THE COURIER. $ F V for a German to be given at the Courier Hall Iho 17th of December. Ibis will undoubtedly bo on of tho largest and , prettiest parlies of tho season. Dr. White expects to spend his hnli ' day vacation with eastern friend?. Ho leaves Lincoln on tho 18th. Dr. and Mrs. Abbot and Mr. and Mrs. Burkettwill give a dinner and card" party at tho asylum tonight at which Gpvernor and Mrs. Ilolcomb will bo present. Misses Mao Burr, Graco Oakley and Messrs. Malla'ieu and Lansing occupied a box at tho Lansing on Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs.-0. L. Burr entertained the new whist club on Monday even-og- Mrs. Jay E. White is in Grand Island visiting his mother. Try Lincoln Coal Co.V'BcautV.lCCGO On Monday evening Chancellor and Mrs. MacLean invited tho resident alumni to a conferenco held at 'their homo on H street. After a few moments of friendly greetings betwetn members of classes, tho chancellor invited "his guests to go up higher. When they were seated in a large room in tho top atory, Chancellor MacLean told them that he had invited tho alumni to his house for a family consultation on tho needs and tho resources of tho univer sity. Ha presented the estimates of ex penses for the ensuing biennium and invited discussion and en expression of opinion from those present. After the business waB finished the company was served with ices and cakes on tho first floor. It was a very pleasant occasion. Classmates had an opportunity to ro new their vows of friendship and mem bers of adjacent classes recalled their hostility with regret that a fitting oc casion for tho exhibition of it had gouo perhaps never to return. Thcro wero numerous encounters however where tire snapped from steel clad wits as it used to "enduin do wah.'' It is a pity that theso pleasant social reunions do not occur of tencr. "Tin!" allirlnnf a env nur TJirao"Tnniile' aro elegant. Lincoln Coai Co., 120G O. Mr. and Mrs. Burnham will givo a dancing party on Monday ovening to introduce Miss Burnham, who is tho prettiest debutante of the 6eaEon. Miss Alexander and Miss Kissam of Omaha will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eurnhsim for the occasion. Mr. Wing Allen of Omaha will also be present. Tho ball will be held at the Lansing La1!. Mrs. C. T. Brown, born Chapman, of Denver, is visiting Mrs. J. A. Duck-staff. The recital at tho First Presbyte rian church by Miss Gaylord, assisted by Miss Flank and Mr. Kettering, will be given on Tuesday evening of next week. Miss Gaylord's voice and mothod have improved very much since she left Lincoln, and every one is anxious to hear her. Miss Daisy Cochran entertained tho Olympic whist club last evening. Mies Alice Slaughter spent today :n Omaha. Miss Blossom Williamson will onter tam fraternity boys of several denomin ations this evening. Miss Xclia Cochrano entertained tho Olympic Whist club last evening. Tho honors wero hotly contested until 11 o'clock when a dainty luncheon was cerved by tho charming hostess, after which dancing was indulged in by tho following members and guests: Misses Nance. Fcchct, Slaughter, Kisser, Lau, Winger, Odell, Watkins, Rector, Coch rane; Messrs. Ames, White, Grupe, Honeywell, Walsh, Gustin, Burks, Far well, Burks, Lottridge, Merrill, Mr. and . Mrs. Frank Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cochrane. Mr. Russell Thorpe, jr., of Edgcmont, returned home lust Sunday. Miss Maud Oakley and Mrs. D. A. Campbell attended a reception in Omaha Tuesday. It wan given by tho Woman's club for tho musician, L. Godowsky. Mrs,Judgo Kelley of Omnha spent Wednesday in Lincoln. Sho was called to Illinois by tho severo illness of Dr. Kerman, formerly of Lincoln. A number of callers dropped into tho BuckstafI homo on Wednesday evening sufficient to mako thrco tiblcs of whist. Mrs.F. W. Smith went to Omaha Tuesday morning. From there, in com pany with Mis3 Anno Hunting, of Bos ton, Mrs. A. B. Smith's sister, sho went to Chicago for n few dnys of pleasure and shopping. Mrs. F. W. Kellcy and sister, MiVs Mc Clure, left this week for Mt Pleasant, la., Miss McClure's home. A very thoughtful and beautiful act was Mr. David Majer's gift to tho Flower Mission, Thursday morning. The largo quantity of Lcautiful flowers which had served their mission at tho funeral of his lato wife, Mrs, Mayer, were given as an added ble-sing to tho sick of tho city through tho kindness of Mr. Mayer to the ladies of tho Flower Mission. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Houtznro at homo to their friends at the Imhoff residence, Twelfth and J streets. Mrs. Oliver Rodgers gavo a dinner with elegant appointments last Thurs day evening to the following ladies and gentlemen: Messrs. and Mcsdamoa J. B. Wright, J. A. Buckstaff, Francis Brown, Mrs. Chas. Rabiuson of Chicago, and Mrs. C. T. Brown and Mr. F. W. Kelly. Last Monday evening tho Round Table, consisting of about twenty mem bers wero charmingly entertained at tho homo of Mr. Hudsrm Imhoff. Judgo 1 ibbctts acted as leader. Delightful re freshments were served after tho pro gram. C. E. Yates gavo an elegant dinner Tuesday evening for tho ladies who as sisted with her musicalo of tho previous week. Lincoln was represented at tho society circus by a number of pcoplo. Tho Book club met with Mrs. O. E. Yates last Saturday afternoon. All of the books had not been brought in, eo tho annual auction tale is postponed to this afternoon, at Mrs. Yates'. All ladies are requested to bring or send their books. Call at L3ighton "s. 1123 O street, for holiday goodp, line stationery, etc. Goods new and nice. Prices very low. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burr will givo tho fitst meeting of n new whist club this evening at their pretty home. Iho members are: Messrs. and Mesdames Ueeson, Green' W. B. Harcreavcs, L. C. Burr, C. L. Burr, Carl Funke, Outcalt, and Capt and Mrs. Guilfoyle. Monday will bo tho usual evening for meeting hereafter. Thcro will bo a meeting of tho Daugh ters' or tho American Revolution to commemorate Forefather's day at Mra. S. B. Pounds, December 2. Chancel lor MacLean, a son of tho American Revolution will address the ladies. 'Iho distinguished guosts expected are: Mrs. II. C. Jayncs of Omaha, Mrs. Lang worthy or Seward, Mrs. Clino of Minden and Mrs. David Dean of Ashland. The members of the First Pres byterian church gave an elegant recep tion in honor of their npw pastor, Rev. and Mrs. Heindman, on Wednesday. The church parlors were tastefully dec orated with cut flowere, pnlm3 and household decorations which the lzdiej brought from their homes. Mrs. J. II. Harley gave n Kensington yesterday afternoon. The houso was beautifully decorated in carnations and roses. The English club entertainod the Woman's Faculty of tho uniuereity at the homo of Mrs. S. B Pound Wednes day afternoon. An excellent program was prepared, consisting of original sketches, poims and stories. Miss Mamio Prico of Chicago sur prised Mrs. Wnt. Leonard Wednesday by coming to visit her unexpectedly tho first part of the week. Mr. Perry, ido to Gen. Coppinger, etitioned at Ft. Douglas, is expected to atttnd the cotillion given by the Patri archs the 17th of this month. Mrs. R. J. Green has returned from Chicago and Lafayette. She was called home by Mr. Green's illness, but ho had recovered sufficiently to meet her at tho train. Mrs. W. B. HargrcavcB entertained two tables of duplicate whist Wednes day evening. Miss Laura Iloutz hni been quito ill tho past week. Her friends will bo sorry to hear of it. Mrs. G. M. Lambertson has gono to Connecticut to visit her old home. Mrs. A. B. Coffroth gavo a charming dinner for Mrs. Charles Robinson of Chicago, and other friends. The Cour ier failed to mention tho delightful luncheon given by Mrs. A. B. Collroth last Thursday, December .1. ThoMatineoMusicale will give a do ligbtful program Monday afternoon at the club rooms. Th ladies of tho Patriarch club net with Mrs. Barbour ta mako favors for tho cotillion. Mrs. C. E. Yat:s wont t Omaha Tuesday. A MATCHLESS I i D Nh Would mnk) Iho finest poeslblo present for dustman. Sold by MATTHEWS PIANO CO. WAREROOMS ICO South 13th. TOUGHING. -. '&- E ti ,H H -tfrv t?51tiD? .1 iK. aWffl v::j , g2a$5! I "ii)''f$ IL I J-j. i A. r. Tii -i- i-mw... . - n l'rf " '. "J f . "- . I JW b -v5' y'"" - y. C3 PMIM-a Miss Flynt: Poor Humphrey is in a bad way. fits sad story touched cae. Deddo Easj : Me, too; I gave him two dollars. O. J. KING. Family Grocer, Wholesale and J?etai!. m 1126 N STREET, - LINCOLN, NEB. Stock purchased direct from tho manufacturer. We buy in carload lots. Quality considered, we claim to be the Low est Priced Grocery in Lincoln. IPEI1 I: M WE SELL FOR CASH. 1 25Sff?5SSS SSfi$253 THE COURIER - $2 PER YEAR Ms 14 j