-s !r VOL 12 NO. 1 ESTABLISHED IN 18SG PRICE FIVE CENTS 'QMKi & Trif 9 -v ... LINCOLN. NEB., SATURDAY. JANUARY 10. 1807 mmm- nrTHPOtT omca at inrost AS COND-CLAit MATT FUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY T MO&IER PRINTING IHD PDBUSHIII M Office 1132 X Btreot, Up Stairs. Telephone 384. SARAH B.HARRIS Editor Subscription Rats 1 Adrue. tut annum . 13.01 Biz months 1-00 Three month M Oae month M Ingle copies I OBSERVATIONS The real question which decided voters in the recent election was not so much free silver, as the clause: "Without wait ing for the aid or consent of any other nation," and the fear of what Mr. Bryan'3 fearlessness would cause him to do and to undo if he should be elected president. There are very few writers, ' T do not kooav of any eminent ones, on tho subject of money who do not admit that bimetalism would bo of inconciev able benefit to the race. They are only doubtful if the commerce of the United States has gained volume and impetus enough to carry it over the chasm which a national change in tho standard of value would create. The composition of the monetary conference now in session at Indianapo lis id encouraging. Instead of profes sional politicians, those present are heads of commercial establishments, merchants, manufacturers, importers, railroad presidents and bankers. It is useless to hope that these men can or will pass resolutions favoring bimetal ism, national or international. The fear of disturbing a confidence which they hope is about to be restored will restrain them. The presence of repre sentative and successful merchants.how ever, who, all over tho country as well as in Lincoln, voted for fiee silver will modify resolutions which the gold bugs may attempt to pass. Nothing is more certain than that the silver campaign has begun again and will last the four j ears between now and tne next president unless the republican leaders release themselves from party chains and consider the question in re lation to the situation on its merits. It is well known that the dry goods and clothing merchants and furniture dealers in Lincoln are in favor of free silver. The habit of dealing in articles of household uso aud of daily wear quickens the sympathies of merchants with the people they arc in contact .vith. The successful ones havo studied the market and tho needs and fancies of buyers until they are mediums in a way. They can go east and buy goods in quantity and quality to supply their customers for the next season without paying much attention to tho recom mendations of the eastern jobber. They know what their local market haBbeen and they can feel what it will be. The banker knows the merchant and tho merchant knows tho people. He is generally in sjmpatby with them and seldom comes to a wrong conclusion when the people forms the major premise. Mr. Bryan's advice to bimetalic clubs to name themselves after a principle and not after him is sound and far see ing. '1 he people are easily tired and a Bryan club in every large cityof the Unit ed States would deprive his 1000 boom of the novelty which was so largo apart of the recent campaign. And why should he or any one else, sow oats to be fed to the dark horse of 1900? It will not be his fault if he is called "that everlasting Bryan" in the summer of 1809. Although he is a man of destiny and he knows it, he U not reckless or foolhardy, lie takes just as good care not to force his pre mature boomlet as though he had not in a vision seen it grow and grow till it covered the country. The thinkers on municipal concerns who in last Sunday's Journal expressed their idea of tho kind of man who 6hould be mayor agree upon one thing, viz.: that he should have managed his own business successfully. Carlyle said that truly great men could do every thing well from a sonnet to planning a campaign. Grant was the greatest general, and came very near to writing the best book of a decade. Crosspatch Carljle started with Shakespeare, (who cannot be said to prove anything except miracles,) and picked out the men of all time who couid do many and diverse things well. In our own day we have Du Maurier, P. llopkinson Smith and the chancellors of state universities. On tho other hand Burns was a failure at farming though history sajshewas a good commissioner of something which required as much ability as the majors of Lincoln have been in the habit of using for the transaction of city busi ness. Business is business excepting when it comes to city affairs which have been controlled by a different set of principles. For instance O. V. Webster has been in business in Lincoln for fifteen or twenty years in all probabili ty ho makes it a rule to buy within a safe margin and to keep his expenses within his income. He has the reputation of not entering into obligations he cannot meet. With all bis reputation and experience it is not certain that ho would sot his face against the precedent and order the affairB of tho city for tho good or tho city with entiro disregard to all other intluences and pulls. To do this re quires a tougher fiber than