The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 12, 1896, Image 10
Hi THB COURIER. mm HER FIRST EXCURSION RUN. than the New Idlewild. Trimmed with her colors, ebo was a chipper littlo creature, shooting through tho wat?r Rod and black posters were struck off ijk0 n uttlo white water sprite in holi three weeks before and had been posted jay drce3. Sho always mado a pleasing in nil tho store windows in the small appearance with her pure white pas river towns; so when tho rtNow Idlewild" BenKcr deck, trimmed in golden Fcroll hoisted her gangplank on tho brightest work, that glistened in tho sunlight, morning of last June, all things bado xho paesongors wero infatuated with fair to mako her first excursion run a tho dainty salon: it was so perfectly great event on the river. Her captain sworo that she was the neatest boat of her sizo and class on the wholo Mississippi river; and tho mate assented and sworo very hard, and said white and bo scrupulously clean. When night came, and tho white-liveried waiters turned on the lights, the salon was a fairy land. Some danced, eorao sang, and some kept up their ceaseless cNewYorr: i'!. - V ,t AND that sho was the prettiest little boat tho babble until they nearly fell asleop on river had ever 6eon. Ul course, tnuro their feet. were a few great whito palaces, with There were etill others who loved to large gilded anchors swinging between B-,t outside and watch the search light their smokestacks, sweeping up and g0 chasing inland, mile after mile. down the river, as if tlioy had a mort- Where it Hashed on tho bluftV, they gage on all creation; but they were not seemed liko great black mountains, fifty patronize! to a groat extent by tho peo- miie8 away. pie along the levee, for they wero not accommodating enough to stop at small landings. They were making good timo that day. Tho excursionists demanded a fast boat, and tho captain always tried to keep his name good as the most ac commodating steatnboatman on the river. So he told the engineer to "shove her." Tho firemen were stripped to their Down below, on ths lower deck, it was never very lljht. Even when tho sun shone fiercest it was bright only in spots. But near tho engines it was hot with fever dampness. Tho freight was piled high; and there was an odor of stagnant river water, combined with many odors lc68 pro nounced. on tf"s June day the rousta bouts were working fast ana hard; for waists; so the littlo steamer gained tho excursionists soon grew impatient it speed in proportion to tho flow of the boat stopped too long at a landing smoky perspiration down their white vhen 6he loaded or unloaded freight, backs. And as sha churned along 6ho And the excursionists had to be pleased, was making as much noise almost, and else the patrons of tho Idlewild might shrieking with aB much audacity as a forsake her for her rival boat the Mary J T-ZT OWNER'S ,'lt'A S r- H&tttf BBSS-' -i. '." i - WTir V w v 4 I 1 . I Y i im Bonbons v. S MJ. - . - a. "Hh-V - : v- ?s vt-'O SHawwSs3H ismL "NAME ON EVERY PIECE." FOR SALE BY Pliarjnaoy. big New Orleans picaet. On the glistening upper deck tho throng of excursionists was chattering and twittering away like magpies. Snuggled in a few quiet corners Morton. There was more freight than usual on this trip, and tho roustabouts did not gamblo between landings, but as soon as the boat puilcd away from shore were the usual number of invalids, old nearly all of them lay down on tho grain people and cooing doves. The invalids and old people drank in tho flowing green panorama, and looked over the water far away how far, they alone knew. Tho cooing doves cooed and forgot tho great river and green bluff: but they looked volumes and sacks to 6lcep until the mate yelled them out for tho next landing. Even "Canary Jim," the blackest, smallest, toughest of them all, sang littla, and his usual rollicking cry of "Holla nigga, holla, hoo o-hoo!" had changed to a dismal half song, half aid little, whilo the gabbling crowd chant of, "It's haa'd, haa'd; ha'ad to bo paraded the upper deck said volumes bo a nigga, nigga, so ha'ad, and his one and looked very little. - or two attempts at raillery had dismally The wheezy brass band