The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 26, 1896, Image 6

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Busy? Well! Well! Lincoln Coal Co. Eorn, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtice, a
On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. Bir'
A. Buckstaff gave a dnnco for Mrs. "Uni"6tudcnlssayourThree"Beauls"
Muir of Denver who is visiting her are elegant. Lincoln Coal Co., 1200 O.
Bister, Mrs. John Dorgan, and Mrs. Rob- Mrs. Albinus Nnnce gavo a pretty
inn of Chicago who is visiting Mrs. luncheon on Thursday for Mis Mar-
right. gi.ret Baird. Tnc decorations were of
It was a leap year party and we do violetB and maiden hiir ferns. Those
these things so well that the only wall present were Missc3 Baird, Slaughter,
decorations were flags and bunting. The Xance. Becker and Ri-rhter-Mesdames
pretty and elegant ball room on the third
floor was draped in the noble folds of
tho stars and stripes.
This j car's Lehigh Valley and Scranton
hard coal 80.40 per ton at Charles Greg
oiy's, lltb and O.
To tho music of Mis3 Willoughby's
orchestra tho guests danced twelve
numbers and four extras. Besides Mr.
C. N. Baird, Brad D. Slaughter, Charles
If. Morrill, F. B. Righter.
Tho Model Restaurant is an excellent
place for family board. It is also ex
cellently situated for persons spending a
day in the city. Ladies whilo shopping
ran find no better place for luncheon.
Meals 15 ccntp, Sunday dinner 25 cents.
Tickets 83. 31G South Twelfth. Soup
nnd Mia Buckstaff, Mrs. Robinson and served from 5 to 10 p. m.
Mrs. Muir the following were present: The Santa Claus who Ins been work
Dr. and Mrs. Ladd, Messrs. and Mcs- ;n? for Heriwlshcimer sent over
dames Beeson, P. W. Brown, Burnham, these two letters asking for informitioa
Ogdcn, I. M. Raymond, Cbas. Lippin- concerning tho writers. He said that
cott, Coffroth, John Dorgan, C.E.Vates; he thought the letters were spurious
Misses Buckstaff and Harris; Messrs. an(j wanted to know if thera we-o anv
children by tho name of Ernie Hough
ton and Harry Minor? He saiJ he
knew two tender youths by that name
but ho thought they knew how to spell.
Lincoln, December 11, 1603.
Deku SvntyKlaus: I no you are a
gud Santy Klaus and I want a little doll
Wright and MacFarlaud and Dr. Wol
cott and Prof. Owens.
It is rumored about town that a sub
scription cotillon is being considered by
the young mon for New Year's Eve. The
favors will bo of ribbon.
Miss Minnie Gaylord, tho sweet sing
er, expects to leave for Dcs Moines to, with blu eys and yellow hare like Ernie
morrow noon. She will probably bo in Houghton's, gud by Santy,
Buffalo the first of next year. IIakkv M.
Mrs. T. M. Marquet returned tho first Lincoln, December 11, 1S0G.
of the week from Kansas Citv. eke Sandy Claws: I ben tu see my
Grezory sell the beat crashed coke Branmaw and I did not git to send my
lfor 57.40 per ton. 11th and O. Phone 343. e"er but ' ou ot enything
. , ,, left why I want tu git my order in. I
.ur. buu jtLra. iu. kj. uuujmm. csjjcuu iu
spend tho Christmas holidays with
friends in Ord, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mooro will cn'er
tain the whist club next Tuesday even
ing. W. Q. Bell and family left last Satur
day to visit relatives and friends in Ill
inois, Indiana and possibly Canton, O.
Mr. McKinnon, for eight years car ac
conntant of tho Burlington, but no- a
hav ben a good boy and havnt smoked
enycigarets since yisterday and aint
tyd cny kans to fidos talo neither. Ye
nedent bring Sid White eny present cos
he called mo a nauty name. I dont
spect mutch this yere co3 paw says yu
are awful hardup. Our chimly aint
very big so I ges3 yer beter cum thru
the selar window, bring mo a niger boy
doll and lots of kandy. my stockin nint
vary big so I will heng up my sister
resident of Charlettetown, Princo Ed- annies bloomers, so dont git skared but
ward Island, is visiting friends in the just fil them ful of gud things, gud by
gud sandy claws dont forgit Ekme fcf.
