather strops to the barbers in this town. They are nearly all Dutch men. I am a Prussian myself. I can tell you where your strops come from they come from Berlin. And when I was in tho old country I had a strop that was a strop." "What was it?" "It was made out of human skin." "Oh, yes. I used to carry- one with my samples. One day a fresh barber was trying it lie was trying Jo tell what it was made out of and he bit into iL Then I told him what it was and he got sic'. "Well, I should think so. Over there we used to go to the medical colleges and get the pieces cf skin and cure them and make the strojts ourselves. Ihev would put an edge on a razor that would cut anything, but we never told a cus know where they came fiom, but I know two or three shops where they have a human skin strop. ' "Where are they?" "Oh, I am not giving any body away." -n .... - woman wa an empty bird cage coming tomer that we sharpened our razors on wlthln and ror ncastir county. In an human skin. I tell you they were good actj?w,hf,,;ein ,E' Lle is plaintiff , t-utij .. nd Oljf Hlomstrom, et al.. clrft-ndmitH, strops. I wish I had one now." t wi)t at ... u.dock p. ni.. ,. ,Le JG:h day If "Tnere are a few in the city. I don't of February, A. I)., 1807, at the ea?t woman glanced at tho empty cage, and then back into the store. Then she wiped away n tear with tho back of her hand. Slowly she moved away, and the tears kept coming, and once or twice tho stopped and wae on thepointof retracing her steps. But the kept on and few of the busy pedestrians novicod her. A few minutes later tho woman and the empty cage appeared in a small back room on the top floor of a miserable ten ement. Cleanliness thcru was, but the floor and walls were bare, and want paraded itself on the projecting cup Iward shelves. Tenderly the cage, a cheap, tin' affair, was hung in its ac customed place, and the woman sank down upon a wooden chair, as a visi.or entered. "Yes, sir, I sold my canary. The bird was the only thing I had left and it had to go." A lit lo encouragement elicited her story. "I have been doing pretty well, work'ng in ono of the big depart ment stores, but I have sent half my wages back to my mother over in Jersey. You see she is an invalid and there's three small children. My father is dead. Two weks ago I lost ray place, and I have had a hard time. Last week I sent home again next week, and the man has promised to keep her forme. The first money I get 1 will buy her back." New York, Jan 14, 1SS7. V. M. S. This year's LehighValley and Scranton hard coa, & AQ per ton at Chare8 Greg. 0y,Bi nth and 0 "Uni" students say our Thr e"Beau!s" are elegant. Lincoln Coai Co., 1206 O. The Model Restaurant is an excellent place for family board. Jt is also ex cellently situated for persons spending a day in the city. Ladies while shopping can find no better place for luncheon. Meals 15 cents, Sunday dinner 25 centp. Tickets 83. "JIG South Twelfth. Soup sei ved from 8 to 10 p. m. The second floor of the Harris block. 1134 N street, has been fitted ::p for a dancing hall. The floor has received the attention of experts. It is of hard wood, and the board 3 are laid parallel with the length of the hall. Parties desiring to rest it can do so at tho Courier office, in the same block. M. L. Stewart has gone to Norfolk for a two wee'i's Etay. Harvey G.SLedd spent Sunday his parents in Ashland. with Firet publication Jan. 1G. SHERIFF SALK. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district court of the third judicial district of Nebraska. door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing described real estate, to-wlt: The south half (! of the south west quarter (s w 4) of the northeast quarter (n e 3-4) of Eeotion two (2). in tiwnsbip twelve (12), north of n n je seven (7), east of the eixih P. M., in Lancaster county, Nebraska. uiven un Given under roy hand this lith day of January A. D 1897. John J. Trompen. Sheriff. 4r-TT4- orxroo-f H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. t t Whltlng'i Fine Stationery and Calling Cards i and 9 t Calling Cards " T 127 S. Eleventh Street. 5 A PHONE 68. AMERICAN EXCHANGE MAI BANK LINCOLN, NEB. M. RAYMOND, A.J. SAWYER President. S. U. BURNHAM. Cashier. Vice Presides D. G. WING Aitnt Casbier CAPITAL, $250,000 SURPLUS $25 000 Directors-I. M. Raymond, 8. H. Barnbaa C. G.Dawes. A. J. Sawyer, Lewis Gregory N ZSnoll, G MLambcrtson. D G Wing, S W urnam. oscooooooco... ooooooocopo .8 CYCLE PHOTOGRAPHS & O ATTTT VTin OW1T13PJPWC' O PHOTOGRAPHS OF BABIES 8 PHOTOGRAPHS OF GROUPS R EXTERIOR VIEWS O S The Photographer O jj 123 South Eleventh Street. foooooooo ooo ocoocooc o CLABKS0N LAUDEY $90332-334-336-338 South Eleventh Strmt. MISSOURI PACIFIC FLYER. The Filer will make better time by several hours to St. Louis, Cincinnati. Washington, New York and to all east ern points, than any other line out of Lincoln. It is a screamer. For Information about rates, connec tions, ets, or for sleeping car berths, call at city ticket office. 1201 O street. F V CORNELL. C. P.&T.A. WANTED IS each county to take orders for Nurspry stock, and are willing to pav well for cood work. We agre to REPLACE FREE anything that dies from nat-iral causes. We also have a choice line of SEED POTATOES. Give us a trial. THE HAWKS NU3SERY COMPANY Milwaukee. Wis. C&ISTC US. CHOCOLATE BON BONS For Sale By REClLR-S Phaimacy i&V jriJTV onffV