near the bow failed to win the loud applause of shout helped the passengers to a keener ap- and laughter usually his due. preciation of tho glorious "day when Occasionally a paesenger unaccus they compared the delicious silence tomed to the river would stand and while it ceased playing to the blaring, watch the roustabouts bear tho heavy drunken music when it played. casks and boxes up to the wharf-house; When the first horn blared and the and if he prided himself as an observer first pipe shrilled, a young college man of men, he would not fail to remark remarked, as he looked sidewise by something about the strangeness of a twisting his eyes: "I don't see where life that made men of such terrible that band gets the 'brass' to inflict itself muscular force the serfs of comparative on suffering humanity;' but one of the pigmies. bevy of pretty girls in blue flannelB who As the boat neared the end of thiB had him in charge threatened "NoW.see trip the roustabouts slept nearly as soon bere.WUliam Henry, if you try airing as the gangplank was raised. Lying your brains much more we girls '11 put sprawled out over the piles of heavy you overboard, because we're going to freight they slumbered a3 if srupified enjoy ourselves." William Henry with- by drugs. At least, they all tried to drew into himself in savage silence sleep; but there was ono among tnem for about two minutes, when the same who could not. He was the only white girl beckoned to him from a shaded roustabout on board; and for a long THE PALACE BEAUTIFUL. Malccs n Spoolalty oi Hair Fessingf Shampooing, JvJankuFing And all Kinds cf Massaeo. A Full line of Hair Goods 'and Cosmetics. 131 i I3IH. - - 131 1. I3IH -NEBRASKA FOR NEBRASKANS- FURS FURS corner ana aBnea mm u uu o bu en tranced that he was going to stand in range of the band all day. When the band struck a full cres- time he had hung around the bar, hop ing to get another drink. Once he had been a man of 6uperb muscular force. Even now. one cculd see a rude CORNER 12th and N Sts. endo, she clapped her hands to her pink suggestion of strength in his corded ears and led the way to the stern of neck and hands, and a rent in his greasy the boat, followed by the other girls cotton shirt showed great ropy muscles and, finally, by William Henry. over bis ribs; but his eyes were dull and There, the singing roar of the chug- his whole body drooped as he shambled ging, paddles and the hiss of falling along, as.tfaough he had long ago grown spray drowned the brazen howls and weary of holding it erect, discords of the bsnd, and lulled them When he felt certain j hat he could into dreamy, mellow swells of faraway get no more whiskey, he touched down sausic, and tho pleasure seekers could to the lower deck and lay down on some eottiro of watching tho smooth water bales of hy, where he could look out curve and curl silently behind the keel over the river, and mingle with the trail of foam The ater was smooth and swirt and Some stayed near tho band and ap- strong where ho looked, and he felt plaudea occasionally and called for tempted to let it carry him below tho more, but the people who went to the surface, down where he could be cool; stent coasted those who stayed as be- but after a while he rolled over and yofid redemption. faced the boiler, trying to sleep. He No boat oa the river moved easier saw Canarj Jim" lying on his stomach SEALSKIN CAPES, CAPS, MUPFs, CAR RIAGE RUGS, PURS RE-DYED, LENGTH ENED, RES RAPED, LATEST LONDON STYLES-NEBRASKA PRICES. Thfa ZamraaSSemcdy cares quletir.perraaiiemtyim nervous CUeares. Weal Mcmurr. Ixwa of Uraln Power. lleadacbe. Wakefulness. Lost VlujlHr. KlihtiT EmI. loin, evil dreams, ImpoU-ncr and wajttne diseases caused j youtAuUmcr or exces&. Coctajnsao opiates. Isaucrrotonle ami bleed tinllder. Mtttcstlic paloand puny strrmsand plump. EaMly rarrtHlinTestBockct.81perbos;arrrSS- Brantl-pre-paid. iritkairrlttengtuimitrttirmimrgrtfuiHieil. Write n.freo aerfarnl book. e-iU pfn wrapper, wlta IcrtlmonlaU and nr.nnrlnlntnnllnr. ynthamtftrmnmltatlnn: niDareat tnitw MO-J. Mkf OTacnrta,r 4maSVETB SOLO CO.. iMSmUTf l.ClJCT. Vox saV: 5a Liseob : .,tr U. vr. 3SO W3f . DrcrtfK. i.ii-iiavw;i..M:i WksA J1 aWU MS