Try Lincoln Coal Co.'s "BeautV, 120G O
G. M. Lambertson left last Saturday
to join his wife In a visit with rela-
Cards have been issued by Mr. and
Mrs. Cyrus Newton Baird of 1531 D
street, announcing tbe approaching
marriage of their daughter, Miss Mar- tives in Southport, Conn,
garct, to Thomas Dorr Crane of Omaha. jMt Saturday evenB Miss Alice
The ceremony will take place December SIauKhter delightfully entertained a few
30, at 7-30 p. m. in Holy Trinity church. frlends at her home wUh cardg and
Business men and ladies shoflpirg dancing. Those present were Miss Wel-
fhould take their luncheon at the Model
Restaurant, 31G South Twelfth. No
totter place can be found in the city.
Single meals 15 cents. Sunday dinner 23
cents. Tickets 83. Soup served from
9 to 10 p. m.
We hive tho hot stuff. Lincoln Coal Co.
Mrs. Ode Rector, Miss Maud Oakley,
Mrs. T. M. Marquet and Mrs.Kirby were
among the visitors to Omaha this week.
Miss Mary Cunningham has come
down from Omaha to spend the holidays
with her parents.
Miss Whaley, who has been the guest the evening,
of Mrs. George Woods, has returned The6econd floor of the Harris block,
to her home in Pomeroy, O. n3J N faaB beeQ fiUed ap for a
Sutton & Hollowbush have invented dancing hall. The Hoor has received
a cough drop. They call it the S. &H., the attention of experts. It is of hard
Sutton & Hollowbush, and it is a good wood, and the boards are laid parallel
one. Stop and get one on your way to with the length of the hall. Parties
the theatre. It will save you a spasm desiriug to rent it can do so at the
of coughing. Courier office, in the same block.
ler. of Omaha, Mrs. Gamble of Victor,
Colo.. Mrs. Gllmore of Elk Point, S. D..
Miss Hollowbush and Miss Farwell;
Messrs. W. E. Valentine, Fred White,
John Farwell, Frank Cowdery, Ernest
Haughton and Joe Mallalieu.
A very pleasant musical evening in
honor of Miss Gaylord was enjoyed on
Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Plank by the following people: Miss
Minnie Gaylord of Buffalo, N. T Miss
Maud Oakley, Mr. C. W. Kettering and
Dr. Tyndale. Each one in this circle
of artists contributed to the delights of
A farewell party was given last Fri
day evening for Miss Gillum of the Ne
braska college of oratory. A company
assembled in the hall about 8 o'clock
when Miss Gillum was sent for under a
pretense of some work. Returning she
found the room In total darkness until
she was fairly In the doorway, when the
electric lights were turned on, reveal
ing the guests to her complete surprise.
A beautiful ring from her friends was
presented with a few remarks by Mr.
Williams. He wished her success in her
new undertaking and assured her that
the best wishes of her friends here
would be always with her. He also urg
ed her not to forget those whom she
left here. Miss Gillum will accept a
position as instructor In elocution in
Cornell university at Ithica, N. Y., after
the holidays.
Miss Alice Slaughter expects to leave
next week for Colorado.
Dr. and Mrs. Hoover entertained Mr.
and Mrs. Gaylcrd and MIs3 Minnie Gay
lord with a dinner party last Tuesday.
Miss Gaylord appeared at her best in
a number of vocal solos after the very
elegant dinner.
A small dancing club which has been
holding delightful little hops in the
dancing hall at Miss Nellie Lau's home
will give a party January 2th at the
Courier hall. The young ladies of the
club will receive New Year's day from
3 to C o'clock at the home of Mis3 Hel
en Nance. The following young people
are members of the club: Misses Fechet,
Williamson, RIsser, Nance, Helena Lau,
Nellie Lau, Heaton, Harley; Messrs.
Cosgrove, Saxton, Doubrava, Hartlgen,
Lau, Jim Burks, Dave Burks, Fechet,
Mr. and Mrs. Young.
A cablegram was received In Tecum
seh. Neb., by Mrs. M. E. McCrosky of
Buenon Ayres, Argentine, S. A., from
her son, James W. McCrosky, announc
ing his marriage there to Miss Joseph
ine Treeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
L. B. Treeman of Lincoln. Mr. Tree
man and his daughter left Lincoln six
weeks ago. They went to London for a
brief visit and then to South America,
where the marriage took jiace the sec
ond day after their arrival. Mr. Mc
Closky is a young man of rare educa
tional ability, having graduated at the
Tecumseh high school, the state uni
versity and received an electrical train
ing at the Johns Hopkins university.
Last summer he left a position as chief
electrical engineer, with the Westing
house electric company to accept his
present one with the La Capital Tram
way company of Buenos Ayres. The
bride is also a graduate of the Lincoln
high school and the university, and has
a host of friends and admirers who
wish her every happiness In her far dis
tant home.
