The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 16, 1897, Page 8, Image 10

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it s
Rcspicc Prospice.
Fill lho void Bpacea Breath Spirit
On tho cartb, in the 6ouIb of men
Vuin eoul. favo Thee it inherit
That tho glebe yield its fruit,
Nor the nianBoul Lo mute;
But the Golden Ago burgeon again,
I or la.
John Randolph.
Tho interview with Sieveking which
appeared in laBt week's Couiier was
taker, from the New York Journal. Mr.
John Randolph, under who66 name it
appeared, of course bad nothing to do
with it and was much annoyed when the
article appeared under his name. En.
I understand that Mrs. C. S. Lippin
cott has in preparation a song recital to
be given in the near future at the home
of Mrs. L. C. Richards. This is welcome
news to many music lovers in Lincoln as
well as in "sassiety."
In the dearth of musical entertain
meats this winter the intermittent open
meetings of the Matines Musicale are
grateful to public and critic alike. Li6t
year and the year before we had occa
sional concerts by the Philharmonic
Orchestra and weekly recitals by the
llagenow String Quartette, but at
present the pavid seeker for musical
news is reduced to su-h accidental
happenings as may occur in a not par
ticularly artitsic city. Tho ladies of tho
Matinee Musicale will confer a favor on
one who is reduced to a hectic search
through the pages of musical journals
for pabulum if they will allow the public
to be present at more of their concerts.
For as a rule theEe concerts aro respect
able ar.d aro occasionally very good.
The one given on January 11th at tho
rooms of this club was no exception to
the general rule, being refined and in
telligent throughout. I give the pro
gram a3 a matter of record.
Glory be to God on high;
And on earth, peace, good will to men.
1 Sodeiman, Swedish Wedding March,
MieB Oakley, Mrp. Butler, Miss
Churchill, Miss Grace Reynolds.
2 Violin Solo, Vieuxtemps, Rondino,
Miss Silence Dales.
:t-Grieg, Prelude in G, Butterflies
in Spring S3ng, Miss Scofield.
4 Ganne, Christmas Joys, words by
William Reed Dunroy, Mrs. R. A.
5-Scholtz, a Polonaise Op. 1C; Raff, b
Vulse Caprice; Miss Rothschild Her-
G -Schubert, "Omnipotence," Mrs. E.
Lewis Baker.
7 Harp Solo, PoB6e, Song Without
Words, Mrs. J. Wurzburg.
8- J. S. Gilbert, Bells Across the Snow,
Miss Maude Oakley.
9 Wieniawski, Valse Op. 3, Mies Mable
Mm. P. V. M. Raymond, Leader.
Especially worthy of mention were the
violin fo'.o of Miss Silence Daks who
bids fair to niaka an artist it her
develcpement be well rounded enough,
the pianoforte solos of Miss Scofield and
Mrs. Herzog. Splendidly reinforced by
a magnificent Steinway grand piano
loaned for the occasion by Miss SuBie
Siofield, and the vocal solos of Mes
dames Baker and Holyoke and of MifB
O-ikley. The pcrsonel of the club is
stronger in capable vocalists than at any
time in my recollection. The concert
w3 devoted to Christmas mu6i: and
was under the capable "direction of Mrs.
P. V,1L Raymond always a guarantee
if what is musically sound and artistic.
First pub. Jan. 2.
Notice is hereby given, That by virtue
of an order of wile, issued by tho Clerk
of the District Court of tho Third Judi
cial District of Nebraska, within and
for Lancaster Comity, in an
action wherein Charles M. Hauthaway
is plaintiff, ami Mnjor G. iiobanan, et al
defnndants. I will at o'clock P. M.. on
the 2nd day of Febiuary A. D. 1897, at
tho East door of tho Court House, in
tho City of Lincoln, Lancaster County,
Nebraska, offer for ealo at public auc
tion the following described Real
Estate, to-wit:
Parts of lots two (2) and three (3) in
block fifty-four (51) in tho city of Lin
coln. Lancaster county, Nebraska, de
scribed as follows, viz : Beginning at
a point on tho north line of said block
fifty-four, forty-two and one half (12)
feet west of tho northeast corner of said
block and running thence south sixty
(GO) feet, thence west twenty (20) feet,
thenco north sixty (GO) feet, thonco east
twenty (20) feel to lho place of beginn
ing known as lot B in the subdivision of
said block.
Given under my hand this 30th day of
December, A. D.189G.
John J.Trompen,
Jan. 30. Sheriff.
First publication Jnn. 2.
by virtue of an order of sale Issued by
be clerk of the district court of the
Third Judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county, in an
action wherein George II. Clatko is
plaintiff, and Caroline Richards and
John Richards defendants. J will, at 2
o'clock p. m. on tho 2nd day of Febru
ary, 1837, at the east door of
the court house, in the city of
Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction the fol
lowing described real estate, -wit:
Lots twelve (12), thirteen ,VN, and
fourteen (U), in block thirty 20). jn
College View, Lancaster county, "o
bratka. Given under my hand this 30th day
of December, A. D.t 180G.
John Trompen,
Jan 30.
Fifth publication January 1G.
by virtue of an order of sale Issued by
the clerk of the district court of the
Third Judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county. In an
action wherein Ward S. Mills is
plaintiffs, and Aaron K. Seip. et al
defendant. 1 will, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
o the 19th day of January, A. D. 1S97,
at the east door of the court house, in
the city of Lincoln. Lancaster county,
Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction
the following described real estate to
wit: Lots nine (9), ten (10). eleven (11),
twelve (12) and thirteen, (13)' in block
one (1). Lots two (2), three (3). four (-1),
seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10),
eleven (11) and twelve (12), in block
nine (9) and lots eleven (11) and twelve
(12), in block eleven (11). of Mill's addi
tion to University Place, Lancaster
county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this lGth day
of December, A. D.,189G.
John J. Trompen,
Jan. 1G. Sheriff.
The readers of this paper will be
pleasedto learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science, has
been able to euro in all its stages and
that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive euro now known to
.he medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatement. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon tho blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby
destroying the foundation of the disca
bc, and giving tho patient strengtn
by building up' the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work
The proprietors have so much faith in
its curative powers, that they offer
One Handred Dollars for any case that
it fails to cure. Send for list of Testi
monals. Address, F. J. Chexey 4 Co., Toledo
OIiio. Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
One Night Only.
Monday January lStl?.
Engagement of tho distinguished actor,
In his Charming Virginia Love Story,
With Mr. Clement in his Original Char
acter Creation of
And a Company of Artists of Superior Excellence.
Prices$1.00, 7-0, 50c and. 25c .
Seats now on Sale at Theatre Box Office.
Oo to
JSllxrper's, Etc.
1129 0 Street, :-: Lincolrv Neb
Jftinbe (!)pcFa H0USe-
Engagement of the
and her Excellent Compan' presenting" the
New Comedy
(A Divorce Cure)
From the French of Sardon 1)3' Harr' St. Maurer.
PRICES--$l-00, 75, 50 AND 25:
Seats on sale
distinguishad Comedian,
Tuesda' 10 a. m.