The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 02, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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Have you made your reputation?
Are you satisfied with it?
l 4
3w -
We are trying to make our reputation in the.,
'W'a.ll Papei?
-business by beginning wi:h-
The University Glee club under the
direction and management of Professor
Willard Kimball expects to make a short
trip about the middle of January, tak
ing in Nebraska City, Peru and Fall
City. The club is onco more upon its
fett under Professor Kimball's able
management and expects to do a great
deal to bring the university befort the
eyes of the people of tho state.
OUR NEW FLORAL DESIGNS fcrvlctaiorwh'rVshe win"'
her sister, Mrs. Gamble.
The latest treatments for walls.
Copying the old artists, giving you a chance to see every
thing in -A.RT that is produced.
Colonial designs, brought out in colors that cannot help
dui cneer even me most iasuaious-
Scroll Designs
Indian Designs
Empire Designs
Renaissance Designs
-Rococo Designs
Laco S'ripea Designs
Dresden Stripes Designs
Leathers and tho
IVv Colorings-
Pompeian Reds Cobalt Blue
Indian Reds Robin gg Blue
Terra'Cotta Sky Blue -Rose
Pinks Arabian Blue
Empire Greens Forest Grrens Delft Blues
Apple Greens Colonial Yellow
French Grey
Dirty Grey
Tobr- o Brown
O rroi "rown
Muf t tellow
Boston YeJ'
by the most competent judges in the wal'
A corps of thorough salesmen to show
our immease line; also
l t:i.r.LPf' .
vi a. 'in s
Our large and complete line of Room Mouldings to match our
blended : tracts in blended f reizee. No expense spared in coloring over
mouldings to match out stock. The only complete stock of
in the wesr. We have styles adapted to every class of dwell
ings, public building! churches, banks, etc. Our prices are
moderate. .
By simply railing on us, our line will bear out every one of
the above representations.
I3I2-I3I4I3ie O (Street.
T. T TlxcMro &
In a branches. -
Repairing done as Neat and Complete as from the Factories at hard tine pries
AU kinds of Bicycle Sundries. 320 S. 1ITH ST.
Machinist and General Repair Work. LINCOLN.
Canon City coal at the Whitebreaat
Coal and Lime Co.
Mr. Harry Barber, instructor in
science in the Nebraska City High
school attended the Teacher's associa
tion meeting this week. Mr. Barber
read a paper on ' What facilities are
necessary for teaching science."
Victor R. McLucasuf Fairbuty spent
a few days in Lincoln as a guest ot the
Beta Theta Pi fraternity.
Allen W. Fling, principal of the Ne
braska City High school attendee: the
Teacher's association meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sherman are
spending a few days in Lincoln.
Professor Edwin H. Barbour went to
Washington D. C. last week to attend
the meeting of tho American Scientific
Association. While there he wiil de
liver a lecture on the Daemonelix or
"Devil's Corkscrew." Some very fine
specimens were collected in Sioux coun
ty Nebraska by the Morrill Expedition
from ibe University of Nebraski.
Professor Barbour will illustrate his
lecture by views and specimens that
were shipped last week.
Jesee P. Rowe spent the holidays in
the Black Hil's. He visited in Deadwood
Leads and Newcastle, Wyoming.
CharleB Hayden, chief engineer for
the Cnly Canal Co., located in the Big
Horn Basic, Wyoming, was in the city
last week. The headquarters of this
company aro at Red I odge, Mont.
Miss Minnie Gay lord started on Mon
day for Des Moines, la , Chicago and
Butralo, N. Y. Miss Gay lord's vocal
solos were a great treat to the Lincoln
Miss Cotner of Omaha has been tho
guest of Miss Jessie Lansing during the
Christmas vaca ion.
We hi ve Iho hot stuff. Lincoln Coal Co,
Bert Weston is expected to spend
Sunday in Lincoln.
