THKCOUWK. II r-JjK -l' b Additional Announcements. On the evening of the 30th Miss Daisy Tuttle will again appear before the music loving people of this city at the Y. M. C A. ball. Much interest centers in this young lady because here waa the place of her birth, of her educa tion in the public school and the resi dence of her parents, who are among the earliest pioneers. After her graduation from the High school; and after having shown maiked predilection for vocal music, she went Boston, aad for three years pursued in ifftt city, under the best masters, her chosen art. Subsequently for a period of two years, ahe continued her studies in New York City. It may be stated with certainty, that no one in the west, has had oetter or more thorough instruction. Her advancement has been commend ed on each of the occasions, when dur ing the progress of her studieB she has appeared in this city. The aim of those having her musical education in charge, has been to scien tifically and methodically develop a naturally musically voice to its fullest capacity. And, therefore, she has not been crowded before the public before ahe was prepared, either for vanity or profit; nor has she been put to the task of striving to meet the taste of those who mistake noise for melody; which necessarily in the end brings forth, not music, but screaching. It is with confidence, therefore, that the public is assured that on the occa sion suggested, they will hear a finished vocalist, possessing a soprano voice of great range, flexibility and sweetness; aad that the selections will be the choicest gem of song. All aaeald hear this gifted citizen, aad thereby encourage one who, so aastdsottsly aad laboriously ,has merited cofisideratien and encouragement. We feel that justice will not bo done unless she is greeted with a full audience of representative men and women. r Frederick Warde ha3 changed his date and will appear at the Lansing on Satur day night, Januarys. 'o Wonder It's Crate. The silver question, as it 1b under stood In some parts of Kentucky, ia graphically illustrated by a letter which one of the statesmen at the cap ltol received from a correspondent In that state. It appears from this epis tolary evidence that a controversy waa being waged between a sound-money aaaa and a silver champion. The gold man thought he had the best of the argument. He asked his adversary why he thought that the free coinage of sil ver would make times better. "Simply because it would put mors money in circulation," said the white metal crank. "But how will it put more money ia circulation? " demanded the gold man. "How?" asked the silver man, with a smile of contempt at his opponent. "How? "Why, you blamed fool, if you can take one gold dollar to the treas ury &ad get sixteen dollars for it, won't that iacreasf the circulation?" Pitta barg Dispatch. ft Waa Toe BA Walter .Savage Laado:-, though be eftea handled his felow-men some what roughly, hated to see an old tree felled aad even shrank from plucking a rose. One morning he collared his aaaa cook aad flung him out of the window. Then, suddenly remembering ok what "bed" ia the gardes the man weald fall, the lower-loving Laador exclaimed: "Good heavens! I forgot tas Fourth pub. Dec. 2tt. SHERIFF SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of the third Judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, In an wherein Cora K. Pitcher is plaintiff and Jeremiah Mickel and Harriet S. Mkkel defendants, I will at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 5th day of January, A. D., 1897, at the east door of the court house, In the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: Lots one (1) and two (11), in block four teen (14), in Pitcher and Baldwin's Sec ond addition to University Place, Lan caster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 2nd day of December, A. D., 1896. John J. Trompen, Jan. 2. Sheriff. Fresh Oysters Direct From Baltimore. Best bine of Canned Goods in the City. Mixed Nuts, Imported English Walnuts. CITY BLOCK GROCERY. MISSOURI PACIFIC FLYER. The Filer will make better time by several hours to St. Louis, Clncinnatti, Washington, New York and to all east ern points, than any other line out of Lincoln. It la a screamer. For Information about rates, connec tions, ets, or for sleeping car berths, call at city ticket office, 1201 O street. F B. CORNELL. C. P. & T. A. NORTHWESTERN LINE HOLIDAY KATES, Account "Holidays' excursion tickets will be sold December 21. 23 31 and January 1, 1897, at one and one-third fare for the round trip to points within 200 miles. Final limit January 4. By this line all northern and northeastern Nebraska points are best reached, also Iowa points through Missouri Valley and Sioux City. Depot corner Eighth and 8. city office 117 South Tenth street. A. S. Fielding, city ticket agent. J 1 8 oeo-oooooooo - H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Fine Stationery and Calling Cards 127 S. Eleventh Street. PHONE 68. OOOOOOOOOOO- An Bneltoh Slap at tba Hatch. The Boera are no doubt puffed up with their constant good luck when re sisting British attacks, but they must be well aware that they have nothing to gain by war and that their position just as it is is one of the aost fortunate In history. At least, we can recall no other republic in which every man was for his wants well off. In. which all taxes were paid by foreign immigrants and foreign toil and in which the 'vhole community, without ever submitting to a conscription or entering a barrack, had acquired a high military reputa tion. We cannot believe that these ad vantages will be willfully thrown away and do not see wherein, if peace is maintained for the next ten years. Great Britain will suffer except from a few taunts, and what do taunts matter to a people with our history? If it amuses Dirck Cloete to consider John Bull cowardly cf soft, let him consider it; he will reconsider that opin ion before the end arrives. England is not in a hurry if the capitalists are. She survived Napoleon and she will survive Krueger, not to mention the very mem ory that there ever was a Dutchman between the Zambesi ami the Cape. What proportion of all those who can read now know that New York wac once a possession and a settlement ol the Dutch?" The Spectator. I rM v. . 143 south: 11TH. STREET " NewYork AND - j-3? la That Ur- Abate af tke Period "la your day, aa I aaderstaad it, there was bo glori. as death except ia battle." Shade ef AaMlUaMTfcat l cnhatantUllw . race. They did sot operate for aepea-l Foresight. T think," said the statesman, who didn't have any great hopes any way, "that it would be a good plan to make these here campaign buttons of mine with eyes to 'em so that if the demand is smaller than the supply, I kin sell te some overalls factory or some JOWNEP'S . v ssa v -sasaBsassasBBKr 1 Vvfv ? - "-x i bbbbM renSBBBBBV u JKflltaWBssV 8 8 -i o -m Chocolate Bonbons "NAME ON EVERY PIECE, FOR SALE BY Pharmacy. n mil "1 $mm v -ara SnIw jj -,rrn -.-.-.-- Ssfsst vVtT lie Ccck: Huh! I'm Eowcfh ltdy. I ccne lef nry last place for just such." impicttce ficm the wen. an of the hcute. --3F- I iiR. l i II 1 M ? k 4 t V-" - V 4s thing of the kind." r j -,, . - j- f