Prof. Fossler will atend a meeting of
the western modern language associa
tion at St. Louis. He will lead the dis
t cussion on modern language require
ments for college entrance.
Miss Stella Guile of Moberly. Mo., Is
the guest of her uncles, A. D. and J. M.
Paul Pizey. an attorney from Dakota
City, Neb., is here on business. He was
a member of the state university class
of 'S3.
P. W. Hampton, formerly city editor
of the Evening Call, but now editor of a
weekly paper at Mlribile is in the city
spendlng the holidays.
Mrs. T. J. Hlckey of St. Jce Is spend
ing the holidays with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Rector.
The Cotillon club will give their next
party New Year's eve In the dancing
hall in Mr. BuckstafTs home. It will
be in the nature of a tarleton party.
The ladles' gowns being of that mate
rial. Mrs. Clara Anderson Young left last
Saturday for her home in Chicago.
Mrs. H. S. 'Jaynes, wife of the -superintendent
of the Minneapolis, St. Paul
&' Omaha railroad, came down from
Omaha Tuesday to attend Forefathers'
Day, celebrated by the Daughters of
the American Revolution. She was en
tertained by Mrs. S. B. Pound nnd Miss
Miss Henrietta Hollowbush entertain
ed the Bucyrus Mandolin club Monday
evening. Mrs. Ode Rector was voted In
a new member of the club at the busi
ness meeting, after the practice hour.
Those present were Mrs. F. W. Smith,
Miss Grace Oakley, Jessica Morgan,
Laura Houtz, Olive Latta, Messrs, C.
Y. Smith, Vaughn, F. C. Cooley and
Mrs. Sutton. The next meeting will be
Monday evening with MIs3 Olive Latta.
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Slaughter are en
tertaining during the holidays their
daughters, Mrs. Gamble of Victor, Co!.,
and Mrs. Gllmore of Elk Point, S. D.
Miss Ruth Weller and Mss Ura Kelly
of Omaha attended the Pleasant Hour
party at the Lincoln last Friday ev
ening. A very elegant dinner was given by
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Smith on Wed
nesday evening for Mr. and-Mrs. F. W.
Houtz. The guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Houtz. Mrs. C. F. Ladd and Mr.
and Mrs.C. L. Burr.
Miss Nash of Chicago is the guest of
Maj. and Mrs. Fechet during the holi
days. Owen Oakley, son of R. H. Oakley,
has received notice to go to Annapolis,
Ind., to take examination for the naval
academy. He will attend a prepara
tory school for the examinations to be
held next May.
John Williams and Frank Williams
of Portsmouth, la., are in the city
visiting their sister, Mrs. A. G. Wolfen
barger. Dr. Ruth M. Woods Is entertaining
Mrs. Belie S. Chandler of Denver, Colo.,
Mrs. Alice O. Seckler, Leavenworth,
Kas., and her daughter Ruth this week.
Albert F. "Woods, son of Colonel
Woods, Is home from Washington for
a two weeks' visit. He is assistant
chief of the division of vegetable rath
ology of the department of agriculture.
A charming college settlement tea
was given at the home of Miss Ada
Heaton last Saturday afternoon from
4 to C o'clock. She was assisted In re
ceiving by the Misses Nelia Cochrane,
Georgie Case, Dora Harley, Mae Whit
ing. Nellie Joyce played a number of
beautiful instrumental solos. In the
afternoon Mrs. Frank Woods graceful
ly presided at the table and Miss Nellie
Lau served tea and wafers t6 the
The College Settlement has recently
been given into the hands of the stu
dents by the faculty of the State uni
versity. It Is not a new thing inLln
coln. Two years ago the faculty had
the entire charge of it, but it was not
so prosperous as now.. The school housa
of ten rooms is located on Ninth and X
streets. It Is there the charitably dis
posed young ladles and gentlemen and
professors go twice a week to teach
the less fortunate a few lessons and
arts to be found in this enlightened
age. For Christmas eve, a chimney of
paper bricks filled with goodies and an
Interesting program will be the chief
attractions at the school. It is a com
mendable cause and should be given
every assistance. Money for this pur
pose was received by Prof. Lawrence
Fossler at a small table in the hall at
Miss Healon's. A similar tea was given
some weeks ago at the home of Miss
Daisy Cochrane. For large cities this
college settlement work is becoming
a great factor rellgiosly and politically.
Miss Sadie Burnham expects to go
to Omaha Monday where she will assist
in leading the cotillion given by the
Monday Night club.