Miss Annie Hunting of Boston, who
is the sister of Mrs. Arthur B. Smith of
Omaha, va the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs.
F. W. Smith of Lincoln. A very pleas
nnt dinner was given her Tuesday by
Mrs. Esther Smith.
Mrs. J. M.Robinson is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. J. B. Wright.
Miss Florence Thompson is viming
friends in Hastings.
M. H. Baldwin n Hen-led tho Monday
Night Club in Onnha this wee'r. A few
figures of tho co'.illion wero danced after
twelvo o'clock.
Try Lincoln Coal Co.'s-Beau IV, 1200 O
Miss Catherine Cary is the guest of
Florence Hawloy 1738 M street.
W. Fnrnham Smith came down from
Omaha Tuesday to attend tho Crane-
Baird wedding, at which ho was an
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smyser a
son Frederick Hawley-Smyser Jr.
Miss Florence Putnam leaves Monday
for her school in Utica, Now York, after
a pleasant vacation.
are elegan. Lincoln Coai Co., 1203 O.
Miss Net.i Low returned with Wini
fied Hill from their boarding school near
St Louis to spend the holidays. Miss
Low is a sister to Sam E. Low clerk of
the district court.
Burt E. Forbej of Beatrice was in the
city this week.
The second floor of the Harris block,
1131 N street, has been fitted up for a
dancing hall. Tin floor has received
the attention of experts. It is of hard
wood,' and the board) are laid parallel
with the length of the hall. Parties
desiriug to reat it can do so at the
Courier oflice, in the same block.
The Bible school or the Frsi Presby
terian Sutday school completed a year's
work in a most charming manner last
TuesJay evening, 'the amusements
were chiefly arranged by the primary do
partment. Tho musical director, Mis3
Sallie Furnas, is complimented by all
for the excellent drill and the success of
the Christmas cantata-She has spent
week? in planning the program. Several
The Bucyrus Mandolin club will meet children fro-n the intermediate depart
with Mrs.F. W. Smith tonight to ment assisted. Chester Parks as Santa
practice for tho musicale to be given in Claus and Mildred Parks as Queen of
the near future. A full membership is tiie Fairies were excellent in their parts,
desired for tonight. th in acting and singing. They have
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Dawes were enter- 8we?t voices- There- wero pleasingly
tained Tuesday and Wednesday by
Judge and Mrs. Holmes.
The Patriarchs will give a dance next
Monday evening at the Courier hall in
compliment to Mr. and Mrs C. G.
Dan Wheeler of Omaha while in Lin
coln Tuesday on business was the guest
of Mrs. Sarah Marshall.
rendered solos bv Alice niintsinfrnr
Annis Jones, Louise Barr and Nellie
Tate. Besides the beautiful choruses
by the little ones. The fairies went
through some very dainty marches.
They were Mildred Parks, Jessie Mosh
er, Helen Boggs, Joyco Broady, Ruth
Bryan, Nannie Cunningham, Myrtlo
Christner and Lulu Savior. Mis3 Clera
Leave word for Miss Willoughby at Courier office.
- - 1134
Smith accompained the sincere svma-
Miss Gertrude Culbertson left Mon- thetically. Messrs. Walt, Curtice and
day for Omaha after a pleasant holiday Abbott rendered an instrumental trio
visit with her parents. artistically. An interesting recitation
The Model Restaurant is an excellent ?i' lsa Rena Alderman, a stirringorgan
place for family board. It is also ex- voluntary by .MissGivens and an address
cellently situated for persons spending a wbisb. pleased the children by Dr. Hind-
day in the city. Ladies while shopping mu comP'eteU the entertainment The
ll?4 N
can find no better place for luncheon
Meals 15 cents, Sunday dinner 25 cents.
Tickets 83. 31G South Twelfth. Soup
served from 8 to 10 p. m.
church was packed
with children and
Miss Anna Dick, modiste, has moved
her rooms to 1318 O street!
z i Sal