6 THE COURIER. tti I hi; K MNNNINMNNN$S HP SOCIAL AND PERSONAb if Ernest Haughton left Lincoln laEt Saturday to accept ac electrical position in Chicago. He will bo greatly missed from tbo young peoples Eocioty. Tbo BucyruB Mandolin Club held ita regular meeting at the home of Mies Florence Farwell last Saturday evening The meeting wae well attended. Those precent were Mies Laura Houtz, Flor ence Farwell, Grace Oakley, Henrietta Hollowbush, Olive Latta, Mrs. F. W. Smith, and Mrs. Ode Rector; Messrs. C. Y. Smith, Vaughn, MattBon Baldwin, W. B. Valentine, John Farwell and Fred Cooley, W. Fnrnam Smith of Omaha The rehcareal was ended by nine o'clock. The prettiest large party of the season was that given to Mr. and Mrs. Dawes at the Lincoln on last Friday by Mr. and Mrs. Burnham, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Raymond, Mr. Wing and Mr. Hanna. The dining room of the Lincoln al though not (specially constructed for a ball room, could not bo more admirably adapted to such a purpose. Tho pillared panels and deep windows break up tho will space which thus frames palms and Hags most effectively. The floor is smootb,if a trifle unelastic. The especial charm of tbo place for a party consists in the architectural arrangement which placed the room at the outside corner of a equpre foyer or court with parlors and dressing rooms on two sides. The long promenade from the parlors to the doors of the hall is imposing and between dances isoccupied by murmuringcouples improving the semi seclusion. Many of the younger married set in Lincoln owo a testimonial to the architect of tho Lincoln on account of tho opportunities for the discovery of a grande passion, which he built icto the Lincoln. But that is another 6tory. The hosts, with the guests of honor, stood in the corner parlor to receive their friends, who, af tar shaking hands and expressing their pleasure congratulations, etc., drifted into the other and later into the foyer where, recovering from tho formality which oppresses greetings and leave taking, they fell into ccsy comersstion. The rooms were decorated with large bunches of bridesmaid roses and palms. The dancing began at 10 and ices were esrved in the ordinary. Miss Willoughby's orchestra furnished the music, The drums and sleigh bells which were used for tho tirst time gave body and emphasis to tho time, which with Miss Willoughby, is always perfect The guests were: Messrs. and Mec dames L. C. Burr, Lewis, Righter, Ab bott, Janscn, Meissner, Cunningham, Buckstaff, Beesen, Greene, Coffrotb, Oakley, Funke, Ogden, Kelley, 0. "L. Burr. Marshall. Houtz, Thompson, Har wood. Sawyer. Crancer, McMurtry, Car son, Folsom, Young, Campbell, Ait ken, Bryan, Clarke, Lambertson, Hall, Ever ett, Guilfoyle, Holmeu, Leonard, Wilson, Imhoff, Yates, Wright, Wilson, Taylor, Ladd, MacLean, Collins, Dorgan, Woods. Lippincott, Jones, Brown, Townley, Dawes, Gere, Phillips, Barbour, Morrill, Tilton, Green, Clark, Hargreaves, Rodg ers, Mactarland, Harley, Curtice, C. C. Burr. Watkins, Ward, McDonald, Plum mer.Mair, Freeman; Misses Barr, Har ris, Grace and Maud Oakley, L?Ha, Clarke, Farwell, Wing. Jones, Price, Weston, Burnham, Raymond, Brooks, Righter, Lau, Hammond, Whedon and Barr; Messrs. Lansing, Owen, Mason, Low, Lyon.Tharber, Farwell, Oury, Stull, Clark, Mallalteu, Raymond, Evans' White, Lau, Weston, Marley, Whedon, McKinnon and Phillies. Raymond Welch attended tho Kounlzo and the Hoagland parties in Omaha last week. Wo have tho hot stuff. Lincoln Coal Co. Miss Anno Hunting of Boston who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Smith left Monday fur Omaha to visit her Bister, Mrs. A. B. Smfth. A reunion of the surviving members of tho class of '02 of the Lincoln High school was held at the residence, of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lee, 1044 E street, Wed nesday evening. This was the tirst re union that tho class has held for two years and tbo success of the gathering was duo to tho tireless efforts of Mrs. Leo and Miss Clara Smith. The house was profusely decorated in cut flowers, palms and Christmas decorations holly and mistletoe Cards, dancing and kindred amusements were indulged in until a late hour. A charming luncheon was served in the dining room. A jollier crowd could not have been brought to gether and many thanks were expressed to Mrs. Leo for tho charming manner in which she entertained her friends. Canon City coal at the Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co. Tho marriage of Miss Brownie Baum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Baum, to