the ordinary man possesses and ho who claims to be extraordinary is probably a fal e. How ever the rule that a man must have suc ceeded in his own business before ho can bo eligible to the mayor ility is n good ono to follow though it is still possible, because of the boulcversement of busi ness principles in city management, for a good businessman to bo a poor mayor. Tho following from tho Call of Janu ary 11th expn sscs the views of most of the people who have had any experience wih Herpolsheimer & Co: "A merchant ceatainly becomes de praved in hid effort to defraud tho public, when the pcstaiastcr is foiced to throw an edition of u weekly paper con taining his lottery ad out of tne mail becaure of the merchant's violation of law. This is exactly what happened to Herr HerpoUheimer. "The State Journal refused to run his ad because of its violation of the U. S. lottery laws, and the Arbiter Zeitung was thrown out of the mail. Yet Herr Herpolsheimer is supposed to bo an honest merchant doing an honest busi ness, but in an absolutely dishonest manner, however. "A merchant who has been enjoined by the courts because of wilful violation of his own lease contracts with friendly tenants, and who permits his angry passions to rise because, the postofllce will not permit hiB lottery ads to go through the mails, ought to be found out after a while, for he is quite liable to practice tho same methods with his patrons." Herpolsheimer & Co. had a writ'en contract with Funke & Ogden in which they agreed not to sell china goods in their part of the store. Yet they kept on sale salt cellars, cut glass rose bowls, vases and plates of various kinds, a duplication of parts of the stock of Funke & Ogden and in direct violation of their contract with them. On a recent occasion Mr. Herpolsheinier placed samples of Boots and shoes be tween and in front of Funke Ogden'a show window, partially obscuring their chinaware exhibit. These are only a few of the instances of Mr. Herpolsheimer's ideas of the law of contract. The suspicion that the suicide of Mr. Henry Zehrucg wrs caused by financial trouble hae brought the creditors down in a chattle mortgage tackle upon .. house apparently prospering. What ever be the lesult of investigation, the friends of Mr. Zehrung have a confi dence in him strengthened by their knowledge of him as a quiet, fervent man. faithful to the obligations which ho made to them and therefore faithful to all. Insanity lies so near sanity that none of us know at what timo wo may lose our power to draw conclusionr and to choose the best courso when catastio pho makes death tempting. Mr. Zehrung was intensely disappointed over the result of tho election. Ho felt that the gold standard was an inreas ing menace to every business and that it wa no u6o to strugglo uny longer and ho gave it up. Whether his dispnir amounted to insanity wu shall nover know. Tto twenty first anniversary of tho pastorate of Rev. Lewis Gregory was celebrated last Sunday and Monday. Such a tribute U paid to few men and is of especially rare occurrence ii Nebras ka where teachers and ministers aro not often able to celebrate an anniversary of five years. Many members of his own congregation were ign. rant of tho hon orable place which Mr. Gregory holds in tho estimation of the Congregation alists of the state and country and tho pleasantest feature of the cel.bration was the testimony of tho congregational ministers to Mr. Gregory's excellenco and standing in the profession. The Nebraska Stato Horticultural Society opened its twenty-ninth annual meeting at tho State University on Tuesday. The program was juicy and spicy, and the attendance was good. The meetings lasted from Tuesday to Thurbday. Besides the papers and lec tures and discussions there was a large display of fruit, espectally that from tho irrigated portion in Western Nebraska, which surprised even the growers themselves. Tho horticultural associa tion is one of tho oldest and most pro gressive of the associations of tho state. It looks as though the ice crop would be short this winter. Artificial ice is of course best for drinking and family re frigerator purposes but it is too ex pensive for refrigerator cars and for cold storage establishments. The use of ice has increased so in the last few years that the Italian winters of Ne braska have become denlorable, and so far we do not get enough invalids to pay the difference. - At the recent inauguration of Gov. Springer of Illinois tho committee on arrangements prevented ex Gov. AltgelJ from speaking the speech which he had prepared and already sent to the news papers. Those who were concerned in the discourtesy are now trying to lay it to accident. The speech which was printod in tha Tuesday napers is full of gentleness, charity and honesty. Ho was the bugaboo of the paragraph writers and the stump speak ers of the past campaign. But the author of this speech and their man are evidently not the same. In direct sim ; le sentences ho expresses his devo tion to the law of the country. Hera arj sotr.e of the things he meant to say ilii&tS