The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 16, 1897, Page 9, Image 11

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The death of Miss Ellen Beach Yaw at
Binghamton, S. ., occurred precisely
as the best vocal masters who had taught
her said it would. She was singing be
fore an audience, and, in reaching the
high notes for which her voice was
famous, the jugular vein in her throat
burst, and she bled to death on the
6tage before her hearers. Miss Yaw
was able to reach the highest note of
any cantatrice in the world, which was
duo to a peculiar formation of her
throat. In straining to reach this note
muscles in her throat were pressed
against the jugular vein and injured
this by abrasion until tho membrano
was worn through, causing hemorrhage.
Mies Yaw was born in Boston, Erio
county, N. Y., and was about SO jears
of age. She has sung in Lincoln, I
think twice. Notwithstanding tho won
derful range of her voice it lacked
The Woodward Theatre company are
playing to good business at tho Lansing.
The audience is composed of people who
do not often go to the theatre and the
enjoyment of the heads of familas with
their wives and progeny is infectious.
It is worth while to bear the sponta
neous laughter and appreciative giggles
of the audiences that greet tho reper
toiro companies. It takes something
startling to entertain the jaded old boys
and girls that go to everything that
comes along and when they go out before
the performance is ovar no one misses
them. The Woodward company con
tains 6ome very good talent among
which Ashley Rush has tho gift of a
good make up, insouciant manners and
grace. F. H. Livingston is a real actor
with the faculty of entire absorption
into the character which he presents.
Caroline Clore is graceful and pretty
and her voice when sho sings is delight
ful, elastic and meloJious, but when she
talks it is mctalic and harsh and it
Frederick Warde produced "The Mer
chant of Venice" and "King Lear," and
it is only fair to Shakespeare to say that
even as acting plays his comedy and
tragedy s tood tho comparison extremely
well. "Fionigan's Courtship" is the
hodjro podge of broad-farce more or less
athletic dancing and so called "musical
interruptions" (happy name) tied to
gether by a rudimentary thread of plot.
It was no better and no worse than
.many of its kind and the fact that I
personally havo grown weary of tho kind
is no retlection upon tho unquestioned
ability of Messrs. Murray & Mack as fun
makers. Certainly the audience seemed
to like it and that after all is the ulti-
pushes itself into every crack and
cranny of the house. When sho sings
and shows that her speaking voice is
one of habit and not of nature, I could
not forgivo her A few lessons from
Mrs. Manning would show her how to
make her speaking tones melodious as
her singing ones. W. F. Schroth plays
many funny parts, Irish, Dutch, Swede,
with success. Some of his "business" is
a little coarso and even the gallery docs
not respond to tho broadest of his hits.
The company, as a whole, is excellent
and above, very much above, tho aver
age repertoire company. They give it
show worth the price of admission twico
over. The scope is very trying
to tho eyes.
The Bittner Co. played to such good
business when they were in Lincoln
that tho total receipts were over 2700
The ultra modern and tho severely
classical were produced in close jut' a
position at tho Lansing theatre on Fri
day and Saturcay, January 8 and 0.
On the first evening Murray & Mack
were 6eeu in their American farce, "Fin
nigan's Courtship." At the matinee
and evening performances on Saturday
One Night Only.
The Popular Actress,
Pxioo GoocLrieli9
Supported by the Child Wonder, Pottle's baby,
and an Excellent Company headed by the
Unctuous Comedian, Edward B. Kelly, present
ing the great London Success,
A Dramatization of Laura E. Richards' novel.
An Added Feature The marvelous VIVRESCOPE,latest,
best and most perfect animated picture machine, new views,
at least twelve will be shown.
Another Feature The wonderful La Louie Fuller
dances by Miss Goodrich with mirrors and electric effects.
10, 20, 30. -.
.-10, 20, 1
Box Seats 50 cents.
Seats on sale Wednesday, Jan. 20, at 10 a. m.
,st -y )T
WTt . 1 i. T -V V " Jr "j. ."" .""
JE avw?x-s
ftiuv. .vrimvnrci
M.'l3 -,m VaVtss 'We-mru ,
EtfLllMT VRt'WW . L4
A ,CW V i"X-n'rMV- flti'-
jT A2& jZ& ,iSiSS--s-'
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with timely portraits, views, and cartoom. Its original articles
ere of immediate interest, by the best authorities on their respect
ive subjects. The Editor's "Progress of the World" gives a
clear, rightly proportioned view of the history of the human
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Month " present the important parts of the best magazine angles
that have been written in every part of the world. The newest most important books are carefully reviewed. Indexes,
chronological records, and other departments complete the
certainty that the reader of the Review
of Reviews will miss nothing of great
significance that is said or written or done
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TMa raaSud7 cores qnlcly. permanently a
n-rrous dlwiues. Weak Memory. Lois of Brain power.
Headache. Wakefulness. Lost Vitality. Mtchtly Xml.
slum, evil dreams, lmpotencr and wasting diseases caused by
VOUtAfulrr-or or txcasti. Contains nooptales. Is a nerve taste
and blood Guilder. Makes the paleand puny stroniand plump.
EallyCTrr1ellnTetpoeet.IperDOx:e.rnre. uymaibpre
pntt. vi'ka vrritttixa'wranUtormonrTirtJuiidciL. Write us.ieei
raealtrut hook, aen.ed plain wrapper, with testimonials and atn-llnc .V ehjtrrr tnr ermmltat Umi- Itevrartof till''
tusiu bUh,ricu,rlJruayiICbXlcacO.,&ulc'reflaaiuc
fc or isVria Lincoln " b .oyli. V. BUOWy. Droret.
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