Mr. James Wallace Reynolds of Las Vegas, N. M., took place on Wednesday morning, December COth, at 10 o'clock, at tho family residence, 22L1 Howard street, Rev. T. J. Mackay performing the ceremony. Only the family, with Dr. Carscadcn and Mr. Wallace, wit nessed tho ceremony, which was quiet on account of the bride's recent illness. Tho wedding trip will include a visit to Canton, O. Mr. Raynolda is a nephew of Mr. William Wallace of Omaha and a graduate of tho Rensalaer Polytechnic With his bride ho will make his homo at Las Vegas, N. M. Miss Brownie was a favorite in Omaha as well as in Lincoln where she used to residn and occasionally visited. Her friends here wish her happiness in her home in California. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Smith gave a jolly informal company for Saturday evening in compliment to Miss Anne Hunting of Boston. Wienerwurst and the usual accompaniment was an interesting feature after an initiation game. The invited guests were: Tho Misses Flor ence Farwell, Grace Oakley, Henrietta Hollowbush, Olive Latta, Messrs. R. M. Joyce. W. B. Morrison, Mattson Bald win, C. Y. Smith, W. B. Valentine, John Farwell and W. Farnam Smith of Omaha, Dr. and Mre. C.F. Ladd, Mr. and Mrs. Odo Rector and Miss Anno Hunting of Boston. Try Lincoln Coal Co.'s-BeautV.lCOOO Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Imhoff entertained Mr. Mrs. C. G. Dawes most delightfully by an informal "at homo" Wednesday evening. It was in the form of a recep tion until about ten o'clock. Miss Eleanor Raymond and Miss Bertie Clark served coffee and chocolate in the dining-room which was beautiful with Brides maid roses and Catherine Mermot carnations. Ribbons and smilax were artisticallytJrawn from tho chandelier to the corners of the tables. Miss Maud Hammond and Miss Bessie Wing assist ed with the elaborate refreshments. Mrs. I. M. Raymond and Miss Mary Jones invited the guests to the dining room and gave them the sign of the car nation when they lert it. A n orchestra stationed on the second floor furnished pleasing music during the evening. Dr. and Mrs. Ladd had charge of the danc ing on the third floor. Ices were served in a cozy little corner of the hall to the dancers who kept up the merry making. Among those present were Messrs. and Me6damcs Yates, R. E. Moore, E. E. Brown, Gero, I. M. Raymond, Wm. Leonard, Coffroih, J. J. Imhoff, Ogden, H. B. Wilson, Wright, Frank Wwds, D. A. Campbell, Whedon, F. M. Hall,C. H. Morrill, A. E. Hargraves, N. C. Ab bott, Tilton, BuckBtaff, H. S. Lippincott, Oliver Rodgers, C.R.Lippincott,Beeson, C. I. Jones, Plummer, A. C. Ricketts, Paul Clark, Mungcr, F. E. Shepperd, N. O. Brock, McMurtry, H. E. Lewis, F. M. Blish, Geo. H. Clark, P. V.M. Raymond, Capt. and Mrs. Phillips, Dr. and Mrs. Bailey, Dr. and Mrs. Ladd, Dr. and Mre. Righter, Prof, and Mrs. Ward, Mes dames A. B. Clark, S. H. Burnham, Coatre, E. H. Barbour, F. N. Brown, W. G. Taylor, R. J. Green, R. H.Oakley; Misses Alice Righter, Anne Barr, Mary Jones, Bess Wing, Maud Hammond, Olive Latta, Florenco Farwell, Maud Oakley, Louiso Pound, Margaret Clark, Bertie Clark, Eleanor Raymond, Mame Price, Sadie Burnham, Anne Miaor; Meesrs D. G. Wing, C. O.-Marlay, E. C. Folsom, C. A. Hanna, Roecoe Pound, Albert Watkins, K. K. Haydon, Judge Holmes. Uni" students say our Three "Beauts" are elegant. Lincoln Coal Co., 1206 O. Mrs. E. A. Cooley has returned from Creston, la., where she has been visiting relatives. A merry affair was the holiday party of the Cotillion Club at Mr. and Mrs. Buckstaff's home New Year's eve. Mr. Oliver Rodgers and Dr. C. F. Ladd aB loaders arranged most of the figures and favors appropriate to the advent of the New Year. A clover bit of work was the post office with Mrs. W. B. Hargreaves as post mistress. In thecako walk be tween A. G. Beeson, F. W. Brown and C. L. Burr, C. L. Burr won the cako. Noisy plaid coats were furnished the participants in the walk-a-around. Large circus hoops covered with paper on which was painted with red paint the sayings of the day, and through which the ladies leaped, were amusing properties. After the midnight figure littlo gresn leaves with tho mild sugges tion of "A New lieap" printed in gilt on them was given to each guest. The participants in this jolly cotillion were: Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Dawes of Evanston, 111., Miss Anne Hunting of Boston, Messrs and Mcsdames Buckstaff, W. C. Wilson, J. B. Wright, C. L. Burr, Kelly, Burnham, W. B. Hargraves, F. W. Brown, Lippincott, Marshall, Beeson, F. W. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Ladd, Carl Funke, Geo. Woods. F. W. Houtz and Oliver Rodgers. Canon Pea coal, 83 per ton. Tho best for tho money, at Gregory's, llth and O. The BucyruB mandolin club held two meetings this week. Saturday at Miss Farwell'B and Monday at Miss Henrietta HollowbusVs. Tho Patriarchs entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Dawes with a dancing party Monday evening at Courier Hall. Tho decorations were pretty. Nothing short of a c j clone could keep the members from one of theso alwajB successful gatherings. The severe weather frightened a few but enough were pres ent to make one of the jolliest affairs of tho season. This party in its informal ity was more like those of past reasons This was no doubt doe in part to the presence of these former members. Mies Florence Farwell had a few couples in to spend Tuesday eveuing. She served a delicious lunch. Owen Oakley left yesterday for Annapolis, Md., where he will attend the preparatory Bchool of the naval academy until the May examinations. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Dawes left Wed nesday for their home in Evanston, 111. New Years day from two to sixth Misses Helen Nance, Nellie Law, Does; Harley, Ada Heaton, Blossom William son, Mary Fechet Mable Richard sad Mrs.Junge entertained callers at the home of Gov. and Mrs. Nance oa O street Many gentlemen called during the afternoon. The house was illumi nated with gas and candle-light. The young ladies were charming hostesses and bewitching in dainty light gowns. As the guests entered the front hall they wero greeted with the stars and 6tripes draped over the banisters. In the parlors large rows of blue eash rib bons and cut flowers gave color to tho. scene. The handsome dining room was bright with pink and white carnationr. To a vase of the flowers in the center of tho table wore tied pink ribbons which were drawn to the corners and finished with bows. Smilax on the chandelier and sideboard, and wreaths of ever green completed the artistic decorations. Cake and punch were served to the cal lers. New Years calling is a pretty custom and it is a deplorable fact that it is slowly dying out. These young ladies in recalling the custom have dose a graceful thing. A few of the youBg gentlemen remained in the evening. Singing and dancing finished a very successful holiday. Married, on Wednesday evening at the Presbyterian church. Dr. Gjrge Simmons to Mrs. Kate Monell Hurlbut. The ceremony was somewhat of a sur prise somewhat. Mr. and Mrs. Sim mons have lived in Lincoln since their youth and they have an unusual num ber of old friends who sincerely wish them happiness. The members of the Congregational church expsct to commence a series of anniversary oxsreises Sunday and Mon day of the present week, commemorat ing the twenty-Bret year of Kev. Greg ory's pastorate in this city. Also the thirtieth anniversary of the establish-- -ment of the church. Elaborate nrenara- tions are being made for a reception in the church parlors on Monday evening. Mrs. F. W. Brown entertained Friday noon with an exquisitely served luncheon, Mcsdames Robinson of Chi cago, J, B. Wright, O. E. Yates, W. B. Wilson. W. C. Wilson and R. H. Oakley. The members of the Dancing Club, who have been giving informal parties in the dancing hall of H. P. Lau's hand some home, gave a cotillioD at Courier Hall yesterday evening. Miss Nellie Lau and Mr. Cosgrove led the merry dancers through a number of intricate and pretty figures. Twenty-four people were invited to participate. The favors of hat pins, dragons, tissue paper boas and ribbons displayed in a marked degree tho individual tastes of the ladies. Punch was served during the evening. Effective were the decorations. Tho members are Misses Nellie Lau, Fechet, Nance, Harley, Risser, Heaton, Helena Lau, Williamson; Messrs. Cos grove, Lau, James Burks, Saxton, Dave Burks, Hartigan, Du Bravo, James Fechet. Mis3 Helen Welch spent the hoi Hays in Creston, la. Gregory Eells the best crushed coke for 87.40 per ton. 11th and O. Phone 343. Dr. White returned Sunday from Baltimore where he spent the holidays. Miss Edna Bullock has returned from a visit to Edgar. Miss Grace Griffith left this week for Chicago to study china painting. Mr. and Mre. Albert Ray who have been visiting Mrs. Ray's sister, Mrs. Sarah E. Marshall, for months and who had expected to remain nntil March,, were unexpectedly called home to Hinesburg, Vt, by the death of Mrs. Rays mother and the illness of her father. The friends whom they have made here will regret to learn of hsr. sorrow and departure. I